
Oppurtunity Strikes Again



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
12-16-2018, 09:15 PM

He was in for a good hunt today and had headed out of the pack lands in the early morning to go track something down. He originally started his day in the springs where their last hunt had taken place, looking for the deer herd that had been hanging around here. It seems the herd had been scattered, which he assumed that it was merely because the hormones in the deer were all over the place this time of the year. So the young hunter made his pace steady and headed back for the pack lands looking for fresh trails as he went. There was a lot of old ones zipping in every direction, but he was having a hard time finding a fresh trail. He headed up the grassy incline of the falls and right near the top his nose had found a fresh deer trail which made his tail wag in happiness. Like a hound dog to a trail he worked slowly and quickly, fully focusing on staying with the trail, even when it crossed water. After crossing the water, he could smell to more deer filing in line with the first trail and it winded up towards the plains that Abaven had claim over. The trail was hot which had to mean he wasn't to far behind the deer and the best thing was, if he had a few good targets he was in distance to call the pack to help.

He slowed his pace more when the trail began to steadily grow stronger and even paused as he heard a grunt not far ahead of him. Lowering himself he began a slow stalk, his ears perking as the distinct sound of antlers smacking and rattling together began. This was even better, if there was two bucks fighting maybe one of them would get wounded enough for a bigger and better meal. He took a moment to calm himself, not wanting to get to excited and make some stupid mistake that would spook off these deer. He stayed low and slowly worked himself to a spot where he could see two large buck fighting and one decent sized doe watching from a far. He settled himself in the spot and quietly watched the fight. Both bucks were large, with wide racks and many points. The one though had some scaring and Allegro could tell he was older then the second buck. Patiently the young male watched as the two determined buck fought each other and the fight was going on so long that he feared they would never end. Clashing and kicking, snorting and digging the earth up. There had been several times they would briefly back up and the younger buck would immediately charge again, catching the older one off guard and slicing him with the sharp points on the antlers. The loser in this fight would be the one two wear out first and Allegro was beginning to see more and more sloppiness from the older buck. He was wearing out and the younger one was beginning to beat him up.

It seemed as though the older buck wasn't keen on letting it's pride slip and still tried to fight. Then they clashed again, but the older buck lost it's footing and went down. The younger one began to kick and thrash it's horns, pushing into the older buck making him let out a pathetic bleat. Allegro readied himself thinking this would be the end of the fight. The young buck wasn't giving the other one much of a chance to get back up. Watching and waiting he watched it drawn out a bit longer before the older buck finally got up and attempted to flee, but falling several times along the way. Allegro altered his course and quickly fallowed the older buck waiting for him to get far enough away that he would go down and try to rest himself. He could hear the male crashing through the brush and stalked after him. When things quieted Allegro lowered himself and moved more quietly his ears picking up the heavy breathing coming from the buck up ahead. He still had to be careful, even if the animal was completely worn out, those antlers were still dangerous. The buck soon came into view, worn out and laying on the ground trying to catch it's breath. He moved in quietly, coming up from behind the animal, within it's blind spot.Once directly behind the buck he made a sudden dash left then lunged forward, latching onto it's neck. It managed to lift it's head and Allegro let go as he done so, but quickly snapped forward again, taking the hold he wanted and forcing his body weight into the animal's neck. His jaws were locked over it's windpipe and Allegro began thrashing his head back and forth trying to dig his grip deeper and deeper to crush the animal's air supply and also sever it's artery at the same time.

He didn't have any fight left and made it easy for Allegro to finish him off. Once the animals body relaxed and he knew the creature was dead he released his hold and lifted his head, howling for any hungry pack members who would like to join him in a meal.

Word Count: 882

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think"


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-17-2018, 05:12 AM

Ace ventured out with the fox kits again, though ensured that they knew the potential dangers in this part of the pack lands. He instructed them to stay close and not wander off since there were so many snakes in the plains (pun intended), and that they needed to be careful else they'd find themselves bitten by something more dangerous than a garden snake. The giant male lumbered along at a slow pace, the two fox kits weaving between his legs as they chased each other around him. Well, it was good to see them listening to his orders even if it made it a bit difficult for him to walk properly. He heard commotion up ahead but paid no mind to it. The sound was familiar, and he could tell it was that of two bucks going at it over females. While he didn't have a female of his own, it amused him to think about the lengths some animals went to just for the chance of having a mate.

When he heard the howl of someone up ahead, he took a guess that someone had managed to bring something down and was now calling for the pack to share in the bounty. "You two hungry?" He questioned the kits, stopping them both with one large paw. "Yeah! I'm starvin'!" Ace chuckled as the young boy spoke, his tail swishing as he stepped over him. "Alright, let's go see what's on the menu." He led the way with the kits still underfoot until he spotted a white male with golden markings standing near an old buck. Curious, he wondered if that was one of the ones he heard a little bit ago. He approached the young male, while the two kits rushed right up towards the stranger and his kill. "Look! It's a big 'ole buck!" The male kit exclaimed as he led his sister right up to it. The boy aimed to pounce right onto it as if he was going to dig right in, but Ace bounded the last few paces and swatted him off before he could get a bite. "Hey! You need to ask first before just going right up and taking what you want! Manners are important you know,"

He sighed with exasperation as he turned his attention to the male that had brought the buck down, an apologetic look in his eyes. "Sorry about that, I'm trying to teach them manners. Nice kill you got here, very well done." He praised, "My name is Acere, and these are my two new charges. What's your name?" He wanted to try and get to know everyone in Abaven so he would have names to put to faces. Plus he figured he ought to actually know who he lived with and who his pack mates were.




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
01-27-2019, 10:22 PM

Allegro looked to the buck, thankful for the opportunity. It would feed several within the pack and make less work for him over the next day or two. He also was eyeing up the horns thinking he may keep them. He didn't know what for, but this was his first decently big kill even though it truly wasn't him that did all the work at least the old guy didn't suffer and he would be put to good use.

His attention drew away from his kill as he saw two fox kits heading this way and behind them traveled a large light colored wolf. The foxes must be his companions. Allegro simply let the male deal with the two kits as he corrected the one for not having manners. The male then turned his his attention to apologize and praise him for the kill. Lastly he introduced himself as Acere a wolf Allegro hadn't met yet.

"Not a problem, they can eat their fill and thank you," he started. "I'm Allegro, it's nice to meet you Acere, have you been a member long?"

Allegro had failed to be extremely social which didn't make much sense since one of the reasons he joined was to have more social interaction and company. He had been throwing himself into hunting, trying to do his part to keep the pack fed for fall and winter.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-29-2019, 02:58 AM

Allegro. Huh, he guessed that this guy was probably a Destruction as well. They name seemed to fit the theme so far, which was amusing to him. He nodded when the male thanked him for the praise, then motioned to the kits to dig in. They didn't hesitate at all once given the go ahead. The pair tore at a leg like a pair of ravenous wolves, acting like they hadn't eaten for days. He turned his attention back to Allegro, "Thank you again, I'm sure they appreciate it." He chuckled as he took a seat. "I haven't been here for very long. I recently joined with my niece and nephew, Actaea and Ignis." He observed the kits as they ate before continuing. "And you? Were you born here? I assume you're a Destruction as well, but correct me if I'm wrong."

speech action



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
01-30-2019, 07:58 PM

Allegro watched the kits dig in, pleased he could do his part and to help feed the pack. It felt good for his catch to be enjoyed. He looked back to Acere as he spoke again, giving more appreciation.

"Not a problem, I'm just glad someone's hungry, I don't want things to go to waste," he said with a bright smile.

He went on to say he hadn't been here long and came with two others. He would remember the names, hoping he may run into one of them, maybe even hunt with one of them. He then turned the question on Allegro. Acere had assumed right he was a Destruction, but where in the extensive family he was, he didn't know.

"I was not...... Me and my two siblings were born outside of the lands, my parents brought us here to be reunited with family, mainly my grandmothers, but I got separated from them and for a bit lived on my own." he started. "I met Shaye who I believe is.... a... cousin? Not quite sure what she technically is. I joined Abaven shortly after she had taken over."

"So yes I'm a Destruction, but I've just recently found out how extensive my family actually is." he added.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2019, 02:53 AM

Ace responded with a nod, though he still wasn't quite pleased that the kits had been a bit rude about it. But well, kids will be kids he supposed. He tried his best to teach them what he could, even if half of what he tried to teach them went in one ear and out the other. Allegro went on to answer his questions and explain, and Ace found it amusing. There were so many Destructions, it was almost hard to keep track of them all. Of course, he probably only knew about a fraction of them. If the family was as extensive as he thought, then he didn't doubt that this male was a cousin of some sort to Shaye...and probably Rhyme...and Arpeggio...and whatever other Destructions were out there. It was amusing, really. His own family wasn't even that extensive as far as he knew, but of course he didn't know how many women Elias had impregnated, let alone Elias' kids.

"To be honest, I'm not surprised that you're a Destruction. So far from what I've seen on those that I've met, you all have distinct markings that sort of...ties you to your family line. Namely the markings under your eyes," He wondered then what the founding father of Abaven looked like. Did he have the same markings too? The Praetor line didn't seem to have very distinct markings. Perhaps some coat colors that were inherited more than others, but nothing like the Destruction line. "I'm sure Shaye or someone else would be able to clear up who's who in your family. I'm afraid I'd be useless in that department, I don't know much about your family or who's in it." And that was fine by him. There were probably so many that he'd more than likely get them mixed up at some point.

speech action