
Sparkle Leatard


07-10-2013, 02:19 PM

The journey had been long, and painful. From her days borne to her mother, who never wanted a pup to begin with to her days with Ezra. The old healer, had taught Eris many things, things that came with healing others and she had also taught the young wolf lessons of the heart. Ezra, had taken care to teach Eris to protect herself from a lot, though none of her teachings were able to stand up to love. When she had first found Reven, injured and alone, she had felt it- a spark. Every time he would breathe, the air exiting his maw would send jolts of electricity through her body, speaking to a desire that she had never known.

The time she had spent with him had been heaven, and when she discovered she was expecting children- and he had announced he was moving on, within days of each other, her heaven had quickly descended into hell. She took care of herself and her unborn pups, as best as she could, finding solace in them and when she finally gave birth to them- her litter of still-borns, it hit her, like a tidal wave. In anguish she wandered, until she was swept out in the squall. The waves tossed her around, slamming her into rocks, as the drug her out into the mass ocean. She had been so numb, and so convinced that she was going to die.

When the storm broke, and she awoke washed up on the beach, she hadn?t known what to do or what to think. Surely the fickle fates had offered her another chance for a reason? She stumbled from the beach, taking shelter in a small hollow, sleeping until she felt well enough to search for a meal. It was long after that first meal that she had discovered the lands, to be called Alacritis and learned of several packs residing there. She first met a young she-wolf, Tahlia in caves and soon after that met the uniquely beautiful Elphaba during a storm.

Travels had led her to the borders of Valhalla, where she met the young warrior Ashtoreth, and helped treat her injuries. Finally, her travels had led her up north, towards the pack known as Glaciem. Eris had heard the rumors, of the challenge, and how the pack had generally mass exoduses from the lands, leaving the new alphas alone. It was that word, perhaps that had driven her to the borders. Any pack, that was just starting out needed a healer, at the very least, and perhaps here she could have a fresh start and become someone new.

Her small form came to a halt at the border, and she rested back on her haunches, tilting her head back. Her jaws parted and a sweet lyrical summoning howl came from them, calling the alphas of this pack, calling them to her, so she could request to join them. Her song came to an end, and she righted her head, staring off into the trees before her, waiting, and watching.



07-10-2013, 10:46 PM

A spine-quaking bawl would distract the queen from her dine, tongue lashing ardently at blood-stained lips as cranium would rise from the ribs of an outsized hare; pale gaze glancing instantaneously in the direction of which the christen had been heard. Gullet would gulp in a hasty attempt to finish fleshy morsel, mind ticking curiously over the identity of the unfamiliar voice as tail would begin to raise, an automated autograph of supremacy. Hesitance would prickle lengthy limbs, diffident to leave her meal though however unwilling to give the foreigner any more instance to consider exceeding the borders. Had they come in a fickle attempt to branch services, or would Eos be insolently surprised by yet another tongue-proud joker? Haunches would pivot prime weight, towers flicking with mild curiosity as the russet babe would move off at a resolute trot; muzzle dropped, seeking, searching.

The fae was a stippled illustration of pale russets, charcoal and silver, her small chassis but a smudge of saturation against the snow-bound landscape that enveloped her. She held herself with a frigid poise, haunches pressed in shallow comfort to the dusted soil beneath her. She seemed to hold no ill-intent, and Eos found herself quietly appreciating the vixens wise choice to clear the Glaciem Border. Syrinx after all, had already had his daily fill on lunch; she was sure there would be no room for more. Mind fluttered weakly over the image of her brother, her mate, before she would pause; standing with observable significance in the lower ladies presence. Shoulders would broaden, however expression remained almost aloof, ?Yes?? would be all that were necessary.


07-10-2013, 11:03 PM

Thanks Nyx!

Eris hadn?t waited long for the alpha of Glaciem to appear, and she was pleasantly surprised that it was the female of the alpha pair. Not that it would have mattered, but, it was surprising either way. Politely, she would dip her head to the woman, as she was addressed, before looking back up at her with a polite smile. She wasn?t much for many words, and preferred her time in silence, but still words were necessary in such a situation. The small fea, looked up to the alpha, her golden eyes warm as she opened her jaws, to speak after a few moments.

?Good Afternoon, Madame. My name is Eris, I know you do not have much time, nor do I intend to waste it with meaningless conversation. I came to your borders to speak with you about acceptance into your pack. I am a healer, you see, and in my personal experience, a healer is not something a pack can do without.? Eris wasn?t sure if the pack already had a healer, but even if it did, two couldn?t hurt. Especially in a pack that would grow. If Eos was to ask her, why she chose Glaciem, Eris already had an answer to supply. A break in her mental train, and she would offer more verbose. ?I would be glad to serve your pack with my skills, if you would have me.?

Ooc; is verbose even a word?

speech here


07-10-2013, 11:29 PM

The woman was notably older than herself, however drastically smaller; stout limbs hovering delicate body barely inches from the tapestry beneath her. A moment of curiosity would tap at her skull, towers flicking as the youth?s mind would struggle to recall ever crossing paths with a beast quite so tiny. It were unlikely for the fae to be of any use in battle, so what exactly could she do for the slowly-rising pack? The ladies cranium would lower lightly, an elegant dip of acknowledgement towards the recent arrival of Glaciem?s Alpha, a subtle suggestion of adequate respect in Eos? favour. Good. Tail would tick idly at hocks, harks swivelling with dwindling interest as the creature enlightened her motive of summon. Fabulous, she didn?t like banter- hell, Eos might have even accepted her on the spot.

?Your confidence, has it been earnt or is it self-inflicted?? cranium would raise, expression still somewhat void, pale gaze flicking with hazed judgement. Perhaps the question were far more rhetorical, Eos didn?t entirely expect the woman to respond. ?You speak so surely of yourself, woman; the only thing left to discover is whether you can practise what you so proudly preach,? feminine tones would draw to a brief pause, ?I will allow you Glaciem as a home, if your skills are so prudent, I may well be foolish to turn down such a prospect. However, chance is in your palms now, and if you find it in your interests to sway from your promises, expect the consequences.? Being accepted was the painless part, maintaining rank was where the challenge would lie.


07-12-2013, 03:12 AM

Small black ears, flicked at the other woman?s speech, her eyes calm and steady as she looked at the alpha. Something assorted to a smile, grew on her face. ?Do not confuse my confidence with arrogance, ma?am. A healer who is not confident in her abilities and skills is useless to anyone she tries to treat. I?ve treated many a wolf, in my years, and perhaps the one thing I?ve learned is to appear absolutely confident even if you?re scared shit-less.? Dare a curse-word be uttered from her maw, her tone was whimsical, light, the smile evident on her maw, and in her tone. Her rebutle wasn?t to inflame the alphess.

The woman?s final words, granted her acceptance, and Eris looked up to her new alpha studying her. This would be interesting, she decided, as she opened her jaws once more to speak. ?Thank you for the opportunity ma?am. If I am a disappointment, I would hope you'd tell me.? Though her tone was still light, her face grew somber- showing how serious she was. She didn?t want to be in a home, where she wasn?t being as useful as she was expected to be.



07-15-2013, 02:13 AM

The elder lady would respond with ease, the confidence that rested between her lips was enough support for Eos to presume the creature was speaking true to her word. Perhaps she was seasoned in the art of healing, or perhaps she had merely had the information passed down to her. Regardless, the russet queen was satisfied with whatever it were the charcoal-dusted femme was attempting to promote. She seemed to be a tolerable character, it would do Glaciem no harm to trial the petite vixen. Who knows, perhaps some day a healer would be needed?

Tail flicked idly at tapered hocks, ears flicking with a seemingly dwindling interest, ?You can count on it,? she would promise with a slightly bitter tongue. ?You seem an astute, bearable enough character, but do not get too ahead of yourself- Glaciem will treat you well only if you return it the same conscience,? lyrics would fade slightly towards the end, a fragile desire to leave the meeting begin to simmer behind pale gaze. Eos had never been a social character, and although it clashed slightly with her rank, she supposed she had brought it somewhat upon herself. It were only to be expected. Spine would twist, turning her body slightly away from the ladies own in a subtle suggestion that departure was passing mind.


07-28-2013, 05:35 PM

Ears flicked, taking in the other ladies verbose, and she watched with neutrally warm expression as the other lady turned indicating that her interest in the conversation had waned. Teeth would show in a slight smile, as warm words left her jaws. ?Good day, Lady Eos.? With that she would stand, and carefully cross the Glaciem border before stopping allowing her new alpha to leave ahead of her. Already her small frame slightly quivered with excitement, as she thought about her new home. What other wolves would she meet here?

She would wonder about the den she would have to make for herself, she would need something large enough to store herbs, and to offer space in case she had a patient. At the same time, she wanted something cozy and warm in the winter months. So many things.. were involved in this decision, and it was almost over-whelming. A small sigh escaped her jaws, as she lightly shook her head. There would be plenty of time for that later. Today, she just needed to meet her new home.
