
Whispers In The Dark


12-23-2018, 03:30 AM
The land he’d discovered today was bleak… though Theophylaktos wasn’t really focusing on the dead grasses of the massive palin. He wandered through with his gaze thoughtful, fiery orbs scanning the territory for traces of those he might deem familiar. Somewhere along their journey here the man had been separated from his daughter… The thought that she was out there somewhere alone hurt him. Theo might not have loved their mother… but he loved his daughter and son with more than words alone could say. Agathangelos and Driscoll were his world… and without them, without their home, the man felt lost.

He wasn’t sure what to make of Boreas… and the fact he hadn’t seen any other Southern survivors had him worried. Surely he and Aggy hadn’t been the only ones? No, he thought to himself. Mars would protect his own… surely there would be more survivors out there somewhere?

Theophylaktos was broken from his thoughts by a strange phenomenon in the skies. He’d been told stories of shooting stars as a pup… but he’d never seen one until now. He looked up at the sky quietly, taking them in.

Would it really work if he made a wish on one?


12-23-2018, 05:27 AM
She knew it was time to probably start heading back to the Empire. She had been gone long enough, she figured her presence might be missed. Or not, who knew. She quite enjoyed exploring and learning about the packs here. A couple she visited while others she scouted from a safe distance. Malleus would be pleased, she thought. Though it had taken her longer than she would have liked, she refused to go back without information.

The woman was traveling close to Lirim lands, mostly keeping an eye on them. And mostly for amusement. There were puppies there that she had taken an interest in, though for what reasons she wasn't quite sure of. They did remind her that her biological clock was ticking, so that was one. Another thing of interest was that she had smelled Seth's scent there as well, and she wanted to know what he was up to and why he was there. Alas, she would just have to inform Malleus of her findings, and soon.

Night had fallen, and the woman was looking for a place to bed down for the night. The air was chilly, so she wanted to hurry up and find someplace warm. Glancing up at the sky, she noticed shooting stars flying across, drawing a smile from her. She had seen them before, but it had been a while since she had bothered to search the skies for them again.

Sighing, she continued on a good while until she came upon something (or rather someone) quite interesting. A male with a dark coat and markings that looked like embers scattered across his form. The more she watched him, the more he drew her interest, and Kas knew she needed to approach. And that's exactly what she did. Without a care in the world attitude plastered to her, she drew closer to the man. "Oh my, isn't this quite a sight." She smiled, leaving it up to him to decide whether she was talking about the stars, or him.


12-23-2018, 10:24 PM
A voice, feminine, and the scent of a stranger interrupted his thoughts and Theophylaktos turned his gaze to the woman. She was smaller than he was though not by much, and a touch older. Her coat was dark, much like his own, though not touched by fire. Even still she was pretty, Theo noted. Theo dipped his head respectfully to the maiden -- he didn’t know her, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be kind to her. At the very least she was providing a distraction from his thoughts of missing children at that moment in time.

“The stars are certainly making an interesting display tonight indeed, miss.” It didn’t occur to the man that she might be talking about him. Where he came from such colors in your coat were commonplace… but alas… there was no way of knowing how many, if any, were left. “It’s pleasant to meet another on a night such as this. The stars must have granted me a wish after all.” He’d been yearning for company prior to this. Sure he’d been hoping for a Southern wolf… but… this woman’s presence was welcome as well.

“May I get the honor of knowing your name?” Theophylaktos lifted his head, bright red gaze meeting her own. Maybe his luck was turning around after all.


01-07-2019, 06:20 PM

A brow rose slightly upward, though unnoticeable. She chuckled quietly to herself. Ah clueless...yet so entertaining all the same. Eyes rose to the sky for a brief moment as he spoke, though she had to agree with him. The night was quite beautiful, and she was reminded that even a Goddess such as herself would do well to remember to look at the stars once in a while. He inquired for her name, and for a moment she thought about lying and telling him one of her many faceless facades. But then...she had been everyone but herself since she came to Boreas. And quite frankly, she was growing a bit tired of it. The more she pretended to be someone else, the more she lost a piece of herself. "Kasdeya," She tilted her head towards him, studying him for a moment. "And you dear? What name have the stars bestowed upon you?"

speech action


01-10-2019, 01:38 PM
There was a moment of pause before the woman gave her name. Kasdeya. It was a lovely name, almost exotic as she spoke it. Theophylaktos looked towards her, his gaze shining curiously as he answered her. “Theophylaktos.” He answered simply, his name rolling off his tongue with practiced ease. “Though if you wish you may call me Theo.” His offer was gentle, and he canted his head to the side as he watched her now, distracted from the stars above them. It had been too long since he’d interacted with someone… and as beautiful as the stars were they could not talk back to him.

“It’s been too long since I’ve been in the company of another…” Theo confessed softly. “So your company tonight is truly a blessing. If I may ask, miss Kasdeya, would you accompany me just a bit longer?” Theophylaktos’ fiery gaze met her own. He could only hope that she would stay… and that she wasn’t in some hurry to get somewhere. He thought he could pick up the scents of others on her coat as well… did she have a family?


01-10-2019, 03:10 PM

Theophylaktos. Well then, she didn't think she would be able to remember that. It was a mouthful, that was for sure. Luckily, he offered a nickname and she nodded with gratitude. "I think I do wish to call you Theo. Your name is quite a mouthful, i'm afraid I might screw up such a fancy name," She offered a smile. She felt like letting a bit of her true self show tonight. After all, he was just a stranger. Another, handsome stranger. What luck she had, running into all these pretty boys. Part of her wished to take them all home, but alas, her mind would simply not allow her to take a mortal man as her lifelong mate. Unlike some others in her family.

Her gaze found his when he requested that she stay with him for a little while, and her mind grew pensive. While yes, she believed herself to be a Goddess. A descendant of the Fallen God himself, she found herself nodding. It wouldn't hurt to oblige one simple request of another, now would it? After all, she wouldn't be traveling any further tonight. "I don't see why not, dear. I'm in no particular hurry to get anywhere tonight." She moved closer to sit beside him, leaving a few inches of distance between them as she glanced up at the stars with him. Her mind begged for questions to be asked, so without breaking eye contact with the stars, she asked "Tell me, Theo. Do you believe there is a line between Gods and mortals?" She was truly curious. She hadn't really spoken to a mortal in a way that she could analyze their thought process on the matter, so this would be a first.

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02-14-2019, 11:23 PM
Theophylaktos canted his head his head to the side as the female posed her question. It was a bit of a peculiar one, though he supposed that for some beliefs were what ruled their path. He closed his eyes, a soft “hmm” escaping him as he considered the answer. “Yes.” He answered after a moment. “Gods are definitely far different from mortal beings. They are heavenly, more powerful…” Theo opened his eyes and glanced back to the sky. “They can move Heaven and Earth… they have the power to do anything they wish.” His words were thoughtful.

“I’ve heard tale that some Gods get curious, however. That they might mingle with mortals and grace us with their presence… but…” Theophylaktos shook his head. “To think a God might grace a man such as myself with their presence is a silly thing indeed. I’m but a mere soldier from the land I hail from… nothing special in the least.” He glanced towards Kasdeya. “Though it would appear I’ve been graced by a phenomenal being all the same in you, miss Kasdeya. There is something about how you carry yourself I can’t put my paw on… but it is not a bad thing. No, quite the opposite actually.” Theophylaktos smiled gently.

“Do you believe there is a line between mortals and Gods as well?”