
Against Your Walls Against Your Rules Against Your Skin



4 Years
08-20-2018, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2018, 07:45 PM by Tyranis.)

Tyranis awoke in the middle of the night, his heart pumping wildly, his paws flexing and digging his claws into the earth. “It’s time.” The thought had persisted endlessly since his last anticlimactic visit to the battlefield, and almost too embarrassed to repeat what he considered a failure he had avoided returning. He watched the mouth of his den, the silvery light of the moon casting long shadows from the stone edges that predominated the maw. “It’s Time!” He drew back, rising to his feet, startled. It was the voice of Ruina, of his ancestors, of the demons. Silently he left his den, stopping only at the den of the Apollyon and the demon mother. “Father…” He called in the darkness and without waiting for a response he charged down the bluffs of his home.

He stood on the battlefield yet again, letting the humid wind of the summer night breeze through his fur. “It’s Time!” a voice only he heard demanded and with steeled resolve he lifted his head in a fierce battle cry, demanding to be met, demanding that his destiny be fulfilled, demanding to become a Dommiel of Ruina.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
08-20-2018, 08:27 PM
Someone beckoned. A booming call to battle, from an unknown source. The howl echoed through the mountains, threatening the tumultous terrain with the chance for yet another quake. What bastard would be up at this hour, raring to fight? Someone who had better be able to back up talk like that, for sure. Heaving herself to her feet, the dark bitch shook the remnants of sleep free of her mind. Though it was the dead of night, the wraith was hardly one to turn down the promise of a half decent scrap. The spring had brought a heat season with it, and thus she was decidedly antsy. Thankfully, it was faded now and she finally felt comfortable in her skin.

Thundering down the incline of her own mountain home, she made a beeline for the battlefield. Moonlight washed everything black and white, turning the familiar landscape into something eerie and unfamiliar. Blending seamlessly into the murk, the bitch found herself steeped in the familiar scent of blood soon enough. Another, vaguely familiar musk struck her. It took a few moments for her brain to process the scent, sleep addled gears turning slowly. Finally, it clicked. Lips peeled away from sharp ivories in a wordless snarl. It was the bastard who had driven her from her home on the peak.

Broad paws pounded the dirt until she came upon the wolf who had been the centre of her wrath for some time. To finally lay eyes on him... was disappointing. He was smaller than she would have expected. Skinner, too. Coal dark, like herself, but marked up with shades of grey. As she circled around him, hackles bristling, she got a better look at his face. Eyes like a big cat, with just as much intensity. It would be good to finally beat the shit out of him. Settling herself roughly five feet from him, pivoting her hind end so that she faced him head on. Having to look up to meet his eyes was infuriating.

"You!" She roared. "You're the one who claimed the waterfall peak! I've been waiting to see what you looked like." it was no compliment, as she very rarely paid them to another. Sliding her tongue over her fangs, she gave him another quick once over. If it was a fight he wanted.. "I'll give you the first move, challenger." she announced. Without further ado, she set her defenses. This wouldn't be like when she fought her brother. This man was bigger, even if he was a skinny beast. She'd have to be careful. In the low light, this fight would be... tricky.

Limbs settled themselves equidistant apart, knees and elbows bending just enough to centre her. Spreading her toes, she aimed to have a solid grip on the ground, claws digging into the dirt beneath her. Hackles bristled furiously over her shoulders and down her spine. Carmine gaze narrowed to slits, focus riveted to the male before her. Chin tucked towards her chest, and tail slipped firmly between her thighs to brush her underbelly. No way was he getting in any easy hits. She flattened her ears tight against her skull. Bunching the fur and fat around her neck, she hoped that it would make for a difficult target for the male.

Sathanus vs. Tyranis

For: Tyranis' Dommiel Rank Promotion

Round: 0 | I | II | III

Height: 33" | Build: Medium

ooc. just wondering if his companion is present or not? You didn't say in your post, but your signature has a disclosure for her constant presence, so I just wanted to settle that. Also, lemme know if you would prefer a different distance between them. You know my discord <3


walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



4 Years
08-20-2018, 09:28 PM

His father had yet to arrive when the challenger appeared, he wondered briefly if he should withhold the fighting until he arrived, then decided against it. He was done waiting. Evidently the female new him from his claim to Dauntless. “Filth has no claim to land owned by a pack.” He retorted easily.

"I'll give you the first move, challenger." She said

And with that it had begun.

He charged to close the distance between them, his body streamlined as he built up momentum with each stride, rolling his shoulders forward as he braced for impact. His flexed paws kicked up clods of earth with each crash to the earth, purchasing solidly, gripping, and propelling him forward, using each limb in coordination to bring him closer to the female. At two feet, with the gap between them nearly closed he propelled himself forward lifting all four of his paws off the ground, aiming to hit her with the full brunt of his momentum. His neck pulled back like a serpent’s the thick fur on his neck standing on end like the faux mane of a lion with his jaws parted as wide as he could manage until they nearly touched his chest, not only for their offence but also to guard the tender flesh of his throat. He extended his forepaws and spread his paws wide intending to sink them into fur and flesh and maintain his balance. He locked the joints in his shoulders bracing for the hit he intended to strike, his fangs aiming to glance over her skull. As he left the ground his back paws surged forward, his right slightly lower than his left to make a clean landing once they touched the ground again, his back toes spread and ready to grip the earth, which would add force to the entirety of the motion that he intended to bowl the female over with after his fangs and claws took what they could from her.

Tyranis vs. Sathanus for Dommiel Promotion

Round: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 38"

Build: Light

Notes; Raanee is not present for this fight, she was left in Tyranis's den

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

08-20-2018, 10:38 PM

The imps were busy with their fight training these days, and Elias was a bit thankful for the relief of duty. It gave him time to focus on other things, though he had hardly been prepared when Tyranis came to him this morning. He had been in the middle of preparing a hide to be set out to dry, though as soon as he was able to put his work down he was following the trail of Tyranis.

It didn't take him long to figure out where the trail was leading, Tyranis was on his way to The Battlefield once again to fulfill his rite. Elias picked up his pace and made it to the battle in time to hear the woman yelling to Tyranis. She knew him? Interesting. Elias sought out the same hill he'd sat upon for the last battle he witnessed and remained a generous thirty feet away from the dueling duo. Before he was even settled, Tyranis was closing the distance between them. Elias grinned.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



3 Years
08-20-2018, 11:06 PM
Before he dared make the first move, the fool made the mistake of speaking. “Filth has no claim to land owned by a pack.” he spat, like the blue blooded trash that he was. A snarl tore itself from her throat, only goading her into hurting him in earnest. "I'll show you filth, boy king." She bellowed, fangs flashing in the moonlight. He was going to bleed for that comment. Her blood boiled in her veins, tension building in the space between her heart and her lungs. It was time to rend his flesh from his bones, and make him suffer.

As he pushed off from the ground, readying to close the five feet of distance between them, she made to mentally check her defenses again. Shoulders rolled forward to disperse fat and fur over her neck. Hackles up and bristling. Ears flat against her skull, sealing the delicate canals from attack. Eyes narrowed to slits, exacerbated by the way her lips pulled away from her teeth in a snarl like a bowie knife. She kept her feet firmly planted, legs squared and joints bent as she waited him out. She flexed her broad paws deep into the soil, claws gripping the bloodstained earth. She kept her chin and tail tucked tightly.

He closed the distance quickly, sailing into the air with his forepaws outstretched. If she had to take a guess, his goal was to slam those broad paws of his into her shoulders. That was going to hurt like a motherfucker. His chin was still tucked tight to his chest, jaws splayed in hopes of... what exactly? Was he hoping she would just toss a body part in there for him? A growl reverberated in her chest. Well, now was as good a time as any to try out something new and weird. A quick side step to her right, only carrying her over a few inches. The muscles of her hind legs bunched, and she aimed to leap up to meet him. A mockery of a tender embrace. Stretching her own forelimbs out, she found herself on the recieving end of those fangs as her chest aimed to meet with his own. His canines bit into her flesh, a few inches above the very middle of her chest. Her forelimbs found an awkward spot, the right slotting into the space around his ribs, her elbow beneath his. The left forelimb bent at the wrist, aiming to press against the underside of his chest.

With any hope, the force of it would flip the boy king over as he moved through the air. Put him in the dirt, like the filth he claimed to be above. Her momentum would work to shove him out of his path, and push him to land on his own right side. With the puncture wounds to her chest only made worse by the jostling, she could see herself heading straight to one of the pale woman's kids for help later. The brute force of their collision would cause bruises to blossom across her chest and shoulders soon enough, and knocked the wind clean out of her. As they collided, the bitch sought to snap the top half of his open muzzle between her jaws, and clamp down. Just to ruin the boy king's regal features. Once he was on his way to the ground, she would let go if she was still holding on. It put her in a vulnerable position, sure, but she wasn't afraid of scars. Wasn't afraid to lose parts of her. She'd already lost her soul, after all.

Sathanus vs. Tyranis

for: Tyranis' Dommiel Rank Promotion

round: I | II | III

height: 33" build: medium


walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



4 Years
08-21-2018, 12:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2018, 10:26 AM by Tyranis.)

As his jaws touched flesh he tore his head away, tensing the muscles of his neck and pulling his face clear of her jaws causing her fangs to land in his plush fur and glance against the side of his neck. As he began to tilt he braced for the fall, arching his right shoulder to bear the brunt of the impact while he coiled his back legs tightly to his core, putting a barrier between his stomach and the girl and tucking his tail tightly to his stomach as an added precaution. He fell bodily onto the ground and reset his defences to fight in the compromised position below her. With his eyes narrowed and his ears flattened to his skull he pulled his hind legs upward and extended them while twisting his hips to the right, aiming to plant his paws and cleat-like claws on the underside of her jaw and her chest, hoping to push her away while he twisted his shoulders  and turned his body toward the right to align himself. Regardless of whether or not the frantic kicks hit their marks his back legs would recoil and tuck under him once his body had mostly corrected its stance, propelling him forward and putting at least two feet of distance between himself and the female. His shoulder ached, dulled by the adrenaline as the fight raged on. If he was successful he would arch his neck toward the girl after he’d risen to a crouch, his jaws would open briefly to snap at her shoulder as he tore away from her and rip flesh with the force of his movement. He fought to win and no foul mouthed bitch would stand between him and his goal.

Tyranis vs. Sathanus for Dommiel Rank Promotion

Round: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 38"

Build: Light

Notes; Clarified most of my mistakes in discord, I'm looking for critique once this is over

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



3 Years
09-24-2018, 09:31 PM
The strange and awkward attack managed to work out.. somewhat. She failed to seize his pretty face between her jaws, and instead snapped her teeth shut around thick northern fur. He tasted like stone and grit. Regardless, the boy king was tumbling to the ground. As air tore its way back into her lungs, she felt the fresh bloom of pain in her chest from their impact. Yep. That was going to be sore for a while. She wouldn't follow him into the dirt, instead hoping to disentangle her limbs from his. As he tumbled sideways, she pulled back. No point wrestling in the dirt like children.

As her forepaws collided with the earth once more, she made sure her defenses hadn't slipped. Eyes narrowed to slits, with ears tucked firmly against her skull. With four paws on the ground again, she bent her joints to centre herself, and adjusted her stance to square it up. Lowering her chin against her chest, she watched him hit the ground, rolling his right shoulder to hit with it first. Flexing her toes, she gripped at the earth in preparation. Her hackles bristled, adrenaline rushing through her veins with the thrill of the fight. Tail tucked against her belly, she maintained her snarl.

He hadn't fallen far, perhaps only a few inches of space between their bodies. Prone on the ground, he was ripe for the killing. Would it be so terrible if she were to turn this spar into something so violent? Would anyone come looking for the spoiled little boy? The boy king lashed out unexpectedly, flailing hind limbs warding off any advance on her part. A stray paw gouged its claws into her muzzle, on the right side, a few inches long apiece. He rolled to his feet, teeth snapping at her defensively.

Reeling back, the wraith escaped his pitiful assault with a few minor slashes into her flesh, beading blood into her dark fur. A growl shook her ribs. Tongue slipped from her maw to wet her fangs. He had put roughly two feet between them, leaving them much about where they had been only moments before. Waiting each other out. Looking for an opening. His golden eyes were filled with fire, which she was dying to stomp out.

He had arranged himself with his left flank facing her, which served as a massive slate target. Lunging forward, the female charged towards him. Her goal was to close the distance before he could get too far. Should she manage this, when she jutted out her right shoulder and slammed it into him, it would collide with the soft spot on his ribs- right behind his left elbow. That would knock the wind out of him. Teeth would seek to latch onto the meaty part of his left forelimb, right below the elbow, and hold on tight.

Sathanus vs. Tyranis

for: Tyranis' Dommiel Rank Promotion

round: I | II | III

height: 33" build: medium

ooc. I am a huge piece of shit for abandoning this important fight, let me know if you'd like to leave it at two rounds so you don't have to put up with me anymore D: My schedule is getting more regular so I should be able to reply within a week!


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3