
I've Got Friends on the Other Side



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
05-30-2018, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2018, 08:39 PM by Armando.)
Casanova sat back and looked at his set up proudly. He'd been working on this bit for weeks. He'd chosen the location with painstaking care. The little huckster had set up shop in the hollow base of a tree and the tree, after careful preparation, could now be scaled on the inside just in case he needed to escape. To his left, hidden from the outside, was a small spear. In case things went south he was confident he could escape.

After the location had been decided Casanova had, over a matter of days, hauled his many "divination" trinkets to the site. The stash was made up of an assortment of odds and ends. There were shiny, flat stones with meaningless symbols scrawled on them, an assortment of teeth from an assortment of animals, and a few other equally useless (but hopefully intriguing) items. Some of the items he'd had on hand, but the rest he scraped together for today and they now laid spread out on the ground in front of him.

To complete his set up and hopefully lure curious creatures in, Casanova had stoked a small fire out in front of the tree. Some time ago one of the trees on the island had been struck by lightening and burned to the ground. That night the glowing coals that marked the spot and drawn him in. With trial and error he'd found a way to keep a few coals alive for such an occasion as this.

With everything in place, Casanova added a bundle of kindling to the fire and it roared to life. He then busied himself with messing with the trinkets at his paws, looking for all the world as if he was doing something very important.

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-02-2018, 01:36 AM

The scent of smoke set her heart racing, and haste touched her paws as she (in contrast to natural survival skills) moved towards the scent. It was only a light scent of burning and there was very little smoke, hinting that this fire might have only recently started, and wasn’t yet out of control. She had some experience with disasters like this, her mentor had raced head first into that danger, with a much younger Riva racing to catch up with little paws, and a heart in her throat. As she came upon the scene, any last traces of that memory, of the scent of burning flesh and the horror that fire brought… fled. She hadn’t been exactly certain what she expected to find, only the knowledge that if the fire was small enough, she needed to put it out before it ran rampant through the undergrowth.

Certainly the sparkly necklaces laid out around the fire, with hints of silver catching in the light, and the share oddity of it all was far from her guess. To top it all off, a red-toned fluffy, err, creature, for lack of better word, sat behind the stuff, tinkering away as through he held the answer to the universe in his soft little paws.

She gaped.

She couldn’t help it, really, she had rushed it, fur a mess from the flight of her steps, heart racing, and her eyes where perhaps a little wild around the edges, and this scene, with an almost mundane feel to it despite it being far thrown from anything she had ever seen before. Well, it took her a few moments to switch gears, and then a few moments more to wrap her head around it.
