
The Malthael Family (1 open)



4 Years
05-29-2018, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2018, 08:44 AM by Drakan. Edit Reason: Adarra adopted out )
I know I'm new here, but I've gotten a couple requests on if I'm going to let anyone play Drakan's love interest or living family members. I do not own rights to his love interest, but I do have ownership and designs of the other family members! All living characters are available except Drakan, Kerrigan, Quinn, and Danzka.

Link to Family Tree

Brief History

The Malthael family was led by two brothers named Zarek & Cronus.

The first brother, Zarek, was gifted with a silver tongue, managing to easily obtain new recruits and form alliances with other families. Despite having a mate and soon-to-be pups of his own, Zarek couldn't control his male urges and often went in search for more females to add to his collection. Zarek's mate, Karena, was love-blind to his infidelity and couldn't be happier to see him return months after an unexpected disappearance. Little did she know that Zarek had other mates and families on the way.

The second brother, Cronus, although gifted in the art of war, was warm and caring unlike his cold-hearted brother. Cronus remained loyal to the family in his brother's absence, but was unable to cope when his mate, Isana, passed away shortly after giving birth. He made his own disappearance, leaving his pups orphaned and alone with just Karena and a few select others. Karena cared for not only her own pups, but her neices and nephews, on her lonesome.

Over the new few months, neither brother returned to the family, and the remainder of the pack were either suffering from illness or decided to make leave. Many of the pups within Karena's care succumbed to the plague that struck the family. Karena was left with three pups, with only two being her own. Drakan and Adarra grew up with the mindset that Vesna was their sister. As time passed, Drakan grew bitter towards the abandonment of not only his father, but his uncle as well. He began to distance himself from the family and would be gone for longer and longer periods of time, but always returned with a kill for the girls.

During the trio's adolescence, Zarek made his return to the lands with new wives in tow. Having seen his brother's absence, he decided to take over the family and mold it into something more enticing- a harem. While Adarra has a softer, respected view of Zarek, Vesna has mixed feelings. Upon returning to the family and discovering these unwelcoming changes, Drakan snapped and slaughtered both Zarek and Karena in cold blood. While Karena was an unexpected causality for Drakan, the two girls do not see it that way. Adarra and Vesna think poorly of him for his actions.

Zarek's additional wives, Hana & Pyrena, were pregnant before their husband's fall and will give birth to half-siblings that will be 2 years younger than the rest. A pureblood son, Nikko, came from Pyrena and a half-breed daughter, Danzka, from the Akita/Shepherd named Hana. It is up to Vesna and Adarra's players to decide on how much of a relationship they would like to have with the half siblings. It won't matter to me either way.

During the Zarek events, his brother Cronus was off doing work of his own. The male's mind grew corrupted, his personality darkening as he assumed a new alias- Aita. As if to start anew, he sought out a suitable female to carry on his lineage to replace what he had lost. Having found a young, pure maiden under the name Felicity, he took her captive as his new wife. The end result was two large females- Kerrigan & Quinn. Life was unfair for the offspring as the two watched their father batter and abuse Felicity. One night, their mother whisked the two away and hid them from the crazy Cronus/Aita to keep them safe. However, she never returned to care for them and thus they nearly starved.

A mysterious female discovered the sisters as they lay on the line between life and death and rescued them, nursing them back to health. She raised them as if they were her own. The two grew up with warped minds, much alike their father. They chose to not carry on the Malthael name, however, they do carry on the bloodline. Kerrigan and Quinn do not know of their extended family, or even their half sister, Vesna. Neither Kerrigan or Quinn are up for adoption.

Vesna Malthael

[Image: N7bDnbQ.png]

For the most part Vesna is up to be molded how ever you please. You may roleplay with whom you wish and join which ever pack you wish as long as the below is followed:
  • 4 years old. Winter birth season.
  • Vesna considers Drakan and Adarra to be siblings, despite the fact that they are actually cousins. Her mindset of Drakan after the incident is up to you. She may be accepting, understanding, have mixed thoughts, or she can share the same mindset of Adarra(dislike/hate and refer to as "Betrayer")
  • Her size should be around 30-34 inches and be considered a Medium build. She's a big and strong gal due to Malthael genetics successfully passing on.
  • Please let me know if you plan to kill her off and notify me of any mate(s)/pup(s) so that I can adjust the family tree.
  • The design/character is open for purchase($10/250 Gems). I ask that if you purchase her, you try to stay active. I understand if you cannot.
  • If you become inactive or banned, and you've not purchased rights, I will reclaim Vesna after an extended period of time and seek a new player.

Adarra Malthael

[Image: vuOwV5o.png]
[Image: ZuKxh6s.png]
  • 4 years old. Winter birth season.
  • Adarra hates her brother for killing their parents. She refers to Drakan as "Betrayer" and curses his name if mentioned.
  • Should hold a Lawful Good alignment. She is overly pure, sweet, and gentle- much like their mother. This can be blinding to what is actually going on around her. (i.e. Their mother loving their father blindly despite his infidelity)
  • She is not a fighter by nature. It is not in her character I've envisioned to be savage or bloodthirsty.
  • Her size must be about 28 inches.
  • Please let me know if you plan to kill her off and notify me of any mate(s)/pup(s) so that I can adjust the family tree.
  • Her design/character is open for purchase($5/125 Gems). I ask that if you purchase her, you try to stay active. I understand if you cannot.
  • If you become inactive or banned, and you've not purchased rights, I will reclaim Adarra after an extended period of time and seek a new player.

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] 150+ words
[b]Personality:[/b] 150+ words
[b]RP Sample:[/b] 100+ words (Does not have to be of the character you are applying for)
[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



1 Year
05-29-2018, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2018, 07:14 PM by Pumpkin.)
OOC Name: Bear
Name: Adarra Malthael
Appearance: A perfect brown, base shudders through her fur. Almost as if canyons painted her with clay, as she shudders into the shadows. It paints her own head, such a great contrast. Like dyed leather, mixed with the rotten raw hide of a lamb. She is lethal and agile, built for flight and not fight. She is on the smaller side of things, being only 26" at the shoulder, but all in all 28". Her coat becomes that tan clay color, back on her ears. As she reaches her muzzle there is a tan-ish light blonde, blaze the same color that stains her brows and under her eyes. It relishes inside her ears, and down her ankle till it lightens. Stains her hocks and underside, and down her tail till a dark chocolate, slightly mud brown blesses the tip of her fluffy tail. The same light blonde that creeps around her toes, goes down her knees on her back legs. And she has the common yellow eyes.
She's a sweet girl, always putting others in front of herself. She is soft, and never really gets mad. She's easy to manipulate because of this and tends to trust people a little too easily. She tends to also think the world is all, smiles and rainbows.
Feels Betrayed:
Because of her brother's wrongdoings (at least in her mind) she holds a deep sadness and tends to shy away from blood and other things. Though she knows deep down her brother just wanted to help, it still brings a deep pain to her. For what he did to his own family, though she knows deep down he would never hurt her. She still wonders if he would.
She is quite at first and tends to try and stay away from males she isn't hard to unshell. She is very talkative once she learns to trust someone, almost always she has her mouth open. One way out of many ways, she's annoying. Yet she has a way of sensing people intentions but, sometimes it fails and she becomes very vulnerable.
RP Sample: The young lady walked softly down a steep hill, the memories of her brother struck through her mind. A soft whine came from her, should she forgive him? But she shook her head, what he did is unforgivable. She could lie, but that wouldn't stop her own feelings from getting into the way. She walked a little faster as she tried to blink away the tears that tore at her eyes. She didn't know that she was following, the footsteps of her brother. She was wandering his path, away from home... Away from her family. She shuddered at the frost, that bite at her. She had been losing weight and fur, she was becoming unhealthy. She hadn't been able to find food, or scavenge enough to properly sustain her.

She slides down the slope slightly, her paws hit mud she almost losing footing. Her nails find solid terrain, which they dig into. A loud deep breath slides through her sleek frame, "t-That was close.." she spoke softly, a deep sigh that seems to shake slightly leaves her. Wow, to close for her comfort. But she kept moving, being more careful than before. She flagged her tail out for balance now, as she came across a stream she looked up and down it, there wasn't a way across except the mossy, slippery stones that were in front of her. And she wasn't going to walk another freaking hour, so she could go across safely.

She lowered her center of gravity and bent her knees. She narrowed her eyes, in case she splashed her face with water. As she jumped she let her tail flag out behind her, nails gripped into the moss. She smiled slightly, she go-Suddenly mid though she started sliding. SPLASH. She fell into the water, she growled as she wavered in the water. The icy water, soaked into her fur. She tried to swim to the other side, and what seemed to take hours (Only like five seconds) she was on solid land, she whizzed and coughed. God, that was an unexpected ride. Well, I guess that's what happens when you believe in yourself. She shook out her coat and lied under a tree. A least I can sleep..



4 Years
06-11-2018, 11:09 AM
With no other takers for Adarra, would you like to still play her Bear? I rather like your style and I feel it would work well with her.
[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



1 Year
06-14-2018, 07:01 PM
Yes! Pm please, so we can continue our chat!



4 Years
06-20-2018, 01:25 AM
Vesna is now available for applications!
[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



4 Years
06-23-2018, 09:01 AM
Due to circumstances with Bear being banned, Adarra is back up for grabs/reworking (you can choose to ignore everything Bear had/did to Adarra) and I'm going to throw in FREE pixel sigs for all the characters I adopt out!
[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



7 Years
Extra large
06-23-2018, 07:53 PM
OOC Name: Lolaf
Name: Adarra
Appearance: The woman is a small thing, not abnormally so but she isn't going to be outweighing most wolves. Adarra stands 28 inches tall, her frame is light and delicate looking. She has little visible musculature instead appearing dainty, almost like a strong breeze could blow her over. Her pelt is short but thick.

Adarra is draped in mostly earthy tones, the most prominent color on her is a deep caramel brown, which covers the majority of her body. An ashy black color marks the whole of her head, except for her ears, it flows down her neck and onto her chest until her shoulders, the same color also marks the end of her tail. A light grey brown colors her brows, a blaze down her chest onto her underbelly and marks the back edges of her hind legs, the underside of her tail as well as flowing along the back of her fore paws at the elbow down to just above her ankles. A lighter cream color blazes up her muzzle from her nose to just between her eyes, the same color marks under he eyes, the toes on her for paws and runs along the back of her hind legs above her hocks and coloring her toes.

Adarra's gaze is dual toned, the inner color of her iris is a dark mustard yellow, the outer rim being a lighter yellow.  

Personality: Adarra is one of the sweetest wolves you'll ever meet, she is polite and pleasant to a fault. She isn't overly friendly however, instead preferring to fade into the background, the woman is quiet. Adarra is selfless; overly so, she woman doesn't know how to say no to a favor and can easily get herself over burdened because she hates the idea of disappointing someone.

Adarra likes to believe the best in everyone; she is willing to naively trust anyone until such time that they give her a reason to betray her. Though since her brother's betrayal she has started to trust blindly less. Still she has optimism about others, hoping that others will prove her optimism right; she is more than willing to give others a lot more chances than they might deserve; unless the death of an innocent is involved.

Adarra does her best to remain happy and pleasant but she is deeply empathetic and when she can't keep it in anymore her reactions are often explosive; though her usual response is to cry, even when angry tears usually fall. Adarra doesn't really like confrontation and will usually avoid it whenever possible, in the event she can't get away confrontation she will automatically become submissive.

RP Sample: "I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you." Adarra's smile tightened as the man roved around her, she could feel his gaze on her.  "Nothing much special about me." She said, her voice high and sweet even if a bit strained. He chuckled and brushed up against her side, Adarra side stepped suddenly, skittering to her left to put more distance between herself and the man, still her smile remained plastered to her face.

"Sir I really must be on my way." Adarra moved quickly, taking several quick steps forwards. The man didn't seem all too keen to let her retreat though as he pulled into her view. Adarra felt tears springing her eyes. "I am sorry sir but I really do need to go home." She didn't want to be rude, but Adarra was starting to panic, as she moved this time she moved backwards, keeping her eyes on the man. As soon a she felt there was enough space between them Adarra turned tail and run, not even stopping to check if she was being followed.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
08-14-2018, 11:04 AM
Sorry for the incredibly long delay/wait in responding to this! Lolaf, if you are still interested in Adarra, I would love it if you'd take her and play her as you please!
[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.