
Death changes things



1 Year
01-02-2019, 09:25 PM
Naeva had long been depressed. Her mother and sibling had drifted and she had no clue what to do about it. It didn't matter either. She just was mindless in her day to day tasks. Priscilla and her brothers should of seen it but they didn't. She had heard everything. None came to ever check on her.

Today there was a different story unfolding. She was lost. Her form lay in her den. A stench was about it, one that spoke of recent death. She lay with her eyes on the entrance, open but glossed over. Last night she had went about her duties like any other day, but morning would bring with it the sad reminder of her mortality to her  family. Torin cared most, he would likely be one of the first to find her, but blaise would be the absolute first.his howl would announce it and fill the air. Snow was falling but naeva would not see it. She would be gone. If any remembered her was a question. She had gone quietly in the early hours of the night, only to awake and hunt in her brother's dreams.

-Exit via death-



1 Year
Dire wolf
01-02-2019, 09:34 PM
Last night had been weird for the boy. His sister had danced her way into his dreams and when he awoke the next morning it was with a start. He was quick, a nagging feeling telling him to check on her.

He rushed, past his siblings dens and even torins to where naeva had chosen to den on the outskirts of the one ever checked on her but he knew she was around thanks to her scent. As he approached he slowed. It was quiet and the wind brought with it a smell he had only smelled on prey. His eyes widened. "No, no, no.... don't let it be so." he rushed into the den his eyes adjusting quick. There she lay, as if she was watching the first snow. It was cold. His paw nudged her trying to rise her. A chill had set in her body already. "NO!" his voice ripped open the quiet of the morning. His head threw back as he howled out his anger and grief. This had not had to happen. His voice would be what likely woke his family as he called for them. His heart clenched as he curled up with his head over naeva's shoulders.



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
01-02-2019, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 11:57 AM by Célestin.)


Célestin had been living his life in a daze of giddy happiness; even the cloud of the circumstances of his birth couldn't put a damper on the feelings of contented happiness the days he spent with Pegasus gave him. He had told his friend that he'd follow him with whatever it was he was determined to do; he was taking his cue from Pegasus, though he knew he'd need to talk to his mother and uncle soon. Then he'd need to seek out his sisters and let them know where he was going... Bas... well he hadn't been seen for a while and he wasn't particularly concerned with how Blaise felt about any of it; Blaise had lost any right to have a say in his life when he'd decided he was the arbiter of all of them.

Today though... well today was doing its damnedest to ruin his plans and sink his feelings. Not that he knew that yet. No all Célestin knew right now was that his brother had made a call from near the border... where Naeva's den was. He realized this as he drew closer. Then the stench hit him...

Sudden dread settled like a pit in Célestin's stomach, he picked up his pace, near on careening straight into the ground as he shoved his way into his sister den and...

The boy retched, the sudden scent of death hitting him like a wall. His sister looked like she could be sleeping... Célestin gently nosed at her paws, feeling her skin on his nose. Cold.

As Célestin turned away from his brother, who was cradling his sister's corpse, he did throw up this time. Heaving until his stomach was empty and still his stomach tried desperately to empty itself, his body shaking with each wracking retch.

Finally he stopped, whipping his muzzle on his shoulder. "Blaise..." He began to speak, looking at his brother holding Naeva's form so tenderly he almost couldn't believe it was his callous brother in front of him. His eyes prickled with tears. "Blaise... what-what the fuck happened?" He stepped toward his brother, anger flashing through him and as he cried he growled at his brother. "What the fuck happened?" He said again, hissing this time. He was a mess of sadness and fear and guilt and anger and anger and anger... and Blaise, Blaise would be its target.

Art by Blue-Onyx
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



7 Years
Extra large
01-02-2019, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:45 PM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

Torin knew he needed to talk to Naeva soon, he'd sought out Priscilla and Blaise already. Célestin was also on his radar though he'd yet to talk to the boy; he seemed happy enough. Torin hadn't failed to notice that his nephew seemed attatched at the hip with the pack's other young fighter. He couldn't help but be put at ease by that, his nieces and nephews hadn't had many peers their age and he was glad at least one of them seemed to have found a friend. That didn't diminish his worry for the others any, and he still wanted to be sure he wasn't neglecting his nephew's emotional state just because he seemed fine but he'd had to make a priority list...

As for Bas... well at this point all Torin wanted was to know the boy was alright... It seemed the tendency to wander off could be passed down simply with his mother's name. These thoughts are what passed through his head as he lay in his den, Derecho at his side snoring lightly still. He gently smilled, nosing at her side gently so as not to wake her up.

Then he heard it, his nephew's howl. It was raw, filled with pain. And Torin suddenly stiffened, feeling as if the world was tilting under him. He didn't know what could have caused such an intense summons to come from Blaise but he knew it couldn't be good. Torin moved quickly and smoothly to his paws, racing out of the den entrance and out towards where he'd heard his nephew's call from.

The scent struck him first, even this far out from it. The mingling smells of death and vomit and he felt his stomach twist painfully. What was he about to walk into? As he approached he just heard his nephew, Célestin, his words filled with venom and pain. He picked up his pace. As he approached he could just make out the image of Célestin and Blaise, gathered around their sister Naeva... there was an ethereal stillness to her and he knew...

"Célestin stop!" He barked, a grimace pulled across his face. "Not- not right now." He knew from what his nephew had told him that right now Célestin was harboring some resentment towards his brother but this... this wasn't the right time or place.

Torin wanted to collapse where he was, wanted to howl in anguish. He wanted to scoop his little niece up in his embrace and never leave her. But right now he couldn't even allow himself the grace of tears. His mind was instinctually jumping to what he had to do, what was required of him. He doubted Jewell would ignore this call and he knew, she couldn't see it. Not at first, she'd need to be braced for the death of... her daughter. She'd need him to be the rock, need him to hold her up while her world started crashing down. He need to be strong, for Jewell, for all of them.

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
01-02-2019, 11:05 PM
She had distanced herself from her children and everyone really. She was a burden and a horrible mother. Even her companion had left her side. She had been slowly losing her mind. And nothing could of prepared her for this morning.

Her son's anguish was easy to hear in his howl. She was quick to exit her own den and make off towards the borders of the territory and the sound of her son. She knew naeva was this way. Something had to be wrong.

As she arrived she heard celestin yelling at his brother and she was able to hear torin. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for the sight as she pushed her way in and past torin who was taking up the entrance. Blaise was cradling naeva, uncharacteristically of him, and celestin was facing blaise. The scents were sickening. The sight of her daughter even more so. Her eyes were glazed over, watching a sight none of them could see.

Her gut and heart clenched. The world beneath her rocked and fell out of place. Sure they hadn't been what she wanted but she couldn't help but love the memory of the small bundles she gave life to. Her face held shock and distress. Her mind was breaking. Her body was already deteriorating and one had to wonder when she would go. Her ribs were exposed and her cheeks sallow.

Her paws backed away. Tears streamed quietly. This couldn't be. It had to be a dream. She pushed her way backwards from the den and the sight. Then she let herself collapse in a heap of sobs and distress.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



1 Year
Dire wolf
01-02-2019, 11:31 PM
Celestin came first and Blaise wasn't certain where they stood, but it wasn't the time to fight. He held Naeva as if she could be brought back just from being warmed. He fought back tears but knew they came. His cheeks were wet with them. Then celestin was yelling. At him. The one who had found the sight. Who had called them all.

He wanted to tell back to blame his more caring brother. How had none of them noticed that something had been wrong with their quietest sister. "I... don't know." his voice instead of filled with rage was quiet and came with deep breaths. "She seemed happy last I saw her, how could I have let this it's all my fault....." he burryed his face into her brown and rainbow speckled pelt. His ears were back. Torin barely registered to the boy. He was supposed to keep them all safe, even if it meant that they hated him. He wasn't supposed to feel anymore, yet here he was feeling. From him came a mantra of apologies.

He felt like a pup once more. He hadn't meant to hurt them. He just wanted the truth.

His head snapped as his mother entered and he wanted to stop her. She looked so tiny and fragile in the moment. She was so thin. His eyes didn't move as she backed out sobbing quietly. "Mom....." his eyes cast to celestin then. Here he was mourning when his brother needed him. "Stay here, I need to keep Priscilla away.... she doesn't need this...." he was quiet and with that he was sitting up. He wasn't going to leave until torin had celestin and celestin agreed. His tears were still flowing and his voice was quiet but he was serious enough he felt. Priscilla might break from this.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
01-06-2019, 01:15 AM

There had been absolutely no interaction for Priscilla since her talk with her uncle. The incident with Jewell, as well as that conversation, had her questioning if she was doing the right thing by remaining with Lirim. Part of her wanted to rise above this, to show her mother they were worth keeping. But the other part of her told her to take her siblings and run. She was sure Blaise would want to be their leader… and she’d likely try to make peace between her brothers while keeping Naeva close so she wouldn’t get bullied again.

Too bad that wouldn’t happen.

Whether they had decided to stay or go the lives of all of Jewell’s kids were about to be changed forever.

Priscilla had been on her way to see her sister, ironically enough. It had been too long… and something nagged at ‘cilla. Something foreboding… and she wanted to talk to her sister about it. Naeva had been the only one with her while Blaise bullied them… while their other brothers were missing from Lirim. It was cruel fate that would lead her to discover what she would discover at her sister’s den.

She was approaching when she saw them gathering around the den. Instantly she knew something was wrong. Bi-colored eyes widened and Priscilla’s steps slowed. It was written on their faces… their emotions…

Her mother, broken, crying… away from Naeva’s den...

‘Lestin looking angry, fearful, and sad all at once…

Her uncle was trying to hold it together but she could sense his distress…

And Blaise…

Priscilla had never seen him with that expression.

The female began to tremble.

It started with a shiver… and progressed with each step she took.

Everything felt surreal. She couldn’t breathe. She wasn’t existing. She wasn’t here.

This wasn’t real.

Everything that was wrong didn’t exist.

‘Cilla shuddered.


She parted her mouth to speak but there were no words.

She couldn’t form the question… couldn’t ask what happened.

Then the smell of death hit her.

It clicked.

Naeva was…


Everything started to swim before Priscilla’s eyes. Colors blurred together as tears formed and a sound, something between a wail and a sound no normal creature should make escaped her lips.





4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
01-06-2019, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 11:57 AM by Célestin.)


He didn't want to be yelling at his brother, not really. Not right now anyway. Maybe yesterday he'd have taken any opportunity to chew out his brother but right now, he wanted the comfort the knowledge his family was there would bring. And yet here he was, the brunt of his grief being shoved upon Blaise. " I... don't know." Not fucking good enough! He wanted to yell, he wanted, needed someone, something to blame. Blaise was the only one there he could push that onto. He couldn't help feeling deflated when Blaise started blaming himself. He wanted someone to blame but... he didn't want this.

Torin's admonishment also caused him to shrink more into himself, glancing over his shoulder at his uncle. Then his mother appeared and the boy froze, unsure what to do even as she pushed past him into the den, then crying, back out. He slowly met his brother's gaze as Blaise spoke and an unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them. Blaise got up, leaving Naeva as he got up to try and become a buffer for their missing sister. Célestin couldn't bear the image of his sister left alone and he took Blaise's place, curling around the small cold form of Naeva, it felt all too real as he felt the noticeable lack of breathing and warmth from her small body. Priscilla must have shown up as her voice pierced the quiet of the den and the boy buried his face in his sister's fur, crying into her pelt, unable to do anything else.

Art by Blue-Onyx
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



7 Years
Extra large
01-14-2019, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:43 PM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

The worst was already happening, Jewell would arrive next and despite his best efforts he was unable to stop her from entering the den, he stood ridged as he waited; unable to bring himself to witness how this would destroy his sister.

Then Jewell pulled out of her daughter's den and he was moving instantly, he had to help her, had to be the rock she needed. Jewell collapsed and Torin numbly settled at her side, gently pushing himself into her, craddling her sobbing form just as his nephew had craddled the stiff form of his sister.

He gently tried to encourage Jewell to move closer, manouvering his limbs to pull her closer and he laid his head gently on her shoulders but not before taking a quick swipe of his tongue across her ears. He gently cooed to his sister, sweet nothings in her own native tongue. He hardly moved as he heard Priscilla, didn't even blink as Blaise launched from the den. He couldn't help them all, he wasn't enough.

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3