



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-25-2018, 06:55 AM

The night was calm and silent. The stars above shone bright above her. Sleep would not come easily for Avalon tonight, and it was due to the fact she had so much on her mind. Tan was asleep in the tree above the den, so Avalon took advantage of the alone time she had. Slowly she walked beneath the pines, no real destination in mind. She wasn't entirely focused on where she was going, but when she did finally look up, she realized she had ended up at Vereux's grave. Tired amber eyes looked at her former mates grave. Holly had grown where his body was buried. She hadn't visited his grave since he passed away, but now that she was here she found herself staring at it with regret in her eyes. Vereux had been a good man to her, and what did she do? She broke his heart the same day he had told her he was sick with an incurable illness.

She took a deep, shaky breath. And when she exhaled, the cold night air turned her breath into mist. She felt tears prickling her eyes, and before she knew it, she found herself lying on top of his grave. "I'm so sorry I hurt you Vereux..." She rested her head where she remembered his to be, her body curling in on itself. She closed her eyes, ears pressing to her skull as she thought about the past they had shared together. She hadn't thought about him for a long time, but now? Now...he was all she could think about. They had beautiful children together. He had been a good man to her. And she had betrayed him by allowing Yfir's alpha to ruin him. At the time, she thought it was the right thing to do. But now? She wished she could take it all back and tell him just how much he truly meant to her.

He had tried so hard to stay in her life, and she drove him out. She could only imagine the pain he felt when she told him she didn't love him anymore. She was sure his heart shattered then, just as hers did now. She lied there and wept for a while, the woman unable to contain the emotion that swept through her heart. All she could feel was blame for the things she'd done to him...and she couldn't even remember why or how she had fallen out of love with the Armada male.

When she had no more tears to spill, she shifted her head a little until the night sky was somewhat in her view. She began to tell him all the things that had happened since his death. All the things he missed and how she wished he had been there. There was so much to tell him, and so much more she wanted to say. She had no idea if his spirit was even around to listen, and she didn't blame him if he had chosen to completely leave the world of the living forever.

Hell. She didn't even know if spirits did such a thing, or if there was an afterlife. Heaven. Hell...if there was a hell, she felt that that's where she belonged...Night stretched on, and Avalon remained atop the grave. After telling him everything she could and through occasional tears and laughter, she had eventually fallen asleep there. Snow gently fell from the sky, lightly blanketing the woman as she slept.

“Vereux” “Avalon”


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