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8 Years
12-26-2018, 02:07 PM

Hannibal went from being a completely solo nomad to meeting quite a number of Wolves within mere weeks. He had found Spider who has taken a chunk of his cold heart as well as Tyranis who easily convinced the male to join his upcoming pack. He was still a pretty blank canvas but slowly the male was getting his footing in this world. Back home the world revolved around him and his family. Here he was still no one, which was nice in a way. Hannibal was embracing his title-less life to level himself out. His ego was still very much inflated but he was learning to enjoy the smaller things, like Spider.

The sun had just set and the moon was quickly taking its place. Hannibal had just woke up from a long daytime slumber as he did every day. Instead of patrolling the beast determined it was time to venture out some more but this time he found himself back at the hot springs where he met his first native. The pools bubbled, some more then others. The gaseous scent filled his nose but he seemingly accepted it. Soon his form was seen slithering towards a larger pool in the center and a smirk slipped across his lips. There was still enough light to see his reflection between bubbles. He stopped and looked downward, eyeing his unchanging features. Though, ever since he bedded Spider the males ego was inflated ever so slightly. It was his first lustful triumph in these lands he could not stop thinking of it. A smirk slipped across his lips as he got lost in his thoughts, eyes never wavering from his reflection.

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This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.