
Seedling Takes Root



5 Years
11-13-2018, 05:58 PM

Serene Validis

The move to their new homeland had gone better than she could had ever hoped; with everyone working together to get the supplies prepared for the journey and the pups all being herded somewhat gracefully, everything seemed to have arrived in near perfect condition. She was beyond thankful that all of the pups had made the trip, for she knew it would be a great deal harder for their little bodies to handle than any of the grown ups, even if some carried more than their weight. Now that they had all arrived together, it was time to once again settle into their home. Wolves traveled about the castle, digging out new den sites and adding touches here and there to make it more their own. Serene was making it a personal mission to ensure all were settling in okay, not wanting a single member of the family to feel abandoned or lost in this delicate process. That being said, the golden fae was not immune to needing her own time to settle in.

Then den was easy enough to dig out and prepare, what with the help of her mate and their more than eager bundle of five pups, digging out a den big enough for the growing lot was quick enough. Once that was done, it took less than half a day to make it more suitable for living, creating pockets of herbs along the walls like she had done in her last den, and getting Malleus to find furs to throw on the ground for the family to sleep on. But even with the den being carved into the castle with the others, there was still something else Serene had to tend to that meant a great deal to her. The garden. Back in the cathedral, Serene had worked day and night on finding rich soil with adequate sunlight to plant and grow an arrangement of herbs for the pack healers to use. It meant so much to her to be able to bring this little garden to the fold, for more than one reason; it was a direct connection to her mother Esmeralda who had taught her healing, and it was a great tool for teaching the same to her own children, and it gave something back to the pack which made her feel a sense of pride and purpose.

She had set out early in the morning, careful to weave around her sleeping family so she could sneak out of the castle before day break and begin her work. Thankfully, some of the pack was gracious enough to help Serene bring a few of the herbs from her garden on the journey, though a great deal still was left behind to over grow however it saw fit. But a few of her personal favorites made the journey; Lavender, Horsetail, Ginseng, and Meadowsweet. Each reminded her of a journey she had taken, which in one way or another, lead to her meeting a few very special wolves. She was a bit uncertain which would be strong enough to once again take up roots here, but the Gods Garden grew a great deal of it's own rare and unique herbs, which she was sure to add to her collection soon. But for now, Serene simply needed to clear out a good patch of land for her garden and then she would think about which plants she would like to try first.

Golden paws trekked across the dew dipped garden just as first light broke out across the sky, lighting the way for the healer to get to work. Past the great stones and overgrown margins of wood and wildflowers, Serene searched for her perfect spot. It was a relief that rain still blessed the land during this time of year, giving the world a chance to live on for a little while longer, which gave her just enough time to get her herbs going. Amber eyes scanned the earth for a place not too over grown with weeds, with enough access to both shade and sunlight for her different varieties of plant life. She was filled to the brim with excitement at the prospect of a new beginning, but she had no idea being able to choose where to start over again was going to be this hard!

