
What a load of croc.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
12-30-2018, 11:14 AM

He traveled until he could no longer see the mountains behind him, heading southward toward the ocean shore. He didn't know where he was going, never venturing this far south before but there had to be more in this life for him to look forward to than the horrors he'd just left behind in the mountains. Perhaps he would go back, search for his other siblings, but for now.. he needed time to mourn over everything that happened in his own way.

He was eerily calm as he walked away from the East, perhaps it was the tranquility of the ocean at low tide aiding in this. The dull roar of its waves gently lapping at the sands just out of reach of his paws worked wonders on keeping his nerves calm for the moment, but there was a distant look to his usually bright blue eyes. The trauma of what he had just experienced wasn't something the teen could fully process. The guilt of not trying to stop Elias from taking his sister was something so strong it threatened to break him. He would not let himself become a man as broken as Elias was, that was all he knew. He had to stay strong, but his mind felt shrouded and unable to focus. He wasn't sure where he was heading, he wasn't sure what he was doing, and he seemed in and out of his connection with the world around him as he continued following the shoreline.

Eventually, he discovered the bridge leading to Auster and followed it only to be forcefully pulled back into reality by the sound of a clicking hiss. His silver and brown hackles prickled around his shoulders as he felt all of his muscles instinctively tense, his eyes searching for the sound. Ahead of him was a massive reptile, something he had never seen nor heard about before, sunbathing on the sands of the Bifrost. It seemed very unwilling to let him cross, it's mouth opening to threaten the wolf with an impressive display of teeth. It slapped it's tail behind it aggressively, showing off its weight and immediately Dominus' pristinely white teeth parted the dark visage of his face. Hell no, he wasn't going to have any of this.

Dominus was tall, but he was practically all skin and bones and.. would be lucky if he came out of a fight with a crocodile this size alive. He certainly, realistically, would not be able to take it on by himself.. but he seemed to have absolutely no knowledge of this. His disconnected way of processing the loss of his sister left him fearless, uncaring, and foolishly proud for standing up to practically everything now. His body acted without him really telling it to, bending him at the knees as his head lowered to align with his spine and his ears flipped back. He matched the crocodile's clicking with his own growl, both rising in volume the longer they continued this little stare off.

"You think I care about your stupid teeth, fat ass?" He spat at the croc, growling as his hatred really started to surface.

"I'll knock 'em out and wear them like a fucking trophy. You can't even catch me, can you? What do you think you're going to do?"

The crocodile lunged forward, being the first to close the distance between them. It's speed both surprised and thrilled Dominus as he moved to the left, wanting to observe this creature a bit more before he went in for an attack of his own. He wanted to test it's speed, working in a circle to keep away from the beast.



8 Years
01-02-2019, 03:53 PM

Hannibal would remain as far away from the north as possible. Of course he resided within souther Boreas but Auster was his haven on the days he wasn't required to patrol. It was a strange land with a not so welcoming land bridge. But, it seemed he was magnetized to the oddities in the world. His pale paws carried his pale form across the sand and deeper into Auster with ease. Thankfully it was a cloudy day, otherwise the phantom would have rather died then to venture out in the daylight. Hannibal was in no need for first degree burns. The sun was bright enough to cause his pink eye to twinge and strain but other then that the albino was fine.

It wasn't long into his journey into the deep south when a new scent filled his dappled nose. It was that of a male but no other information came to him. With a brow raised the male prowled forward. Out of sheer curiosity the ghost followed the tracks into murky swamp lands. A terrain he was not use to in the slightest so the beast paid special attention to his surroundings. Mismatch eyes were on alert and his tail lowered. Usually he would be weary of his demeanor but now was the time for defenses not flashy stature.

As he got deeper into the swamps it was very clear there were Crocodiles inhabiting these lands. Mud slides into pools of murky water and the general scent of a reptile flooded his senses. Though, before he could turn around the sounds of shouting filled his ears. Hannibal was about to turn tail and forget his adventure to stalk the stranger but instead he trotted towards the shouting. A negative tingle slithered down his albino spine as he neared the situation. His eyes feasted upon the sight of a younger male, tall and thin, talking shit to a Croc. Hannibal stopped in his tracks, watching for a few silent moments. Did this boy have a death wish? If he were even a smidge more evil he would have just left him to die. But, as the phantom witnessed the Croc launch at the stranger Hannibal leaped into action.

Hannibal ran at his top speed in order to barrel towards the Croc. He felt horrible dumb for what he was about to do in order to save this stranger but it was far to late to stop. A rippling growl came forth from the depths of his throat as his jaws parted. The albino male charged the Croc at it's right, the opposite direction of the stranger. He wanted to get a bit of a sneak attack to take the attention off the thin yearling. Hannibal moved to bite behind the Croc's right eye quickly. It was the chance of his snapping jaws landing one solid bite. His teeth hardly punctured the beast's hard leather hide but he managed to spill some blood. But, Hannibal was not dumb enough to linger for long. He lurched backward, taking a chunk of skin with him, and darted off in order to dodge the Crocs counter attack which was to trash at Hannibal's front legs. The albino stumbled and was nearly caught but this time he came out clean. Quickly his fierce gaze flicked towards the stranger, "You wanted a fight.." A bloody snarl and a menacing snort shot forth from the older male. "So fight!"

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-05-2019, 01:09 AM
Beware, Beware, Be Skeptical

Their Smiles, Their Smiles of Plated Gold

He was returning from a quick trip to Auster, investigating the place they used to call homed before the Abraxas had apparently moved in. He was irritated about it, not being able to venture back into the castle he had grown so used to. But alas, he wouldn't cry about it. There were other ways to get what he wanted, and although he missed his stash of trinkets, he would have to wait and bide his time. He wasn't keen on asking the Abraxas if he could return to collect some of his things, but it was probably something he would have to do. Growling bitterly for the moment, he heard commotion up ahead as he walked across the land bridge. It was different then the normally soothing sound of the sea on either side of him, this one sounding more out of place.

Continuing his path forward, he eventually spotted a couple of wolves that seemed to be harassing a big reptilian creature. He had never seen a crocodile up close, but he had heard about them. Drawing closer, he saw the crocodile lunging first for one wolf, and then the other. He simply watched as he walked, observing the scene before him. For a moment, he almost thought about slipping past and going on his way so he could get back to Acapella. But then something clicked in his head. He was frustrated, and what better way to deal with it then to take it out on a crocodile? Grinning, Greed decided he would do exactly that.

He quickened his pace until he was barreling towards the crocodile, it's tail lashing as it tried to get a bite from the other two. He rushed in from behind, jaws gaping open as he aimed to bite the beasts right hind leg. He managed to get in close, fangs puncturing skin and muscle before that powerful tail whipped to his side and knocked him clean to the ground. Greed hit the ground with a hard thud, but he had also managed to take a chunk of skin and scales with him. The crocodile hissed with pain and displeasure, throwing its head every which way as it tried to figure out which wolf to attack. Greed would spit out what he had torn from it, quickly rising to his feet and shaking away the dizziness that threatened to take him. He would have to be on guard for this, and faster too.

Deceit So Natural

But A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Is More Than A Warning!


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
01-08-2019, 03:18 PM

The first wolf appeared and startled him, he had been so focused on the crocodile that he didn't notice the older male until he made his attack. Dominus kept his feet moving, though his blue eyes quickly scanned over the other wolf in an attempt to size him up. He was shorter than the yearling was, but much more built for fighting than the scrawny likes of Dominus. Dominus felt slightly embarrassed for being caught trash talking the crocodile, but... he had a lot of anger to let out on this fucking thing whether Hannibal was witness to it or not.

'You wanted a fight... so fight!'

The words summoned a low growl from the young man as he lunged forward on command without hesitation. His jaws swung open as the croc faced the new wolf, finding their mark across the back of the crocodile's neck. His teeth found hard-shelled plates and barely made a scratch on the surface of them. Dominus went up and over the crocodile's neck, and felt the wind of the crocodile's snap on his heels as they kept close to his frame during his jump. He had to be more careful.

He kept running a bit, putting distance between himself and the crocodile as he watched the other black and white wolf stroll up with a look in his eye that said he was ready to brawl as well. The ferocity of this male and his immediate attack was something that momentarily stunned the teen, he simply watched in admiration. When Greed was done making his attack, Dominus grinned wide and got right back in for a second one of his own. He needed to attack the lighter scales of the crocodile, so while its head was turned to follow Greed after he'd made his wound, Dominus went right back in for that throat, just lower.

He felt his teeth sink into the fatty tissue of the croc's throat, but almost immediately he started to regret his doing. It immediately tried to strike him and Dominus quickly swung his frame to hug against the side of the croc while it snapped at the air. His body was out of the way for now and he let his jaws pull and thrash at the wound he'd created, a gush of blood rushing across his tongue as a reward. Suddenly, the beast started to pull back and thrashed, it's body curling as it's tail smacked the boy's back right leg that was pressed up against the reptile. Then it rolled, so quick that it threatened to take Dominus with it if he didn't let go.

Dominus was forced to surrender his grip, but the wound he'd made was significant. His feet kicked against the sand as he scurried back a safe distance again. Once the croc was on its belly again, it lunged right for Dominus and released a loud hiss. Bright blue eyes went wide as he kept scurrying backward, but he wasn't fast enough walking backward and was too afraid to turn his back on the croc with the beast right there in front of him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He panicked, desperately looking to the other two.



8 Years
01-10-2019, 08:15 PM

Hannibal was nearly shocked as a new scent entered his crimson nostrils. Blood dripped from his jowls and the fierce metallic taste was strong upon his tongue. It was chance that even he had shown up in time to save the obsidian boy but for another to lend a paw was a miracle. If it weren't for them wandering the Bifrost at that exact moment in time who knows if the boy would still be alive. Hannibal concluded he would most likely be the Croc's dinner without them. Thus, it seemed the albino's commanding words ignited the boy to take action. Hannibal was paused as he watched the fully black Wolf dance around the Croc's bites as the new Wolf assault it's right hind leg. Blood covered the sand and darkened the murky water. Rips and tears filled the humid air and Hannibal took a deep breath to regain his focus on the task at hand.

As the Crocodile was well invested in the yearling Hannibal took that time to make his own attack. The pale Wolf assumed the boy could hold his own as the two seasoned creatures made their more lethal attempts. If he could distract the trashing reptile for a tad bit longer the beast would die from significant blood loss.  The albino let forth a snort mixed with a bubbling growl as he charged once again. Paws dug into the sand and his head was lower as ever to dive down at the squirming Croc. Hannibal dove down for the right portion of his neck again, aiming to tear out more flesh and fast enough to dodge any devastating rolls the creature may offer. As his fangs made purchase Hannibal thrashed his head left and right in order to tear as much muscle and fat as possible. Blood splattered and chunks of meat flew from his location. But, not before long the Croc seemingly forgot about the boy and set his sites upon Hannibal. It began to thrash heavily before moving into a roll. The phantom released his grip just soon enough not to be dragged with it. He took a few quick steps back in a heavy stumble. Hannibal's breathing was labored and his eyes wide as ever. Crimson painted his form as he eyed the other two. Thankfully no one was too badly hurt.. yet. If the other two purchased some more blows the Croc would be dead in hopefully a minute or two.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-02-2019, 08:15 PM

He watched as the obsidian boy moved in for a bite, observing the location he chose to make his assault. The underside of the creature was more delicate than the top side, softer and more vulnerable. He growled, waiting for the moment to strike, but eyes widened a bit when the croc seemed to try and roll with the yearling. Right...he almost forgot that crocodiles and alligators did that. It was certainly something to watch out for, and Greed needed to figure out a way to slow the creature down and potentially stop its momentum the next time it tried. All too quickly the obsidian boy let go, though Greed didn't miss the look in his eye as the croc turned its attention to him. As the albino male went in for an attack, Greed would also make his move.

He went in for the back end again, rushing in and leaping over the croc's tail and landing in the sand on the opposite side. He turned around and dove in for the crocs other leg. His goal was to render its hind legs useless, and so far he had managed to mutilate one back leg, now it was time for the other side. Jaws opened up as he aimed a bite at the hind leg, his fangs digging into the softer flesh as he viciously shook his head. The croc turned its attention away from the other two, curling its body inward as it thrashed to rid itself of the attacker. The reptiles jaws snapped open and shut, catching the tip of Greed's tail just before he leaped back over to the other side. He growled with pain, but the adrenaline managed to dull the pain in his now bleeding tail. Fur was ripped out from the tip of it, but Greed didn't really care about that now. He was practically dancing around the beast now as he whirled around to get another bite in on the crocs already damaged left side. Fangs tore into it again, except this time, Greed showed no mercy. He tore and he pulled, eventually twisting and tearing the leg clean off. His face was bloodied now, and he silently dared the other two to keep fighting until this thing was dead. There was no way it would be able to survive otherwise, so perhaps that was the least they could do to show it some sort of mercy.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!