
Know this life

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-21-2019, 01:55 PM
[Image: 7vi0s2F.jpg]

She was more confident in the lives of these little ones, now that a large chunk of their future had been smoothed. They would know their heritage well, and sure, they would still have hurdles in life but somehow.. This made all the difference.

In the last few days she had been too tired to leave the den, but Rhyme always brought her a decent meal, and she was sure to share it with Epitaph who lived in a separate section of her den.

She was in the comforts of her den, and hating the confinement of it all, she wanted to be out there, patrolling the borders and keeping an eye over her beloved pack. Instead, she was stuck here with nothing but her thoughts to occupy her. She had done the unbelievable, professed her feelings for Rhyme. She was still reeling from that, and still learning the implications. In doing so, she was taking some responsibility over all the young he had helped to bring to life. She would live with the consequences of another loving him, and wondering if she had hurt them. Of course she had to find out that this path might be every bit as difficult as the last, but at least here and now.. Her heart was free.

Rhyme didn’t sleep in her den, they hadn’t yet figured out how all of this would work. Rhyme wouldn’t be there when she felt the first sudden pain in her stomach, the sudden bleeding, the realization of the life she was about to push into this world. She gasped, rolling into a better position, looking frantically for Winter. “Winter, winter?” no response “Somebody?”

No, don’t panic. She had been a healer once, she knew what to do. She concentrated on her breathing, blocking everything out. There was no space for anything in her mind, but for the little lives inside of her.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 02:20 PM
Rhyme didn’t know what to feel, sadness elation? It was a mix of both. While Rhythm saw to fixing Tana up after the birth Rhyme had slipped away to calm himself. He’d lost his first born, though he’d tried so hard to save him death had won. Three healthy pups were attached to Tana now though, and he tried to think about them. The tiniest was the one he was worried about, the runt. If she could make it through her first couple of days she had chance at making it to adulthood.

He waded through the snow, unaware at first that his paws were carrying him closer to Shaye’s den. He had every intention of returning to Tana before she woke up, but it wouldn’t hurt to check in on.. his mate. The word was still odd in his mind, but it was certainly growing on him. He hadn’t quite committed to her den yet though, he'd been too worried about Tana’s pregnancy. Now that it was over though he felt relief through his grief.

His dark ears perked at hearing Shaye’s worried voice from her den. She called out to winter first, but he didn’t see the white bird anywhere. He rushed inside to see Shaye laying just as uncomfortable as Tana had been. He felt a similar worry for Shaye and their pups, but hoped he wouldn’t repeat his most recent experience. "Shaye?" he asked softly as he intruded. "Should I call your sister?" Rhythm was probably still wrapped up with Tana.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-21-2019, 07:17 PM
She started to push, feeling the pain of the pregnancy, and kept her breathing right, trying not to let panic claim her. She had never anticipated doing this alone, and the prospect left her feeling uncertain.


And just like that, she wasn’t alone at all, she gasped, looking up at him with pain filled eyes, and managed, somehow to smile. “Rhyme.” she panted “Please” she replied, keeping her responses short as he asked to invite her sister. “A-and Act.” she grimaced at another contraction, and obliged her body. “These.. Little ones, impatient.” she panted.

She wanted him closer, she wanted him to be holding her as she birthed their new lives. How times had changed, when she had avoided his touch and the feelings it had brought forth. How glad she was, that they had unleashed their love for eachother before these little ones were born into this world.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
01-21-2019, 09:10 PM


The waif never went too far from the den he shared with Miss Shaye, especially not with her pregnancy having come to term recently. Any day those little ones would be born, and he had promised to help. Thus, he didn't need to hobble far when he caught the aroma of fear and blood trickling from the den. By the time he limped down the entrance tunnel, Rhyme was there. He had sensed something strange between the two, but so far hadn't gotten many details. Pushing that out of his mind, he tried to ignore the stench of blood. This wasn't a death, but a birth. He had to remember that. Scared of a little blood, worm? That was Grim's snarl in his head, a rare occurrence even now. He took a deep breath.

"Miss Shaye?" he rasped, auds lowered close to his head. "Would you like me to assist? I have some experience with birthing," he didn't add the not much into the sentence. That would only make the queen nervous. A few steps closer, he could see the damp spot where her body had spilled its birthing fluid, a warning of the events to come. Not one to push his luck with a pregnant female, he waited a respectful distance away, and averted his gaze to her paws. Having the large male present, despite the possibility of them being brothers, made him remember his place. A servant to their whims where it counted.




6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-21-2019, 09:58 PM

Shaye had been pregnant and as she grew color to her term Actaea was seeing less and less of her. The young girl understood what was happening and understood why Shaye was around less and less. If she was back in Ruina, her old self she may have been upset, jealous, but now that she was almost a different person she was very happy for Shaye. She was going to have pups, younger wolves then herself would now be within the pack. Actaea was excited to meet these tiny babies and she what she might have looked like when she was their age. It was new and different and she wanted to help Shaye as much as she could.

Today she was moving through the snow, a small hare within her mouth. She had managed to catch the creature with a trap she had created and now she was carrying her prize to Shaye's den. She thought it would be a good gesture to give her a meal even if she did not need it. Maybe she could give her some company for a bit while she was relaxing within her den. When she grew close enough to the den her nose picked something up and she stopped to place the rabbit on the ground and take a good whiff. Immediately she smelled blood and quickly picked up her rabbit and rushed to the den. Dropping the rabbit outside she crawled in and was met with not only Shaye, but Rhyme and another wolf she hadn't met.

She moved over to Shaye who was panting, uncomfortable, and having discharge. Was it birthing time already? Actaea remained calm and looked to Shaye for orders. She was here to help her through this.

speech action

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-22-2019, 04:07 PM
Shaye looked up at him quickly, pain obvious in her gaze as she found him. He couldn't help but think about the relief that he saw there. Did she think he would let her go through this alone? Rhyme pushed down his high emotions, he struggled to remove Darilnor from his mind as Shaye called out his name and asked him to summon Vail and Actaea. She managed a little tease at the end and he managed a smile. He'd have to wait to tell her about his first four

He nodded, loathe to turn away even for a moment. Rhyme steeled himself, hopeful this birth would not be as difficult as the first that day. "I'll be right back." He promised as he returned to the cave mouth and called out for Vail as he watched Actaea hurry forward. He tried to instill a bit of urgency in his voice as it trailed off and he returned to the dimmed den. He was careful to step over the carefully placed border.

Rhyme was quick to place himself at Shaye's far side, a comforting presence as she pained through labor. He nuzzled into her neck, offering what support he could. His mind still reeling from earlier. "They'll be here soon." He promised her softly, hoping she didn't hear the sadness there. She needed to focus on herself, not him.

Both wolves looked for direction, Epitaph vocally and Actaea silently. Rhyme wasn't sure what they would be best doing. He hadn't been paying attention to details earlier in the day, Rhyme had been too occupied failing to save his first born.



6 Years
01-22-2019, 04:07 PM
She debated about ignoring Rhyme's call for a long second. She still hadn't entirely forgiven him, but when she realized his voice came from the direction of Shaye's den Vail hurried herself in that direction. She didn't particularly want to leave Solor's side, they had decided to start their own little family together. Realizing how fun it was made her reluctant to leave him for long. Her sister needed her though and with a quick kiss and grabbing a few more herbs she and Notch rushed to Shaye's den.

She expected to find Rhyme in the den but did not realize he would be so close to her sister. Vail couldn't see him but she could hear how close their breathing was. Vail took in a deep breath. She could do this, just like she'd done with the hermit.

"How fast are your contractions coming?" She asked as she placed herself on Shaye's other side and put her paw to her sister's belly. She was not near as full of pups as Tana had been. While she was half disappointed she hadn't been asked to assist in the birth she was glad her aunt had been. Rhythm would have been much better in an emergency situation.

She realized the other two lingered there a little later, and hasn't heard or seen them ask Shaye for guidance. Moving her features to 'look' towards them she uttered a couple of needs. "If someone will grab me the herbs in the second over third from the bottom cubby?" She asked for first as Notch fluttered into the dim cave with the rest of her items.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-22-2019, 07:24 PM
To think, for a heartbeat she had thought she would be doing this alone. She could scent Epitaph before she saw him, and she managed a smile for the small wolf, “Thank you, but Vail will be here soon.” she promised him, speaking between ragged breaths. She hadn’t heard Rhyme call, but she wasn’t certain how much spacial awareness she had at that moment, for Actaea was then there, looking up at her expectandly. Shaye panted, pushing as her body commanded. “V-vail will teach you.” she said to her apprentice, having no choice but to give this lesson over to her sister.

She knew Vail would be here soon, heard Rhyme’s call - Act had come before it? It seems the wolves of her life had been keeping a closer eye on her then expected.

Rhyme returned then, nuzzling into her, and she leaned on his comfort. He promised that Vail would be here soon, but she lost a few moments as she concentrated on her breathing, feeling oddly aware of the wolves around here. Perhaps more crowded then she would have liked, but there was something nice about being surrounded by wolves she loved.

“Vail.” she panted as her blind sister appeared on her other side. She asked about contractions and Shaye gave her the information she could. Her sister took charge then, directing wolves to grab herbs. Shaye could dismiss everything now except for her sisters voice and the fell of her body as it worked to bring life into the world.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-25-2019, 08:33 PM

Actaea nodded to Shaye's words and momentarily settled herself. She could here Rhyme's howl just outside the den, calling specifically for who she assumed was Vail. Shaye had said she would her so Actaea could only assume the women would be here soon. Rhyme returned to Shaye's side and Actaea just quietly took the scene in as she waited for the healer to arrive.

It wasn't long before the pale form entered the den and came right over to Shaye asking her a question. The question she took note of and Shaye answered her. Then Vail turned her attention towards her and the dark furred man nearby. She quickly asked for the retrieval of herbs and Actaea was quick to jump into action fallowing her instructions to the cubby and gently taking out the herbs.

She carried them over and gently placed them in front of Vail before stepping back for further instruction and to stay out of the way. She didn't want to be getting in the way and preventing proper treatment of this entire birth.

speech action

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them