
A Call To Become Something More



5 Years
09-15-2018, 04:38 PM

Serene Validis

The vision had struck a very, unnerving nerve in Serene's heart that had her constantly in a state of unease and discomfort. She felt agitated, like her own skin was riddled with fleas that caused such an uncomfortable feeling she wanted nothing more than to tear off her own coat. There was something, horribly wrong with the Fallen God and his wolves, a disconnection that had to be rectified or the downfall of this empire was sure to follow. After the meeting, Serene had sent the children home with their father, and waited for Ashiel by the bank. She was pacing back and forth, slowly creating a trough across the sand she walked on. She continued to run down the vision's discription, over and over she replayed Ashiel's words in her head trying to make a sense of the various scenes played before him.

It was a knotted, choked forest. Trees grew just inches apart, twisting around each other... It was disjointed and chaotic in it's movements and horrifying to gaze upon... When it found nothing to eat its heads turned inward and it devoured itself."

It was bad. How bad? Serene couldn't be certain. There was so much more to a vision than just the pictures displayed; there was emotions, feelings of intent behind certain objects or forms, there were key clues hidden within the words given that could only be known between the God and his disciple. Clearly, something Ashiel possessed made him invaluable to the Fallen God and thus out of all the souls swept away in the flood, all prime candidates to receive a vision in such parlous times, Ashiel was chosen. But why? Serene needed to know, it was the only way she could fully understand the connection between the male and his God and only after that would she be able to take in the full message delivered. Her mind raced with possibilities as her paws began to sink deeper into her trough, pacing desperately as she awaited Ashiel's presence.  





3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
09-16-2018, 02:14 PM
Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel followed after Serene when the meeting ended. Part of him felt as though a great weight had been lifted in finally sharing the vision with the rest of his family. However, another part of him worried over the implications of such a vision as well as his roll within his family. Long had he seen himself as a warrior and a leader. When he had his first vision he knew it was not the correct path and so he'd surrendered Eclipse but he'd been slow to walk where he was being directed and now he'd been given a second vision. Now that the message was delivered would he be left alone? Or was this part of the new path he was being given to walk? Was he to suspect another in the future?

He shuddered lightly. The visions were so vibrant, so unnerving that he wasn't sure he had the mental fortitude to stand up to a lifetime of this. Thankfully, Serene had some experience with visions and since joining the Risen Empire perhaps the Fallen god would chose to use her instead?

Serene was pacing madly by the time Ashiel approached. He cleared his throat and dipped his head in greeting. "Serene?" He didn't know what else to say. She had questions she'd wished to ask him and the atmosphere was not right for idle chit chat.

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
09-26-2018, 07:55 AM

Serene Validis

His voice brought Serene out from her thoughts, making the blonde woman turn her frantic gaze upon the poor unsuspecting soul. "Ashiel, thank you for meeting me." Being polite was always required, even in stressful times such as this. The woman would then step out of her trough and pad over to the male quickly, taking a seat before him. "Is this the first time you have received a vision?" This was key, because if it was that meant this message could've landed on anyone's shoulders. But if this was not his first time, then that means the Fallen God has a connection to Ashiel and finding that connection could make all the difference when Serene journeyed to the shrine for answers. "I need to know what feeling you felt during the vision; not the feelings that you felt based on what you saw, but the vibe the images gave off. What did the voice that spoke to you feel like; did it sound male or female, angry or concerned, anything you can tell me will help greatly." She needed to know who she would be speaking to, and what the nature of this conversation would be like. She had danced with unpleasant spirits before, but if she could avoid it she would.





3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
10-09-2018, 04:51 PM
Watch Me Take That Flicker To Flame

Ashiel willed his posture to relax a little, yet still he remained rigid and uncertain. He looked forward to talking with Serene, however, and hoped that her guidance might help him make sense of both his visions and his role within the Abraxas family. She asked him if this was the first time he'd had a vision and he shook his head. "No, this would be the second notable vision I've had." He'd had numerous dreams of course, but he was wary of prescribing any supernatural effects to them. Many were likely just the exercises his brain ran through to catalogue his thoughts and emotions. "The first one happened during a bad storm in the canyon when I was returning from patrol. The ground below me gave way and I felt a good ways down and struck my head. While I was unconscious I had a vision of some old priest of the Fallen god." He wasn't sure if he should relay the whole vision to her and so he stopped with that brief summary.

Ashiel's brow furrowed at her question about the feelings the images gave off. It was very difficult to separate his own feelings of fear and concern from the images he'd seen. He wracked his brain, trying to recall if there may have been something being conveyed that he missed. The voice, he could answer. "Hmmm… you ask interesting questions, Serene. I suppose the voice sounded more male, it echoed in my head. In a way it felt like the voice was not only coming from an external source but an internal source as well. Like it was being spoken right into my mind. The tone…" Ashiel paused as he thought. "The tone was both angry and… frustrated. Possibly concerned. It's difficult for me to recall. The images themselves felt like a warning… not necessarily of inevitable harm but like… like a notice that one is about to walk to close to a cliff's edge. Does that make sense?"

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.