
Oh snap.

Ivy I


4 Years
01-10-2019, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 09:48 PM by Ivy I.)


Ivy was pretty sure she had fucked up.

She'd been hunting, much farther from Kesali's lands than usual. Her real intentions in coming here hadn't been to hunt at all, but by the time she made the journey and the sun had started to dip low in the sky she'd realized she was hungry. As interesting as the various metal scraps that dotted the field were, food quickly became a priority as her hunger made itself apparent. Ivy also knew that if she had any intention of sleeping out here, in unfamiliar terrain, at least she ought to fall asleep with a full belly. Collecting whatever trinkets she wanted to bring back home could hold off until the morning.

At first, she thought it might be her lucky day. When she caught the scent of a pig she immediately took action. She found it alone and distracted, so taking it down was an easy feat, but it was what came afterward that made her decide that perhaps luck wasn't on her side at all today. Before she even began to feast, as the sun began to dip down just barely below the horizon, she heard the sound of something approaching. No, not just something, but multiple pairs of paws shuffling against the ground. The land was relatively quiet so Ivy wasn't caught completely off guard. Licking blood from her lips, she slowly turned and narrowed her eyes as she assessed the situation. Apparently a small group of coyotes had caught wind of her kill, and were desperate to get their fill.

Well fuck. Ivy wasn't too proud to take on a fight she had no hope of winning, but likewise she wasn't about to let her kill go to waste. And she had plenty of food to share, so why not see if any other hungry wolves nearby wanted to help? Hell, maybe the fight might even be fun. It'd been a long time since she's stretched her fighting muscles. Ivy held her ground, slowly tipping her head to the sky and letting loose a call for a partner to help her defend her kill and share in their spoils together. It wasn't like she could carry it all the way back to Kesali, after all. She just hoped someone was within hearing distance and might decide it was worth a good meal.

Winter, Year 12 - Group Fighting Prompt
Words: 391