
14 Outrageous Outcomes of Ding-Dong-Ditch



3 Years
Extra large
11-24-2018, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2018, 12:29 PM by Sephira.)

Responsibility was weird. Having to do things usually sucked, because more often than not there were things Sephira wanted to do. Having to do a thing and wanting to do a thing were two very different.. uh, things. Anyways, she'd spent the early years of her life actively avoiding anything deemed boring or unfulfilling, but here she was on her way to do a boring thing all on her own. Iggy hadn't even asked her. No, she was just an awesome sister suffering for the pack's well being. Wasn't he lucky to have her? Honestly, she deserved a reward of some sort.

This internal monologue followed her all the way to the borders of Boreas' other new pack. She'd heard of its formation just a few days prior to Fyri's own genesis, so it seemed fitting that they formally introduce herself. For some strange reason Ig seemed to think she was 'improper' or 'prone to making bad first impressions' and had been handling much of the packs diplomacy so far on his own. She grinned, not unlike the cheshire cat. Silly Iggy. What could possibly go wrong? She chuckled to herself, and sat down a few paces back from the fresh border. In all truth she knew she probably ought to behave, and she really would try her hardest, but if this was nothing but boring speeches and curtsies and dainty little bows she was going to have to find some kind of mayhem on her way home to balance it out.

She tipped her head back howled for this pack's alpha, hoping he or she would be nearby. Or anyone, for that matter. Fyri itself was still a little sparse, so she wasn't sure how many wolves this pack had to canvass their own territory. She would wait a bit, maybe. Maybe. Honestly the thought of howling and then getting the hell out of dodge was equally amusing. Her smile remained as she waited, trying to picture the perplexed expressions of wolves walking onto that exact scene. Really, why on earth didn't Ig trust her with matters like this? She could not for the life of her come up with even a single reason, Sephira had never done anything wrong in her entire life. Not one single thing.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Extra large
11-25-2018, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 07:47 PM by Branch.)

He was in the process of running his borders. He was making sure the scent markers were strong, keeping an eye on prey and predator movement in and out of his lands, and being sure that nothing was out of the ordinary. He hadn't had anything abnormal yet, but he had to keep checking things. He knew if he let himself believe everything was okay then there would be more of a chance negative things could happen. He was not about to let anything destroy all his hard work so far. His thoughts drifted back to the leopard at his recruitment, asking what would happen if another gets greedy. He would fight if there would be a need for it, he had to protect his pack from harm.

A howl not far off drew himself from his thoughts and making him stop where he was. A summoning howl from his borders meant he needed to drop everything and head to the call. He didn't want to keep the other wolf waiting vary long. Quickly turning he headed towards the area the call came from, his pace fast so that he could get there in a timely manner. When he arrived his blue eyes looked in surprise at the exotic pelt of the wolf waiting for him. She had different colors, but her pelt reminded him of Aerndis.

"Greetings Branch Wreckage, Rom-Baro or alpha of this pack. How can I help you?" he greeted.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2018, 08:30 AM

Unfortunately for her sense of humor, an yet rather fortunately for everyone else, someone did indeed arrive at the border a short time later. He was a large wolf, even larger than her, but dark of pelt and he looked to be around her age. She saw a flicker of surprise in his gaze when he caught sight of her, but it was replaced quickly by an introduction and a formal sense of professionalism. What had she gotten herself into? Sephira cleared her throat and tried her best to affect something similar. "I'm Sephira Agnivo, Jarl of Fyri, second in command to my brother Ignatius." She shook her coat out a bit with a bit of a shimmy, already desperately uncomfortable.

Well, she'd lasted about as long as she could. The right side of her mouth hooked up in a half-grin and she went on, a bit less restrained."You beat us to the punch, I think. Your pack sprung up just a few days before ours, but we settled in the northern lands. I sent myself over to get introductions out of the way. To be perfectly honest, diplomacy bores the hell out of me but I still have a few questions." She rolled her eyes and thumped her tail on the ground a few times. Seph wondered how the male would react. Whether he was easy-going or strict and cruel. A lot could be learned by setting up a stage and seeing what happened on it.

"I'm curious about the sort of pack you've built here," she said, hoping he'd be willing to tell her a few things about their new potential rivals or allies. "Namely are you open to trading resources, and do we have to worry about waking up one morning and finding your wolves toeing over our borderline for no good reason." Her grin widened. Alliances never hurt, and she would be impressed by the balls on anyone who could admit to being a threat right-out, but more than that Sephira was eager to learn whether or not the packs here had any demands looking to be supplied. She had learned early in life that being able to provide something that was desired was a sort of power hotheaded fools usually overlooked. While she doubted they were as strapped for meat, there had to be something. Ig might not even accuse her of trying to start wars if she was able to come back with information like that.

"Talk" "You" Think

Ivy I


4 Years
11-26-2018, 09:40 AM
Though greeting a stranger's call at the borders wasn't really Ivy's place, she wasn't exactly one known for her regard for boundaries. Wherever she was needed, she would gladly go. Despite Branch technically being her superior now she was still bound to stick her nose in his business where she thought fit, and the sound of a stranger calling out definitely was something she found necessary to investigate herself. She took some time in making her way across the plains, still growing used to these lands as she slowly settled in.

It wasn't a surprise that Branch was the first to reach the call. She was quietly impressed at his attentiveness - not that she'd give her little brother the satisfaction of showing her admiration so openly. Instead, she fixed a watchful eye on the rather colorful pelt of the female he'd started speaking to. Her beauty was unquestionable, but that didn't stop Ivy from feeling wary about someone approaching their pack borders already. Gracefully Ivy loped forward, moving to stop near Branch's side, catching the tail end of his words.

It was hard to tell much about the female - she seemed confident and mostly honest, if Ivy had to guess, though she was usually quite skeptical of strangers in general until they proved themselves. Her trust, though not easily broken, was much more difficult to gain. It sounded like this Sephira had settled in a nearby land, and wanted to discuss pack things - despite admitting that diplomacy bored her. Well, at least she's being honest, Ivy thought to herself, appreciating the frankness, though she herself found diplomacy necessary in quite a few circumstances. Ah, well. This woman was not her kin and she had no say in how she conducted herself - and despite slight disapproval, she couldn't help but be intrigued.

It wasn't her place to answer, so she held her tongue despite feeling the words pushing on the back of her throat and threatening to spill. Instead, in a brief lapse in the conversation, she dipped her slender muzzle to Sephira in greeting. "Ivy Wreckage, Ferari of Kesali." She doubted this woman would know precisely what rank that was, or what it entailed, though it didn't exactly matter to her either.



4 Years
Extra large
12-02-2018, 06:23 PM

Branch had just finished his words when he heard another come up beside him. He glanced over to her smiling at his sister. It wasn't really her place to be greeting strangers, but Branch would be okay with it, it showed promise with her. She had always been more of the mothering and a bit more dominating emotionally then their other siblings and he would need higher ranked members. If she was here for this now and this ended up being an alliance, depending how she reacted and acted he may be more inclined at considering her for a different rank. It would be nice to have a lower ranked diplomat for the pack, but he still had time to mull over it. He wanted to see how everyone would react and act once they were fully settled in.

He would turn his attention back to the colorful female as she began to introduce herself, a secondary alpha of another fairly new pack. It was pleasing that she was saving him a trip north, especially when it was getting colder around here to begin with. She was fairly straight forward with why she was here and honest about the fact diplomacy matters did bore her, but none the less she was here and was being honest with him.

"I will happily try to answer your questions," he stated.

Though he was internally eager about this meeting, he was keeping his composure relaxed. He didn't want this other alpha to view him as a young pup. Last thing he wanted was to be viewed as too young or too eager to be in this position. Her questions were expected, it was similarity asked by Shaye when he met her the first time. He also felt it wouldn't be the last time he would have to answer it either.

"The pack I have built here is true neutral, we do not ever plan to lay sieges, attacks, or anything of ill intent. Basically all we want is to survive and part of are mission to survive is to trade. We already have one solid trade alliance with a pack and we are open for more if you and your brother desire." He replied.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



3 Years
Extra large
12-11-2018, 03:16 PM

Sephira's ears pricked as another wolf appeared on the scene. She seemed to be roughly of an age with the first, and while her coat was natural in color as well, she was far lighter in tone and figure. Sephira raised a brow at her entrance. Ivy, huh? And apparently she was a Ferari too, whatever that meant. Seph gave her a nod of greeting, subtly sweeping her eyes along the other wolves figure. Suddenly, diplomacy maybe didn't seem so terrible.

She turned back to Branch, drinking in his answers and quirking her head a bit to the side as she considered. A helpful, passive perfectly neutral pack? How convenient. She had no reason to believe he was being truthful, but he'd also given her no reason to think him a liar. Maybe it was her own moral standing that made it sound just a bit too good to be true. Eh, not like it was her business anyways. "I can respect that," Sephira mused. "The fight to survive is half the fun. Fyri is young, but we intend to build a respectable pack as well. No marauding unless provoked and all that," she tacked on with a crooked grin.

The prospect of a set trade alliance did pique her interest. So apparently there was a desire to exchange things here, even with the vast surplus that surrounded them. Then again, it wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with greed. Whatever the reason, she was certain Ig would be keen to oblige, and she herself knew there was a certain political power in being able to provide. "That would depend on the terms of this alliance," she began again. "And what you would have to offer us, as well as what your wolves desire most." She shrugged. "My brother and I are new to these lands. We are still familiarizing ourselves with how things are done."

She didn't want to offer up much more than that until she knew what Branch would expect from this arrangement. It was already going better than anyone had any right to expect, regardless. Sephira turned back to Ivy and her smirk broadened. "And speaking of, the hell's a Ferari anyways?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Ivy I


4 Years
12-16-2018, 11:12 AM
Ivy returned the warm smile to Branch as he greeted her silently, though it wilted into a much more serious expression when she cast her gaze to Sephira once again. She was the type to take charge, and always do what needed to be done despite it not being her place - and joining Branch in this call was a perfect example of that. She knew though - or at least she hoped - he wouldn't fault her. She had an air of professionalism that she knew most in their family couldn't match, or at least that was what she'd tell herself.

She was silent as her brother spoke up, noting the thinly veiled layer of enthusiasm beneath his words. It wasn't enough to discredit him in the eyes of a stranger, but it earned a slightly larger smile from her nonetheless. Typical Branch. His excitement was charming rather than over-the-top and she found a surge of fondness in her heart for her littermate in that moment. It was easy enough to focus back on Sephira when she spoke, deciding she was easily one of the most visually appealing wolves she'd ever met. Honestly, she'd never even seen wolves with coats that color, and that wasn't even including the colorful markings that trailed down her back. She was certainly a stark contrast to the far more natural coats of her own family. At least it gave her something to look at, though she was quickly reeled back in when Sephira questioned her, catch her briefly off-guard. If she faltered, it was only inwardly, though it felt like a much more obvious thing to herself. What had she been saying to Branch, again?

"A Ferari is a crafter, essentially," Ivy answered curtly, lifting a single brow as she regarded her. "I'm good at making things." She had no doubt she'd be at home in these lands, too, with the amount of useful trinkets she'd already seen lying about since her arrival in Boreas. Ivy could only hope that settle down wouldn't hinder her craft; wandering had always suited her lifestyle better but she hadn't been able to rest knowing Branch and the other half of her siblings were following him here. No, she felt much more at ease knowing she was here to support him, even if his idea still didn't seem like the greatest one in her mind.



4 Years
Extra large
12-24-2018, 05:25 PM

Sephira went on to explain about their pack, how they would only Maraud if provoked and that they were looking to create a respectable pack. They sounded similar to his own pack and it was also respectful that they were attempting that. He wished for the best for them and could ensure that there would be no trouble from them.

"Sounds respectable as well and I assure you there will be no provoking on our end," he said with a smile.

She seemed to have.... some interest in trading. At least she didn't down right decline the offer. It all depended on what the terms were, which could easily be worked out especially since they were still getting familiar with how things were done around here.

"Details can be worked out. What we have to offer is herbs, meats, pelts, bones, trinkets, and crafts for trade. We also can trade knowledge as well if you needs to train any of your members. What we need? Training for one thing, hunting and healing at least. " he said.

He wasn't sure if her brother needed to be present or if she needed to discuss it with him that's why he claimed the details could be worked out. Seph turned her attention to Ivy questioning what her rank really meant. He wasn't sure what Seph's reaction would be to hearing she was a crafter. He knew Ivy liked to present herself as important, which she was important.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'