
dying in L.A.



6 Years
12-07-2018, 09:57 PM


Exhaustion had long ago formed dark spots at the edges of his vision, and clouded his mind. Regardless, the young man pushed forward. They would catch up to him if he ever slowed down. Not that he moved quickly to begin with. His lame hind leg was in agony, each nerve alight with pain. The knee that had never been able to bend properly screamed with each step. Were it not for fear of a slow and painful demise, the boy would have crumpled to the ground miles ago. By now, he trudged blindly forth without a clue where he was going. His head hung between trembling shoulders, eyes long since shut against the light that made his head pound.

It had been quite some time since he'd lost the tracks that had led out of the slaver encampment, desperate to follow an invisible guide who had made it out long ago. Breath shuddered through his lungs, searing through his battered throat mercilessly. The young male hadn't been especially healthy to begin with, and it was a miracle he'd made it to this point. One paw in front of the other. Then another. It was all he could bring himself to do. If he let himself rest, he would never get up again. The ebony wisp knew that without a doubt.

Scent markers. Pungent and overwhelming to his brain, which had been numbed by the journey days ago. He stumbled to a halt before he could get much closer. Had he gone in a big circle? Returned to the clan that was likely to slaughter him on sight? Laboriously, he turned his head, cracked one eye open. This place was wholly unfamiliar to him. It was a blessing in disguise, promising that he had made it away from the slavers. For now. A mouse skittered oh so close to his toes, blind to the threat he might have posed. He didn't have the energy to swat at it in hopes of some kind of meal.

Toxic green eyes, softened by pale cerulean, tracked the brown form as it continued along foraging. What else was there to do? He couldn't raise his voice beyond a whisper, his tongue had turned to lead in his jaws. Perhaps he would die here- just waste away to nothing in a peaceful thicket. That didn't sound so bad.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 01:30 PM

The Autumn cold was beginning to overtake summer’s warmth, they were close to peak leaf change. Rhyme fluffed his fur around him as an icy northern breeze blew through him. The alpha shook it off as he continued down the path. He had worn quite the trail around Abaven’s borders, he and Shaye both made rounds multiple times a day and the effort had given them an easy road to travel. He was finishing his rounds over the borders of the thicket, the quietest of Abaven’s lands.

At first he believed that fact to continue to be true today, but he was soon upon a disturbance at the border. His eyes widened as he took in what he thought was a body. Dark and scarred Rhyme felt his heart give a flutter as he slowed and made an approach. He wasn’t sure what to think as he drew more near. He could have been walking into an ambush, or some kind of message. Who would leave a dead body for the leaders of Abaven to find though?

Both thoughts left his mind as he drew more near though. He was still breathing Rhyme realized, but also as he looked at his face he could clearly see Rhythm’s features. His jaw dropped slightly in surprise, unsure what to think for a long moment. Was this one of his half sibling slaves? If it was he hadn’t actually looked on his face since he was 6 months old. Rhyme tried to put the thought at the back of his mind, there was more important things to do.

He crouched as he dared to the scarred man. "Stay with us." He offered quietly, not wanting to startle him back into escape. "Help is on the way." Rhyme stood back up, lifting his head to call for Shaye and Imperia.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-08-2018, 02:46 PM

Fishing was an activity she decided calmed her. She had to be still, and patient as she waited at the water’s edge, waiting for her moment to strike. Sometimes she could be there for moment before a fish swam close to her, other times, it could be hours. She always had to position herself so her shadow didn’t fall across the water, least she scare the fish away. This was how the howl found, and she moved only her ears as they perked upwards, swiveling slightly to catch the sound.

Rhyme’s call was sharp and urgent, and she was quick to rush to her feet, startling a school of fish that swam lazily not far from her. She ignored the creatures, leaping across the expanse of water with a practiced step. Her leap expanded easily into a run, and she was tearing across the territory. She didn’t know why he called for her, but it did not matter. He second needed her, so she would be there.

The territory merged from the more open plains around the rapids, into the long grass of the thickets. She took a more leaping run as she shot through, grass smacking her in the face every step of the way. Whipping through her face, and she tucked her ear protectively over her feather, refusing to slow. She was panting a little as she finally came to the edge of the border, and skidded to a stop before Rhyme, and the injured wolf. She blinked, taking in the scene.

She approached the wolf, sniffing softly, her first thought was that he was dead as well, but a moment later she would see the rise and fall of his breath. “Is he awake?” Shaye asked, voice soft but all business. “Feather, grab Trillium, Wintergreen and white willow bark from my stores.” she ordered, lowering her body next to the injured wolf as she looked him over, noticing the many injuries, the lame leg. They were both raised by Rhythm, her and Rhyme, but they had not yet gotten a chance to see how they could work together in healing. “Why did you not call Vail, is there a danger here?” she asked, puzzled. it was what made the most sense, her and Rhyme could patch his man up together, they had the training, and then drag him back to Vail. but why not call Vail here, did he suspect whoever had harmed this wolf was near by? Grief, most of his injuries looked like they had be sustained over time. He had been in bad company for a long time. perhaps Rhyme was right to worry.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
12-08-2018, 08:59 PM


Thump, thump, thump. Silence. It wasn't his heart, beating so loud it nearly deafened him. The very ground beneath him trembled with whatever weight was behind those steps. He felt each strike against the ground through his bones. When had he laid down? Everything was fuzzy. Cracking open one toxic green eye exerted too much energy, but he felt his chest tighten at the notion that it might be one of the clan members. Wavering in and out of focus, a titanic form. Dark as coal, accented with pale streaks. Or perhaps it was a spirit, and the pale parts were where the body faded away. Was he dead? "Stay with us." that sonorous voice reverberated through his chest. He fought to get his feet back under himself, jerking awkwardly in one direction. His lame leg was completely useless, and his other joints screamed. He stayed on the ground. Maybe this one wouldn't kill him. Or he'd make it quick.

Instinct said to flee, but he was.. so tired. There wasn't the strength left in his body to get up and run. He blinked his eye open and shut a few times, trying to bring clarity to the figure. Nothing. "Help is on the way." A howl boomed through his skull, shaking his brains against their fragile casing. Had he the ability, he would have groaned at the sensation. All he could do was close his eyes again. Help. He liked the sound of that. Help would be nice. No one had ever helped him before. Not when his crippled leg turned septic, and his dead master had been unwilling to do more than pour cold water over it.

Breath fanned over his cheek. Lashes fluttered as he sought to crack his eye open again. Not both, that would be too hard. One was okay. Another dark furred wolf, marked in pale hues. Two ghosts? “Is he awake?” a voice like a thousand silver bells rang through his ears. Was he awake? This was an awfully nice dream, if not. Except for all the pain. And the loudness. And brightness. Those parts weren't very nice. The next words didn't register in his brain, they were too quiet. Not meant for him. None of it was, probably. Ghosts didn't talk to living wolves very often.

He closed his eye again. The chill from the dirt was seeping into his bones. If there had been energy in his muscles he might have shivered against it. Instead he let it dull the aches in his joints. It felt better that way. A heavy sigh heaved itself from his lungs, stretching his diaphragm in a satisfying way but igniting the pain in his ribs from when he must have toppled to the ground earlier.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 09:28 PM

The half dead creature seemed to try and spring to life as Rhyme came more near. He thought to assume he’d been chased, those scars were not of real battle. He doubted the crippled boy even knew how to properly hunt. He looked him over, seeing no real wounds but scratches from brambles and obvious exhaustion. He needed a long rest and a bit of pain reliever.

Shaye quickly caught up, sending feather for a few good herbs. Then she questioned why he hadn’t called for Vail. "I don’t see any new life threatening wounds, and my first thought was a potential ambush." He confessed looking over the dark wolf. He could hear imperia on her way, her wings cutting through the air as she finally landed on his shoulders. "Imperia I need to know if there are any other wolves in the near vicinity." He gave her the order and she took back to the air. "We need to get him some water."

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-08-2018, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2018, 09:58 PM by Shaye I.)

She grunted a response, a closer examination telling her his only wounds where old scars, and his current condition was likely from malnutrition and exhaustion. She grunted a response as Rhyme spoke of an ambush, and sent out his bird to investigate. Her own returned, bunches of each herb held carefully in her little beak. She took the Trillium and began cleaning out certain areas on his body, looking for any current wounds. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until she took a proper look at him.

She set the wintergreen aside, seeing she wasn’t going to need the rare herb, and instead applied white willow bark to his paw pads, after cleaning the grit from the cracks that long days of limping had left him with. The bark would help ease some of his aches, as well. But all in all, it was the malnutrition that had gotten him down. "Your right, the issue is mostly malnutrition and exhaustion, but I'm cleaning out his pads with Trillium - its a rare herb, but its ideal for keeping away infection, and the pawpaws are the worst place for infection to grow. i'm binding it with White Willow bark to keep it clean, and give the skin a chance to heal without being stretched from movement." she would speak out loud for the benefit of both the men - so her patient could have a soft, steady voice to listen to, and because she knew Rhyme had an interest in healing and every healer did things different.
“Does she have anything to report?” Shaye asked, all business as she took her eyes off the man who had fallen at her border.

When Rhyme gave the all clear she got to her paws. “Lets get him to the stream, we can wash these paws better there and get food and water into him.” she suggested, already moving to one side of him, prepared to help throw him over Rhyme’s body and hold him steady through the walk. As she nudged him gently, she had a hunch and gently poked his ribs, something about the way he winced even lying there, mostly still, alerted her to the problem. He moaned and groaned at her nudging, and with a tisk she got out the wintergreen - diluted priorly, and pushed it into his mouth where the mulsh could sit on his tongue and dissolve. She bound his ribs as she best she could, looking up at Rhyme. “I still think we are better off moving him, are you ready?” he looked like he was fleeing something, and she wanted him into the heart of her territory. She would get him down, get some food into him, and have her warriors set up a watch across the border where he had entered. She had a few now, and they could take turns. She spoke these very thoughts to Rhyme as she waited for him to get into position



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
12-08-2018, 10:09 PM


Talking between each other, the ghosts seemed to have quite a bit to say. Maybe they weren't ghosts. Ghosts didn't breathe all over you. Or rub plants on you. "Your right, the issue is mostly malnutrition and exhaustion," Which, had he the energy or the voice, he could have told these two himself. It was no secret to him that his body was in bad shape. "but I'm cleaning out his pads with Trillium - its a rare herb, but its ideal for keeping away infection, and the pawpaws are the worst place for infection to grow. i'm binding it with White Willow bark to keep it clean, and give the skin a chance to heal without being stretched from movement." The sensation of physical touch was wholly unfamiliar, but he wasn't sure if he hated it or not. Definitely had to be a real wolf, since a ghost would pass right through him. Shush, shush, shush, went the herbs over his body. Moved here and there over old scars.

Something cool pressed up against his paws, soothing the ache of his pads. He couldn't help the soft sigh that came with the easing tension of his muscles. That felt nice. No one ever made his body feel nice before, they only made it feel bad. White willow bark. His master had never used this before. Maybe it wasn't a useful poison, so he had ignored it. “Lets get him to the stream, we can wash these paws better there and get food and water into him.” This time she spoke in a way that he could only assume meant him. Washing his paws sounded nice. Were they gross? He had to assume they were filthy, after walking so much. Laying on the ground had helped him regain feeling in his paws, and he flexed his toes a little. The ones in his lame leg twitched, but didn't extend as much as the rest.

The lady prodded at his ribs none too gently, forcing him to grunt and groan under the assault. he could only wonder to himself why she chose to inflict that pain upon him. They weren't missing or anything, they were very clearly noticeable. Why was she doing this to him? He blinked a few times, trying to force both eyes to stay open for a little while. To get a better idea of where he was. Firm pressure settled itself around his ribs, but it didn't hurt as much as the poking and prodding of paws. “I still think we are better off moving him, are you ready?”

"I can walk." he wheezed. It was the first time he'd used his voice in days. It sounded pathetic. Not to mention, he was outright lying. However, he felt bad making these strangers take care of him. He was truly a disgusting worm, just like Grim had always said. A leech, even. Using up herbs from strangers, all because he was too weak to do simple things like walking.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 10:52 PM

Rhyme listened as Shaye offered him a little lesson in what she was doing. He perked his ears and took in the information as she worked, taking the somewhat unfamiliar herbs and applying them as she explained. Rhyme added them to memory this surely wouldn’t be the last time he encountered an exhausted wolf. Shaye was all business as she went on and asked about Imperia’s report. He couldn’t see her, but she hadn’t returned so it was likely there was nothing to report. "She hasn’t brought any news," He looked up at the sky to make a point of looking for his companion. "If there was anyone close she would have come back immediately."

He looked back to Shaye, feeling slightly better about their situation. They needed to get their sudden patient some water, wash his paws, and get a good meal into him. Rhyme could have gone for a drink at that moment as well. His mouth had gone dry when he though the scarred wolf was dead. "Yeah." Rhyme agreed as their patient gained enough consciousness to insist he could walk. Rhyme let out a morbid chuckle as he proceeded to wriggle the helpless creature onto his back.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-09-2018, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2018, 03:32 PM by Shaye I.)

The wolf spoke for the first time, his wheezing voice so quiet a gentle breeze could have hidden it from them. She heard it, crouched over him as she was, and looked up at Rhyme, who was already getting into position himself. He chuckled darkly, a single agreement falling from his lips. At least the boy was awake, and coherent. Well, actually maybe not so good. Moving him was going to hurt his ribs, and she would have rather done it when he was unconscious. The painkiller she administered would have had a chance to sink in now, so the pain would be dulled, at least.

She gave her head a soft, exasperated shake, that this boy, even mostly dead, would claim his own ability to walk. Both the Alpha’s ignored this declaration, and working together they heaved him onto Rhyme’s back. Shaye walked at his side, balancing him and trying to keep him as still as possible as they walked. She needed to get food and water into him, and there was a herb that aided in gaining weight, she would fetch some from Vail as they got food into him. She needed to organise her warriors… get a patrol going here. Hmm, perhaps she would get Rhyme to organize that well she fed the man.

“When we get to the rapids, can you fetch Ody? I’ll set him to guard the man, he’s nearly a good a healer as Vail, and he can keep him safe from whatever is chasing him. Then, can you fetch Ace and take him up to where we found him, back track his trail some in search of whatever he was fleeing from, if you don’t find it, disguise his trail into the pack and set up a watch.” she decided, knowing Rhyme was the best person to send, and feeling better if he had Ace at his back. “I’ll get food and water into the man. Some Alfalfa, too, for weight gain and blood strengthening.” she decided, already lost in her thoughts and plans as they walked.
"Who is he, and why here..." she asked softly, more to herself then then her Alpha partner.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
12-09-2018, 10:37 PM


For a moment, the young male wondered if he had been heard. His voice was quieter than a whisper, throat raw and battered. There was the grunt of a bitter laugh, a familiar sound to his tattered ears. The soft sigh was also familiar. He was used to not being taken seriously. No one listened to their slaves, after all. The pair of wolves picked him up with little effort, splaying him over the broad back of the male. He gasped at the pain that arced along his nerves as he was moved from the ground. His chest hurt, almost as bad as when Grim used to kick him until he lost consciousness. When the pain subsided, he took in a few shaky breaths. Lashes fluttered, eyes cracking open to look around again. Wow. Was everyone big? That must make him very small indeed. The female paced alongside him, using her shoulder and snout to adjust his body as he slipped and slid over the soft fur of the larger male. Everyone smelled nice. Musky, clean. No blood or bile permeating their coats. He liked it much better this way.

“When we get to the rapids, can you fetch Ody? I’ll set him to guard the man, he’s nearly a good a healer as Vail, and he can keep him safe from whatever is chasing him. Then, can you fetch Ace and take him up to where we found him, back track his trail some in search of whatever he was fleeing from, if you don’t find it, disguise his trail into the pack and set up a watch.” The feminine voice began to rattle off a list of commands, which the male was eager to follow. He sought only to please, and to repay her for using precious herbs on his frail carcass. However, he knew these demands were not meant for him. They were for the bigger male, who was clearly far stronger and more adept. “I’ll get food and water into the man. Some Alfalfa, too, for weight gain and blood strengthening.”

Food sounded wonderful, even though his stomach had long since lost the ache of hunger. Water, too, sounded good. His throat was so dry. Alfalfa sounded... not bad. If it was supposed to help, he supposed he would try it. "Who is he, and why here..." Had his head not been nearly level with her own, he might have missed it. "Epitaph." He wheezed. A name was a small price to pay for their generosity. That was all he could manage. He stared at her dark form, wavering in and out of focus.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-10-2018, 02:18 PM
Shaye helped their new charge onto Rhyme’s back, he could feel the emaciated figure cringe as he was positioned. His pain couldn’t be helped, they had to get him off the border and somewhere he could start to recuperate. He silently thanked Shaye for explaining all the herbs she had planned for their charge. He was a decent healer, having Rhythm as his mother, but he hadn’t been able to practice much in previous years.

She was also quick to give him orders, thinking in relative similarity to himself. Someone to keep an eye on their charge and more patrols where he had turned up. He couldn’t argue with anything she said either, the plan was solid and once the black cripple was where he needed to be Rhyme would get to his orders. "You’ve no argument from me." He offered, "Thanks for the mini lesson too." He added a bit more quietly as she wondered aloud at his origins. Rhyme hadn’t quite been able to think about his suspicions but he stopped suddenly when the boy said his name.

His eyes widened as he craned his neck to look at the scarred boy. The uncanny similarity to Rhythm’s features, the scars oddly reminiscent of those often worn by slaves. And his name. Epitaph. His mind recalled the dark furred pup with impossibly green eyes. Just like his father. "Shaye, did you notice how much he looks like Rhythm?" He asked, unable to keep going until his thoughts had been put into the open. "I could be wrong, but I think he’s an escaped slave. My half brother."

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-10-2018, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2018, 01:15 PM by Shaye I.)

Rhyme agreed with Shaye’s plans, and they walked as carefully as they could to the rapids. Before they arrived the dark victim would manage to squeeze out a word, hearing her soft enquiry. The name meant nothing to her, but Rhyme seemed to react to it, craning his neck to look at the boy on his back.

Looks like rhythm? the man was a deep black, no browns on his body. If he had the destruction markings they were hard to see against the deep midnight tones. No, she saw no resemblance to her Auntie, still, she would take Rhymes words to heart. He would know best. “It doesn't matter, we live in the now. If the slavers end up on our borders, all the better for us to take our revenge.” she said softly, it didn’t change anything. He was theirs now, and they would protect him.

They reached the stream and Shaye assisted him in getting the man down. “Well fetch Ody first? I’ll wait till he gets here before I get him food and finish caring for him.” Shaye explained, and then Rhyme could take Ace to the border, and start their investigation. She raised her head and howled to the healer warrior, so she could set the man on watch and explain what was going on



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
12-16-2018, 01:52 PM
Heavy as he was, the avenger could move swiftly when necessary. He was at the river in a flash and taking in the scene with a hard and practical eye. It didn't take a genius to read the situation are realize something was amiss. A cursory sniff told him the male at their paws wasn't a packmate, but he was such a pitiful thing that Odysseus immediately discarded the possibility that he'd caused trouble of some sort.

Odysseus glanced from face to face before settling his heavy gaze on Epitaph's prone form. He kept it there as he padded closer and took the liberty of looming over the boy to get a better look at him. Once satisfied he backed up a couple steps and glanced again between Shaye and Rhyme.

"What have we here?" he rumbled just as Olafur clamored down from a nearby tree and padded over.

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.



6 Years
12-16-2018, 11:00 PM


ooc. sorry for the wait, finals have destroyed my ability to function normally

Jostled by the sudden shift of the larger male's body, the young male's ears tipped back timidly. Oh no, was he in trouble? Glazed eyes rolled to take in the look of.. horror? Shock? "Shaye, did you notice how much he looks like Rhythm?" his sonorous voice rumbled through Epitaph's very bones as the male spoke. Who was Rhythm? "I could be wrong, but I think he’s an escaped slave. My half brother." A half-brother? This was so odd. Sure, he'd been born with siblings, but his two sisters had been separated from him rather early on. One to a much kinder master than he, and the other was taken as an apprentice to their sire. In those moments, the boy had been able to glimpse his father- but that had been the most he'd ever seen of Toxic.

The male had allowed his mind to wander, contemplating what this new knowledge might entail. Sure, it had occurred to him that his dam had been forced to bear other children, but he'd never put much thought to it. Her features were fuzzy in his mind's eye, he had been taken from her so early on. “It doesn't matter, we live in the now. If the slavers end up on our borders, all the better for us to take our revenge.” the female spoke, and he perked up. What kind of revenge were they plotting? Oh no, they shouldn't attempt to take on the clan in a battle. The slavers were vicious, and would destroy these kind hearted wolves. No, that wouldn't do. After being so kind to him, there was no way he could, in good conscience, let them be destroyed. Once he was better he would tell them. When he'd had some water. Maybe some food.

The act of being shuffled from the male's back and to the ground knocked the breath clean out of him. He was exhausted, and his feet were beginning to regain enough feeling to scream with pain. Regardless, he tried to arrange his limbs in a better way. More comfortable. No, he didn't quite have the strength to sit properly, did he? “Well fetch Ody first? I’ll wait till he gets here before I get him food and finish caring for him.” She spoke with such ease, it made him wonder if other wolves did not suffer under the burden of anxiety as he did. Another wolf? Terrifying. That was so many. They could all decide to tear him to shreds, and that would be the end of him. He was busy trying to get his front legs beneath himself when Shaye called for the unknown wolf. His breath hitched uncontrollably. No, he didn't like this one bit. This was too many wolves, all around him.

He managed to secure one elbow against the ground by the stream. That would be good enough for now, right? He laid his heavy skull down upon his forelimb, thoroughly exhausted by the endeavour. His ribs throbbed with each beat of his heart. So tired. His torn auds twitched at the sound of water rushing nearby, and his throat began to remember its ache. Epitaph felt as though he could drink down the entire stream as it rushed past.

Thunderous pawsteps set his heart racing out of pure instinct. Someone was coming. Someone enormous. A whine scraped along his throat, but made only the sound of a soft sigh as it escaped him. Toxic green gaze rolled to catch a glimpse of the approaching wolf, nerves firing all the way down his spine to create a cool shiver of fear. He was just as terribly giant as Epitaph had feared. Eyes as red winterberries, the rest of him coal dark. He kept coming closer without showing signs of stopping, eyes focused and intense. Epitaph didn't like this wolf looking at him like that- like he was prey. He screwed his eyes shut as tight as he could, ears flat against his skull until they were hardly visible anymore. Don't look at me, don't hurt me. If he laid completely still, most wolves lost interest. They walked away after a cursory kick or curse. "What have we here?" the titanic male rumbled.

Epitaph prayed they would say it was nothing, and make this big male go away. Pry the intent gaze away from him. Why was everyone here so big?


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-17-2018, 09:22 PM
He tried to lower Epitaph to the ground with grace but wound up jostling the escaped slave more than he liked. He would have rest and relief from the pain soon enough. Shaye sounded determined, making no note of their potential relation. Of course Rhyme could have been wrong, but he saw his mother and Toxic in the boy's face. Those eyes..
He nodded as Shaye called for Odysseus and Rhyme had no doubt they wouldn't have to wait for long. He returned his gaze to Epitaph, his worry and fears obvious on his face. "You're safe, Epitaph." He rumbled softly as Odysseus appeared before them. "I found him on the border during a patrol. He's been running hard, exhausted, lots of old wounds. We think escaped slave." He looked to Shaye, he was about ready to be off, retracing the boy's steps. Grabbing Acere probably wouldn't have been a bad idea in case he needed backup. He only hoped they hadn't sent too many Hunters for one crippled wolf