
Beautiful Moments



1 Year
09-20-2018, 08:58 AM

  A gentle breeze sweeps through the forest, branches dancing in the wind as it passes by. All that was once quiet begins to hum with life as the earth reawakens to greet the morning. Across the dark canvas a line has formed, splitting the starry night in half to give way to day as the sun breaks through the horizon. It won’t be long before it has made its claim in the sky once more.

  As it rises the delicious warmth of its rays peeks through the foliage, directly hitting a black ball of fur that has made her abode beneath a willow tree. The rather delightful sensation seeps through to her bones before gradually spreading out and upwards across her frame. She gives a smile of utter satisfaction while making a mental note to never move from that spot again. She was absolutely content to lie there until the world ended. How could anyone or anything ever want to ruin such a perfect moment? This is what life was about! Little, beautiful moments like these where what made life worth living, at least in her opinion. Granted, the pup was still young, but until she was proved otherwise she intended to stick to her theory.

  Neb remained tucked into her fur, dial hidden behind its pitch-black tufts. If it were still night one would have difficulty distinguishing her head from the rest of her body, but under the sun the perimeters of her frame were easier to find. Occasionally, auds would flick in minor irritation at the random fly that dare land on her. Couldn’t he see that she was busy resting?! She would be damned if she let anything interrupt her sleep.

[Image: 2zg9453.jpg]



4 Years
Extra large
09-25-2018, 08:21 AM

He had had a rather peaceful and sound rest, recharging his body from the work he had done the day before. His bed of moss and pelts was warm and deep within the den hid the rise of the sun. He was content to just lay here, but his internal clock was telling him that it was time to get up and get on the move. He grunted as he stretched himself out, blue eyes opening to look around his den. He had things to do so laying around all day was not an option for him. Rolling to his feet he stood and moved out of his den, to properly stretch and shake out his coat. He took a moment to look around his surroundings, taking in the scents on the wind to look for changes. He didn't find any, but the wind was only coming from one direction. He held no claim to the land, but he liked to be aware of his surroundings.

He decided his first task of the day would be to hunt. His stomach was feeling a bit on the empty side and he would need a good meal to keep him going as his powered through his tasks for the day. He moved a distance from his den knowing that prey would be staying clear of that area that was thick with the scent of wolf. There was plenty of prey in the area so chances of getting a meal were high. Nose to the ground she looked for a fresh trail, large paws quiet as he moved. He didn't have the slightest clue that he was heading in the direction of the younger wolf, nor did he realize there was another here. When he did get in line of sight with the other he still couldn't see her because of the willow tree that hid her so well. Although as he moved past his nose ran into the semi fresh trail of where she came in last night and he stopped.

"Hello?" he called out wondering if the wolf was still in the area.

"Talk." & 'Think.'



1 Year
09-30-2018, 08:31 PM

  Blue drifted back into sleep, though she remained aware of the sounds around her. Every so often a breeze would whisk through the curtain of the willow tree and tickle her fur. Smiling like a fat cat, she snuggled into herself more. She knew that she needed to wake up, but she really did not want to. She had already slept in so late that it was a surprise nothing else had bothered her. However, her luck was short-lived when a clear “hello” resounded through her lazy slumber.

  Eyes flew open, revealing the frantic blue pools beneath. Auds perked and her head popped up. Who could be there? She inhaled, examining his scent, and realized that he’d been near for a while. Scolding herself for her sore lack of environmental awareness, she lifted her frame to all fours. Limbs gave some resistance, muscles sore due to her sleeping position. She inwardly cringed when a muscle popped.

  “Hello there.” She greeted coyly, ebony mug peeking from the foliage of the tree. Why is it so bright? She thought. It took her a few seconds to find the wolf that had stumbled upon her and her eyes finally began to focus on the brute standing just past her. Gaze fixed on his firm foundation, massive paws, before trailing slowly up his frame. With each second that passed her heart sank deeper and deeper. He was a giant. His fur was rather dark with mixtures of black and gray. Just like hers.

  It had been a while since she’d been around others of her kind. However, she had never been this close to another wolf that she wasn’t related to. Ears instinctively flattened across her skull and her tail tipped in between her legs. She didn’t dare tear her gaze away from him. It wasn’t her intention to be disrespectful, but she’d never seen one as big as he was. Were most wolves that large? Was that how big she would get too? Regardless, she wasn’t in search of a brawl or a display of dominance. Perhaps, he would understand that and just let her be. If it was a fight that he wanted, then he would be sorely disappointed. This small pup didn’t present much of a competition.

::OOC:: How is the font in my table? Is it easy for you to read? I am trying to figure out if I should change the style or the color. :p
[Image: 2zg9453.jpg]



4 Years
Extra large
10-11-2018, 08:06 PM
ooc: Your font looks great! Sorry I honestly forgot about this thread. I'm really sorry!!

She had been a lot smaller then he expected, a mere pup in fact. She had no other scents around her which made him assume it was a matured wolf, but seeing the much smaller face poke through the curtain of one of the willow's made his heart sink. Even her voice sounded so young. Where was her parents or a guardian of any sort. He soon put his thoughts on the back burner as her expression and body language began to change. She was realizing the size difference between the two and honestly he did not blame her actions. He did not blame her for flattening her ears or tucking her tail (which he couldn't see from where he was at). His size was intimidating, he knew that all to well. He slowly reclined himself, not wanting to spook her with sudden movement. Sitting on his rump then lowering himself to lay sternal on the ground. Bringing himself down more to her level, to more of a vulnerable position so that hopefully she wouldn't feel threatened by him.

"I'm Branch," he stated, smiling warmly at her to try and ease her emotions towards him. "Why are you alone?"

He prayed that nothing back had happened to her family, that the question wouldn't upset her in anyway. His size was already a strike against him and he hoped that question wouldn't be another strike. He didn't want her to run away if she had no one to protect her from the dangers in this world.

"Talk." & 'Think.'



1 Year
11-09-2018, 10:13 AM
::OOC:: It's okay. ;P I did too. xDDDD

“Why are you alone?” He'd asked.

    His words broke through her external shell and resounded through to the most vacant places of her heart. “Where is your family?” is what he'd really meant. Yet, for some reason his words, soft and inquisitive, hurt her. Perhaps, it was because she could sense the pity and well-meaning in his voice or maybe, it was because she’d long since forgotten about her origins. It wasn’t anything that she necessarily cared to discuss with a stranger, especially while she was suddenly feeling so vulnerable.

    Dusky giant lowered himself to her own level, his demeanor gentle and smile genuine. Blue brought her gaze to his own and suddenly got the squeamish feeling that he could see into her very soul. Heck, maybe he could. Could he tell that she was nervous? She wanted so desperately to shrink back from his knowing stare, but she did not. She remained brave and gave a haughty tilt of her chin before taking a step forward. Her tiny form did not stop her from boldly looking down on the leviathan, or at least attempting to.

“I am certainly old enough to be alone. I am practically fully grown.”
    Khepri had been on her own for the past few months and she’d done just fine. She’d managed to scrounge around for leftovers and travel undetected by any other wolf. However, she was a lousy hunter and her thin, malnourished frame was evidence of that. The closer she was to reaching full maturity the harsher the effects of her lacking skill became. Her mother had left long before Blue could fully learn how to hunt. If she could just learn how to not be so clumsy in her hunts…

    Pulling herself from her thoughts she realized she’d yet to introduce herself. “I am Khepri.” She replied, features stoic and grave.


[Image: 2zg9453.jpg]