
Care for a swim?(Eren)


06-26-2013, 09:26 AM
The cream colored man had finally decided to wander away from his pack to do some actual exploring. Due to the cool weather he chose the Hot Springs. Sure his fur was thick, but because it was such a light color the cool are still bugged him when he lay down to relax. To top it off he was by no means an insulated wolf but rather a stocky wolf yet he still had a body for speed as he wasn't overly muscular.

A smile crawled across the man's lips when the springs came into view. Never before had he seen anything like it. Water shot from the ground and then flowed into crescent shaped pools, some looking much deeper than others and then the rocks changed colors as the angle he looked upon them changed. It was easily the second most beautiful thing his emerald green eyes had ever seen.

He checked each of the pools out before finding one that he could lay and have everything but his head submerged. By the scent of the water he knew not to drink any of it. On the side of said chosen pool Luke found a warm rock to lay his head on as he relaxed in the warm waters that never cooled. It didn't take but a few seconds for him to get comfortable enough to close his eyes and let his other senses tell him when another was close enough for him to care.


06-26-2013, 04:06 PM

With the recent events, you would think that the new Glaciem wolf wouldn't leave the territory. Not since she had a well visible scab over her left shoulder and various ones over her ears. Yet, a friend from Glaciem had told her that she should go to these hot springs. Not sure if that meant anything. Eren had trouble getting used to the wolves around Glaciem, and with that being said she had been saved already and kept company by Eria not to mention fed. It was pathetic, she hated it when she couldn't do things herself. What use was she being a newcomer to the pack and unable to be of any use at all. She stopped when she saw the other wolf, ears flicking as she rolled her eyes slightly. Great, more company, not that she didn't enjoy company but it made her nervous. Eren was a bit shy when it came to talking to new wolves, scared of rejection. Even more so since her assault, she was cautious of outside strangers. Eren wasn't dumb, and while she hated the effort it took to fight she would defend herself if she had to that was a fact.

Eren crouched down near the hot springs, watching him but he didn't seem to care. Her sea green eyes stared at him, as she cautiously moved closer. Yet, she made no effort to get into the hot springs like she was supposed to be doing. Eren just didn't want to disturb this guy, he seemed to be enjoying himself after all. Though the soreness in her muscles told her otherwise on the fact. She winced slightly at the pain in her flicking tail that had been tugged and stepped on. She felt like she had been a damsel in distress, so perhaps this time she would be able to defend herself. Wait a moment, why was she caring so much? The girl let out a sudden sigh, perhaps the pack was creating some sort of caring factor in the girl. Even though nothing had changed about her sadistic part of herself. It was still there, telling her that she enjoyed playing with dead things, telling her that seeing others hurt slightly made her excited. It sounded bad, and to Eren it was, but she wasn't a bad wolf, hardly. She was distant was all. The girl flopped her tail on the ground, the white male should have sensed her presence by now, so what was he doing?



06-26-2013, 07:18 PM
The man had cot her scent the moment she was within range, but she was silent aside from her steps. He could hear her draw closer and then the steps stopped a few yards away. He wondered silently what she was doing but didn't open his eyes as he figured if she were going to attack him then he wouldn't have known she were there. A few moments past and she drew a bit closer and a few more moments past before she sighed.

Did she think he was boring...or worse, dead. No that couldn't be it. The ear closest to the lass moved a bit, he wondered what she was doing but didn't think opening his eyes to stair at her would be a very good idea. It was only when her tail hit the ground that he opened and turned his emerald green eyes on the dark girl. She looked younger than him by about three years but she was still quite attractive. Even with what looked like new scars on her shoulder and ears.

A smile grew on his face as he picked his head up off of the flat stone. He could only guess at what she was thinking, but thought he would let her tell him herself rather than pry. "Hi. can swim if you like." His voice was deep and rough, but friendly. He had known she had been sitting there staring at him and probably trying to decide on something but again he didn't pry. "I'm Luke, by the way." he had almost forgotten his manors but quickly recovered by giving her his name.


06-27-2013, 05:15 PM

Her eyes flickered when he spoke, so he wasn't as unfriendly as she thought? Maybe he was distracted by her healing wounds, Eren had checked herself before, they would not scar since her attacker hadn't wanted it to be that way thankfully. Yet, it didn't make any of the soreness and pain go away. As her tail flicked and she finally raised her sore body and walked over to the springs. Lowering her body into the water, she nearly slipped yipping a bit as she dropped into the water. She shivered a bit, and lowered her ears a bit embarrassed about the fact that she had slipped in. The girl looked over at Luke for a moment and gave a small smile.

"My name's Eren. I'm from Glaciem." Eren tried to be friendly with it. She wasn't good at being social, and for the longest time she was confused about what she was doing here from the suggestion of a so called friend. The warm water was melting her pain away though, as she happily soaked in the relaxing water. She smiled a little bit, and sighed.

(Sorry for short reply)


06-28-2013, 09:09 PM
His ears perked forward as the girl let out a yip and slipped into the water. He was conserned for a moment and when nothing but imbaresment crossed her features he acted as if it never happened. When she gave him a small smile he returned it with understanding smile of his own. He knew what it was like to be embarrassed and he knew what it was like to be uncomfortable near a stranger and at the moment she was both.

Her name was given along with her pack. That small bit of information gave him comfort as that small bit of information told him that he could be friends with this wolf and his pack wouldn't have any problem with her. His smile grew a bit as he spoke but not much "I'm from Valhalla. Its nice to meat you Eren." she was quiet and didn't seem as if she did a lot of socialising but that was alright. She would find her voice in her own time.


06-29-2013, 10:36 PM

Valhalla? That was the plain pack right? Eren was too late to decide if she wanted to change packs, she was happy with Glaciem anyway. After meeting Eren, the Gargoyle, she was satisfied, only hoping the leadership would not change any time soon. She wagged her tail in the springs a bit happily at the thought, but they weren't enemies right? She had no clue what Valhallans relationship was with Glaciem. "So uhhh, I'm pretty new to Glaciem......and there was a Valhallan wolf who healed me when I was attacked in Glaciem. Is there an alliance of some sort or what other relationship do they have?" She asked curiously the heat soaking into her fur as she enjoyed the feeling keeping her head above the water. It felt like she was in the jungle again, she would often soak in hot water if she became wounded. The short haired girl didn't scar easily, so even if she had gotten hurt lucky enough there wouldn't be any scars.
"Though I don't see it mattering, a friend is a friend after all." She was trying, and Luke didn't seem too bad so it didn't bother her. The girls paws dug into the bottom of the pool comfortably as she felt the soreness melting away. This was nice, very nice indeed. But it only reminded her more and more of the horrible home that she had left behind, but somehow missed in some odd way.


07-06-2013, 12:25 PM
The man found himself recalling what she had looked like before she got into the water as he waited to see if she would say anything. Black and grey fur covered a slim and un scarred body aside from the scabs on her shoulder and ears. Even her sea green eyes were lovely to look at. She was beautiful, but young. Some would say too young, but he didn't care as he was only recalling what she had looked like and besides that he was too much of a gentleman to even flirt with her without her showing interest first.

Her voice pulled him from his miny thought bubble. As she spoke he listened and when he spoke of a healer, Erani came to mind. She was the only healer he knew, or remembered that was part of Valhalla though he was sure there were others. Then a question came followed by a statement that made him smile. "Last time I heard there was an alliance between our packs, and you are correct...a friend is a friend.


07-06-2013, 02:52 PM

He was nice, that made her happy as she wagged her tail under the water. Making it move back and forth, it felt weird when waves of water on water came to her hips. It made her smile a bit, as she looked at him. Was he here to relax as well? "Are you just here to relax? I'm here because a healer told me to come here to help with my wounds." Otherwise Eren would have not been here in the first place. She hated moving around too much unless it was for food or for her safety. That made her seem lazy but she didn't see it that way. As she pulled her paws out of the water for a few moments unable to sit still she placed them back in and looked over at the man.
"How long have you been in Valhalla? And whats it like there?" Eren asked looking at him. She had always wondered what it was like in each pack, that was the one thing she hadn't been able to get her paws on. Was inside the packs and how they acted. She had been surprised by Glaciem behavior when she entered. She had thought it to be something else but it wasn't. Well, the more you spoke with others the more you learned didn't you?


07-11-2013, 06:16 PM
He nodded at her first question as his listened to what closely followed. "I am in deed here to relax, the water keeps me warm when my pelt fails to do so. he paused for a moment to debate on telling her he was glad the healer had sent her here, or he might not have met her...but he chose different words instead as he thought that might sound like flirting. "Well, were they right about the water helping with your wounds?" He didn't know much about the girl...but he had a feeling he would learn more as they were becoming friends.

Again the man listens as the girl asked questions, and again he was happy to answer them. "I've been part of Valhalla since before it became Valhalla. I was almost three when I joined but at the time Valhalla was called Starlight and was in Ciroc rather than here in Alacritis, so a bit less than three in a half years." he paused long enough to think on how to describe his home and when it came to him he spoke again "Valhalla is a very welcoming pack. They will accept almost anyone, just so long as they aren't disrespectful right of the bat and they aren't murderers. A very family oriented pack...once part of it, its like being part of a giant family. But like any other pack they have their rules."


07-11-2013, 07:38 PM

Eren chuckled a little bit, it indeed made her sore muscles feel better if anything. Luke was a nice man, it wasn't everyday she got to have a normal conversation like this. It was always so formal and so strange. Her paws dragged on the bottom as she climbed out of the water and shook herself free of the warm water. Sitting in a position where she'd be comfortable. She was afraid if she stayed in it any longer she would get dizzy. Her tail wet curled against her body as she shook her fur once more to remove the water from it. "It did make my muscles a bit less sore. I just hope they'll heal soon so I can hunt and be of use to Glaciem." She said, tired of being useless as it sounded.
Eren stretched herself as she listened of what Valhalla was like. Well, the definitely probably wouldn't like her wouldn't they? "Valhalla sounds nice, but....with Glaciem it's so different. I don't see how someone can be so kind to a complete stranger." she smiled. "At least those who are stronger anyway." She sighed lowering her eyes at what she had said. Eren flicked her tail against the dirt and took in a deep breath. She offered a smile though a stranger didn't want to be bothered with her problems.


07-17-2013, 08:21 PM
A smile crossed the man's maw as she chuckled. He watched her climb out of the crescent shaped pool and blinked as the water she shook from her fur landed on his face. It hadn't bothered him, so he didn't say anything about it. When she spoke his first reaction was to tell her it was good to hear that she wasn't as sore, but when she basically said she had been useless to her pack he felt the need to scold her. He hid that urge and chose a different way to approach it, even though she was younger than himself, she wasn't a child. "I'm glad to hear you feel a bit better, and what would make you think you weren't of use?" it was half statement and half question.

Again she spoke and again he listened before speaking again. He saw her lower her eyes when she finished and before he spoke. "Well, I'm being kind to a complete stranger. The strength of a wolf doesn't matter, its the personality they hold that does."