
I wanted to seek, I got distracted



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
09-15-2018, 02:05 PM
ooc:  Open to Malleus, Serene and their pups

Panting, Ashiel set the young pup down at the border. His lungs burned and he shivered lightly as the wind picked up, carrying rolling bands of fog with it. As the tendrils of white swooped down upon him the moon became obscured and the night was shaded even darker. He didn't know how to feel. He'd spent a lovely evening with a spirited, snow-pelted woman named Leshia who was dwelling in the Whisper's Gorge before she made her way north. It wasn't until the morning after that the realization of their actions had hit them. At the time Ashiel could barely conceive of the idea that they could have pups. He was young, it'd been his first time but even so they'd agreed to meet again and see what had become of their tryst. Ashiel hadn't thought much more about it. He fell into his life as a leader and then it was one thing after another until he started having visions.

A mewling cry caught his attention, he bent his head to nuzzle the pup gently before picking her back up in his jaws and crossing the border. He'd been late in arriving at the gorge. The pups had been born by the time he'd gotten there. He'd only seen the two living pups but according to Leshia there had been a third but.. she'd lost it during birthing. Ashiel couldn't help but feel ashamed of that. Surely with the strength held in his blood they would have all been born perfectly healthy. He came to a sudden, harsh reality. It was like getting slapped in the face by a grizzly bear. The visions he'd had, the return to the old ways, including the culling, suddenly became harsh realities. He'd had to cull the second born pup. There was no way around it. The poor creature was unable to use his hind legs and Ashiel knew he would never be accepted as an Abraxas but even so it was far more difficult to take care of the situation than he imagined. Even now he felt like he was going to throw up. He'd taken the child out of sight of the mother but he was sure Leshia knew what had happened.

He was left with one strong daughter who hadn't even been weaned. Ashiel had planned to take both Leshia and the pup back to Risen but she'd refused. She couldn't stand the thought of the child knowing her, and she had no desire to return to pack life. So Ashiel had taken the girl, and prayed that Serene would be willing to take care of the girl until she was fully weaned. He knew he should feel some joy at fulfilling this part of his family duty, of having a child to call his own but the overwhelming emotion was fear. He had so much he was still trying to sort out. Could he really raise a daughter?

More than ever he wished his mother was here but Pyralis had been lost to the flood and was probably dead for all he knew. Gently setting the girl down on a clump of moss he called gently into Malleus and Serene's den. He hated to disturb them this late, especially when they had five children of their own to wear them ragged, but he needed to speak with them.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
09-15-2018, 03:49 PM

Serene Validis

The golden mother laid curled up in their expansive den, embracing the warmth and the light murmurs of her sleeping brood. Serene loved the night so much for this exact moment where she could rest easy, surrounded by her young, as one giant, happy family. It was if the impending troubles were forgotten, and peace settled over her like a thick wool blanket. It was divine, and surely this was her reward for pleasing the Gods with her promised litter. As per usual, Serene laid curled up beside her beloved Malleus, her body drifting towards his for a sense of protection, and their hoard sprinkled around them. The sandy woman was fast asleep; her daily duties being a mother of five took a relenting toll on her energy bit by bit, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Running after her pups and tending to their each and every need personally was a blessing, and it assured Serene she was creating a more powerful bond with her young with each passing day. Still, her low energy had her sleeping like a rock and unable to sense the approach of another.

Ashiel's call was enough to rouse the woman from her deep slumber, but the abrupt sound had her startled and slightly panicked. She would quickly roll from her side to a more sternal position, amber orbs glued to the mouth of the den as her heart rate sky rocketed. "Wha-? Who's there?" It came out more of a growl than she wanted it to, but that could have been due to her groggy state rather than real aggression. When her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of night, she could make out a pair of somewhat familiar ember eyes. "A-Ashiel? Is that you?" She was still a bit out of it, but slowly the foggy grips of sleep were slipping away, and she soon began to realize what was going on around her.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
09-15-2018, 09:25 PM
Malleus was dead to the world when Serene suddenly stirred. He felt her rise but was unperturbed and readily allowed sleep to drag him back under. It was only when, seconds later, her voice rang out that he startled awake fully.

Malleus lurched to his paws with hackles raised before he even fully understood what was happening. Someone was outside the den. Instinct told him to protect what was his so he stumbled towards the den's entrance. It was only once he got in front of Serene that he realized what was happening. Ashiel was outside. After a moment the contents of one of their last conversations came back to him and given the time of night, Malleus could only assume that he had something to report. He calmed visibly; his raised hackles slowly sinking back into place.

"Ashiel," he greeted in a low and groggy voice as he stepped out of the den. "What can..." he trailed off as he became aware of the pup at his cousin's paws. He then amended his query. "What happened?" He'd envisioned several scenarios when Ashiel had told him about his encounter with a mortal woman and the deal they'd made afterwards. He'd expected Ashiel to either return with the mortal in tow or a weaned litter. What he hadn't expected to see was Ashiel alone with a very young pup.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



3 Years
09-15-2018, 09:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2018, 09:31 PM by Fel.)


Felicity was curled up against one of her mother’s paws, but she scented some of her father and siblings in the mess, and the heat around her told her she was touching more than one body. When her mother rolled quickly, she knocked Felicity over, it was only a slight buffer, but it was enough to shake her awake in surprise. “Ma-” she started to say, then realised her mothers attention wasn’t on her. Whatever was wrong, it wasn’t something to do with the pup, she had just been a byproduct of her surprise. Her mother was speaking, demanding who was there, and suddenly Felicity, now wide awake, was all curiosity. Her father had already risen, putting himself between Serene and whatever was out there. At that point, Felicity had bounded to her paws, and after a moment's consideration she ducked lithly beneath her mother and out the other side, to stand next to her father before anyone could stop her.

She came to a stop herself as she recognised the man outside their den. He was the one who had a vision from God that their father was taking very seriously. He must be a very important man, but she was still struggling to understand what he was doing here, when her eyes snagged on the little girl as his feet. Ignoring the chatter of the adults, Felicity snuck her nose forward, eager and curious to inspect the new little creature. “Hi there” she whispered softly to the tiny mound of pup


[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
09-16-2018, 11:13 AM

"Mmmaaa. Hrrmmm…" The soft murmurs of the pup drew Ashiel's attention back down to the little form and he nuzzled her gently, shifting his body down to sit next to his new daughter, pulling her closer toward his body for warmth. They were both exhausted. Serene and Malleus woke swiftly and he took no offense at the growl's and protective stances of the new parents. It was to be expected. "Yes, Serene, it's me. I'm so sorry to trouble you but it is somewhat urgent." He turned to address Malleus, aware that their own young had been woken in the flurry of activity. Felicity, one of their daughters crept softly up next to Mæva, whispering a hello to which the little pup squeaked in response and began questing for the young girls toes in search of milk.

"A comedy, or tragedy, of errors, cousin. I arrived late, the pups arrived earlier than expected. There were three in the litter but one had passed by the time I arrived, another was born with useless hind legs and I… well, I'm sure you know what had to be done. Mæva here was the only one deemed fit to survive. Their mother refused to come with me, she didn't want the pup to know her or that she left her. She is a spirited and strong woman and I could not convince her to come with me. Nor could I convince her to raise the pup til she was weaned." He felt shame at this. Ashiel should've been able to do this but with the long journey, the weight on his mind and body still from the flood and visions on top of having to participate in a culling far before he was ready, he simply hadn't the strength to fight it out with her. She was far to stubborn, he'd never be able to physically force her to journey all the way back with a pup in his mouth. She'd have simply run off. After all, he'd agreed to take them should pups come of the union.

"Serene, I hate to ask this of you with your paws already so full but would you be able to nurse the pup til she's weaned?" He didn't know of anyone else and tracking down a mortal with pups of her own in order to nurse the girl would take more time than he had.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-16-2018, 11:37 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2018, 11:38 AM by Aureus.)

Aureus was curled tightly between his parents as he dreamed a strange dream of storms and waves and a rabbit that he knew he just had to catch to end the impending disaster.  He yelped in surprise at the sudden shifting of his parents that tumbled him into a world of wakefulness.  His fur stood on end as his parents growled and he quickly got to his feet, peering through the darkness to try and see what was standing outside their den. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw it was the man who'd had the scary dream.

Aureus scooted next to his mother, twining himself around her front legs as he peered at the other man. He didn't really to get closer but as he saw Felicity scamper forward he suddenly felt left out. Slinking cautiously toward the man he would only go as far as his father's front legs but from his vantage point he could see the little pup at the vision man's feet. Aureus wrinkled his nose. He didn't want another sister! He didn't-

A thought struck Aureus then and he turned back to his mother. "Mom, mom, can we keep her? Then we can have even teams and the next time we play war we can do boys vs girls! Pleeeeaaaseeee."



5 Years
09-26-2018, 07:46 AM

Serene Validis

The grogginess was starting to wash away by the time Malleus awoke and stood in front of the family, preparing to take on the dangers head first. Her silver king come to protect them from dear old Ashiel. A small smile would cross her lips briefly, but when the two began to speak, all joy would wash from her face. They spoke of some unknown plot, but both the males seemed to have a grasp on what was going on. It wasn't until little Felicity stumbled over to the tiniest of offspring and greeted her, that Serene's amber orbs widened. Slowly, she was starting to piece together the situation, and she finally had a grasp of it just before Ashiel turned to her. Her eyes glanced up at the male if only briefly, to see the uncertainty and fear for his new born daughter's fate. Then her gaze would fall back down once more, the pain of his story starting to illuminate itself within her own heart.

"Ashiel... I'm so sorry." How? How could a mother abandon her young like this? Though it sounds like the birth was a rather difficult one, there was still a survivor that needed to be protected, to be loved and raised in a family. Little Maeva. The golden woman would lower her form as she approached the small bundle of fur, glancing her eyes upward only briefly to ensure Ashiel was okay with her approach. Serene would softly sniff the young girl, finding a faint trace of, who she assumed to be the mother, but mostly just Ashiel. The pup was so young... she would need extra care and attention that would have to be sacrificed from Serene's own litter. But... Gods knew she could never turn away such a helpless soul. It was then Serene offered a smile, followed by a gentle, warm lick over the tiny girl's frame before straightening herself. Aureus came bursting forward then, and his begging only made her smile brighten.

"Well how could I say no to that, my little warrior?" She cooed, nudging her beloved son with her muzzle before turning her attention back to the adults. "Of course I will care for her Ashiel, we are family and family takes care of their own." Her eyes held a seriousness to them, a conviction that her words spoke truth. "Little Maeva... she will fit right in around here, won't she my loves?" Her question was directed to both her children and her mate, for taking on another mouth would require more work from Malleus as well. Serene would need more nourishment, and help watching the older pups. It was not an easy task to be asked of her, that she knew already. Feeding five growing pups was already a toll on her body, and taking another, younger pup would only add to the strain, but it would be worth it. Ashiel's daughter would live, her children would gain another sibling, and the family will be ever closer for it.

"May I?" She would then ask, leaning down to collect her new addition; Maeva would certainly be cold and hungry, and Serene had just the place waiting for her.





5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
09-28-2018, 12:11 PM
Upon learning about the culling of one of Ashiel's children, Malleus dipped his head sadly and the corners of his mouth depressed sympathetically. He could only imagine how terrible the action had felt to Ashiel, but sorrowful or not, he'd had a duty to do and Malleus found Ashiel's decision commendable. "You did the right thing," he murmured earnestly, hoping to quell some of the sadness that no doubt still lingered in Ashiel.

A squeak from the surviving babe followed by the clamoring of his own kids drew Malleus' gaze downward. The culling was forgotten in the face of their excited cries and Malleus couldn't help but smile at their antics. "She will," he said warmly in response to his mate's question.

To Ashiel, he said, "Come, why don't you and I find something to eat while Serene takes care of Maeve?" Only two of their five seemed to be awake and Malleus thought, with their attention likely riveted on their little cousin, they'd be easy for Serene to manage while he spoke to Ashiel about the events that had just transpired and his feelings on them. Malleus didn't know if his cousin would want to talk about it, but he thought it best to offer an ear in case Ashiel did.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



3 Years
09-29-2018, 12:55 AM


The little creature squeaked back at her, and Felicity forgot to look badass and serious, and instead giggled softly, waving her paws gently in and out of the pups reach as the little creature’s whiskers tickled her feet. She was so darn cute, even Felicity could agree to that. When Aureus burst out of the den and asked if they could keep her, Felicities headshot up. She didn't even know that card was on the table. “Please mum, I wanna keep her!” head raised, soft amber eyes seeking out her mother’s gentle face.

She didn’t really follow the words of the adults, most of their meaning was lost to her, and she was far more occupied with the cute little bundle of fluff at the bigger wolves paws. She gave Maeva’s ears a lick, before she realised what her mother was saying. They really could keep her? She hadn’t expected that!

Serene moved to collect her, and Felicity ducked out of her mother’s way, hanging close to her side to see everything that Serene did, and see if she could offer any assistance. She ducked under her fathers paws as she adults started to move a little, her paws tickling Malleus belly as she used him like a tunnel.


[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
10-09-2018, 05:22 PM
ooc: Lady, feel free to powerplay Mæva as you wish!

Ashiel shot Serene an appreciative glance as she moved toward the girl and he nodded his approval. She was family now and he considered Serene as much a part of the family of the Abraxas as his own flesh and blood. Mæva would squeak at the presence of the golden woman and she took a few wobbly, uneven steps toward Serene. Ashiel would sigh gently, pleased to see the little form's insistence on motion. The child was hungry, tired and weakened but even so she was still spirited.

Suddenly, out burst his cousin Aureus. Ashiel smiled gently at the reaction of the other children. Mæva was still too young to play with them just yet but he was sure that as she grew she'd have no shortage of playmates and 'siblings' to look up to. His smile grew as Serene agreed to help care for the girl. "Thank you so much, Serene. I owe you. Please, whatever you need, let me know. I am more than happy to hunt for your family and help with the children if I'm able." He was still uncertain if he was really father material but he was willing to give it his best try.

"May I?"

Ashiel nodded as Serene moved to collect Mæva and no doubt get her fed and warmed up. "Bless you all, I don't know what'd I'd have done without you." He turned to Malleus and nodded. A hunt sounded like a good idea. Getting his blood going and focusing on a useful task was just what he needed to shake the sorrow and anxiety that was cluttering up his mind. "That sounds wonderful Malleus, lead on."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.