
Quiet Contemplation


07-10-2013, 01:03 PM

They tended to forget what she really was, what she had been molded and formed to become. She was no innocent creature of laughter and light, she was a warrior, trained in the harshest of climates and shaped to be a killer. Arkhein. That name still brought a jolt of something indescribable careening down her spine. From the tender age of one they had found her, scooped her up and made her apart of their militia, she was smaller than most of its warriors, but she utilized every advantage she could. She had never gained the blood-thirsty mentality of her fellow pack mates, but she had surely possessed skills in combat, lest they would not have kept her, she merely didn't utilize them often.

She lazily sprawled somewhere deep within the heart of Valhalla, plume drifting in all sorts of directions with a mind of its own, crystalline blues were narrowed and focused, searching the forest, seeing a great deal of things and of course, nothing at all. Her cranium was poised almost regally as she allowed her mind to wander, back to her achieved revenge, back to the ivory dame she had left crippled. She remembered the first time she met Morgan, she remembered how close they had become, and then she remembered the sting that fatal twist of a knife when Morgan betrayed her, when Morgan took everything from her. She was lucky that all she had decided to take was her womb.

She sighed softly, head falling with a thump between her forelimbs, a tiny bit of guilt gnawed away at her, but nothing she couldn't shove down. She wasn't a killer, she didn't enjoy bloodshed, but she had been stepped on all her life and when the opportunity had presented itself, to finally gain revenge... she couldn't say no. She didn't regret taking Morgan's womb, but she did regret that Morgan ever betrayed her... because if the ivory fae had not... there was no doubt in Evelette's mind that the two would still be best friends.




07-10-2013, 10:16 PM
Morgan had told her everything, and Chrysanthe was honestly mortified at what the white wolfess had done. She had taken something from Morgan that could never be returned, and the bitch thought that she could simply live her life as if she commited no crime? Perhaps she was completely deluded, if she thought that what she did would hold no consequence. The alpha's temper flared, and she held back a bubble of anger that wanted so badly to erupt into a snarl. Oh if only she had been told sooner, if only she had been there to protect Morgan - but she had not. She could only do what she had set out to do. She could only react with what she had been told, what she had been given. No longer would Evelette live life as if she were a dainty female living within Valhalla's safety. This was betrayal, for her to live here on this pack's land and eat this pack's food all under the facade that she were innocent. Betrayal - the word was heavy, it stung and festered. Chrysanthe was beyond livid.

There was no wrath like an Adravendi scorned.

Yet she had made a promise to Morgan. That Evelette's punishment would not be physical. She had asked the alpha not punish the woman, and although the request was made out of misplaced blame, she would respect the woman's wishes as best she could. As badly as she wanted to rip out the traitor's womb and leave her bleeding just as she had Morgan, she held her poise. There was fire in her eyes, a dangerous mission to her every step, but blood would not be shed tonight. Not unless the alabaster witch asked for it.

When she finally found the woman, she seemed to be spending a moment of her time in leisure, sprawled in Valhalla's heart. "Evelette." There was no denying the anger that was laced in the alpha's voice, her tone sharp. She had awoken the fiery girl's rage. "Stand up." This was the closest thing to a trial she would receive. If there was anything that she wanted to say before her punishment was given to her, this would be her only chance.

Looking her over she nearly snorted, "You do not look like a guilty woman, yet your crimes tell a different story. You ripped the very womb from one of MY warriors." Whether she was guilty or not was not up for discussion. "Explain your reasoning." Perhaps it would serve purpose. Perhaps it would not.


07-10-2013, 11:04 PM

Evelette fell, careening back and forth between sleep and consciousness, she was waning in her years but apparently she still had a bit of fight left in her. Did she expect to be released scott free? Of course not. She understood every action held a reaction, but hers had been justified, she would never apologize for gaining revenge upon a traitor, not one that had wounded her so deeply. Evelette had lived with her depression for years, Morgan had a few days of brutal pain and then she would be freed, freed of pain, freed of agony. The bitch had already had enough whelps, she didn't need more. She didn't deserve more. She would listen to whatever the Alpha needed to say, what punishment would be hers. She may accept it, or she may not, it all depended on circumstance.

Speak of the devil... the command came swift enough and the ivory goddess obliged, rising to her pads. Her plume dusted the earth behind her as it kept her balance before falling still, limp and relaxed between her thighs, it would do none of them any good for her to grow defensive and mad. She would not return the Queen's rage with discourtesy. It was not in her nature. She doubted anything she spoke would do much good, this woman seemed intent on punishing her, before she had even heard her side of the story.

?I suppose I should start at the beginning. My parents, I never knew them. Whether I was abandoned, or they were killed I know not. A pack named Arkhein found me stumbling around and offered to take me under its wing. They were a militant pack, cold and heartless to anyone but their own. I could never mold to that and spent a vast deal of my time away from home, it was in these unclaimed lands that I met Morgan. We became the best of friends, it mattered not to her that I was from Arkhein and it mattered nothing to me that she was from Valhalla. We met in secret, laughing, exchanging stories, we became the best of friends, I called her my sister.? She paused here, crystalline blues turning foggy, it had been a long time since she had remembered the good times with Morgan.

?Arkehin, in an attempt to make me stronger, make me more...cold, bestowed upon me a mentor, by the name of Freak. He trained me day in and day out, I grew to like him, love him even, he became my best friend. The next time I saw Morgan, I told her all about him. He had deemed me his mate and come my next breeding season... I would become his in all ways. Morgan had also fallen in love, with your father in fact, but at the time he still pinned for Alice. She was bitter and hateful, she hated her for stealing Cairo and I comforted her the best that I could, but there was little I could do to appease the hurt. When my heat came I grew swollen with his pups, and she found Freak, seduced him, drew him too her, her bitterness brought about his brood within her womb.? The hurt that statement caused her was clearly painted across her maw.

?They were the only family I had, I damned Freak, drew him into a fight, lost my puppies and the fight left me near dead. I abandoned Arkhein, traveled alone. Chrysanthe they were the only family I had and both of them betrayed me. Freak got his due punishment, but Morgan never got hers. I did not take her life, but I took her womb. She stole my family, so I took her chance at expanding hers. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. I won't apologize, because I'm not sorry, I've lived with their betrayal for years, she will feel pain for only a brief few weeks. I could have killed her, but I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to truly get revenge because somewhere, deep down, she is still my sister. Do I feel guilt for what I have done? Of course. I am not heartless." Emotions swirled in the depths of crystalline blues. Guilt, anguish, pain, determination... she would not be broken. Not by this dame, not by anyone.




07-10-2013, 11:34 PM
She asked what had happened, she had asked for her to explain what had justified her within her own mind to do what she had done. The alpha was livid, yes, but she would not relinquish her rage until she heard both sides of this madness. No matter what Evelette had done wrong, she had wounded another Valhallan, she would not get out of that scotch free. But Chrysanthe was not unfair, she would at the very least listen to what the other had to say. While Evelette spoke the woman was attentive, her eyes fixated on the ivory fae. The woman spoke of a hard life, she went through hardships within her previous pack, perhaps their lessons had stuck with the dame, but that was still no excuse for what she had done.

And then she spoke of the male she glorified at that age, and trusted even now more than the woman that she had once called her sister. Chrysanthe of course, would believe one of her longest pack mates before a male that was as good as dead - but perhaps Evelette was blinded by her affections for Freak. "Freak has done neither you nor Morgan any good - he ripped apart a family." She and Morgan had once been close. " Regardless of her previous feelings toward my father, he was the one to approach her. You saw what bitterness and hatred does, you saw how vulnerable and hurt Morgan was, and you still acted upon your own hurt feelings and hurt her over a petty grydge. It was an act of foolishness over a mistake made that should have long since been forgiven and forgotten."

"I could kill you for what you have done, Evelette. Treachery like this is not punished lightly in Valhalla." Not while she was running it. "It certainly crossed my mind." It was still there, looming in the darkness, she need only say the words and the fight would begin. "But Morgan asked me not to punish you despite the lifelong scars you have inflicted upon her - she is more of a sister than you can even begin to fathom." The alpha thought of her own sisters, and it was nearly laughable! That a male could come between such a bond. Not even Eos, who she was not extremely close to, would never be betrayed because of someone she took as her mate. Family stood beside each other - Evelette clearly had no semblance of understanding toward the word... perhaps that was not her fault. Perhaps Arkhein had taken that from her. "You took your own chance at a family, when you chose revenge over forgiveness." Her words were grave, spoken harshly but not loudly, her anger was a contained force, yet still a force to be reckoned with.

With that her mind was made up. She had heard Evelette's side of the story, but she would not go unpunished - they both surely knew this from the start. "You will remain in Valhalla as an omega. Until you somehow prove your worth and provide me reason to reinstate you as a member and not a traitor, you will not be considered a part of this family, nor try and start your own." A second chance, there was a glimmer of hope should she choose to remain compliant. "You will not take a mate, and you will not breed. Should you become pregnant I will abort the litter myself." An eye for an eye she said? It would count toward what she did to Morgan as well. "Should you try and leave while serving your sentence, it will be your final mistake."


07-10-2013, 11:54 PM

The ivory dame would not be moved or swayed, all emotion fell from her maw like lead weights and her posture stiffened decision already made. Her tail would flicker, before falling still, she would not flinch nor would she back down, Chrysanthe held no place within the ivory woman's heart, she meant nothing to her, she had not joined Valhalla for her and yet.... rage coiled in the pits of her stomach, although she did not let it show.

?You would denounce me to omega? After you caused your late father a heart attack? It was I that attended him first while you and your brother were engaged in a death match, it was Erani and I that saved your father and that was after what I had done to Morgan, is that not enough to at least rise from the position of omega? You deny me everything when you yourself are guilty of petty grudges that should have been forgotten and forgiven long ago. You challenged Syrinx the instant he denied Epiphron the throne because you acted impulsively and caught in your rage. It was you that caused your family a heart attack and an almost death... how is that any different from what I have done?? Her words were utterly toneless, but truthful. ?Do not point blame at me when you yourself are guilty of equal crimes.?

?I will bear my punishment, but have you beared yours?? The dame waited no more for a response. What had been said had been said. Her punishment dealt and accepted. Evelette slunk further into the territory, eyes glowing with silent fury, before vanishing between the trees.

-Exit Evelette-




07-11-2013, 01:51 PM
Cairo was gone - but it was a far cry from her fault, or Syrinx's. They had fought for leadership, a natural part to life, and of course neither would even so much as maim the other. It was not a death match, it was a rank challenge, and the only thing that Evelette had proved in her words that had neither correct facts or common sense within, was that she was hopelessly ignorant. She held no grudge with Syrinx, only a healthy relationship between siblings, something that this woman would not understand. "Cairo was a beautiful father, but an old soul. His death is far from the fault of Syrinx or I." She cast a heated gaze upon the woman moments before she turned to leave. "It would be best of you to watch your mouth before you go spewing your ignorance on matters that are beyond your understanding." Family definitely being one of them. Another being what impulse and rage truly were... perhaps this witch was always impulsive and bitter?

Whatever the case, she had not the civility to listen to what anyone but she herself had to say. So Chrysanthe would not waste more of her time, nor her breath on the ivory dame. Her punishment had been given, she had consented to the terms, and the alpha would keep an eye on her to make sure that she didn't break them in the future.
