



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-09-2018, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2018, 05:05 PM by Malleus.)
Quietly Malleus wove through the grapevines of the cathedral. He was looking for Serene. Recently they'd got to talking about their interests and discovered that they had healing in common. Malleus had been trying to think of ways to bring Serene into the fold and make her feel at home, and it had occurred to him that she might be interested in accompanying him as he looked for herbs. It would give them a chance to get to know one another as well as exchange knowledge.

He paused to nose around the base of a tree. Malleus wasn't quite sure where Serene had decided to make her den so he following a scent trail in the hopes of locating her. It would be easier to howl for her, but if she was busy he didn't want her to abandon whatever had her attention just so he could ask his question. This was an informal invitation, after all, not a summons. She was free to accept or reject his offer, although he certainly would be disappointed if she chose not to accompany him.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-10-2018, 04:30 PM
Serene Validis

The fawn fae was making herself at home in the pack lands. For several days she didn't know where to sleep or to make a new den, but finally she found the perfect location. A wall of vines acted as the doorway to her den; a swollen home dug out of the dirt, where a roomy bed covered with plush vegetation cradled her head at night, and where she currently worked on carving out shelves along the walls for her to eventually fill with delicious smelling herbs and flowers. It would take time, but one day she hoped to have her shelves filled, pelts of prey on the ground, and a blush garden outside to tend to. But that would take time, so for now she simply cut out the lining of her new shelves so she could fill them. It had been such a long time since she had the drive to make a decent den; the past few months have been spent in overnight holes, just somewhere safe to rest her head. But now she had a new home, a place she would spend not just days, but months in. So she was taking the time to make it nice.

While her body worked, her mind wondered, and eventually she was thinking about her situation once more. She had been driven to meet Malleus for a reason, what that reason was she wasn't sure. But then the Gods gave her a rather threatening sign, in the form of Daemon, which drove her back to the silver male once more. They Spirits wanted something from the fawn woman, and now she was pretty sure what they wanted her to do. Pups. After running into the magenta mother and her sons, the feeling of overwhelming joy upon seeing the young, it became clear that Serene was ready for this as well. But what troubled her still, was who would sire them. She wasn't a very romantic female, nor was she particularly knowledgeable about the subject either. Flirting was out of the question. Plus she hardly knew anyone, let alone available males. But the Gods commanded offspring, and her own body would begin to demand them as well soon enough. If she didn't find a mate soon, she feared the Spirits would have the beastly male hunt her down... and that was not an option.

Despite these heavy thoughts, Serene managed to stay positive, wondering what her pups would be like. They would be important if the Gods truly wanted her to bare them so soon, and she dreamed about what great deeds they would accomplish. Would they becoming powerful leaders? Would they transform into tools of the Spirits? Would they be happy? Her eyes seemed to cloud over as she dreamed about what they would look like, how many there would be, what their personalities would be. Such joyous thoughts spread through her body, that she began to hum a delicate tune her mother use to sing when she was cleaning. Her mother, who raised a single pup all on her own, was ever so joyous. Never a day she didn't glow with happiness. Serene wondered if that was what motherhood did to a female. That bringing life into this world would reward them with eternal bliss. Perhaps, someday soon, she would find her forever mate and get a glimpse of that life.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-16-2018, 08:12 PM
A breeze wafted through the cathedral and brought to him Serene's scent. Ah, so he'd been on the right trail! Malleus immediately altered course to pursue her. She was surprisingly close; an easy lope would close the distance between them quickly.

Malleus was excited about the prospect of getting to know Serene better. He was intrigued by her and he didn't think it was a coincidence that they'd met that day at the castle. No, her interest in the Fallen God and her background made him think their paths had crossed for a reason. She was meant to be among the Abraxas and he was going to do everything in his power to ensure she felt that as strongly as he did. He wanted her to feel like part of the community.

He slowed once he reached a newly constructed densite. Serene's scent was everywhere so it had to be hers.

Rather than intrude by poking his head inside, Malleus stopped near the entrance and called in. "Serene?"

  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-17-2018, 03:37 PM
Serene Validis

Paws deep into the side of her den, Serene nearly twisted her legs when she jumped at the sound of her name coming from outside. Luckily she remembered to pull her paws out of the dirt before she turned around. The fawn woman wasn't familiar with anyone else in the pack yet, so she wasn't use to having visitors. But she knew this one! "Malleus? Oh Malleus is that you?" She called out, plucking her paws out from the dirt and quickly making her way through the vines and out of her den. Sure enough, the silver male was right outside! "Good morning!" She would greet with a large smile on her face and a light wag of her tail. She wondered why the alpha was here now? Was there something he needed from her or was he just looking to catch up?

It didn't really matter what the reason was, in truth, she just liked his company. Really anyone's company but Malleus's company was one of her favorites, it always proved to be eventful, and he always had tons of things to teach her which she really appreciated. She loved to learn, to broaden her mind and to advance her spiritual power. The more she learned, the more people she touched and the more places she goes to, she can feel more connected to the part of her that was in tune with the spirits. That would only strengthen the longer she stayed here, that she was sure of. A playful grin swept across her features before she laid a dramatic bow down across the den's entrance. "And to what do I owe this most humbling appearance from our most prestige Alpha?"





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-23-2018, 02:45 PM
Serene emerged from the den and brought with her the rich scent of earth. Her happiness was infectious and Malleus couldn't help but smile back at her. "Good morning to you too," he rumbled warmly.

He chuckled at her antics, his smile widening. "Well," he said grandly, "I wanted to see if you would be interested in hunting for some herbs with me." Malleus noted the dirt on her paws and put two and two together. Hopefully she wasn't working on something pressing.

Seemingly out of nowhere Malleus suddenly felt the need to downplay his offer. He almost felt like a kid again, standing in front of his father as he waited for the man's approval. Or disapproval. He shrugged nonchalantly, then said, "I was just thinking about how it'd be nice to know what all grows in the area and I thought, since you're a healer, you might be interested in joining me. I seem to have interrupted you, though, so if you're busy, it's not a big deal."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
06-23-2018, 03:03 PM
Serene Validis

His smile made her own widen, liking that she could bring him some joy. She didn't know much about being an Alpha, but she figured finding time to smile, genuinely smile, was something they didn't come across often. But knowing she could at least do that for him, made her happy too. Hearing his offer to go herb hunting was surprising, because she honestly didn't think he had the time for it. Weren't there healers here that could do this for the pack? For Malleus? Or was that not something they did? She wasn't sure, and her confusion might have slipped onto her features for a split second, based on his next reaction. Amber eyes would watch quietly as Serene witnessed a mighty alpha begin to shake with uncertainty before her. Fawn crown tilted to the side with a small smirk at how he was quick to dismiss his own offer. Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous around her? Teasing whispers answered her own question, in the back of her mind, but she was quick to dismiss them with a shake of her head.

"Do you mean this?" She picked up one of her front paws caked in dirt from digging so furiously just moments ago. She chuckled and shook her head, gesturing back into the den with her head. "I was just trying to make the den feel more like a home. Digging in some shelves along the back wall." She paused for a moment before taking a few steps out of her den to stand before Malleus. "But those shelves will need some herbs to put on them. So I would love to go herb hunting with you." She would grin and playfully rub her shoulder with his own as she walked past, pausing a few feet behind him to make sure he would follow. In the back of her mind though, tiny voices wondered if this would count as a date? She had never been on one before, but based on what her mother had always told her, it sure sounded like the beginnings to one.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-30-2018, 01:18 PM
"Do you mean this?" His eyes drifted down to her dirt covered paw as she explained what she'd been doing. Shelves, huh? That was a good idea. He was pleased to see she was making herself at home; that was a good sign. If she'd been having second thoughts about joining the Empire, Malleus doubted she would be troubling herself with shelf digging.

Malleus grinned as she mentioned that the shelves would need herbs to fill them. "Great! I thought we could check out Lazuli Falls, which is on the other side of Cattail Creek. I've heard some of the more uncommon plants in Auster grow there."

Serene brushed by him, her shoulder bumping his as she passed. He pushed her back playfully before padding after her. He slowed once they were walking abreast. "So tell me, Serene, how did you become interested in healing?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-06-2018, 04:52 PM

Serene Validis

Hearing about their destination made her sense of direction a little more clear as they began the journey, but the idea of finding herbs she had never seen before excited her. It offered the female a chance to learn more, to expand her knowledge and better her abilities as a healer. That was one thing that had never changed with Serene; even as a young pup she always loved to learn. His playful push back earned him a grin and a small, playful growl. She liked that being an Alpha didn't mean he couldn't take a joke, or make one in return. Somehow, the blonde fae always thought that was taken from a leader; their being before the power. But how would she even know? She had only met a handful of Alphas in her life, each more different and unique than the last. Malleus was no exception, but he did seem more special to her. But maybe that was due to the fact that she spent more time getting to know him than the other leaders... or anyone really.

His question had her humming for a second, searching her thoughts for a reply worthy of his question. "Like most pups I would assume. Eager to learn and be like their parents." Her eyes studied his features for a moment, taking in the markings under his aqua orbs before turning back down the path through the vines. "My mother was Esmeralda, healer of the wood. Her whole life was centered around healing, gardening, the spirit of life. Ever since I could smell I was surrounded by scents of herbs, so I suppose you could say I was born into it." She giggled a bit at that, imagining how ridiculous it must have looked; a tiny golden pup resting in a bed of herbs. Actually... it didn't sound half bad. Shaking away her thoughts, Serene turned to the silver male, curiosity glowing in her amber orbs. "What about you? Leader and Healer?"





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 06:12 PM
His steps were slow as they made their way towards Lazuli Falls. He was trying his best to match her stride but the size difference meant that unless he really minced his steps Malleus inevitably found himself inching ahead. Every few steps he caught himself and was forced to pause, usually with foot raised, to allow her to catch up. The distance between them was minute, really, and it was entirely possible Serene wasn't even aware of it, but Malleus was. Every inch ahead meant he had to turn his head to look at her as she spoke. He didn't begrudge her the stride difference, but he was afraid she'd mistake his movements for impatience and that certainly wasn't the case. Malleus wanted to take his time on this journey. The longer it took for them to reach the Falls the more he would hopefully learn about this enchanting woman.

He listened intently as she answered his question. Her response gave him a brief glimpse into the past and the inquisitive child Serene had been. It was interesting to hear about her mother and the atmosphere Serene had grown up in. It was very different than the one he'd grown up in. For starters, his father had done away with his mother when he was quite young. He still remembered the day. How, brokenhearted, he'd gone off by himself and mourned her loss in private. How he'd been afraid someone would see him and think him weak. Battle training had been the focus of his youth. What he'd learned about healing he'd learned largely on his own. No fear, no mercy, no weakness. Only the Fallen God and his conquest. Little else had mattered.

He smiled gently when she asked about him. "I learned out of necessity." Malleus chuckled before going on to say, "When everyone around you is constantly fighting and getting hurt, and you're getting hurt, you learn a thing or two about wound care." Not many Abraxas were interested in tending wounds and it was a role that needed to be filled, so he'd filled it.

"I've always liked problem solving and once it occurred to me that healing was just that, I was hooked." He enjoyed what he did. Healing was a useful, complimentary skill. It served him and the Fallen God's mission well.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-06-2018, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2018, 06:59 PM by Serene.)

Serene Validis

She was interested in learning more and more about this male, especially about how he came to be. How Malleus Abraxas became Alpha of the Risen Empire. But when his words slowly began to fill the air around them, Serene was left with more questions than answers. It sounded like he was grown up in war, with constant fighting and injury. Where was his mother? Father? Why was he allowed to grow up in such a way? Amber eyes turned into worry as she looked across his frame, searching for evidence of such a childhood; scars. Low and behold, as i seeing them for the first time, the scars that skewed his features suddenly stood out like stars against a midnight sky. Large scars dragged down the side of his face and Serene could only imagine the horror of the story behind it. Without realizing it, Serene had reach out with her muzzle and gently licked the scars once, as if trying to rub them and their memory away from her Alpha and friend.

"So much violence early on." She could barely find the words, imagining his life when he was younger, it made her heart hurt and her eyes burn with the need to cry for such a broken puphood. She would leap forward, to stand just before Malleus and placed a paw in his path. With a serious gaze, "I'm sorry, but you should not have grown up like that, Malleus." That was not what she was taught, and it was not what she believed in. Sure, if pups wanted to play fight that was fine, and if they wanted to start training to fight a few months old, fine. But they should be protected, cared for! Serene took one more look at the silver male before she tore her gaze from him and continued down the path. For some reason, she was angry that someone allowed Malleus to grow up like that. Without knowing, she spoke her biggest question.

"Where was his mother?"





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 07:48 PM
What would his life have been like if he'd had an upbringing like Serene's? If he'd grown up surrounded by the scent of plants instead of blood? Malleus reckoned he'd be a very different man. He was glad, though, that he'd had the upbringing he'd gotten. At times it had been very, very hard, but it had shaped him in ways that were beneficial. He was a strong man, a capable one, and without a doubt, he'd have been a weak one had he been raised by someone else.

His musings screeched to a halt as Serene unexpectedly kissed him on the cheek. The gesture was so surprising that his immediate reaction was to blush furiously. The scars she'd so tenderly touched flamed a deep crimson. Malleus was at a loss at what to say. Her words then reached his ears and Malleus' gaze hit the ground as he was forced to contemplate the emotion behind them and the tender gesture that accompanied them. She couldn't fathom his childhood, could she?

Her second statement brought his gaze up. His expression unreadable, he searched Serene's face as he considered his reply. Obviously he disagreed. He had many painful memories, but the pain he'd felt had served a purpose. They were as useful and as integral to his life as growing pains. They signaled growth.

Malleus shook his head and replied softly, "How I grew up made me the man I am today. I wouldn't change a thing." With one exception. It was unfortunate, really, that Serene somehow managed to find that very thing. His mother.

He sighed and looked away. "You have to understand, my father is a very hard man. His devotion to The Fallen God is all consuming. He let nothing get between him and the mission. Love included." His father had not loved his mother. She'd spent her time among them as a captive kept for one purpose. From day one Malleus had been taught that she was inferior, that she was unworthy of his affection. That hadn't kept him from loving her, though.

Finally his gaze came back. "My mother is dead," he said softly. "My father was afraid she was making us weak, that she was a distraction, so he made sure she wouldn't be a problem anymore." So much for their happy herb hunting trip.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-06-2018, 08:37 PM

Serene Validis

She hadn't realized it when she did it, but after seeing Malleus's reaction, she suddenly became very aware. Serene was just so caught up in the moment, so distraught with her own emotions, her nature told her he was in pain... so she wanted to make it better. To protect him. But perhaps she shouldn't have, perhaps it was crossing a line, but what was done was done. Besides, the little moment seemed to have passed quickly, and she was suddenly shoulders deep into getting to know exactly what had mad Malleus Abraxas, Alpha of the Risen Empire. Of course Serene would not want him to change who he was, but the horrors, she could almost feel them now. But as he began to speak of his father... that's when her blood turned cold. Ice cold. "Your... your father killed... your mother." It wasn't a question, more like a verbal confirmation of the information given to her. Her brain trying desperately to wrap around it.

Suddenly, Serene didn't feel so safe anymore. "Is that just what your father believed or is that what your people believe, Malleus?" She tried her best to keep calm, but the panic in her voice was becoming increasingly difficult to control. "Is that the fate of the women brought here... if they are not born Abraxas? Oh gods... Agria." Realization hit her like a ton of bricks. The magenta mother and her two sons... would they see her as a weakness too? Would Kane kill his own mate to make better sons? Fearful tears burned her eyes as she turned back to Malleus, "What if I wanted to mate with an Abraxas? Would that be my fate as well?" Maybe to others she was over reacting... but Serene didn't think so at the moment. She had never heard of such atrocities being afflicted on this earth, she couldn't even begin to think of such a thing. But poor Malleus... having to actually go through such a thing.

OOC: I have no idea how this got out of control so quickly but this is honestly how Serene would react to the news so hopefully Malleus can talk her off the ledge. xD





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 10:12 PM
Perhaps, he thought as he noted the unease in her voice, he should have lied to spare them this conversation. Malleus rejected that thought immediately. No, it was the truth. A harsh one, sure, but the truth. His father had killed his mother to ensure their children weren't coddled and weakened by her attention. Because she had chosen to live among them, Serene deserved to know the truth.

"I think," he said slowly, carefully, "You are attributing malice were there was none." Malleus paused to consider his next words. It was a difficult subject; one he wanted to answer truthfully. He didn't want to spare her the harshness of reality, but he did want to soothe her fears. It was hard to find a good balance.

He stopped walking and turned to look at Serene. "Let me ask you this: if you became a mother here, would you want the best for your children? Would you want them to grow up strong and skilled? Would you do everything in your power to ensure that?" Malleus searched her gaze but didn't wait for an answer before continuing, "If the answer is yes then you have nothing to fear. Our goal is the same."

"The Fallen God demands perfection from us. To that end sacrifices sometimes must be made. I've seen cousins, aunts and uncles culled from our ranks so don't think it's only outsiders who sometimes don't make the cut." As a child the culling had been one of his biggest fears. He'd seen whole litters culled. Young, old, it didn't matter. If you lost your mind, broke too many rules, couldn't pull your weight or any number of other sins, you were obligated to give up your place to someone more deserving.

He sighed under the weight of the explanation. It was a heavy subject, that was for sure. "I don't want you to think," he said softly, "That there is some hard line that must be met. We have all kinds of wolves in our ranks. Those that are blind, those that break rules." He thought of his cousin Seth. "Hell," he said wryly, "We even have a dwarf."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-06-2018, 10:36 PM

Serene Validis

When Serene had first learned about this Fallen God Malleus and the rest of his family so devotedly believed in, she was excited to learn about their culture, about their faith. Their God seemed like a loving one, to those of his own blood at least, but understanding nonetheless. However, as Malleus broke down what his father had done in the name of his faith, Serene could only wonder who this God truly was, and who were his followers. She felt ashamed to be thinking such horrid thoughts about the Abraxas, a family she hoped to join one day soon, but the hateful crimes they committed, made her want to second guess her decision to join the Empire entirely. But Malleus was good, he was her friend, that she truly believed. So she stayed, and she listened to what he had to say, and thank the Gods that she did.

Slowly but surely, did Malleus break down the hard truths of his culture; how perfection sometimes demanded sacrifice, and how the death of his mother was for the betterment of Malleus and his siblings. That part, was still hard to swallow for the fawn woman, but she rationalized that if his father truly believed his mother was doing them harm by loving them too much... then perhaps there was something more to the story that not even Malleus knew. Otherwise, it was unnecessary bloodshed, at least to Serene. But when asked if she would want the best for her pups, even here in the Empire, Serene's answer would always be yes. In that regard, she realized there might not be a line she wouldn't cross to ensure her pups got what was best. Not even death.

Then he would go on to describe that it was not just outsiders who were cut, but his own family too, which didn't make her feel any better. It certainly didn't make her feel any safer. It only made her realize how absolute this rule was with the Abraxas. If you do not pull your own weight, and serve the Fallen God as was their sole purpose on this planet, they did not belong here. In some, awfully twisted way, it made some sense to the fawn woman. That didn't mean she liked it, but she respected it. She respected Malleus. Still, she was frightened by what she heard, and the tears threatening to stream down her face burn her amber eyes when she looked up to Malleus. Her alpha, her friend. The male who promised to protect her from the evils that pursued her in this world.

And she found the courage to laugh. Through the tears, she laughed at his description of the variety in the ranks. She sniffled softly, shaking her head before tilting it to the side as she looked up at him."Even a dwarf huh?" She didn't know why she found that funny, especially because she was not in the mood to laugh in the slightest, but that's what Malleus does. He makes her happy even when she feels like it's impossible to do so. "I suppose we should continue on our way then? If collecting herbs is what I'm good for I wouldn't want to slack." She was still a bit angry by the new rules set before her, but she tried to make light of it as she smiled and turned to continue on their way, but she paused mid-stride before turning back to the silver male with a sad smile on her face. "You wouldn't let that happen to me anyways, right? Just like how I wouldn't let that happen to you." After all, not even a king was safe from a God.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-07-2018, 04:54 PM
Her distress was evident but he wasn't sure what else he could do to soothe her fears. The Abraxas and their mission weren't for everyone. If Serene was doubting her place among them then it would be better for her to make up her mind sooner rather than later. Otherwise she might get in too deep. There could come a point where leaving simply wasn't an option for her anymore.

When he saw her tears Malleus thought for sure everything was over. His heart sank. He cared for her and was convinced of her place among them, but maybe god knew better. The thought saddened him and he found himself bracing for the worst.

And then she laughed and he felt a spark of hope. Perhaps it wasn't over just yet. "Even a dwarf," he confirmed with a soft smile.

While her next words may have been an attempt at humor, Malleus didn't find them very funny. He was glad she'd come around enough to try to make light of the subject, but her words and the state of mind they hinted at troubled him. His expression serious, he said with a soft voice, "You can't think like that, Serene."

Dutifully Malleus padded after Serene as they took off once again. She asked if he would let something like that happen to her and, finding the very idea repugnant, he replied immediately, "Of course not. Really, you shouldn't be thinking of such things." It was easy to get fixated on the culling, but he knew from experience that was no way to live. It was better to focus on personal growth; of being your best self.

No matter where their conversation went from here, Malleus doubted they would be able to escape the tone the previous topic had set. Maybe it was for the better. They had quite a ways to walk still and that would give them plenty of time to work through other difficult topics should she have more questions. To that end, he asked, "I guess while we're talking about these things I should ask if you have anymore questions for me? About, well, anything, I suppose."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-07-2018, 06:16 PM

Serene Validis

You can't think like that, Serene

Why shouldn't she think like that? At this point in time, she was simply a commoner, welcomed into the pack but not given an actual purpose. Going out on these little herb missions with Malleus was the most she had contributed to the pack since her arrival. Which didn't seem entirely fair. But at the same time, it was up to Malleus to give her a more fitting position. But she couldn't blame him either, he was an alpha and probably had more pressing matters than finding a position for Serene. She had to shake her thoughts, maybe Malleus was right and she simply needed to be more patient. Usually she was more uplifting, more understanding, the conversation had simply thrown her for a loop. The silver male once more assured her she shouldn't think like this, and she sighed, knowing he was probably right. "I'm sorry, you're right."

As they continued to march across the territory, the young alpha left an open opportunity for questions. Her brows arched in surprise, but she didn't turn to see if he was serious. She knew he was. Serene simply had to think of one of the many hundreds of questions she wanted to ask. Digging from previous thoughts, there was one she wouldn't mind knowing the answer to. She turned to look at him; Malleus Abraxas, ruler of the Risen Empire. She knew of his struggles but she didn't know much else. Serene wanted to know more about him. "Tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings? Why haven't I met your father yet?" She couldn't imagine Malleus having siblings, but if he did have them, she would want to meet them. It would be interesting seeing how their pup hood affected different wolves. As for his father, it was obvious by the way he spoke of him that he was still alive, unlike his mother. Yet Malleus was in charge, and she hadn't met Mr. Abraxas yet. Where could he be?





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-14-2018, 01:08 PM
Inwardly Malleus cringed at Serene's choice of question. Out of one fire and into another. Well, he had asked for difficult questions, hadn't he? Honestly he'd been hoping for one whose answer didn't involve killing but that was exactly the kind of answer Serene was going to get. Hopefully she would soon become desensitized to such things.

"I do," he said with a nod. "I have six younger siblings. Two brothers and four sisters. Most live here, but my brother Archon has an outpost in Boreas and Lilith is off doing her own thing. As for my father..." There really was no sugarcoating it. "There was a report that my grandfather, his father, is unfit to lead so he's gone back to the homeland to see if that's true." Okay apparently there was a way to sugarcoat it.

After a beat, Malleus added, "The Risen Empire is actually his pack. I'm taking care of it while he's gone." One day Amon would return and when he did, Malleus would step aside. Assuming, of course, his father wanted it.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
07-15-2018, 07:48 AM

Serene Validis

She was surprised to hear he had so many siblings, even if they came from a younger litter. Serene almost couldn't believe it. She had been in these lands for some time now, and although the number of wolves she had met may be small, she figured by chance she should have bumped into at least one of them by now. The sandy fae would leave a reminder in the back of her mind to track down at least one of them when they returned. She was about more about his siblings when he suddenly spoke of his father, silencing her questions for the moment as she listened intently. Homeland. She wondered where this homeland might be? Was it here in Auster or up in Boreas? Or maybe even farther than that? Then the silver male would continue to say this was not truly his pack, and Serene's brows shot up in surprise.

It had not occurred to her yet that Malleus may not be the true alpha, but now knowing that his father lives, perhaps it made a little sense to her. She had more questions to follow it however. "So if your father returns, he would take it away from you? Or do you think this is his test for you; to see if you are worthy of leading?" Serene's mother had done something similar to her when she was younger, to test her and see if she was ready to speak to the spirits for the first time. It was scary and yet somehow she knew what to do. Her mother then brought her to the shrine where she communicated ever since. If this was what Malleus's Sire was thinking as well, Serene had no doubt this pack would one day, truly be his. After a minute, Serene would also ask; "But if he did take it back, what would you do then?"





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-28-2018, 10:28 AM
Her wording surprised him. The Empire was his father's pack. He wouldn't be taking it from Malleus because it had always been his. Perhaps in another few seasons if his father didn't return Malleus would start to think of it as his, but that seemed like a long way off. He was confident in his father's abilities and with the Fallen God backing him, Amon was sure to return victorious.

"Amon wouldn't be taking it away from me. It's his pack. I'm simply taking care of it in his absence." As for whether or not his father could be testing him... Malleus hesitated then said, "I suppose it could be a test. My father has always wanted us to follow in his footsteps." In Malleus' mind that meant going out and conquering a pack, but it was possible Amon was using his father's decline to test his older children.

Malleus wasn't sure how to answer her final question. What would he do? Perhaps he'd go back to serving his father. Or, maybe, he'd forge out on his own. Start his own pack. Honestly he didn't know what he'd do and so he told Serene just that. "I don't know." He thought about it a second longer and then said, "I suppose I would see what the Fallen God wanted from me. If I felt called to it I would start my own pack."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



5 Years
08-03-2018, 11:32 AM

Serene Validis

Amon seemed like a wolf Serene was not sure she would like to meet or not. A part of her wanted to meet him, simply for the sake of meeting a part of Malleus's history. Another, more reasonable part of her, wanted to avoid him like the plague. Somehow, be it instinct or a warning from the Gods, she felt as if Amon would not care for her. Perhaps it would not matter, maybe he would never return, maybe he would and be a completely different wolf than that which he is described. "It's been quite some time, perhaps you've already passed his test, and if not his, than certainly His." She wasn't sure if these words were more for him or her own comfort, but either way she would be thankful for the topic change, shifting more to what Malleus would do upon his return. Hearing that the silver male would embark on the journey of starting his own pack, Serene's head would tilt in curiosity. "How exactly would one go about starting their own pack?" She never even thought about it before, but Branch was trying to do just that, and it seemed rather difficult. But perhaps Malleus would go about it in a different way.

