
Where the devil hides and Angel's die

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-08-2018, 07:04 PM
The demon had moved southward, where a scent had caught his attention and made him detour. He'd seen the island from afar and decided then the swim might be worth it for him. That was a day or so ago. Today he was sitting in the abandoned building at the center of the island, the place seemed to be a tropical paradise for the demon king. Without vianni in his life now he held no reason to play fair or nice, nor was he currently sane enough to care if he hurt someone, even his own children were no longer safe. The boys were being pushed away and his female children were to be bred with. He had special plans for one of them though, Dea was most like his Vianni so she would be his brood bitch. His line would be strengthened by this.

He lay in the foyer area, a carcass under him and blood staining his face. The deer was long since dead and its stomach wrenched open. The moon was high above, casting him into darkness. The reaper was a sight to behold here. His eyes gleamed in the night and he watched the outside world as darkness took it. Fog was not uncommon here but the night was clear tonight. He could hear the birds in the distance, chortling their death songs. Blood stains the ground where he drug the body into the building. This was now his empire, as his in the north was removed from his control. The sound of a carrion bird had peaked his interest for now. It was in the distance but it sounded as if it hailed the death of his deer.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-08-2018, 07:46 PM
It had been a full day, but she finally found a landmass worth a damn. The Fae had tricked her again! Making her leave her home and telling her it would be worth it...she had almost been eaten by a shark, and Umbra was missing some flight and tail feathers from her battles with sea birds. There was still that one piece of her that had some faith in the shining entity she followed, the little pulsing light drifted over the water, leading her onward until she found a shore after an entire night and day of swimming and floating. She washed up and lay there for a long while, just glad to have solid earth beneath her paws rather than shifting water that her paws cut through. The young female felt heavy for the first time in her life, and suddenly more faeries began to blink into appearance fore her masked eyes. Little multi-hued specks of light that hummed with expectant energy. Her friend hadn't tricked her after all! Her sopping wet tail waved and made the faeries scatter, bringing a bewitching peel of laughter from the yearling.

Tossing her masked head, blood red eyes looked over the place she had come to. It was strange to see the crumbling monoliths that her mother once called "buildings" up close, but to her, it just looked like dying stones. Umbra crowed at her, "Something is dead, and close!" There would be multiple reasons for the announcement, they could investigate because they were hungry, if it wasn't too dead. If it was, there would be all sorts of little wiggly worms and fun beetles to play with. Umbra would eat those! She smiled and nodded her head to her feathered friend, moving into the building. Umbra was having a hard time flying in the non-existent air flow, so she sat on the witch's head and directed her toward the scent.

As they got close, the black, grey and white yearling halted, scenting the air and catching a deeply masculine scent that was so wrapped in death it was like a siren's song of smells. "Well, that's a pretty cologne...I wonder who..." Rounding the corner into one of the many chambers, Azariah is shocked by the massive male hovering over his kill. This was the same scent they had been following, and now it was too late to back out. Tiny flickering lights appeared, faeries, hundreds surrounded the male. All of them screamed at her to run, to escape him, and real fear filled her. With a nervous smirk and small huff of a laugh, Azariah turns from the large male and tries to run as fast as she can down the halls. Her nails wouldn't catch on the hard, smooth floors of the building, making her run in place comically before she finally caught traction with her paw pads. Umbra hovered in panic, waiting for her, not knowing if she'd even be able to help.

The large male had startled her, sending a sudden rush of panic to make her flee. She wasn't good at surprise interaction.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-08-2018, 08:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 05:19 PM by Lucifer I.)
The tinkling of a bell brought the devil's attention to the side where he heard another. This one smelled of female and her voice light and airy to his ears.he half expected some sort of bitch like his own children that feared nothing and would come to try to claim the carcass he had made his own. Yet what emerged was less than so. She looked like his vianni, yet more like someone had taken the color and drained it from her fur. But just as soon as she laid eyes upon the titanic Devil she was running away from him. Game on.

She had just made herself prey to him. Prey he would be glad to either kill or fuck. "Run as you like little bitch, the demon king is now on your heels." he was up as she struggled for traction, his hellish gaze on her backside. She was significantly smaller than him at her younger age but he didn't care. He was off with a snarl that was half bark. His aim to close the gap between them and to pounce upon her. The bird was ignored completely, he didn't care. Ears pressed into his skull as he snarled his pleasure of chasing down the bitch. She was his whether it be dead or not. If it entered his domain it was his. He aimed to slam her down with a forepaw on her front shoulders and his other three legs around her. His mouth aimed to be near her ear where his snarl would reverberate in her ear. Through the snarl he uttered a single word to her. "Mine." dominance rolled from him in waves.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-10-2018, 07:36 PM
Panic surged in her as he sped into her periphery, seeing him aim a massive paw at her shoulder, she halted and did a ninety-degree pivot that led her into a room of sorts. Azariah made sure Umbra had followed, though she didn't have to worry much about that, the bird had been screeching and attempting to distract the hulking brute who chased her. It was a chamber that had soft beds and a big bathroom, but the beds and all the faeries beneath them convinced her to slip under the bed. With her skull mask firmly attached to her face, she pressed her hind end with her tail tucked under the only source of safety she could think of. He was too big to fit more than his head and neck in any way, and she sat in the middle of a large queen size bed, well out of reach. The monochrome witch spoke her her snarling stalker as he claimed her, "I am not yours, you cannot take me through violence or force!" She barked out nervously from under cover of the bed, "I am young, not ready to die, please! I will be yours if you can just stop chasing and snarling at me!"

She turned her body on her side, though not fully, just enough to prove that she meant what she said. Her skull masked face was cheek to the floor as she looked him over with blood red eyes, "Please?" She added softly, and the entire time the girl was speaking, Umbra looked at her as if she had lost her mind. For the time being, all her faerie friends had been scared away by the massive brute and the snapping fangs and swatting paws he used against her. Watching him, the witch could only hope he would calm himself enough to find reason, in any form.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-10-2018, 09:05 PM
She escaped though it was narrowly so. Her pivot had him back pedaling and  sliding to follow her. By the time he was in the doorway she was under the bed there. He'd not get to her with his larger size, but he could wait her out. She could not stay there forever and neither could the blasted bird. Her words meant a deal was being offered but he was less than interested after Kaitlyn had done as she had. Deals meant nothing to mortals.

He snarled out his anger at her trying to placate him, none could but the one that had left him. Vianni had known the devil better than he knew himself sometimes. "I am the king of demons, the devil himself! I take what I want, and you mortals value no deals, it has been proven to me. The binding contracts do nothing to keep you mortals where you belong yet keep me away unless they want me near! Why would you think your contract would be any different to me?!" the anger of vianni disappearing rolled into his words, but not just anger, pain. He'd loved her and cared for the queen, yet she vanished without a trace the moment he grew lax in holding his kingdom. He was pacing again.

"you can not hide under there forever. And neither can your pet. Either you come out now or I wait you out. You stole her pelt but you did not steal her silver tongue bitch." chattering could be heard as another came. This one the devil's faithful companion. Noctis stood his full height, coming to stand beside his king. A seagull egg was dropped at his paws as he looked to the bitch under the bed. His fur stood on end, the eighteen inch tall wolverine being the one to look like he was looking at a ghost. "You want a deal, I make the terms, you follow them or die now." He was serious, the snarling fading with noctis's arrival.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-10-2018, 09:32 PM
Watching the wolf find more rage made the witch all the more terrified and she screeched back at him as his roared words rang in her ears. She found an odd hatred for being called a mortal, though she knew she was no goddess. Still, there was nothing about her that even remotely related to any of the mortal wolves she had met. None of them had the Sight, none of them could see beyond the thin Veil that separated Fae from mortals. Only she could. "My word is binding, I am Fae-born, I am not a mortal and if I make a promise I have to follow through with it else I die!" She shrieked over his booming voice, talking over the demonic king to make her point. He spoke again, this time with frustration and cold logic.

No, they could not hide here forever, and he stood between them and the door, but she would not die here either. Chattering and the march of claws against tile heralded another presence, this one a large wolverine. He arched his back and hissed at her as if he knew her but had seen a ghost. Once the little beast calmed down a little, Aza spoke in retort to Lucifer's words. "I was born with this pelt, I didn't steal it from anyone. I will come out when you and your hell-beast stop being aggressive, I am prepared to die under here if I must, and don't send him under here either. I will eat him just to stay here longer." She narrowed deeply crimson eyes as she licked her lips in threat. When the king spoke next, Aza found herself listening and leaning in his direction.

"I will hear your terms, but I have to agree to them. I promise I will eat your pet if he comes under here to try and collect me. Do not doubt my word, I've made you a promise." She eyed him for a moment, knowing she would likely enrage him all over again with her promise, but she meant what she said. She would not be dragged out by a stunted bear, she had too much pride for that. "Forgive me, but I can't exactly trust you at the moment. Not with the way you're acting. I am worth much more alive." She said softly, still watching him and the wolverine.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2018, 08:05 AM
She explained that she was something more than mortal. Interesting. Lucifer's interest was peeked. Another being that could not break their word it seemed. His face showed his anger though as she spoke of eating noctis though he let out a barking laugh. Eating spawn of hell would leave quite the foul taste in your mouth bitch. Besides Noctis may not look it but he is formidable in battle."

He relaxed his face and perked his ears but nothing could silence the fires of hell that burned behind his eyes. He was a demon who had had every promise made to him broken. "You say you like me are bound to your word, we shall see if you lie then. Terms must be made one benefit to you for one benefit to me. Then the pact will be sealed my way. You will be mine, in exchange for protection so long as you stay by my side. You will be safe from being eaten, and I will teach you the ways of the demons. You will please me,in amu way I deem necessary, in exchange for a place as a queen of demons." she had no clue how much each would weigh on her but he would show her in time.she wanted to be worth more alive, then he would keep her so, as a mother of future demons. Though he wouldn't tell her that was part of the deal. It was underhanded but he didn't care.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-11-2018, 10:06 AM
His laugh, however dark, was enchanting, and even the hidden Fae had to peek out from their concealed spaces to peer at the demon king as the sound rushed forth from him. Her skull-capped head tilted and she found the corners tugging up on her maw as if trying to form a smile through her fear. "I know how formidable a wolverine can be..." She was bluffing,  but he didn't have to know that.

He continued speaking, laying out his terms and even staking his claim on her. She grew thoughtful, rolling his words over in her head as Lucifer stared her down. What should she do?  There was nothing in his contract about her treatment other than protection from threats, and Aza needed to amend that. "If I become your queen of demons, I am to be treated as gently as you can manage. I want the side of you no one sees, because you seem like a violent brute. My Fae tell me that you can be gentle though. You wouldn't have a pet if you couldn't know kindness. If I am to be under your wing, you are going to make it pleasurable for me to be there as well. In exchange for my life, heart and soul, I want the devil's sweet side. Unless I piss you off which I probably will, just don't kill me." She watched him, wondering if he would take her terms. The last of which were delivered with a small grin, because she knew his word was binding. As hers was.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2018, 03:07 PM
She spoke more terms. She wanted a demon to be gentle with her, it was almost laughable. Demons were not gentle. Even if he was with her his children would likely shred her when she birthed them or when they fed from her. That was the exchange. "You ask for my touch to be kind and gentle, it will be done as soon as our pact is sealed. Though the exchange is that you come out from there. Leave us Noctis, I've a pact to seal, and you've a few things I'm sure you need to do." he stepped forward towards her, slowly this time. He could hear as Noctis picked up the egg he had and moved off.

Lucifer waited for the woman to emerge. She'd made a deal and would need to see it through. The first time he would not promise her pleasure completely though. She was younger than a year and so it would be painful to seal the deal. "Come out from there my dear bride. We've a pact to seal. I'd hate to have to wait much longer to do so, I'm not a patient man." Vianni had been easier to convince but they had turned out one in the same in the end. But this one was less like them. She would be easily taught to be his bitch though. So long as she didn't run like kait had.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-12-2018, 05:45 PM
Azariah listened as the devil spoke, wondering just how one sealed a pact with a demonic king. Tilting her skull capped face, she scooted just the barest hint forward, edging toward him but only enough to show she meant what she said. "How does one...seal a pact?" She asked, blatant in her curiosity and innocence. "I won't keep you waiting long, but I need to know." Coal rimmed ears pressed back hesitantly on her crown, watching as he paced before the bed. Dark crimson staring back into the bright, fiery red of his own, she stared into the devil and wondered what it meant to be his bride. What would happen to them? What would he do to her? Would she enjoy it, or find it horrific?

So many questions popped up in her head, and she glanced around to look for any fae-folk that might be lingering about. They had all left her, fate was in her hands and she was on the edge about what to do. His answer would help, though she knew he would not wait too long. She could almost feel it. "Will it hurt?" The anticipation of his answer made her even more cautious, but her much smaller frame scrunched up to move as he had demanded because she promised if he calmed himself she would come out. She simply needed to know what waited for her.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-12-2018, 07:17 PM
She didn't come out and his patients were wanting. Her question brought a chuckle and a smirk to his lips. "To seal this pact, we must create a bond through our bodies. It will be as pleasurable as I can make it for the both of us. Our union will also be sealed in this moment." he answered all of her questions as thoroughly as he dared. He didn't want to have her scared into hiding under there forever. Of course her age told him she may not know of sex or procreation yet. It would be a shock to her then if she did not.

He would take her and make certain that she was in the dark as to the penalty to unifying with him. If she fell pregnant from this it would be all the more to his favor, though it might also be that he needed to wait until she came into heat. He would need to keep his eye on her and watch for the day she did come into her heat. Hed rather train her first though to be the perfect submissive for him.

He watched her, waiting for her to come out from her hide away. His tail flicked as his patients waned.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-12-2018, 07:34 PM
She waited for his answer, and while she knew males and females came together, she never learned how. A freaking sky rock had destroyed her home and killed her family before she could be properly educated on any type of adult material. That happened when she was close to her birth season, her mother said so. But, she knew that to couple with another meant that they had to love each other. Did that mean Lucifer loved her then? Her tail waved as she grinned at him, innocent and eager. There was still a cautiousness to her, but she came out from beneath the bed to meet the demon who would wed her. "Just...don't kill me." Aza said softly as she approached Lucifer, she looked over his stunningly handsome face and sat her haunches between his forepaws.

"Umbra...go wait outside for me. And don't come in, no matter what. I made a promise." Though inwardly she trembled, she remained calm on the outside. The bird cawed then flew from under the bed as well, moving to fly outside and wait as she was told. She wasn't happy about it, but she listened. Azariah was nervous, but she held fast to the idea that somehow this terrifying man showed love, and she wanted to know how.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-12-2018, 08:21 PM
As she emerged he waited eagerly, his musky odor probably smothering her but he was ready to bed her. She told him not to kill her and he nodded, she had made herself valuable enough to him to warrant her life being spared, but she would be in service to him until he died. She would be busy in her life baring him many children. It was the way of his life, he needed to seed his blood into these lands and make so they would live for eons to come. As she sat between his forepaws he started his work. Her crow was sent off and he ignored it, he had other things upon his mind.

His tongue lapped at the back of her ears where he placed nips, trying to elicit responses from her. He perked his ears to listen for them. He moved down her neck nipping in a gentler fashion, though still enough to leave tiny bruises where he nipped. They were blatant marks of his ownership of her to him. "Stand." His comand was quiet but still held his dominance. Should she listen he would move, unable to hold back the fire in his gut much longer. He'd aim to wrap his forepaws around her waist, his weight evened out on his back paws as they spread. He set to work then, unifying them. His pace would start slow but grow uncontrolled rapidly. His teeth aimed to sink into her scruff to steady himself and keep her there should she try to retreat from him. She had made a promise and would be seeing it through to the end.

Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-12-2018, 09:24 PM
Azariah was unsure of what to expect from him, but even his kisses seemed rough. They were blatant in their ownership; nips and laps along her neck that told her she was his. She gasped and shivered against his touch, purring at him like a cat would, though she didn't understand exactly what he was doing. He was quiet when he commanded her to stand, and she nearly quailed, but she made a promise. Pulling herself onto her paws, she obeyed with surprisingly little hesitation. As soon as she did, he wrapped himself around her and drove his point home that she was his.

Aza did not shy away, instead, she leaned into him, feeling the pain as a hot balm that spread over her skin like heated satin.  It stung, it hurt as would be normal for any wolf, but she felt it on another strange level. Rather than hurt her, it pleasured her, and she growled it into his ear as they became one.


After they were unified, Aza looked at him and wondered what her future would be like now. "Was this...special? I did good?" She asked, fearful he may reject her because she was inexperienced or inadequate in some way. She had kept her first promise to him, and she would live. But what did that mean for her?

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-12-2018, 10:09 PM
-fade in-

When he was finished with her he had moved from her only a mere few inches. She needed to be cleansed now. He could smell her blood in the air, his tongue moving to cleanse where they had unified. The scent was not like that of a pregnant female yet but in a few days that could change, if she had the capacity to be so at such an age. He worked on making her pelt spotless once more, a massive paw coming to gently push her to her side so he would not have to fight her to do so. She had asked for a tender breast and he would be, except when he bedded her that was.

Her question brought his attention to her face. He moved his cleaning then to her nape, where he had held her. Only to stop and lay himself beside her. His body wrapped around her easily. "Very special, you have given me pleasure and sealed a pact that will last for a lifetime. This is the first of many ways you will learn to be the demon queen. The rest will be taught to you in time, and when I feel you are ready I may even give you a gift that none other can." his words left the information that said gift would be tiny demons that would grow in her womb out. He was going to play a game with her for now. She was young enough to corrupt with his mere words, and he had gathered from her reactions while the unified that she was not informed of any sexual act. Nor of the consequences of said deeds. "You may call me Lucifer. My namesake is now yours as well, Asmodeus is a strong and ancient name." he watched her face to assess her reactions to his words.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

07-12-2018, 10:57 PM
Azariah shivered as he cleaned her, though she whimpered softly as it stung with her voice humming with pleasure. Relief washed through her, and she became pliant to him, letting his massive paw push her to her side where her mask was wedged from her face as she lay her head on the ground. There were spots on her cheeks where the mask had rubbed away fur while she wore it, but it did not take away from her beauty. It was an ethereal experience to look upon her face, ruby red staring out from darkened kohl-rimmed eyes. The backdrop for her darkened eyes was a bright alabaster white, slashed along her bruised scruff was the same black that capped her back, hips and tail. He had seen her body, but not her face.

As she rose on her elbows to speak with him, learning his name, and smiling. Her face bare of the skull she donned, his new queen was born. "I am Azariah, and I will learn all I can. I will be the best queen, I promise! Does this mean you will love me?" She looked for his approval, and the look on her delicately molded features would be enough to make any devil melt before her. While her hind end was sore, she waved her tail softly, hoping he approved of her. She shifted her weight just a bit, jingling the bell collar that she wore. It was almost as though she called the fae back, as they came floating into view. The devil had been calmed, for now, and Aza relaxed as well by leaning more into the enveloping embrace of Lucifer's warm body around hers. How could she run away from him? She could see he needed a tender hand in his life, she understood more than any yearling should, but even if she wanted to run she was far too sore to try.

He was stuck with her until he died. She made a promise, and she would keep it.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-13-2018, 08:05 AM
Her reaction to his words was one of almost pure innocence, if he hadn't just taken that from her he might believe she was as innocent as she looked. Her unmasked face was unlike viannis but yet like vianni's. Her question brought his attention to her eyes, hellish red meeting ruby red. "My dear Azariah, my love is hard to understand, but know that I will love you as much as I can until you give me reason to no longer do so."  he played his head on top of hers, his tender embrace different from the ones he would of given Kait or vianni. She had mad a deal for him to be gentle and he would try, though there was no doubt he had likely tore her apart in his bedding.

She wouldn't be able to run fro.from him if he kept her like that for sure. He was still waiting to see in a few days if her scent changed, though somehow he doubted it would, she was young though and her most fertile years would be approaching. He likely had two seasons until she was fertile enough to breed.

"Umbra, come.... I have need of your eyes." he knew the girl likely wanted his love so bad her pet was his to command. The moment the crow was in sight he looked to it. "Fly as far as you can every morning, keep your eyes open for any who would seek to disturb our peace here. Your master will need the time to learn how to become a proven demon queen." he could see the moonlight outside still, though he knew the sun would rise in a few short hours. "Azariah, come I will show you to our bed chambers." and with that he stood, making to move from the room, his pace slowed so she could keep up. If he knew himself enough shes likely be limping and sore enough to want the plushness of his bed.

He lead the way up the foyer stairs and then to even more stairs, the room he had chose was still in tact enough that it was like a kings suite. He lead her inside. It was a room that viewed the entire island easily. Its height made to ensure he would see if one of his children came here. He was in solitude here. Azariah would be his only company until they bore children here. He moved to the large bed in the room, it was large enough to easily hold 3 of him, its columns draped in tattered silk. It was a California king size that he had laid many pelts on top of, including the pelt of a black wolf he had taken down and feasted upon. Perhaps she would grow scared perhaps not. He waited and laid in the center of the bed with his body facing the windows. As soon as she was laying with him he wrapped himself around her once more and played his head atop hers. She would love the sunrise when it rose and made the water burn like fire.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years

08-12-2018, 06:59 PM
She followed him, not bothering to fight because she had given her word, and she did not hesitate because she trusted the demon to keep his as well. It was an odd thing, in her thoughts, to trust a demon. Every fae she met along the way buzzed in warning, making her heart race, but she refused to balk from the king of demons. She was by right a queen herself and she would not make any more of a fool out of herself than she already had. The flickering lights of the faeries that surrounded them made her dizzy on the stairs, making her pause for only a moment as she tried to get used to the heat of the enveloping jungles, her breaths coming in short pants as she watched the muscles of her new protector bunch as he climbed the stairs.

She could do worse, she supposed. At least he was handsome, though the slight scent of death that radiated from him did help tremendously with her attraction. It was a heady cologne she could not deny, and the male it was attached to was powerful and unafraid. To her, it was a blessing to find someone willing to show her love and give her protection, even if she wasn't sure what it would entail. When they came to the room, Aza stared at the large bed in the center, her nose twitching as the scent of so many wolves and the cloying smell of death hit her all at once. Azariah realized then what the fae had meant by their flickering warnings, she had married herself to a real demon! The witch was suddenly so pleased that she pushed her face to the ground and removed her skull mask, pushing it off with her paws as blood red gems circled the room then went back to the bed.

She gaped, then smiled, then gave an excited yip and ran to the bed of death. She ignored the pain that came with the motion, jumping up onto the bed with a pup-like enthusiasm. "Your bed is amazing! I love it!" She announced as she rolled beneath one of the many pelts on the bed, using her hind legs to push her front half along under them. So many dead things were on this bed and it made Azariah mad with happiness. The girl could hardly sit still it was too much, but finally, the ache in her body was too much and she was forced to lay beside her king. As soon as she did, the hulking brute wrapped himself so tenderly around her that she nearly cried, his body literally encompassing hers as she snuggled into his side and hid her face in the thick fur of his neck as he lay his head on hers. She couldn't hold back the flood of happy tears that streamed down her eyes, though her sobs shook her body, they were silent and she gave no other sign that she cried.

Azariah had found peace with Lucifer, a wolf who could understand her love of the dead, and who might even bring her gifts rather than tell her she was wrong to feel as she did. It was relief and happiness that made her cry, and before Lucifer got the wrong impression should he feel her sobbing, Azariah spoke in a voice thick with emotion and muffled by his fur. "I love it here!" She sobbed loudly, but only once, then she held the sounds in her throat and simply vibrated with her tears and shaking breaths.

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Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-09-2018, 09:17 PM
She was enthralled with his collection of pelts that lined his bed. There were many types of pelts here, though most came from predators and other wolves alike. The scent of vianni was stale among a few, though it was the scent of birth mixed with vianni's on the one he kept in a corner of his room. It was hers but she had no right to it anymore since she had abandoned her vows to him. He corrected his new bride as she called the bed his. "Our bed, my little Azariah. The pelts are yours as much as mine." he watched her flail about like a pup under the pelts, likely causing her own pain, but he did not stop her.

Once she was settled he listened to her breathing. Her crying did not concern him. She could be miserable and he wouldn't care so long as her vows were not broken to him. Though eventually he knew she would be too busy with his spawn to find the misery. Though her words did settle the thoughts. "I am glad. And should you continue to love it here and comply with my needs then I will reward you." it was a promise.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.