
Can't See Past My Blinders

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-05-2019, 11:21 AM

He wanted to just get drunk. Rhyme wanted so bad just to take the easy way out with everything going on. He wasn't that man though, he had to keep telling himself. He wanted to drink and forget he had a pack to run and pups on the way, and wolves that were depending on him. He wanted to forget about Shaye. Rhyme sighed heavily, thankful for the presence of Imperia and Solitude as he meandered through the thickets.

Solitude stood on his shoulders, eyes gleaming and sharp. Every so often the alabaster raven flew to the branches of a near by tree to look at something more closely, but he didn't call out a warning sign. Imperia remained in the sky, her scouting a bit more long distance than the white raven. Solitude was full grown at this point, he was indistinguishable from the adult ravens. The two of them had disappeared a few days prior, when he had met up with Shaye. He had a slight suspicion they were courting.

Seeing them together made him smile, but didn't help his urge to drink. He huffed again as Solitude landed on his back once more. The tall alpha shifted his path, finding his paws carrying him back to the big maple tree he slept beneath. Maybe Tana could help him avoid the bottle, she was getting very round these days. Something he still worried about. He didn't know if he should hope for lots of small babies or a couple large ones. Both options terrified him.



4 Years
Extra small
01-05-2019, 04:34 PM
Tana was much rounder than she had been now. The number of pups if one was patient were likely detectable, and she honestly had thought about asking one of the healers to see if they could count them. She wanted to be prepared and to prepare Rhyme for what he was having with her. She could feel the tiny flutter of paws more readily now and if she laid down she bet someone might see the movement from the outside. 

She was relaxing after eating a hare from the hunters stockpile. Her rotund form in as comfortable a position she could find, under the maple tree was easily distinguished, with her red cloak over it. Her bag was left in the den beneath but the red cloak she was hard pressed to remove. She felt like it hid alot of the ugliness that was her. Not that anyone here in Abaven would tell her she was an eyesore, but she already knew it anyway. 

She lifted her head as the sound of Rhyme approached her. A yawn left her before she sat up. She was aware that the birds had left him for some time but was unaware how it had affected him. She didn't know how she would cope if either of her companions ever left her. She gave him a smile in his general direction. She knew he worried more than he should about them all, her and the pups.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-05-2019, 04:53 PM
He found Tana resting under the maple tree, her tiny form perched delicately in the recently discarded leaves. Rhyme was slightly surprised at the smile that sprang to his features at the sight of her, but grateful all the same. It felt good to be able to smile after grieving the relationship with Shaye that couldn't be allowed to happen. He urged himself to focus entirely on Tana and the quickly growing pups on the way.

She seemed mostly comfortable, despite the roundness of her belly. There was no doubt at all she was heavy with child. Rhyme grinned at her cute yawn, he couldn't argue that she was the cutest wolf he had ever met. He approached her with adoration in his gaze. If anything happened to her during the birth he would never forgive himself.

Solitude lifted himself from Rhyme's back and perched in the maple's bare branches as the wolf settled close to Tana's side, careful not to step on her flowing cloak. He smiled fondly at her, knowing she wouldn't see. "How are you feeling?" He asked, wondering if he should have been doing anything to make her more comfortable. The familiar anxiety he felt at thoughts of the future came over him as he reached down to offer her a soft nuzzle at her cheek.



4 Years
Extra small
01-08-2019, 09:30 PM
He settled next to her and she moved her head in his direction. She had to remember that he was worried more than she was about the size of their children. His question had her leaning into his muzzle as he went to nuzzle her. She returned the gesture and placed a small kiss on his snout. "F-fine, they're m-moving more today. H-how are y-you?" 

She was relaxed here. She was aware winter had come and soon too would their children. There was no need to worry and stress out about it until it was time to deliver them. Her scarred visage was mostly covered and so too was her belly by her cloak. She would have to remove it when the day came but she was certain that those she had chosen were unlikely to care about her appearance. She kissed his cheek then. "The den is a-almost r-ready, just n-needs s-some p-pelts and a few e-extra to c-change them with a-after. And a t-test f-for y-your h-height. Don't want y-you to be u-unable to come in." her stutter was getting seriously better.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 09:30 PM
He was scared, and worried about the day they would welcome their little ones. He tried to immerse himself in the excitement of it instead of entrenching himself in anxiety. He could feel how much easier the task was when he could be distracted with Tana's affections. She nuzzled him back, adding a kiss on his nose as he asked his question. He assumed she had been regularly seeing Vail, and with her brief answer he tried to believe everything was going fine. They were moving more.

Rhyme felt himself light up at her words, though her belly was obscured from his sight. He watched in wonder for a moment before answering. He had a lot on his mind. "Busy," It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't a great answer either. Rhyme didn't want to get into his current turmoil with her. She didn't seem to press as she offered him a quick kiss on his cheek before continuing. She went on about the den, a few more tasks before it would be complete. He smiled at how much more comfortable in her freedom she was, and how much her stutter was disappearing. It felt good to have been able to help her on her journey to independence.

Tana seemed excited for the pregnancy, she was nearly through with the den. He hadn't helped as much as he should have, "I can finish the roof if you'd like?" He offered, knowing how difficult it might be for her. With the addition of a swollen belly to her already tiny stature. "I also have a couple of cat furs for after, both will be warm and soft for the pups."