
Spar like the Titans



5 Years
05-24-2018, 10:30 AM

He was able to get a witness today and was currently on his way to the battlefield. He was in luck that Justice had some spare time from her duties to come with him and fallow the rule of needing a witness. He had been antsy to practice more and get his strength back in top shape. He didn't want another attack on the pack when he wasn't prepared especially with how low they were in numbers. Most of the travel had been quiet, Lais unsure of what all to say to the fellow pack member. He wasn't sure whether to talk about the recent departing, her thoughts on what could make things better, or just another topic entirely. It was strange how he suddenly felt unable to come up with something to say, but something had changed within him since the raid.

When they arrived he sought out a spot that seemed good enough for a spar and settled down into a sit. Tilting his head back he howled out calling out anyone nearby who was up for a clean spar. He wasn't sure with it being winter if he would get anyone, but it was worth a shot. He then lowered his head and looked to Justice figuring they had a little time before anyone would show up.

"Thank you Justice for accompanying me, it's greatly appreciated," His deep vocals rumbled.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-15-2018, 04:19 AM

Dragon left the northlands for a short time. He wasn't quite sure where he was going or what he was doing, but he needed to move and get his mind off things. Iskra had been gone for about a year now with no word to him of how she was or if she had completed whatever mission she thought she had to do. Maybe she had forgotten about him? He hadn't forgotten about her, and he often thought that maybe he should have gone to look for her sooner, but how was he supposed to do that? He didn't even know where to start, and he didn't really think going all over boreas and auster was the greatest idea considering he was blind. Frustration and hurt gnawed at him day in and day out, and all he could think was that maybe...just maybe...she had found someone else or decided she wanted better.

Clicking his teeth shut, the earthen male lashed his tail as he tried to bite back the frustration he had. What did he have to offer her anyway? He was blind. Packless. Maybe she decided he was of no use to her. He didn't want to think like that, but that's what it was starting to feel like. The male rose his head when the familiar scent of the battlefield reached him, and he realized his aimless wandering had brought him here. Well, this place was as good as any to help get his mind off of things. Ears flicked as he listened to the soft steps of his companions approaching behind him, and before any of them could speak or object to his being here, a howl sounded. Dragon's head quickly turned in its direction, and without a word to the pair, he sought out the source of the sound.

Upon arriving, he could smell the familiar scent of Celestial. So, one of them decided to come out for a spar? No...two? Nostrils flared as he caught the familiar scent of his cousin. Well, this would be interesting. He had pretty much abandoned all thoughts of the raid, but he doubted they had. Still, he didn't care about any of that. He was here for a simple spar, assuming that's what they were here for, anyway. Both companions came to stand beside him with Kimahri on his left, and Shiva on his right. Depending on how things were about to go down, would determine whether or not he would spar alone or with his companions at his side. "I heard you calling for a spar." He said simply, posture non-threatening but also not submissive. He stood maybe ten or so feet from his potential opponent, waiting for an answer.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-17-2018, 03:15 PM
Trotting alongside Regulus' brother, it was clear that in many ways Justice was beginning to heal from the constant barrage of bad luck that life had, up to now, thrown her way. She had returned to her jaunty, devil-may-care stride of her youth, head and tail high. Clearly, her withdrawal from pack life to deal with her inner demons had done her a world of good. Though she still grieved for her mother and father, though she missed Valor and Fable and now once again Exodus terribly, she had stopped blaming herself (as much) and was learning to move on. That wasn't to say she wouldn't take steps to put down the mad dog who killed her father, but it was no longer the only thing that kept her going in life.

So when Laisren had asked if she'd be his witness for spars on the battlefield, she'd been more than happy to help him out. The trip had been pretty quiet, pretty uneventful. It seemed like he wasn't quite sure what to say to her, but that didn't bother Justice. It was easier to save her breath for the journey anyway. As they stopped and Laisren sent up a howl bearing his challenge to others, he thanked her for coming with him. Justice flicked her tail dismissively. "Not a problem. It's nice to get out of pack lands, you know? Sometimes it seems like we spend too much time there and we get stuck in a rut. The pack needs more adventure," she laughed.

But it was the approaching challenger with his feline escort that caught her attention, and at first her head was up with ears stiffly at attention, clear tension in her body. Her cousin, the traitor. What was HE doing here? Looking to start something? But she rocked back on her haunches with a broad smirk when she realized something in the way he moved and didn't quite look at them, something else in his scent.

"Well, well, well," she drawled. "Dragon Ancora, long time no see huh?" Her grin was positively sharkish. "Did your pack kick you out after you got your tails handed to you or did the whole pack scatter in shame?" Privately she felt it was no more than they deserved, since they came into someone else's home and went out of their way to mangle and cripple the less skilled fighters there. The lot of cowards. She was feeling rather magnanimous about the whole thing at this point though, since Dragon had already gotten punished for his role in bringing them there, though there was still the matter of what he'd done to Valor. Well, she was just there as a witness, not to interfere unless the former alpha started cheating, so she'd just lounge here and watch... though undoubtedly she'd also be heckling him the whole time as well.

Later, well... then she would find out what he'd done to her brother, and if he'd harmed him... His eyesight wasn't the only thing he'd find himself lacking.