
Watch the World Burn


05-20-2018, 07:17 PM
There had been nothing truly interesting that happened in the months that followed his run in with the galaxial females that had both revolted and captivated his mind. The bright red one was the source of his revulsion, but she also held his interest as she was the only creature to be able to marr the beauty of his face. In all the other fights he had been in, no one had managed to hit his face. The little glowing one still crossed his mind from time to time, but he gave up on the entire situation. The only thing he had desired after the encounter was a deep need to pay the red female back for all the comments and questions about his new facial scar. He had to admit it did make him appear more attractive, and dangerous. Perhaps she did him a favor, but she still messed his face up.

Shortly after his run-in with the group on the beach, the male moved down the coast, determined to escape them. He ran mostly for his pride, and he knew that a mob with that kind of ire behind it could result in his untimely death. Not the kind of introduction to his new home that he was hoping for. Still, it had been rather thrilling and had shown him just what he would have to do in order to make certain he wouldn't have to deal with consequences.

He had watched as the water levels of his new home dropped. The blue, glowing waters of the rivers that made up his home left an odd blue cast to the riverbeds and Gehenna wondered if maybe it was his fault. When he had arrived here, the water was fine and even over-flowed the banks from time to time, but now a dry season had started and he had seen the water dropping over the weeks. Even the plants seemed to feel the water loss, and seemed to curl in and fry itself as the days wore on. He was glad to have been here long enough that he could find water, otherwise he would be in a lot of trouble. Some of the rivers had dried completely, but the male knew where to go. It was here that he stopped and gathered water into his mouth, thankful to be able to find his own resources well enough that nothing bad happened. At least not outwardly. He scavenged and hunted, found water with no issue here. It was amazing.

All he wanted now was someone to talk to, even if it meant finding himself in another bout of trouble.

OOC: For nav points!
"Talk." "You." Think.



5 Years
Extra large
06-03-2018, 08:30 PM
Soon she'd be stuck within the borders of the pack, which meant that in the time up until she could no longer reasonably allow herself to wander Razi would do just that. More than a little walk around the nearby territories, no, she'd be seeing as many sights as possible and continuing that effort as soon as she was able after the birth.

With that in mind, the ebony and gold woman had traveled southwest, past the Risen Empire since she had no need to visit them just now. The heat was getting to her, so Razi was thrilled to find herself staring out at some lovely falls that rose up into the pale blue sky in the most inviting way. Who was she to say no to such a lovely invitation?

It was only once she'd managed to drink her fill and sit back on her haunches that Razi noticed the galactic man standing nearby. Lids lowered slightly over liquid gold eyes as the woman took in the appearance of this man. He was covered in unnatural colors, speckled with stars, and bore longer than normal fangs. A curious creature indeed. Not unlike the red woman she'd met before, though decidedly more ostentatious. For a long moment she remained silent, content to eye the stranger from a distance before deciding what exactly she'd do or say.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]


06-10-2018, 11:54 PM
To be honest, he hadn't noticed the approach of another being. The heavy male reclined back on his starry haunches and enjoyed the world, looking over the dry and dying plant life and listening to the ever quieter bird songs that filled the air. Gehenna probably wouldn't have noticed her if not for his enjoyment of the scenery. Brittle, dry bushes obscured her from his direct sight, but once those ghostly eyes landed on her, he couldn't stop staring. She was eyeing him from a short distance, and while there was nothing odd about it, he couldn't figure out why she didn't immediately talk to him. I'm amazing, who wouldn't talk to me? Look at me...I mean, come on. He thought to himself, though he kept his facial features carefully frozen in place. How had she managed to appear without his notice?

The female was made of shadows and light, the grey-brown of her pelt oddly highlighted with bright blondes and creams, darkened by black on her limbs, stomach, face and tail tip. She had golden eyes that seemed to pop against the background of darkness, and the two blonde eyebrow marks made her appear expressive. He studied her for a moment, his white gaze looking over the bulge of her stomach. The brute simply sat appearing relaxed, wondering if he should greet her first or if maybe she was a mute, then quirked a dark brow at her.  "I wondered what that expression looked like up close. Do you always gape like that?" There was a slight smile on his face now, the man all ego and devilish charm.
"Talk." "You." Think.



5 Years
Extra large
07-01-2018, 09:34 PM
Eyeing the man was informative enough, but when he spoke she was quick to see that he was well aware of his flashy coat and not too subtle about the whole thing. She snapped her jaw shut a little tighter, lifting a golden brow momentarily before she chuckled softly and moved to approach the long-fanged starry wonder. "Oh, only when I'm reminiscing about a man handsomer than the one I've been presented with," she laughed, flashing the faintest hint of a humorous smirk.

Walking in an arc, she meandered through the water for barely half a circle around the man when she stopped and turned to gaze up at the falls cascading down the towards them endlessly. Turning her head only enough to peer at the stranger out of the far corner of her eye, she asked, "And do you always lead with your ego into any given situation? Seems a bit bold." Not that boldness was always a bad thing, but she had seen it lead to trouble a time or two for some cocky individuals. This man seemed a prime candidate for such things.

"I'm Razi Abraxas, and you are?"
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]


07-01-2018, 10:45 PM
Her jaw snapped shut as he pointed out her staring, his expression turned to amusement and then a full-on smile as she spoke as though she had seen more beautiful creatures than himself. "There has never been a more handsome figure than myself, which I suppose is what had you looking so...shocked." He gave a soft, rumbling chuckle as she moved in a small semi-circle around him, treading through the water as she did so. Once more those dark lips parted and she asked him if he was always so open with his ego. Of course, he was. How could he not be, she could see, right?

"Fortune favors the bold and the intelligent. I am not only handsome and bold, I am smart about it. Knowing when to do what is a good thing. Having pride is too, helps one know what they are worth." That didn't mean he didn't get in trouble, but he did know what to do when the time came. Even if trouble started, he knew he could finish it, one way or the other. "Gehenna, my dear, the pleasure could be all yours." As he said the last he winked a silvery, white eye at her and reclined on his haunches while he pondered over her response to that.