
Let's Scare the Boogeyman



3 Years
09-25-2018, 09:47 AM

Landon Ancora

The golden man had traveled down past the lands of the north for the first time in a.. long while. Since discovering his first family member, Landon had been more driven to stick close to the older male, hoping he would lead him to more family yet. But, it had been slow moving, and while Landon was more than thankful to have found even one of his kin, he could not deny the urge to explore more of this world. So, since the weather was allowing good travels these days, the young male decided to take a few days off of waiting around and venture to the south to find more entertainment than the sassy cats his relative liked to hang out with. However, what he stumbled into wasn't exactly the white sandy beach he was hoping this little vacation would provide. No, Landon walked through the most eerie woodland he had ever seen; fog held a thick grasp over the air, hanging close to the earth and dancing between his strides as he cautiously moved across the area. Another thing that added to the weird wood, was the thick canopy above made the center of the forest quite dark despite it being a little after mid-day. Landon carried himself in a more defense stance than his normal sloppy way; head hung even with his spine, emerald eyes scanning whatever section of the forest he could see. He didn't know what to expect, but something told him he was not alone in these woods.




3 Years
Extra large
09-28-2018, 11:41 AM

Asharya had decided she really liked this place. It was pretty much useless, given the low visibility, and probably dangerous for the same reason, but that hardly changed her opinion. She cast an excited look towards the panther which padded at her side, and found Idris equally enthralled. Or maybe just curious, but it was always hard to tell the difference with felines.

They had not been exploring long when she caught the scent of a male wolf, and not one she was familiar with either. It wasn't entirely unsurprising, but she did seem to run into Abraxas more often than rogues so close to Auster. With a new curiosity to trump the old, she turned onto his trail and began to tail him. At least until she found what she was dealing with here, anyways. Twice she mistook looming shapes int he fog for the mystery male, but it wasn't until her third doubletake that she found him. He was a motley of earthen colors, perhaps a bit lighter than he appeared in the gloom, but it made no difference to her. He was quite a bit smaller than her as well, so any potential apprehension about the chance meeting washed away.

Her blue eyes gleamed through the murk. "You lost, friend?" She considered him nothing of the sort, but supposedly it did well to manage her first impressions. Right? Well, for a little while anyways. Really she just wanted to know what on earth he was doing here. Asha was there because she had an unsettling propensity for putting herself in tricky situations, so it seemed likely that he was either equally unhinged or, more likely, lost. One way to find out! She patiently waited for him to find her through the fog, while Idris came to stand at her side.

"TALK" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox