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4 Years
12-20-2018, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2018, 03:08 PM by Tyranis.)

Tyranis had awoken that morning to the noticeably sour scent of bear wafting through his forest.  With winter fast approaching it was nearly impossible for him not to remember the solstice ritual Ruina would have partaken in, had the pack lasted more than a handful of months.

The king called for his fighters and his son to join him as he tracked the bear to the crypt just north of their territory. For a bear to be active so late in the autumn was worrisome but what was important now was getting rid of the pest before it decided it would permanently make its home beyond their borders.

He had gone in ahead of the others to flush the bear from hiding and draw it into the open where they could all attack simultaneously. He had grown bolder since raising his pack and was quickly on his way to becoming fearsome in his own right. This bear in fact would be the second he fought off in his short lifetime, while most could only claim chance encounters with one where they barely survived.

He found the bear, a great beast larger than his first in size but with a yellow coat that stank of bear piss. Its eyes were gummy with mucus and as it lifted its head to regard him it was only able to utter an apprehensive groan that was thick and wet sounding. This would be easy and over with quickly.

With a snarl Tyranis surged forward seizing the bear’s great black nose in his jaws and pulling it back with the might of every muscle in his body. The bear roared in fury and agony, while Tyranis released his grip and danced back from the bear’s swiping paws. The bear lumbered to its feet and roared again this time bracing its muscles to prepare to charge for him. With a grin Tyranis bolted toward the mouth of the cave, his ears swivled back to hear the throaty grunts of the yellow beast as it charged behind him, quickly closing the gap between them.“Get ready!”He called to his fighters as he cleared the cave’s entrance.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-20-2018, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2018, 09:00 AM by Cloudburst.)
Cloud had detected a strange scent while he had been tracking another herd, though he wasn't quite sure what it was. He had returned from his failed trip tracking a large herd of elk, his entire body still pretty sore from the mudslide caused by the freak storm that had happened. His companion soared above him, scouting the area for possible signs of danger. Cloud had determined that it was best to let his brother know about the strange scent, but it seemed his brother had already discovered it. The monochromatic male changed course and made his way to where his brother was, and it didn't take long for him to hear the strangest grunting noises followed by what already sounded like the beginnings of a fight.

His companion called out to him, urging him to hurry. Despite his unhealed injuries, Cloud quickened his pace until he was racing through the lands. He spotted Ty and one of the largest beasts he'd ever seen. Bi-colored gaze watched for a moment as Ty went right in for an attack before backing off and running towards the entrance of the nearby cave, seemingly trying to draw the bear out. Without hesitation, Cloud raced after the pair with the intention of stopping the bear from catching up with his brother too much. Ty's words had not gone unheard, and he assumed he meant that now was the chance to get up close and personal with the beast. With a screech, his companion swooped down and began to rake at the eyes of the beast before hightailing it back into the sky to prepare for another round.

Meanwhile, Cloud rushed in towards the bear's hind legs, jaws open and ready to clamp down on his target. Although he was going as fast as he could, his ordeal in the ravine had left him with a limp in his hind leg that had not yet recovered. Still, he pressed on until he was within range of the bears left hind leg. He seized his opportunity as soon as he got close, diving in and closing his jaws around the bear's ankle. Cloud kept his grip as tight as he could while simultaneously putting on the brakes in an effort to stop the bear from going any further, though it seemed the bear's larger size and strength still managed to practically drag Cloud's resisting body weight along regardless.

His ears pinned tightly against the angered creature, and he hoped they could bring him down as quickly as possible before anyone got injured...or worse. His hoped waned, however, when the bear suddenly turned to around. Cloud barely saw the huge paw heading his way, and he was unable to react fast enough. He felt a heavy blow against his head which sent him rolling across the ground several feet away and knocking the wind out of him. Dazed and confused, he struggled to right himself as the bear lumbered towards him. His vision was blurred and there was a loud ringing in his ears. Luckily for him, his companion swooped down again to distract the bear by diving around its head. Giving him a bit of time to try and recover...

Text speech Thought



8 Years
12-21-2018, 08:35 AM

The phantom silently followed Cloudburst several tail lengths away as the putrid scent of a mighty predator flew through his nostrils. Hannibal's eyes were narrowed and his bodice was lowered into a defensive stance as he slithered through the thicket. Knees bent, ears lowered, lips raised and wrinkled, tail aligned with spine, and head lowered to protect his throat. Who knew what they were truly getting into but what was life without a bit of risk? His steps were sturdy, hitting the earth with ease but silence all the same for her and this other alabaster Wolf would be the element of surprise as Tyranis had its undivided attention.

The ravenous sounds of rippling growls from both Wolf and Bear slid into Hannibal's ears as they grew closer. The phantom now moved much faster, giving up on his prowl and now darting for the scene of action. It was all about the timing for if they did not arrive in time their new Alpha would get cornered in a dark and damp cave by a huge Bear. Hannibal was having none of that.

As he and his pack mate were in sight of the chase the male locked onto his target. Quickly Hannibal darted for the beasts right side as Cloudburst got the rear. With great bounds the large Wolf managed to close the distance and at the last second leapt up with his hind legs in order to snap his vicious jaws at the back right side of this Bear's neck. Due to the sheer size of the Bear his paws left the earth but he managed to grip onto the neck fat and tear a good chunk out in the meantime. Blood now soaked his divine ivory fur and horrid growls escaped his throat. As Hannibal attempted to maintain his grip the Bear began to shake him off, whipping his head and body while turning around towards Cloudburst. It did not take much and the much smaller Hannibal was flung to the side with a mouth full of white Bear fur. He shared a glance towards Cloudburst who was seemingly out of it by a blow in which Hannibal did not see but thankfully his companion was giving them both time to recover. His breathing was heavy and his jaws were in hefty pain due to the death grip he had on the Bears hackles. Hopefully Tyranis was healthy enough to take back the attention so Hannibal could continue his assault.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
12-21-2018, 11:40 AM

Tyranis stood protectively over Cloud’s body, his head lowered and his back arched to show the entirety of his form. As the osprey gouged at the bear’s face issuing pitiful moans of pain from the great animal Tyranis lunged forward seizing the bear by the throat and gripping the sallow flesh as hard as he could.

The bear stood on its hind legs to bat at the slate wolf which Tyranis at first managed to fend off with a series of powerful kicks. The bear dropped suddenly back onto all fours, effectively jostling Tyranis loose and onto his back directly beneath the bear.

The bear rose once again, its beady black eyes fixed on Tyranis as it swung its massive paw back to slash at the offending wolf.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-25-2018, 05:35 PM

Cloud's unfocused vision found his brother standing over him, and all around him, he could hear the sounds of the bear and the wolves muffled by the ringing in his ears. He could practically hear his heartbeat beating loudly in his head, but he refused to stay down. Slowly but surely he stumbled to his feet, head throbbing and body aching with the impact he had taken on the ground. The dizziness he felt was going away, and as Tyranis went after the bear again, Cloud felt something shift inside of him. Blood... Cloud knew that voice. It was that familiar voice that plagued his mind. He hadn't heard it in some time, and he had hoped he would never have to again. But as the roaring of the bear and the snarling of his companions went on, it seemed to awaken it once again. Blood...attack it. Bite it. Rip it to shreds. Kill it!

Cloud felt his chest grow tight as his breathing got heavier, something within him changing. His heart beat faster, his pupils constricted, and he could feel his muscles tensing like a snake coiling around its prey. When the bear reared up over Tyranis, Cloud's head snapped up and he launched into action. Whatever took possession of him made it so that he could no longer feel the pain nor exhaustion of his injuries from this fight, nor from the avalanche. He rushed forward faster than he had been before, but through his eyes, it looked as if he were moving in slow motion. A vicious roaring snarl parted his jaws as he barrelled towards the beast. Saliva flew from his jaws as he ran, claws practically carving out the earth as he moved with unmatched speed.

Once he was within striking distance, Cloud launched himself at the bear's extended forepaw. His jaws were open as far as they could possibly go as he aimed for the bear's right forepaw. With success, his jaws met their target and he bit down as hard as he could, effectively locking his teeth into the beasts appendage. Fangs dug right through to the bone, and his momentum had managed to unbalance the bear enough to where he was forced to place his other foreleg on the ground again. He could hear the bear cry out in pain and agony, but it was all just a dull echo in Cloud's ears.

Cloud used all his weight to drag the bear down as he viciously shook his head. The bear tried to pull out of his grip, but each tug only forced Cloud to bite down harder. Only when the bear raked his left flank with its other paw did Cloud release his grip, but the damage had been done. Its forepaw was now torn and mangled, bleeding heavily. Cloud rolled away before leaping to his feet again. He could not feel the pain from the fresh wound on his flank, nor the hot blood that oozed from it. He stood there, hackles standing on end as he stood arched. He stood there with parted jaws, blood and saliva dripping heavily from bloodstained fangs. He appeared bigger and more fearsome than ever before, and he was now determined to kill this bear.

Cloud had managed to tear up as much of the bear's limb as he could, and he had been successful enough to the point where he had cracked the bone inside. The beast was unable to put any weight on it, let alone use the now useless appendage. Now all that was left to do was finish it. Had he been in his normal state of mind, he would have been content to drive it off. But now? All he wanted to kill it!




8 Years
12-27-2018, 11:05 AM

Hannibal regained his breath and balance rather quickly. He witnessed Cloud recovering and Tyranis fending off the Bear in the mean time. Cloud got up with a rather savage look in his eye, causing Hannibal to do a double take. Upon first meeting Cloud he seemed rather level-headed but perhaps this tussle with the Bear was luring something out of him. But, there was no time to dwell on such as he watched Cloud dive back into battle in order to protect Tyranis. Hannibal heard the breaking of bones which seemed to be the Bears due to the white wolf's lasting mobility. With that the albino determined it was time to get back into the battle.

The phantom took a few steps back and dug his paws into the earth. As the Bear limped Hannibal let forth a rippling growl and aimed to launch upward towards the Bear's neck. Right in the center behind his ear but lower enough in order to possibly severe some vital arteries. Hannibal latched on with his jaws, blood flowing down his alabaster coat, painting it a dark crimson due to the the fresh blood. His paws sought to cling onto the bear's fur in order to keep his position. The Bear limped but still attempted to shake Hannibal off, whipping around enough for Hannibal to have to cling on harder with his jaws. His teeth diving deeper into the Bears flesh and bubbling growls being emitted from the Wolf in response. His nose short forth snot as his breathing got heavier. He was of the Bear's attention thus it would be a perfect time for Tyranis or Cloud to hit him from the other side and hopefully take this sucker down.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
12-27-2018, 12:59 PM
There was a moment of absolute stillness for Tyranis as he watched his brother become totally beastial and charge with a ferocity he had never witnessed to lane the bear. Hannibal reacted in turn to seize the bear by the throat but Ty was rooted to the spot, amazed and stricken by the bloodlust rolling off of in waves like a miasma.

A pained roar from the bear brought him back to the charged moment between the three wolves and the leader surged forward with a ferocity he knew could never hope to match Clouds. He sprang from the earth and seized the bear by the throat to drag it back down onto its injured leg. The bear toppled over onto its side and kicked its legs out wildly to gain the traction needed to rise again. Ty pulled back against the sallow flesh of the beast's neck and thrashed his head left and right to pull the skin loose and leave a gaping hole that would either drown the bear in its own blood or weaken it considerably more than disease previously had

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-29-2018, 04:58 PM

Cloud couldn't quite see clearly. It felt like he was looking through a glass full of water, tunnel vision affecting him heavily. He saw the bear on the ground, and just at the edge of his sight, he could see Hannibal and Tyranis trying to suffocate it and tear its throat out. While he couldn't register anything logically at this point, his only instinct was to kill the beast and put an end to this. Like a bull seeing red, Cloud rushed back into the fray. He leaped on top of the bear's back, ears ringing with the sound of snarls, the bear, and...that voice...Yes! Blood! I can taste it! I can smell it! Now finish it you fool! Rip it apart! He shook his head momentarily, confusion slowly settling in. But when the strong taste of blood flowed up his tongue and nostrils from what the other two wolves were spilling, he felt his instincts strengthen again like a heart pumping with blood.

Teeth were bared in the most menacing snarl he had ever made, appearing as if he were no more than a rabid animal. With a final lunge, Cloud's teeth snaked toward the back of the bear's neck, gripping tightly in a way that the bear would not be able to shake him free. With his instincts taking over, Cloud viciously shook his head while tearing into the beast. His teeth bit into the bear again, and again, and again. Blood began to spurt from the wounds, bleeding the animal out. He could vaguely hear the guttural, choking sounds of the beast as it choked on its own blood. With three wolves clinging to its neck, it was done for. With one final bite, Cloud grabbed a mouthful of flesh and yanked his head back as hard as he could, taking a big chunk of flesh and bloodied fur with him. And even when the bear stopped moving, he stood there, breathing heavily with that chunk of flesh gripped tightly in his jaws and a wild look still holding him.




8 Years
12-30-2018, 09:37 PM

Ravenous jaws snapped and terrifying growls ripped through the air. Three menacing Wolves and one Bear fought to the death, but there would only be one soul fading away in this brawl. Their prowess was promising as all three took literal chunks out of the beast's throat. Blood gushed out and painted the ground below them crimson. Hannibal's ivory fur was red and chunks of flesh clung to his disgustingly moist pelt. It seemed this giant creature was running on pure adrenaline. Despite the blood-loss it kept going and clung onto life. Finally, with a bit of time it shook Hannibal's grip. The albino's grip was faltered and he was flung to the ground once again but this time with much less impact due to the fact that the Bear had fallen. His belly moved dramatically as he took in deep breathes to regain his composure. Hannibal's jaws were even more sore at this point. The prolonged grip on the Bear's skin did a toll on his unexercised joints.

Mismatched eyes quickly assessed the situation. Hannibal watched as Cloudburst clung to flesh in his jaws, seething at the very sight of the Bear. Tyranis trashed at the neck of this beast, blood flying everywhere. A tiny smirk slipped across Hannibal's lips as he came back to nearly full force. Fatigue was slowly creeping up but the excitement of actually taking down this giant creature was keeping him well afloat. The albino assumed the Bear would be attempting to get up here soon, despite its already broken paw. Thus, Hannibal moved to launch at the right side abdominal flesh just under the Bear's triceps. His jaws snapped and attempted to rip tendons or do enough muscle damage to prevent anymore movement of the join in general. Hopefully when the Bear attempted to get up he would just topple over again.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
12-30-2018, 11:40 PM

He felt the bear heave once attempting to fling the wolves off its body with the final force of its death throes then threw its head back with a furious and guttural roar that seemed to defy the hole Tyranis had left in its throat. It swung its injured paw feebly then gave a low whining grunt As Ty dug his muzzle under the bears flesh to grip its windpipe and crush it all together. Tyranis pulled back and stood over the heaped bear, his fur still bristling then gave a nod to Hannibal before he turned his attention to his brother. Tentatively he reached out to press his nose against his brother’s side ready to jump back if he needed to out of fear of being attacked.

“My brother.” He said softly in an attempt to bring Cloud back to himself “We killed a white bear.” He said, his voice still low in case his brother would be startled if he spoke too loudly. He had every intention of crafting something from the bear’s hide and perhaps he would have enough resources to make something for Cloud as well, the bear was certainly big enough for it.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-08-2019, 12:00 AM

The battle was over. But still, Cloud could not escape the grip of the demon that plagued his mind. He stood on the bear's back, hunched over like an angry cat with the bear's flesh still clamped firmly in his jaws. Eyes remained fixated ahead on things only he seemed able to see. Blood dripped from his muzzle, his chest, his legs...and from the wounds he sustained from the bear's claws. He felt none of the pain, however. He never felt anything when he was in this state of mind. The pain was nothing to him. It didn't exist. Nothing existed save for the bloodlust that fueled his attack on his creature. Of course...these episodes only ever happened when he was completely alone.

When his brother touched his side, Cloud startled and whirled around to face him. A guttural snarl escaped his teeth, but he still clung desperately to that chunk of the bear in his mouth. Although he wasn't completely in control of himself, a tiny part of him tried to be. And that tiny part recognized Tyranis...but barely. And it was that tiny part that struggled to keep that piece of the bear between his teeth to avoid an attack on his brother. Eyes darted between Ty and Hannibal for a moment, the echo of his brother's words registered, but it was almost as if he didn't understand them. Bi-colored gaze found Ty again, a desperate whine slipping past as he practically seemed to plead for help. It lasted only for a very short moment though. Because almost as soon as it happened, he found himself struggling to keep a grip on his mind. Before anyone could do anything, Cloud turned and ran off into the trees. He didn't want to hurt his brother...he didn't want to hurt anyone...

