
Little Darling Welcome To The Show


06-30-2018, 08:42 PM
The episodes of dissociation had not been frequent but they had definitely came and went after the first time Nova had bred with Dae. The female was trying to fight those feelings of falseness as she called them. They weren’t what she really felt, she was sure of it. They were feelings of the world fighting her, trying to take her happiness… something that Nova was going to fight for. The young woman always went to Dae whenever things felt weird or wrong… he’d become more a crutch for her. She relied on him heavily… and in many ways history was repeating itself. It was as they said -- like mother like daughter.

Nova had wandered away from their densite though, searching for Daemon as her reality felt like it was slipping. As she walked she second guessed some steps, as if she wasn’t walking on the earth. Was it really there? Was it not? Nova gave a soft whine, her red eyes glancing around. The trees, had she not brushed against one on occasion, would seem as though they were far away. Her mind wasn’t right… she came to a stop and shook her head back and forth, giving a frustrated growl.

“Stop it…” The female whispered. She was quiet for a long moment, at least til she heard the pawsteps of another. Her ears perked up at a sound, the noise sounding closer than she’d like. Her heart began to beat rapidly and the female spun, hoping to see Daemon.

...only it wasn’t Dae that she saw.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
06-30-2018, 10:43 PM
He had been making his way back to the woods he had hid in when vi had become pregnant with his first litter. A scent had distracted him though. Female heat entered his nose as he moved in its direction. It was familiar, like the rainbow female he had bedded once. Perhaps it was one of his spawn.

The titan closed in and she turned facing him. Red locked on red. His eyes searched hers. White masked face held a smirk. She smelled of his family and the rainbow woman, though also like a Male and sex. Though no pregnancy clung to her. "Seems we were destined to meet. I do believe I know the scent that hides under your own though. A woman with a rainbow upon her back and eyes like blood?" her start it calmly. He needed to see if she knew what he was or not.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


07-01-2018, 10:40 AM
The man she laid eyes on was bigger than even Daemon -- he was about her size, though more muscled than she was. Nova froze, her red eyes locked onto his own. They were the same… no, she thought to herself. No, his eyes were more sinister, darker, making her stomach feel like it was churning. Nova moved immediately into a more defensive position, though not a hostile one. She didn’t like the feeling she got from this man… an older man… a man who could… she shook the thought from her head. No, she thought. He… he kind of reminded her of her siblings a little bit… but surely this man couldn’t be the father she’d been absent of all her life?

His words sent a chill down Nova’s spine, and the pale rainbow girl growled softly. “She’s gone. She left us a long time ago.” Her ears had flicked back against her skull. She didn’t want to think of Marina either. “...and you…” Nova’s voice didn’t waver with fear, but uncertainty. “Who are you? You… you wear the same mask as my siblings and I… but…” The female furrowed her brow. He reminded her most of Sombre… Nova took a step back, wanting to increase the distance between herself and this man as she awaited an answer.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2018, 11:03 AM
She seemed frightened of him, a good thing for a girl just freshly two years old and in heat. Though she didn't seem to know immediately what he was to her. That would be sorted out though shortly. Her news about her mother leaving them was no surprise to him, he broke the bitch when he gave her his gift. She stepped back and he watched. Silence was between them for moments as he watched. "You share her color but your eyes, those are mine. You were a gift to her, one she must have squandered when she chose to leave. Be not afraid blood of my blood will always be safe. For you are a demoness, a princess of hell." he padded towards her then, though his eyes inspected her. She was daintier, obviously used to being pampered by the Male on her scent. That wouldn't do.

Her destiny was in front of her. She would need to be shown the way though. "Some call me satan, some the demon king, but what name did the worthless bitch decide to bestow upon you my dear." with vianni gone he now sought to spread his blood among the entire land. He would start with his own daughters then move farther. Kait was out there somewhere as well, waiting to be destroyed by his spawn. Belua told him of two others she had found and he was keen on finding them both. "my daughter tells me of others with rainbows upon their back, one with an abnormal scent, and another colored much like me. These are your siblings I suppose?" he kept everything neutral. He was information seeking and in the same time closing the distance between them. There was a tree he wanted to back her into, to corner her against it she sought to back away more.


07-01-2018, 11:44 AM
A… what?! Nova felt her stomach churn, her eyes widening as she watched the man before her. A demoness… a princess of Hell. “No.” She countered, taking another step back, her tail bristling. She was getting worried now, the large woman sensing an ominous feeling within the air. “She never told us about you. She just said that you went away. Never called you her mate, or our father…” Nova swallowed hard, backing up another step, so much so that she bumped into the tree behind her. It caused her to start, looking up at it for a moment before shooting her gaze back at the man before her.

“Leave them alone!” Nova might have been innocent, but she knew the one with the abnormal scent… if they were her siblings it had to be Argus. Nova let her teeth show, her body shivering a little. This man was her father… a man who was never there… and probably for good reason. “We don’t want anything to do with you… you were never there… and she left! We don’t have parents, and we certainly don’t need any!” Nova’s voice wavered. She didn’t like feeling cornered… to be trapped. This man was closing in on her… should she run? Fight?

“Just… just go away!”

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2018, 01:04 PM
He chuckled at her first words. They hadn't been anything to one another. "because we were nothing to one another. She was trespassing upon my land, she insulted me. Her fate was her own doing."  he stopped closing in the moment she was against the tree. She was where he wanted her.

She told them to leave her siblings alone and he gave a chuckle. He would still be seeking to find each no matter what. In fact each would play their part in helping him spread his seed. Dea would be saved for last though, she was special. She would be his next mate.

The girl yelled and he gave her a warning growl. She was traversing a dangerous path right now. He stepped closer, his hackles slowly raised. "If you don't need a father than I shall show you why you are on this world and let you be after." with that he burst forward, his jaws opening aiming to sink into her scruff. His legs aimed to wrap around her waist. She would be made to carry his spawn.

Lucifer vs nova for forcebreeding
Heavy build and 45"
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


07-30-2018, 09:24 PM
His words revealed just what she truly was… why their mother had eventually abandoned them. They were bastard children… Nova had suspected that things weren’t right but she had never thought… Her red gaze remained narrowed, flicking with a mix of anger and fear. This man… her father… no, she thought bitterly to herself. He didn’t deserve that title. He was no father to her.

Nova gave a warning snarl of her own, though hers was mixed with worry as she too raised her hackles. His words didn’t make sense… but she didn’t have time to consider the oddity of them… nor realize how twisted the man who sired her could be.

Nova ducked down, attempting to swing underneath her father as he aimed to sink his fangs into her scruff. She could feel fear and adrenaline rising within her, causing her body to tremble as she felt his paws slide along her back as he failed to grab onto her.

“Get away!” Nova snapped, feeling her world spinning, like everything was farther away than it should have been.

She hadn’t attempted to hone her fighting skills with Daemon yet… but she’d try and fight this man to the best of her ability. Her ears were pinned, her eyes narrowed, and jaws parted as she attempted her own attack. Claws dug into the soil as she tried to get closer to him {not that she had much wiggle room with the tree still right by her} and attempted to bite down on his lower left neck before his shoulder. She wasn’t even sure what she’d do if she got the hold…

...she just wanted him to go away.


Trying something new with the battle system via die rolls. Basically it’ll go dodge attempt, damage taken {if a full dodge doesn’t occur}, and attack {if applicable for the round}. We’ll go three rounds and whomever has the most damage at the end of the three rounds via the die loses. Good luck, Asena!

Roll One:: Dodge
1 or 2-- Not dodged at all / Lucifer is completely successful and fade to black occurs.
3 or 4 -- Partially dodged. Lucifer is not successful in fade to black but may grab Nova’s scruff and / or grab her waist.
5 or 6 -- Complete dodge.

-Roll Not Applicable- :: Damage
1 or 2 -- Minor damage taken.
3 or 4 -- Moderate damage taken.
5 or 6 -- Max damage taken.

Roll Two:: Attack
1 or 2 -- Weak attack. One Move.
3 or 4 -- Medium-ish attack. One strong move and a supplemental move.
5 or 6 -- All out attack / maim attempt allowed if applicable.

Proofs:: Here


Nova versus Lucifer against being force bred
Round:: 1/3
Heavy Build

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-03-2018, 03:14 PM
She ducked his teeth, causing a harsh snapping sound to resound around them. His mouth then opened once more as he let out a frustrated snarl. His paws slid along her back as well and he missed his mark. This more than angered him. His eyes were narrowed on her and his tail stuck out behind him. His hackles stood on end and his anger radiated off himself. He could taste her heat in the air. It was more than impeding his judgment.

His ears pinned back and he watched as she recoiled to snap at him. He easily kept her from doing so but she snapped down close to his neck since he wasn't willing to give her more space. He could hear Noctis as he came in aiming to lunge and bite her on the right side of her snout to give her a distraction. It wasn't an attempt to latch on but merely a glancing blow. Lucifer took this as his opportunity to attempt to mount her once more. His voice was a snarl as he aimed to wrap himself around her waist. He wanted nothing more than to seal the deal right now.

His lips were peeled back and his eyes watching to see if she would be dodging him again. He wanted to ensure she became his spawns next host.

Lucifer vs nova for forcebreeding
Round 2/3
Heavy build

Ooc: for dodge rolled 5, for attack rolled 1, for noctis got heads to use his move and 2 for his attack strength
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


08-07-2018, 07:51 PM
Nova could feel her panic spreading, her heart rate accelerated beyond what it should have been. Terror gripped her, and she was fighting to protect herself the best she could now. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen… she wished that she had just stayed in the den with Dae, not moving from his side. If she hadn’t then maybe… just maybe she wouldn’t be dealing with this right now.

Her own attack missed and Nova attempted to swing back, try to slip into some sort of opening in order to flee away from the man before her. The female squealed, catching sight of the wolverine a bit too late. Noctis would bite her, drawing blood from her as he tore away bits of her flesh. The wound was severe, likely going to scar at least somewhat from the damage she received.

Her mind went into overdrive -- she had to fight. She had to fight and get away. Nova swung her head in her father’s direction, not that Noctis hung onto her. Blood flowed freely, causing her disassociation to run even more rampant. She felt like she was slipping away, tears mingling with the blood as they rolled down her face.

But her attempt at fighting at this point was in vain. She missed Lucifer completely, and she froze, feeling his body wrap around her own. Her mind went blank, freezing as colors swirled before her vision and a broken sob escaped the female. This was it then…

-Fade to black-


{{Cutting the fight short cause honestly this has drawn on too long. Due to Nova receiving the most damage -- from Noctis -- Lucifer is successful in his attempt.}}

Nova versus Lucifer against being force bred
Round:: 2/2
Heavy Build    


Roll One:: Dodge
1 or 2 -- Not dodged at all / Lucifer is completely successful and fade to black occurs.
3 or 4 -- Partially dodged. Lucifer is not successful in fade to black but may grab Nova’s scruff and / or grab her waist.
5 or 6 -- Complete dodge.
Rolled:: 5

Roll Two:: Dodge {part two} from Noctis
1 or 2 -- Did not dodge Noctis at all. Severe damage to muzzle.
3 or 4 -- Partially dodged. Moderate {3} or minor {4} damage to muzzle.
5 or 6 -- Complete dodge.
Rolled:: 1

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-08-2018, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2018, 04:47 AM by Lucifer I.)
She was hit by Noctis, not expecting the wolverine that waited in the shadows to aid his master. Her face became lacerated by the snarling form of Noctis. It would possibly scar. Not his problem since she seemed to be against being what she was meant to be.

She tried to swing back around at him but it was too late, his paws were around her waist and he held fast, refusing to release her. He let out a loud snarl. His voice came then a deep demonic rumble. "You will bear my spawn this season, that is why you were made. To bear the next spawn in line for the throne of hell." and with that he aimed to bite into her scruff at the point right behind her head. He wanted to hold her there while he drove everything home to her. He had to wonder if she even knew the possibility of the spawn seating themselves within her womb.

He was not gentle with her, no he aimed for this to be more pleasant for himself than her. She had riled the beast. He wanted to infect her womb with his own young.

-fade in/out-

He finished with her in his own time. He had been rough and satisfied his need to make her bleed. Her mother had taught her wrong, had made it so she would easily rile him. In a way it was her mother that had ensured that she be raped by him.

Her heat scent was still strong in the air but hopefully he had taken her at the optimal time and she would fall pregnant with his spawn. Oh how her mate would be angered. He released his grips on her after a moment and slid off her back. He finally allowed her freedom from his grip and teeth. He had bitten her harshly during his bedding of her and hummed his pleasure at tasting her blood and the feeling her body gave him. She'd had no chance, no fight training to ward him off. She'd had no choice when he finally came to use her womb to incubate his children.

Ooc:gonna let u post nova then I'll post daemon and get the ball rolling on that.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


09-21-2018, 04:05 PM
Everything was swimming. Her vision, her body, nothing felt real. Nova felt detached from reality in a way she never had been before. Dimly she was aware of the pain that flared up from her wound and from where her sire had mated her. This was how Nova was trying to protect herself, detached from reality and the harshness it brought with it.

The moment she was released Nova crumpled like a broken doll to the ground. She hit her head hard, jarring her state enough that she was able to look at Lucifer and register him as being there. Register that he had hurt her. Nova curled up, frightened of the man who still loomed above her. She wasn’t aware of them but tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks as she willed the man above her to disappear.

Nova didn’t speak a single word either. She couldn’t find her words… not that she wanted to say anything more to the man than “go away”. Her ears were folded back against her head as the colors around this man bled together. Why was he still there? What did he want now? To make her hurt more? She didn’t understand… Gods above, if they existed, she didn’t understand.

Daemon I


3 Years
09-21-2018, 10:21 PM
He was less than pleased. Nova had taken off this morning. Which had lead to this moment now. He tracked her and there was a heady scent in the air. Like she had bedded another, though whether she did so willingly he had yet to see. If someone had taken advantage of her he would stop at nothing to chase them away, maybe even kill them. He was not one to be forgiving. Nova knew the possibility of her own pregnancy with his children from the time they spent together this winter. If she was endangering his line willingly it was unforgivable to him. It wasn't unheard of though for spartan women to run off and breed another to spite their husbands.

Though when he came upon the scene all doubts vanished from his mind. She lay in a crumpled heap on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. The sight of his wife bloodied on the ground with a Male looming over her stinking of sex set him off. His snarl reverberated around the three of them as he peeled his lips back. His eyes were narrowed on the male. He may be smaller but the other was older and likely to not have any spartan training like daemon had. His hackles stood and he surged forward raising his tail. He leaped for the Male, aiming to sink his teeth into the upper neck of the Male and use his bulk and paws to hopefully push the Male away from Nova. He was putting his entire body over Nova in doing this. A protection if you would for her.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.