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3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
05-30-2018, 08:40 PM
Ooc:: Attempting to keep this vague. Set after the Torin thread.

Priscilla was feeling a bit better after she spent time with her uncle. She was still frustrated with Blaise… and she didn’t think that was going to change anytime soon. The girl was back to her smiling face, her bi-colored gaze bright as she explored the valley. She was normally in the willows, near the densite, but now that Priscilla was getting bigger she wanted to explore more. Even still, after her brother’s got lost and had to be brought home she was ever mindful of the boundaries of the pack. She was almost… afraid to leave. Not quite because of what would happen outside the pack, but she didn’t want more fighting to come of it. It seemed like pups leaving without an adult was really, really bad.

The child was on the move since sunrise that morning… early for her. But she’d been collecting a stack of bugs like no one’s business. They weren’t as fun to hunt as when she was little though. She eyed the crunchy little insects, frowning as she she nudged the pile with a paw. She knew the adults hunted bigger things… maybe one of them could start teaching her. She’d gone to see Frostbite one day, but her siblings never showed up and nothing more came of that then her growing bored and going bug hunting then.

Her gaze shifted to a nearby noise as something scuttled away in the grass. A mouse, maybe, or a vole. The girl perked her ears forward, moving instinctively to a crouch. But her pawsteps were far from careful, making too much noise and sending the critter crashing helter skelter through the grass to get away from her.

Priscilla pouted, lifting her head as she listened to whatever it was get further and further away. She wanted to hunt bigger things… and she wanted to do more too… but she didn’t want to fight. But there was plenty of other stuff she could do that didn’t revolve around that, right? She was sure she’d have to learn about the art of fighting eventually… but not yet. She’d put it off as long as she could.

Sitting in the grass the girl glanced up at the morning sun.

Yeah, she thought, things could be fine that way.



9 Years
Extra large
06-24-2018, 09:45 PM
Ooc: also want to state this will be set before Star’s return.

His duties had be completed for now and it left him time to sit and think. He chose the middle of the valley because it was a prime area to watch other animals while he thought things through and even relaxed. Today was a rather nice day and he was feeling in a decent mood, despite recent happenings. His main concern was what had happened when Torin brought Jewell’s boys home. The tension he came upon and the family drama he seemed to know nothing about. He didn’t know what was going on between Torin, Jewell, and Zell. He didn’t think it had been a real good idea to let things escalate the way they did in front of the pups because it would surely only cause trouble in thier young minds. Part of him knew it wasn’t right to meddle, but he had to keep an eye on everyone, because if thier duties adulterer because of the drama then he would need to do something.

A slight sigh escaped him as he tried to push those thoughts to the back of his mind. He needed to be thinking of more productive things and not focusing on something that didn’t concern him right now. One topic in particular was getting the kids trained. His last training had been a failure with only one of the kids appearing. He feared thier development, thier knowledge of survival, and proper knowledge to defend and feed themselves. These were important for them to know, and how could Lirim be considered a stable pack if they didn’t strive to teach them. He was a bit irritated in the lack of help. Now that Fortune had returned she should be calling hunt training, Hailey should be calling a healing training, and Zell should be doing a fight training. He supposed he would again have to pull something together and with the two boys back he should at least get three attendees.

A noise to his right caught his attention and pulled him from his thoughts. A small commotion that his trained hunter ears caught. It wasn’t long until he spotted the young girl in the grass not far away. He let out a soft bark, calling her over curious as to what she was up to.