
I Need A Doctor



7 Years
08-03-2018, 09:48 AM
Her visit with Typhon had left her drained, mentally and physically. She even felt emotionally drained with the knowledge that they were searching for the rest. She vary much adored Typhon for his heroic act of saving her and more then ever felt like she owed him big time. But how do you repay an Abraxas? Right now she didn’t want to dwell on it as the splitting headache had came back in full force. She groaned in discomfort curling back into a ball and using her paw to shield her eyes from the light. Though the light was dim here, it was bright to her and her throbbing brain. She was being cared for by a pack healer and knew that they would be checking in, especially if news of her being awake reached them.

She didn’t have the strength or energy to get up herself and call for them so she remained in her secure ball she curled herself in. She tried to clear her thoughts, ease the stress on her mental state as much as she could. Though it was difficult after learning all that happened. Sighing she let her mind fix on her hero. Without realizing it she was growing more mentally and emotionally attached to the Abraxas male. Though she had no idea what all could come of it, or how to even sort through everything she was feeling. Something had made him pick her over the rest of the pack to save and she was grateful and even a little giddy over it. Though she may just be overthinking everything.



5 Years
08-03-2018, 12:09 PM

Serene Validis

Words cannot express the amount of stress hanging over the blonde fae's shoulders at the moment. After learning of the tragedy that had befallen the sister pack after the rain storms, Malleus had order the pack wolves to go out and find the other members, and bring them home. While Serene wanted nothing more than to go out and join them in the search, she had been convinced to stay behind and care for those who return possibly injured, like poor Zinnia. Not only was the female a top priority and in desperate need of medical attention, Malleus had made it clear that it was not safe for her to venture outside the borders. Not only in her new condition but the threat of Daemon still lingered. So while her beloved and the rest of the pack was gone searching, she was left at home to worry and stress over them. But that didn't do anyone good, so while the other female rested in a den, Serene had rushed back to hers in hopes of finding something useful for her injuries.

As far as Serene had examined, Zinnia suffered minor scrapes and cuts that would heal with time, but more importantly she was concerned for her head. It seems like her cranial may have taken the majority of the hits during her battle with the raging waters, so Serene was focused on treating that first. Unfortunately, the pickings were slim as her garden was small and what herbs she did manage to collect and grown were mostly of no use in this situation. Except for one. Valerian Root. She had found some near the falls and was thanking the Gods she had managed to bring some home. Though it was normally used for benign coughs and cramp pains, Esmeralda had taught her daughter that it can help treat symptoms of the head. Hopefully, it would work for Zinnia.

It had taken some time to gather her things and trek across the territory towards Zinnia, but at last Serene had made it to the mouth of the den. Slowly, she would peak her head inside to see if the young woman was still unconscious. She was surprised, to discover otherwise. "My goodness you're awake." Her voice was low, kept in a soft whisper, as she knew by the swelling Zinnia would wake with one banging headache if nothing else. Swiftly did the sandy woman grab her bundle and dip into the den's entrance. She wanted to give the other woman space at first, they were strangers after all. "My name is Serene, I've brought something I think will help." She didn't really waste much time before she began preparing the herb, but she was quick to aid on; "I am sorry for what has happened, to you and your pack."





7 Years
09-18-2018, 08:32 PM

Squeezing her eyes closed beneath her paw she tried to force herself to relax, knowing that if she remained tensed up her headache would get a lot worse. When she had started to get herself fully relaxed a low voice of a female spoke at the entrance of the den. She had spoke low enough that it didn't bother her head further. Uncurling herself slowly, she peeked out from under her paw to try and get a look at the women as she came into the den. Zin remained calm hoping that this was the healer that had been tending to her. When she claimed that she had something that should help Zin's tail gave two strong thumps against the ground. Relieved that she would get relief.

"Good! This headache just came back again," she explained quietly.

She tried to watch what the women was doing to the herb, curious at how she would prepare it and how it would be used. Did Zin have to eat it or could it simply be applied to her head? Although she never grew fond of healing, she was still curious about it. Then her attention was brought back to the women as she spoke. Zin's ears flattened slightly, but she wasn't talking to Typhon right now and felt a little more comfortable allowing her doubts to shine through.

"Me too...... I'm really hoping everyone is found," she said.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"