
Behind the curtain



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-23-2018, 07:22 PM

The warmer weather in the Southern territories was beyond appealing to the healer. She stood out in stark contrast to the white, with the darker shades that adorned her body. More than that, one of her first experiences in the winter of Boreas had resulted in her near death, wet and freezing in the snow.

Crossing into Auster had been a harrowing idea, until she had adjusted to the thought of crossing the thin sandbar that connected the two lands. Moving further into the South she had discovered wonders, and beautiful sights. Today’s journey was proving to be the rule, not the exception, with a stunning waterfall entering her vision. The sweet smell of fresh water had guided her paws, and as she found the gentler pool the water ended in, she would lean forward and take a drink. The scent of fresh herbs would distract her once she had taken her full, and she would sniff around the edges of the water, taking samples here and there of herbs, some she did not recognise.

As she was walking, searching the ground, and distracted, she would find her nose touching stale air, an blinked up in surprise at the waterfall, was there a space, just beyond the flickering current? She plunged into the water, taken over by curiosity, and pushed past the curtain, and into a cavern. it was! amazed, she pulled herself back onto land and started to investigate the space. The sweet smell of sweetness touched her tongue and she licked experimentally at the sugar. She made a gentle sound of pleasure and the unexpected delightfulness that alighted on her tongue she used a paw to carefully scrap loose some crystals, and rolled them up in a leaf, tucking it into the blue ribbon tied about her forepaw. She could already think of some uses for this find. The sugar could help rouse a weekend wolf, or gain weight on an emaciated wolf.




5 Years
07-16-2018, 03:50 PM

Serene Validis

OOC: I'm so terribly sorry for the wait! Please poke me if it's ever so long again.

Serene had decided to return to the falls after Malleus and hers first trip, where the heat of the sun had dried up nearly all the plant life despite being so close to the water source. She had little to do during her days, seeing as she had no real job in the pack yet, so helping with the herb stock piles was all she could think about. That, and how she greedily wanted to plant her own garden in the vines, and fill her den with the sweet smell of flowers and life. It was difficult for her to find the herbs she was accustomed to up north; the herbs down here were mostly foreign to her knowledge, despite a few very common strands.

Her journey to the falls was quick and upon arrival the most peculiar sight fell before her. As she was weaving her way around the treeline, she caught sight of another by the waterfall; a dark complexion of a woman with some fabulous blue string tied around her paw. Serene was about to make her presence known to the stranger, seeing no real threat, when she suddenly jumped into the waterfall! A loud gasp escaped her lips before the blonde woman dashed to the exact spot the girl had been but moments ago, desperately searching the water for signs of life.

Why did she do that? Was she looking to drown herself? With her thoughts traveling a mile a minute and her heart rate racing, Serene nearly jumped when she her the muffled sounds of someone behind the shield of water. What? Was she behind the waterfall? For a moment she was unsure, but decided to call out to the stranger in case it was true. "Hello? Is someone in there? Are you alright?" It was her nature to be concerned for the well being of a fellow canine, even if she was a stranger. She would hate to have to witness the suicide of someone so early into her day.





8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-06-2018, 08:21 PM

She put her nose to the ground, sniffing around the cave, wondering if she might find any other treasures well she was here. She was sniffing in the a crack to the right of the entrance, when a voice called out to her from the other side of the waterfall. She jumped at the unexpectedness of the noise, and cracked her head on the slanted roof. Stifling a laugh, rather than a grumble, amused at how easily she had jumped, she shook her head and pulled it away from the crevice. She turned her head back to the waterfall, trying to see the glimpse of color that might indicate someone else was out there, but the light that filtered through was all she could see. “Hello? I’m quite ok. There's a cave behind here” Riva explained, wondering how the other wolf had even known to look for her.

Perhaps she had seen her jump through the water, and Riva had given her a fright as well. She poked her head through the curtain of water and blinked at the creamy toned wolf on the other side. She got only a glimpse of the other wolf, enough to see that she stood quite a few inches taller than the darker-toned healer. Of course, many wolves in this world left Riva feeling short. She had caught a glimpse of her amber eyes, and the regal, creamy tones of her coat that fell in some form of pattern across her body. After that, the water that fell down her face blinded her, and she shook it vigorously, doing little to stop the descending water. She sneezed as some found it way up her nose, and ducked her head back behind the water again.

The healer sat down a couple paces back from the fall, giving the stranger room to jump through, if that was what she decided to do.
