
Light of our Lives



6 Years
06-21-2018, 08:54 PM

She was vary surprised and worried how easy her pregnancy seemed to be. In fact she honestly felt like her abdomen wasn't that large to have a litter of puppies growing in her. It made her nervous that something had happened, but she had remained healthy throughout the whole thing which ensured her that there was nothing wrong. Maybe it was just a small litter, she was still vary young after all. She did her best to push her worries aside and the alone time she was getting with Brandr was more heavenly she could have imagined. Things had been uncertain when they had first left Abaven, but now Corentine was certain they had made the right choice. Winter in the west hadn't been to rough so far and she was enjoying the area they had settled into. Come spring who knew where they would go, but she was excited for the next chapter of their lives.

Throughout the day she had felt more uncomfortable and crampy then she had been, but other then that things seemed normal with her body, no cause for alarm. The day went on as it normally had been. It wasn't until the middle of the night that she had stirred from her spot in the den, a round of sharp pain woke her fairly quickly. She moved slow and gentle careful not to wake her mate. Though the continuous waves of pain and cramps had her panting within minutes. Was it time? Were the pups ready to be born? She wasn't sure, but she was suddenly feeling the need for Brandr to be awake during this time. Especially if there was something wrong with her. Gently she turned her head nudging him just in front of his shoulder into the crook of his neck.

"Brandr....... Brandr wake up.... I think it may be time," she tried to speak as clear as she could with her panting, shifting herself to get comfortable again.

The bundle of herbs she had taken from her stocks in Abaven contained a small amount of herbs that one would need for a birthing. Her bundle was always nearby especially with her uncertainty of her pregnancy. Taking her paw she pulled the bundle close and gently untied it, sorting through the herbs with care. Her pain was mild so for now she was saving the herbs until they were absolutely needed.

The pains were from contractions and her panting picked up as they grew closer and closer to each other. She shifted again trying her best to get comfortable. She tried to prepare as best as she could, easing her mind and trying to act more on instincts she hadn't tapped into yet. Soon she was passing the first pup and focusing on what she was doing. Once the pup was out it was thoroughly cleaned. It's squeaks and squeals of protest were a sign that it was alive and healthy Once cleaned she gently pulled the light colored female to her abdomen, for warmth and to feed. She had a brief moment to stare at the tiny form that was so dependent on her to have the new emotions and instincts of a mother begin to brew within her.

She was torn away as her body began again her focus going back to what was going on. Thing began to repeat the contractions getting closer and closer while her panting became more and more. This one took a bit more effort and was a bit longer, but soon the second and larger pup was born. She cleaned the pup, it too fussed with ease as she cleaned it, and then she pulled it beside the girl. Her body slowly began to settle down as she smiled down at their two children, tail wagging as she looked over both of their forms. They were beautiful, a perfect blend of both herself and Brandr, beautiful creatures that they had created together. Her heart swelled with pride, joy, and an immense amount of happiness before her gaze sought Brandr's face.

"Our beautiful children," voice was soft as she spoke, she felt the birth was over and these would be the only pups, but it was more then enough for them.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag