
Crowd Control!



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-01-2019, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2019, 01:12 PM by Éldi.)
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Blood spilled into his mouth as he seized the elk's throat. Éldi's bulk and weight quickly dragged the overwhelmed animal's head to the snow covered ground. With the help of the rest of the gang breakfast was all but assured. They were vicious, ravenous, and in moments the elk was dead. It'd been a stroke of luck to stumble upon an elk herd moving south and on top of that an injured buck. A gift from the gods certainly! Winter was proving a struggle to find food and he couldn't imagine what it would be like to try and survive on his own. Now that he was part of a band the opportunities for prey were much more satisfying. Sunlight spilled over the drifting snow but it did little to warm the air. It was cold, bitterly so but at least the wind was still for now.

Éldi ripped further into the elk's neck, working the flesh back from the wound as he dug into the meat. The blood as well as the elk's screams were bound to attract other desperate predators. Thank goodness most bears would be hibernating at this point. If he was attacked by another bear he'd assume he'd been cursed. Éldi wolfed down chunks of meat as his companion, Askr, perched on the elk's head and began to feast on its eyes. The yearling wrinkled his nose. He never could understand why the bird favored such a strange part of the animal.

Éldi's ears flicked back as a chorus if yipping howls echoed out over the snowy, winter morning. Oh gods… not more coyotes. He didn't raise his head, he kept eating, determined to get his fill before the grimy, little beasts were upon them. "Coyotes are approaching from the north and the east.  Bah! Looks like a dozen or so."  Éldi raised his head, stained with the blood of breakfast, to assess Askr's statement and swore before glancing at his compatriots. In particular he focused on Valkyrie. What was the plan?

Word Count: 338
Total: 338



4 Years
Extra large
01-01-2019, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 08:31 AM by Aesir.)
His breath plumed out before him as Aesir panted, winded from the long chase. It had been a fortunate turn of luck to find such an easy bit of meat in times like these, but he would count his blessing after he filled his stomach. The snow was deep, and although he had trailed in the elk's tracks where he could, the antlered brute was nonetheless winded. Despite the bitter cold he knew he was radiating heat from within his thick coat. Éldi was the one who had brought the beast to its knees and spilled what blood made the difference, so he would restrain himself and wait until the younger male began to eat before he did.

Instead, Aesir turned to take stock of the others, and the forest around them. The stag had fallen in a reasonably open area which was quite convenient, but something about the place felt... off. Aesir sniffed the air, but upon smelling the freshly opened wounds of Éldi tucking into his meal, he turned back to the feast that awaited them.

He had not swallowed more than a few mouthfuls when a familiar and immensely irritating noise met his ears. Aesir growled against the elk's haunch before backing away and looking towards where he believe the sounds had come from. "Ertu að djóka?" He tipped back his bloodied muzzled and whispered curses at the sky. Then, "It'll be over my corpse that any of those mongrels swallow even a mouthful of our prize." The boy's bird claimed a dozen closing in. They must have banded together in the cold to seek out larger prey.

Or, clearly, to drive off larger predators. His hackles lifted, and the horned man snapped his teeth in the direction of the oncoming assault. He wondered how long it would take to convince the mutts they were biting off more than they would be able to chew. Aesir waited. Where once he might have charged off headlong, he knew better than to act with so little regard when there were others at play. A part of him rankled at not being able to choose his own path, but Valkyrie deserved the chance to prove herself. He waited as Éldi did, while the pack of coyotes closed in.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks
(Mouseover For Translations)

Word Count: 377
Total Words: 715

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
02-16-2019, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 05:01 PM by Valkyrie 1.)
The small group worked as one to bring the elk down. As Eldi dealt the lethal blow Valkyrie leapt forward and seized the side of its neck. Every bite to a vital area would hasten the creature's demise and end its suffering quicker. A quick death for her prey was something Valkyrie strove for in every hunt. While it was necessary for her to eat other living things it wasn't necessary for her prey to suffer.

Like her compatriots Valkyrie fell on the carcass ravenously. The amount of traveling she'd been doing had been wearing on her and every meal counted if she was going to remain in peak physical condition. The more food in her belly today, the better off she would be for the journey ahead.

Valkyrie sighed around a chunk of meat as the obnoxious chorus of coyotes voices drifted to her on the breeze. A dozen were on their way, said Eldi's companion. Fantastic. The idea of giving up their kill rubbed Valkyrie the wrong way. No way she'd give it up without a fight. Sharing was one thing. There was more meat here than her band could eat in one sitting and it was doubtful that they'd stay long enough to finish it off. Leaving it to the 'yotes was one thing. Having it taken from them was another. "Cocky bastards," she commented dryly. "What'dya say we knock them down a few pegs?"


The first of the coyote pack broke through the trees and began to make their way towards the wolves. They barked and howled, their hackles raised, backs arched and tails tucked in a menacing display.

Valkyrie was unperturbed. This was a battle of wills. It could be won or lost without bloodshed so long as the wolves remained united and unruffled. The threat of violence was also a useful tool. One she intended to use heavily.

Seemingly without caution she leapt over the carcass and exposed her fangs to the approaching coyotes. In actuality her move was a calculated one meant to drive in a small wedge of doubt into the hearts of the coyotes. Right now their superior numbers made them feel confident, but how quickly would that confidence waver once it became clear the wolves had no intention of backing down?


Word count: 377
Total count: 1,092

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-24-2019, 09:03 AM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

"It'll be over my corpse that any of those mongrels swallow even a mouthful of our prize."

Éldi nodded his head. "Agreed, we worked too hard just to feed some flea bitten coyotes." Not to mention they'd be in a real spot. Prey was only growing more and more difficult to find. They could not afford to lose any of their meal to the coyotes. He growled in frustration. Why couldn't the mangy creatures just wait til the wolves were finished and pick the bones clean? He'd be fine with that.

"What'dya say we knock them down a few pegs?"

"Sounds like fun," he smirked.

The coyotes soon began to appear, their beady eyes focused on the wolves' prize. Éldi growled and quickly locked down his defenses. His hackles and fur stood as on end as they possibly could and he lifted his head and his tail as he peered over the elk, hoping his size would up the intimidation factor. The trio weren't just wolves, they were huge wolves that would make quick work of the coyotes if they attacked. He growled again but the coyotes did not back off. He wonder if it was do or die for them. The scavengers approached with tails up, hackles raised and the center of their weight forward. They were clearly intent on taking the kill.

Askr took to the sky to scout and also to prepare for conflict. Valkyrie leapt forward in a show of force and Éldi was swift to join her. A pair of coyotes tried to circle around to Éldi's left side and he bounded forward, his tail held high as he snapped at the coyotes. Askr then dived and seized one of the coyotes ears in its talons. It lurched back with a squeaking cry and the pair stumbled back, suddenly unsure.

Éldi laughed but while he was focused on the assault at the front he failed to see a lone male coyote sneak around behind him. The coyote lunged and seized hold of Éldi's back, just in front of his hips. It's fangs bit deep as it's forelegs wrapped in front of his hind legs. Éldi yowled in pain and twisted around to try and bite the coyote. The two tussled until finally Éldi hurled himself onto his side with enough force to stun the coyote. He kicked back violently and pulled himself forward until he was free of the little beast.

Fury coursed through his veins and he disregarded any plan to try and put forth a show of force. He was going to kill that fucking coyote. With a snarl Éldi dove forward just as the coyote got back to its feet. He collided into the coyote with such force that it knocked the creature over onto its back. From there it was easy enough for him to pin the creature as his fangs seized hold of its throat. Éldi didn't hesitate. He ended his enemy.

Word Count: 491
Total: 1583