
Hunt training



9 Years
Extra large
07-16-2018, 09:55 AM
He was disappointed that no training sessions had been called for the pups. Now that the two boys have returned and the full litter was here they should be learning and training. He had been preoccupied with Star’s healing to call one himself, but it wasn’t to late right now. He knew one thing he could surly teach the young ones and that was his hunting skill. He loved to hunt and it was the one thing he was most comfortable in teaching. He picked a good spot in the valley as the sun was going down. He was hoping that maybe they could catch some rabbits before they retreated to thier dens for the night. Lifting his head he let out a deep summoning call for Jewell’s children. This would be mandatory for thier attendance and if it ended like the last one he held them he would have to take more serious action. He needed to be sure everyone in the pack fallowed through and he needed to be less lax in his reprimands.

Lowering his head he sat and patiently waited for the youngsters arrival. Learning to hunt was one of the key things the kids would need to survive as adults and it gave them a taste of what the skill was like. This was important and Frost felt it was time the pups stepped up and acted more like part of this pack.



1 Year
07-16-2018, 02:03 PM
Bas Adravendi

Small ears reached for the sky when the familiar call of his family being summoned breached through the treeline. Though it had been awhile, sitting around by the den day in and day out wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. Besides, this sounded important, so Bas decided to drag his tiny butt to whatever it was that required him and his siblings to attend. On the way there, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened this time. Which of his siblings had done something to upset Frostbite this time? Why wasn't Torin calling them? It was weird, and tiny pup curiosity got the better of him, making his paws move faster across the packlands.

When the familiar russet man came into view, Bas would come to a stop just mere feet away, his head tilted to the side as he spoke. "Whaaaat did we do now?" His tiny voice was wary, uncertain of the punishment that was to be given. In his mind, that was the only thing being called by Frost could mean, because it was all that he knew. If this wasn't something bad, it might just knock the rainbow stripe right off his back.


His family members are always welcome in ANY of his threads.



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-16-2018, 10:15 PM
Blaise had been out again, this time exploring the lands outside of this one. He didnt care if it broke a rule, he came back and that was what mattered. So long as it didnt hurt anyone he felt it was just fine.

A call heralded him homeward for the time being though. Frostbite sounded like he was requiring his presence and Blaise wasn't fond of it. He was a future alpha, and he didnt like being ordered around. Nonetheless though he appeared before Frostbite, in record time if he did say so himself. His brother was there already and was already assuming the worst. Blaise gave a snort to that. His brother was too chicken to have done something to earn more punishment. He seated himself in the background with a blank but stern look resting on Frostbite. Whatever he wanted blaise was sure he could of figured out himself. Not like this pack ever did anything to teach their youth. Then they blamed the mothers for bad things when it obviously wasn't their fault. It didnt take rocket science to figure out that their mother didnt plan on having them and had been somehow hurt since she would hardly leave her den area.

He eyed frostbite after he had finished inspecting his brother for any more stupidity to come out. It had been a long time since he had bullied any of his sibling or been around them for extended periods of time. He didnt even sleep near them anymore. If they didnt want to see him succeed and stand by him then he wouldn't stand by them.



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
07-24-2018, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:02 PM by Célestin.)

Célestin had managed to garner some excitement when his uncle had talked about setting up training for them but as winter had bled into spring and he had turned a full year the boy's excitement had waned... it felt like his uncle's suggestion had been forgotten.

So when he heard Frostbite's call he couldn't help but wonder if they were finally getting some training, especially since it seemed to be directed at him and his siblings. So the young man picked himself up from his lounging and trotted off to where they had been summoned. As he arrived he noticed only his brothers had arrived thus far. He nudged Blaise with his shoulder as he approached. "Playing nice with the other kids Blaise?" He asked, giving his brother a wink before moving over to stand near Bas and looking up at Frost expectantly.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Art by Mochiimomo
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Extra large
08-05-2018, 12:05 PM
ooc: After this post both girls are considered late to the training. I do know that Keno has been trying and that's okay. They must be posted in the next round or they will risk being demoted. Due date for this round will be 8/12/18.

The first to arrive was Bas and though Frost had been carrying a stern facade, the boys words made him smile lightly. He thought he was getting in trouble and honestly Frost didn't want him to think that way. Being called by the alpha was not meant to be a negative thing and he didn't want the children thinking that it would be. He shook his head to the boys words.

"No one is in trouble right now. I have called you for some fun training today so you can learn," he replied still smiling.

His ears perked as Blaise arrived directly after, watching the boy approach him and Bas. Frost sensed something off with this child and Frost was worried most about his future. He didn't stick around much and he didn't interact with the pack much at all. Then shortly after his arrival the spunky boy arrived. Celestin took his seat and Frost's eyes looked past the three boys looking around for the two girls. He waited a few minutes before turning back to the boys. The girls were late and he didn't understand why, but Frost couldn't keep these energy filled boys waiting long. Eyes looked to the three of them before a short grin spread across his features.

"Alright boys it's time for some training to prepare you for both adulthood and to figure out your pathway in the pack. Today we are going to start of with some hunting lessons an important key in your survival within or outside of a pack. You all know by now what is appropriate prey to consume so I'd like to get you started with some tracking today. With the help of your mother's traps I have laid out several hot game trails that lead to prey caught within traps. Now the key with tracking is that you need to take your time. If you don't it'll be easy for you to loose the scent trail you are fallowing." he made sure the boys were paying attention before he stood and trotted over to the first spot.

"Bas, you will start here with your scent trail." he moved onto the next spot before looking to Cel. "Celestin this will be your starting point."

Lastly he moved to the last and hardest trail he had laid out. He wanted to really test Blaise out since he seemed to be trying to learn things on his own. This trail he would have had large patches of missing scent trail, obstacles to go over and around, a small stream that the scent was literally scattered all around, and loops and back tracks. It wasn't the most difficult trail one could come across, but for their age it should be extremely hard to fallow.

"Blaise this is your starting point," he said. "Now when you get to the end of your trail leading to your trapped prey, do not touch them, this will be the next little part of our lesson. Ready boys? Go!" he ordered watching the boys take off.

He would take a middle trail between all three to get to the area of the trapped prey so Frost would be there waiting for them. Once the boys got going he took his trail straight to the next spot and sat down behind the three trapped rabbits and waited for the boys to finish the first round.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
08-07-2018, 12:46 PM
Priscilla had heard the call for hunt training but she was having a hard time getting to him. She whined sadly, glancing down at the trapped rabbits before her. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t get it free… and she seemed to be making the situation even worse. She didn’t understand that this was part of the lesson that Frostbite had set up for her and her siblings… she just knew that the rabbits were struggling to get free and she didn’t understand why she wasn’t able to help them. The large girl gave another whine, eying the trapped creatures as she paced back and forth.

She couldn’t go see what Frostbite wanted right now. She couldn’t! She had to figure out how to set these bunnies free -- the poor things were probably scared. It wasn’t like Priscilla didn’t eat prey -- of course she did -- she just didn’t understand why someone might trap prey like this. “I’ll figure something out, bunbuns, don’t worry.” The girl said softly to the creatures, though they likely didn’t understand her. She began to look at the trap around one of them again, trying to figure out how to get the rabbit free without hurting it.



1 Year
08-14-2018, 06:11 PM
Bas Adravendi

A huge wave of relief washed over him when Frostbite said they weren't in trouble. That was good. He couldn't handle another incident like last time. That's when Bastyan caught sight of his wayward brother, Blaise. Bas couldn't understand that guy. It was one thing for him and Cel to go off and physically leave the family, but that was on accident. Blaise was actively choosing not to be with his own kin. That was something Bas simply couldn't understand nor agree with. He knew Blaise was a more sour apple then the rest of the crop, but there's a big difference between falling far from the tree and landing in a completely different forest. The way he glared at Bastyan didn't go unnoticed, and had Frostbite not been there, Bas might've even asked him what his problem was, but as Cel finally joined them and told Blaise off, he figured it was good enough. Somethings were more important than figuring out what was up Blaise's butt this time.

Bastyan listened carefully to what the directions were and the purpose of this training. The rainbow boy quite liked training, and he figured hunting would be an essential in life. So when Frost positioned him at his starting line, Bas had a very serious, concentrated face on. He was going to be able to do this, that he knew for sure, but how long it would take him, that was the question. He knew if he went too fast he could lose the trail, but if he ended up last at the finish line, he would be at the suffering of his other siblings. It made him nervous. He wanted to do good and show Frost what he could do, but he wasn't in the mood to be harassed by Blaise anymore. Conflicted as ever, he nearly jolted out of his skin when Frost told them to go.

Immediately Bastyan dropped his muzzle to the ground to pick up the scent trail, he was walking fast, nearly a jog, but with his short legs it was probably considered a normal pace for other wolves. Once he was certain he had the trail, he would pick his head up and move just a tad faster, dropping his head every now and again to make sure he still had the trail. While away from the others, Bastyan's worries were set aside, and he worked on the seriousness of the actual training. This meant, if this was a real hunting scenario, Bas should try and remain as quiet as possible. So any chance he could, Bas would step on the occassional rock to hide the sound of his approach, making sure to avoid potential sticks and twigs laying around, but this potentially made him slower than the other pups. Never the less, because he was taking his time, Bas never lost his trail, and eventually he came through the brush and saw a hare trapped. As excited as he was, his ember gaze was lifted to see if anyone else was there.


His family members are always welcome in ANY of his threads.



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
08-20-2018, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:02 PM by Célestin.)

Célestin bounced from paw to paw as he heard Frostbite begin to speak, the boy was eager to begin! He was really only half listening as the older man spoke, his mind running through all the possibilites of what they might get to do. When the older man called his name, he rushed over to where the man stood, he shoved his nose into the grass, a bit to rough, and pulled it back suddenly finding it sore and dirt on the tip of his muzzle. He snorted, the dirt rising in a small puff.

"Ready boys? Go!" Frostbite exclaimed and Célestin ran off, his nose twitching as he ran, he was certain he knew exactly what to do and he was gonna do it faster than his brothers!

But wait- He'd lost the trail. With a frown and a snort the boy turned back around, this time slowly padding back the way he'd come, trying to pick up the scent again. Once he had it again he took off again.

He was enthusiastic that was certain, however he kept losing the trail, having to back track to find it again. He was losing ground and time against his brothers with each back track. Still he would tackle the challenge with all his exuberance.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Art by Mochiimomo
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3