
At my Side

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-22-2018, 05:37 PM
Her and Vail had spent most of the night awake, talking it away in the comfort of Shaye’s den. She knew Vail had given up a night beside Solor to talk to her, and had been grateful for the time. With Vail setting up their herbs and spending time with Solor, she had seen little of her sister. Not to mention the long hours Shaye had spent recruiting and working towards the betterment of Abaven.

She had chersihed the time together, even if the both of them had also come to the conclusion that Vail would be happy working in her garden and getting to know Solor then she would being Alpha right now. She had wanted to offer the position to Vail, but knew it would be putting an unwelcome load on her sisters shoulders. Vail would have done it, too, of that Shaye had no doubt. She would have taken on the mantel and worked herself ragged beside Shaye if she had let her sister take the rank she had wanted Vail to have.

Instead, they had come to the conclusion that there was another wolf who might benefit from the position, who had the ambition and desire that would help Abaven grow. Of course, her still would still hold a high rank in the path, and her advice would always be first in Shaye’s mind. Still, it was with excitement that she had kissed her sisters cheek and left the pack the next day. She knew within her heart of hearts that this course would be the best one to make for Abaven.

She howled for Rhyme, commanding his attention as she stopped beside the snaking river that wound its way through her territory. There was a slight incline in the land and she made her way up it, looking down at the Monument Rapids, and what she could see of her territory from here.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-23-2018, 01:41 PM
Rhyme found himself scouting the borders when he heard Shaye's summons. He tried to renew the border with his scent every day, it seemed a good way to start or end his day. He was growing more familiar with the territory every day. His movements were confident, and as he finished the round he would veer off in Shaye's direction.

He found the river easily and followed its path to where Shaye had called him. She had mentioned moving him up in rank once he had proven himself, and he hoped this might be what she sought him out for. He smiled softly as she came into view, he had worked hard thus far. Even if his father didn't think Abaven wolves worth the effort Rhyme did. Some.. Most.. We're connected to him by blood and he had sworn to himself to do his best for them.

"Good morning cousin, what might I be able to do for you today?" of course she might just have some errand for him to run, and even if that were the case he would accept the task with grace. He was glad he could be someone she counted on.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-23-2018, 01:55 PM
She had only the shortest wait, before the familiar dark-shaded man would make his presence known. With the lighter flecks of white on beneath his eyes, halloed by dotes of silver, there a more subtle touch to the patterns of his coat then the bolder whites of Shaye’s. They brought attention to the other boys eyes, and the gleaming intelligence beneath.

She offered her cousin a light nod of her head in greeting, stepping closer to the man as she considered her words. “The last time we spoke about rank you spoke of your ambition to move up the ranks. You have already proven yourself useful within Abaven, an active force in the packlands. For that, i’m grateful. I know Abaven has a lot of work ahead of it, and to reach the goal of a thriving pack there are many changes I need to make. I do believe it is a pleasure to offer this change now. Will you lead beside me, as co-alpha of Abaven? I do believe we could make use of your fire.” her eyes, holding his throughout her entire speech, would flutter slightly now in the hints of a smile. She had a feeling her cousin would gladly take the mantel.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-23-2018, 04:22 PM
Rhyme was calm as he came to take a seat beside his cousin, he perked his ears as she began to speak. He listened intently, slightly surprised at the praise, but glad to be acknowledged all the same. She was swift to mention his ambition, and then the promotion. Not to the rank he expected. Rhyme picked his jaw off the ground as she offered him rank of second alpha. He tried to recover from the surprise gracefully but he was sure he was far beyond saving face at that point.

He kept her gaze as she watched him, and he finally found his voice as he nodded in acceptance. "Of course, Shaye. How could I say no?" his features turned up into a brighter smile. "I'm honored you see my worth so quickly. I vow to do my best for you, our family, and the pack." his voice was serious despite the eager grin on his face.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-23-2018, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2018, 04:35 PM by Shaye I.)
She enjoyed seeing the shock on his face, the surprise, and then the delight. She knew she was making the right decision, he was a strength the pack needed. She was only just learning to fight, well he had been using tooth and claw since the day he was born. He was a child of Valentine, and seemed to have his strength at fighting, but that fire was moderated by the compassion of Rhythm, the Auntie she loved so dearly.

She could have just as easily put him as head warrior, but she wanted to put him closer to her then that, to use his strength and compassion to better Abaven. Besides, she had grown to respect him so quickly. “Yes, I thought you might be.” She teased him gently as he spoke of being honoured. Despite the amusement, there was a seriousness in her eyes. “I know you will, thats why I picked you.” and her face became even more serious, measured. “I didn’t make this decision idly, and it won’t be an easy job for you, Rhyme. I know my weakness, and we’ll i’m still learning to fight - as your student, even, I expect you to take on the bulk of the fighting responsibilities within this pack. I - We will always fight for the wolves of this pack. I expect you to meet challenges until I am able, and fight at my side to protect this pack and its wolves.” she would explain to him.

And that was why it had to be Rhyme, as much as she wished Vail could be at her side, her sister could never help her fight, she was the healer of the two. She took the path Shaye had once wanted, and she excelled at it as Shaye never could. Shaye wanted to be the one at the head, fighting tooth and nail for everything she loved, but until she learned enough to do so, she needed someone at her side who was willing and able to fight for the wolves of Abaven. “As well as this, you will be able to accept wolves into the pack, can run meetings, and settle disputes.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-24-2018, 04:45 PM
Rhyme remained respectful, still almost in a daze at Shaye's decision. Only a few weeks ago he had been a slave, now he was Abaven's second alpha. If anyone but his cousin had asked him into this position he might have thought them pulling a joke on him, there still wasn't huge amounts of trust for others within him. But Shaye was family and she was serious in that moment.

She outlined stringently what she expected from him, and he couldn't say he was surprised. While she had passion he had the experience to back her up. He found himself nodding solemnly in acceptance, he has no dispute with her words. She wasn't done, and gave him more duties to be occupied with. Meeting those who sought them out at the border, settling any disputes that might happen within, call meetings. While he had no qualm with these he hoped Shaye would be taking on the majority of those cases. He was an experienced fighter, but if he had a weakness it was his social ability. Though he also knew any trouble he might have Shaye would be there to back him up, just as the opposite was true.

"Shouldn't be too much to handle," he said with his usual confidence. None of what she asked of him were outside the realm of his capability.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-27-2018, 03:37 PM
He was still easy to agree, even after she had laid the responsibilities he would be expected to take, at his feet. She nodded contently, she knew she had picked right with him. Well she had wanted Vail to be at her side, she knew it would have been unfair of her to ask her to. Vail was happy as a healer, taking the path Shaye had once expected of herself. She had Solor, and perhaps, perhaps even soon… she would have pups under paw to take care of. The thought left her grinning, as her eyes settled on Rhyme once more. He however, still acted like a young wolf on his way up in the world. Which made sense, considering freedom was new to him.

He had ambition and a good heart, and she was glad he was there beside her. “Walk with me.” she told him. She preferred to let her feet pace through Abaven territory as she spoke. Besides, it would be good for him to walk it beside her, seeing it all and knowing it was their shared responsibility now. “The original wolves of the pack, the ones that where here before I returned, they are the most quiet within Abaven. They still feel angry and alone, after Archon had ruled over them as an invader, and Sparrow’s death hasn’t helped them feel any better. They are the most likely to give you trouble, but I think they mean well, if we can win them over and get them to see that life can be better now.” she gave her head a soft shake, thinking of those wolves always troubled her.

“Of the new wolves, two joined on the same day you did. Allegro is a sweet young wolf, who shows a little ambition as well. I’m hoping to get him up to Nepenthis soon, if he can prove himself.” she admitted, as she spoke of the leader hunter position. “We have no one currently to full your shoes as a rising warrior through the ranks, but with you now as second-Alpha, you can still take on those responsibilities of training. Once we get someone to full that Warrior rank, some of the responsibilities of it can be passed on from you. I’ll take responsibility of the hunters until Allegro proves himself. Vail is my lead healer, of course, and we have Spider now as well. He’s been hurt in his past, quite badly, through I don’t know the details.” she glanced back at Rhyme. He had been hurt too, through his had taken him a different path. “I’ll work with him slowly, through I hope to make him an apprentice of Vail soon. There is Solor - he doesn't strike me as ambitious, he’s just here for Vail. so long as he does his part, we always need wolves to simply full the ranks.” she cleared her throat after all that talking, giving Rhyme the lay of the land, the wolves they would be watching over.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-28-2018, 07:47 AM
The first alpha didn't need prodded to continue after Rhyme agreed to her terms. Shaye asked him to follow, and he was not about to deny such a simple request. She was only slightly shorter than he was, and their pace began to match quickly. Rhyme still felt slightly stunned at his new position, but with every step he felt more comfortable within it. Shaye began speaking again, filling him in on the rest of the occupants in Abaven. He too felt the disturbance within the original ranks of wolves, though he knew better than most what they might have gone through. But there was always another day and another chance at a brighter future. However, he couldn't help those who didn't wish to help themselves. Rhyme wanted to reach for greatness, the question was would these wolves help or hinder him in the endeavor.

Shaye continued, Allegro was the friendly male he had met briefly on the battlefield. Rhyme too hoped he might step into the role Shaye had in mind for him. Rhyme made a note to himself that he would have to officially introduce himself to the man. She mentioned a lack in warrior rank, and this troubled him but also made him feel more determined. He would fill Abaven's ranks with competent warriors. She also spoke of Spider and Rhyme filed that same information away for later. She mentioned Solor, who only had eyes for his cousin Vail. Not that he could really blame him but he wondered if he might get the man to fight training.

"Your insight is appreciated," he told her after listening to every word. "I'm even more determined to do well for this pack. They deserve better than what they've been given."

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-28-2018, 02:42 PM
Her cousin thanked her for the information, and she gave her head a nod. She had told him his new responsibilities and given him updates on the current wolves within the pack. “I head down to the battlefield every now and then and call out for recruitments, sometimes its effective, sometimes its not.” she admitted with a grin. “Well get there.” she said with confidence. She had put too much time, effort and love into Abaven now for it to be otherwise.

“I agree, they deserve better. I just hope they can see that and reach for it themselves. There’s only so much I can do to encourage them to enrich their lives.” she said with a sigh, her paws still pacing across the territory with an almost absent-minded familiarity. “Right now, what Abaven needs most, is more wolves.”


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.