
secret confessions



3 Years
Extra large
02-06-2019, 09:18 AM

Miach was bored of waiting for his brother. It seemed whatever Kane had to do in the north was taking weeks and weeks. The north was seemingly empty for the most part due to it being the thick of winter. other then perhaps the one pack in the gorge there was next to nothing. Miach chose to reside near The Wall in a makeshift den and managed to interact with a few rogues but nothing exciting. The male was read to call for his brother once more and to give him a choice of either leaving together or Miach going alone. A pang of annoyance struck the beast for he had come to reunite with Kane after a long time of resentment and regret. Perhaps this was karma.. Karma for following Elias so closely rather then paying attention to his more caring familia. A simple shrug of doubt came forth as the beast shook the thoughts away.

Due to his anxiety the beast needed an outlet. He was built to be a fighter with a large and muscular form. Miach made it a goal to hone these skills in just in case the day came in which he would have to fend off his demonic kin. Plus, if he was going to seek a entry into a pack the male needed some skills to offer. Thus, is devilish form moved its way to the snow covered battlefield with a neutral look upon his handsome features. He was a blot of blood and ink upon a pure white blanket. His red eyes narrowed slightly due to the alabaster below. Suddenly his head shot into the air and a beautiful song of war came forth. It was a summon for another who may wish to participate in a spar.

speech action



5 Years
Extra large
02-14-2019, 12:27 AM

Perhaps the Ithuriel king had not gotten used to the change in the weather, whatnot with his furry coat inherited from his bloodline. He was used with the desert nights were temperatures went below freezing points yet he found a deep annoyance with snow.The path was scratchy beneath the male's feet as he padded along at an unhurried pace, and where certain clumps sprouted out the rocks tickled his toes in a rather irritating manner. This did not improve his mood and it caused the male to grit his teeth together in deep annoyance, having a deep feeling that today would not be one of his most peaceful days. In the past his attempt at reconciliation with his own blood did not turned out to be the most satisfactory of things however the Sun God still had hope left within his mind that one day his children will see their heritage as a gift not as a curse, alas they had not lived the times of thriving that he had but he, as well, known the same suffering they had. Perhaps if they could not be together in a loving familia they shall be brought together through more suffering. Family above everything else was their motto, the blood was thick and coursing through their veins and they too, shall be his. His mission was to find his kin and bring them together as on, perhaps it was the old age, perhaps it was all the years spent as a rogue, as a vagabond, impregnating damsel and building an army of his own spawns.

The luciferian king wanted to set roots into this place, deep and rebellious ones, that could not be defetead by the storms in their lives. And he already had the perfect Queen in mind. Sure enough, it seemed that the slush from leftover melting snow had seeped into the mud, cutting off any tracks and turning the ground into an oozy mess if he were to continue on from this point. Disgust was apparent in the downward smirk of distaste on the male handsome features and yet that did not stop for his audits to rotate towards the source of a battle cry. Male, his mind registerd by the low timbre of the howl. "a battle he wantss," the devilish companion poked his ugly, slime head from under the males mane, crimson optics watched the direction of the call as his serpentine tongue would poke out to taste the scents from time to time. "a battle he shall have." the luciferian king baritones completed the serpent sentence as he turned on his heel towards his left, throtting towards the scent as it grew thicker and heavier through his nostrils.

Sharp eyes had caught sight of the infested land filled with even more snow, but that again was not his care. The ground was so murky that it would wear him down just to take that godforsaken path and he had no wish to do that. Plain disgust still present upon his angelic features, the King looked into the horizon and spotted the reddish stained mane. Smirk laced his ebony lips as he called out to the male in deep tones, "willing to enjoy a blood bath?" A brow would raise as he walked down the battle field, pace lessening until he came to a halt seven tails away from the brute, grey optics inspecting the fine speciment before him as his eerie golden bioluminescence fur glowed in the light rays that adorned his feline-like bodice. A regal posture, years of training and discipline were present in the way he stood with his shoulders draw back and his chest puffed to appear bigger than he already was though due to his mane he appeard more lion than wolf as it was. He was a God upon mortals and he did not only look like one.

html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise