
something to believe in



7 Years
07-08-2018, 04:07 PM

Typhon was panting heavily. The Abraxas man had spent the better part of the morning running, circling around the border of the Eclipse Empire's main territory. If anyone asked what he was doing, he'd tell them he was simple scouting and marking the borders, but even more importantly... he was giving himself a distraction. Too much time to himself led to too much thinking, and too much thinking led to his mind becoming an anxious, muddled mess. Paranoia started to creep in, the fear that he might not be good enough for this family - that he might somehow let them down - was slowly threatening to take hold of him.

But running helped, if temporarily. His mind was clear from more irritating thoughts, instead focused on the way his paws hit the ground in unison. His heart beat hard in his chest, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth as he panted and finally slowed his pace. He'd gotten accustomed to these warmer lands, though had been grateful for cooler winter weather to settle in. Not that it's ever very cold here, he thought bitterly to himself as he slowed to a trot. At least he'd worn himself out slightly, enough that his thoughts were kept at bay, and briefly he closed his eyes as he found a large rock to lean against and rest for a moment.  
© argent 2017



7 Years
08-02-2018, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2018, 08:36 PM by Zinnia.)

Teal eyes were glued to the scene before her and her body remained completely still. She was slowly stalking, moving closer and closer to the small group of Dik-Dik. She was waiting for the right moment to ambush the small group, waiting until all attention was away from the area she was waiting in. Patience was the biggest key when hunting, especially alone. She knew this from both being taught and personal experience. Eyes scanned each individual, all but one was looking away. She watched and waited, mentally curse the last stubborn little deer refusing to look away. It felt like it took forever for the creature to look away. She gave it a few minutes before launching forward. Charging the small group and snapping her jaws around the neck of the older, weaker one in the group. The cries of the others as the ran for their life filled the air, while she remained with the one she had caught, waiting until it stopped struggling against her grip.

It only took a few moments before the body went limp in her jaws. Then her tail began to wag as she soaked in the feeling of a successful hunt. She had spent a great deal of time tracking that small group and the fact she was successful in the end made her feel happier then she normally was. Although the hunt wasn’t for herself, it was more for anyone in the pack who needed it. She was still full from last nights catch. Standing she began to carry the fact mini deer along with her heading back towards the main part of the pack lands, though she didn’t get to far before a familiar form came into sight. There leaning against a large rock was Typhon. She grinned behind her mouthful of deer before moving over in his direction. She couldn’t really call out with the kill in her mouth so she moved close to him, just a few yards away, before placing her kill on the ground.

“Morning,” she gently called hoping that he had heard her approach. “You hungry?”

She would most certainly give him the dead did-did if he was hungry. Not wanting it to go to waste and unsure if anyone else in the pack was hungry for it. Typhon looked like he had just got done with running or some form of exercise with him panting and leaning against a rock.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
08-12-2018, 05:19 PM

Even after spending as much time here as he had, Typhon wasn't fully used to this place. The terrain, as well as being surrounded by so many other wolves, was taking longer than he expected to grow accustomed to. After spending so long on his own, he wasn't necessarily the most social of wolves, and it was hard to pretend otherwise when those wolves were his family - when he was so afraid of letting his facade slip and appearing weak and lesser. His brow furrowed as he regained his composure, letting his body weight lean against the boulder he'd found. He was so lost inside his own mind that he seemed quite taken aback when he heard the approach of another, and his hackles raised instinctively.

His head snapped up, eyes locking on Zinnia as it took him a moment to register who she was. She carried a fresh kill in her mouth, and her posture was friendly as she loped toward him. His pale blue gaze was unblinking as he watched the smaller female move to greet him. He felt his stomach rumble in appreciation, even before he realized that she meant to offer him the kill.  "Morning, Zinnia," he responded, his tone slightly confounded. He wondered if she had meant to find him, or if had merely been a coincidence that he'd been caught in her path. He nodded curtly to her question. It he hadn't been hungry before, he certainly was now.

"I suppose I'm a bit hungry," Typhon offered tentatively, after a brief pause. He was the type to think carefully before speaking, acutely aware of how his words might sound to others. Seeming too eager about the prospect of an easy meal might make Zinnia view him as weak, or less capable. However.. he had no intentions of seeming ungrateful, especially to a packmate, and he offered a faint smile in return. "Thank you." Slowly he steadied himself, bringing himself properly upright again to close the distance between them and sniff at the meal she'd caught. His stomach grumbled in appreciation as he gladly tore a piece of meat off the creature, gulping it down. "Must be settling in to these parts quite well, then?" After a few small bites he glanced up at her, asking a conversational question.
© argent 2017



7 Years
08-19-2018, 09:04 PM

He greeted her back and she smiled again at him with her tail wagging. He then nodded to her question and she moved back from the kill giving him room to take it. Sitting down as he spoke she nodded in return.

"I was hoping someone would be I don't want my kill to spoil," she replied.

Being hungry was not a sign of weakness in her eyes and she didn't realize that it may be viewed as a weakness. She knew Typhon was capable of getting food for himself, but she was hoping to save him some time and energy to he could put that towards something else. He did take it, thanking her for the meal before taking it, making her tail wag a bit more. She was glad that he did want it.

"You're welcome," she said before he gulped down his first piece. "For the most part, yes, but I still have trouble navigating the canyon walls."

It was vary hard to navigate the steep inclines of some of the paths and there was so many paths that it was hard for you to remember which one to take half the time.

"I'm sure your doing a lot better then I am with settleing in," she said.

"Speech" & 'Think'