
The long road

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-24-2018, 08:15 PM

It was still so strange to be back in Boreas lands. She hadn’t had a chance to wonder far in the mountains she had called home for the last few years, but she had wondered still any chance she got. Her feet had itched to return home, and now here she was. Vail had found love, so she was seeing a little less of her sister then she was accustomed to over the years. She felt glad for her sister, who had found the wolf of her heart. Now Shaye needed a purpose, and perhaps she had found one. Returning to Abaven, and finding out its sketchy fate, she had realised that she wanted to do what she could to help the pack.

She had gone through the healer dens, assessing supplies. She had been a healer, before she had left, trained by Rhythm. Spending five years with a healer in the mountains had only added to her skills. She had lost any desire to be a healer herself, but she still had the knowledge. Knowing what was missing, she set out back into rogue-lands to see what she could find. She needed Lambs ear for bandages, a few basic painkillers - essentially whatever she could get her hands on. She was reluctant to wander far, and only cross over to a neighboring land to gather supplies. It would give her a chance also to see the herd movements of prey outside of Abaven.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-24-2018, 09:08 PM

He had been lost for sometime now. Somehow wandering from home and loosing his way. He really missed his family despite being of age to be on his own. He didn't know where they were now. It was a heavy feeling to not know where his family was, but he tried to simply live and survive. He had to survive for another chance to be with family. Besides he had always thought that the world had so much to discover and to learn from. He had to admit discovering new places was fun, but it was a bit boring to have no one to share with.

He also had a feeling that something was missing, that he had no real purpose in life. He could sleep when he wanted, stay awake as long as he wanted, and in most cases eat when he wanted to. There was no rules, no structure, and he was finding he didn't like it. Not that he wanted to be bossed around and told every little thing to do, but he wanted some purpose. He wanted some orders to fill and some structure in his life like he had as a pup. He didn't know how to get it though, where to even look so he simply continued the lawless lifestyle for now.

Today he was tracking, larger prey. He knew there was no chance of him taking down larger prey on his own, but it was a good way to work his nose. His light colored form stuck out against the greens of the grass and brush. He was light on his feet as he moved, nose to the ground as he fallowed the trail of a small herd of deer. Bright cyanide eyes looked ahead of him as he moved. Then he stopped, lifting his head and surveying things around him, seeing if maybe another was close by and caught wind of these creatures.

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-24-2018, 11:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2018, 05:23 AM by Shaye I.)


She had her head in the underbrush of a large oak when the scent of deer caught her attention. She lifted her head, sneezing daffodils as she backed away from the thicker bushes. She waited until her nose recovered before putting it to the grass and began to track.

The flattened grass hunted at a game trail, and following a few paces to the side of it would lead her to the larger herd. She hadn't intended to hunt any today - only a brave or foolish wolf hunted something as large as a deer alone. Still, it was a chance to observe them which was all she had intended.

As she prowled around the creature in a circle wide enough not to disturb them, she would catch the scent of wolf. Equally curious, and wondering if she was in the way of a hunt, she backed up and followed this new scent.

It brought her to the form of a white wolf, who's eyes gazed through the wild, and when she raised her head, would likely see her. "Psst. Hello" she whispered. Quiet enough that her voice didn't carry far. "Are you and yours in the middle of a hunt? If so would an extra pair of paws be useful?" It was also good to make friends with the local and she needed to build a good reputation for Abaven.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-26-2018, 08:40 PM

As he was scanning his eyes landed on the dark coloration of a wolf's head a little bit from him. His ears perked forward as he focused on the darker wolf. He was quick to speak, her voice soft so it wouldn't carry to the small gathering of deer not far from them. He thought it would be best to move a little closer to her and slunk down from his position of observation to move towards her more. Once he felt he was close enough that it would be better for the both of them to hear each other he greeted her with a wag of his tail.

"Just myself, no body else and I was only tracking them, but if you think we could take one down I wouldn't mind the hunt," he said with a grin.

He heard some movement from the deer and turned his head back in that direction to listen for a moment. They could take down a doe if they worked together, but he wasn't opposed to let them go on their way either. He was glad to see another wolf for once.

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think"