
Grumple Face



02-01-2019, 08:46 PM

It hadn't been too long since his dad had brought him from wherever they had been to here. A few days? Maybe a week? Typhoon couldn't be too bothered to remember the time, but he knew it was a while. Arcus had been suffering for a while, the man had been old and broken hearted since long before Typhoon was born. There had been some sickness in him, Typhoon was told, a storm that raged and ate at his father until nothing was left. That was why Typhie was brought here, wherever here was, away from those "storms". He was dropped off, given some of his father's brand of affection, before he was left alone. One day, maybe, he would understand that was his father had done had been "caring" in a way. He had brought Typhoon close to the one place, well rather, the one person that he, himself, had felt safe, before wandering off to possibly die from the sickness that ragged his body.

And so, Typhoon sat, his little face downcast as he stared at the stream. His yellow eyes stared back at him, and he grumbled to himself. "I'm hungry" He whispered to himself before lifting his little head and tilting it over his shoulder. He had been shown how to hunt, once or twice, or a few times, but never on his own. The child had never even dreamt of trying to find something to eat on his own, but now he might have too, because it sure seemed like his father wasn't coming back any time soon. And his mother, well, he didn't even know who that was so he doubted very muchly that she wouldn't be around to help any time soon. So with a sigh he stood up on paws too large for his tiny body, and turned away from the little lake that had been his home for a few days. "Well..." He whispered to himself, perhaps a little too frightened of the nothing-ness around him to speak too loudly. "Let's, uh...try?" He whispered before stepping away from the water. First, he put his nose to the earth and took a deep breath, before suddenly sneezing loudly as dirt shot up into his nose. Sputtering, he sat back down, pawing at his face. "Bleg!"

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 09:51 PM

She longed for a time when things had been simpler, when she knew the answers, or at least thought she did. She wondered outside of Abaven to get away from the dramas of pack life, at least for a moment. She didn’t go far, and hadn’t left since her pregnancy, but she felt the pups were doing well, and had plenty of guardians around to ensure their safety and comfort. She didn’t intend to be gone long, just.. Take a moment of fresh air.

The firefly lake was always a nice place to visit, and she found herself wondering near the water's edge, aimless, thoughtless, just staring off into space as she walked. For some reason a memory drifted past, like a faint scent, tickling at her nostrils. It had been some time now since she had last thought of The Storm, the piece of her past she had long since left behind. His place in her heart was sore, in a well-worn sort of way, like a stone that had been smoothed by time.

Why did she think of him now? She could almost scent him, the barest tinge on the wind. A memory, that was all.
Or was it?

She froze, head raised, sniffing the air, still, afraid. No, she couldn’t be.. And then she was moving, chasing that errand scent. It led her to the feather, the small, precious thing of green, dark green, like a forest shadowed by a storm. It had matched his eyes almost exactly, and it had taken her a long time to find it. It was worn now, aged, but she knew it beyond a doubt. She stood over that feather for a long time, unmoving, breath hoarse and harsh in her throat.

He had been here, so close, and yet so far. Why hadn’t he come further? Why hadn’t he come to her?
he was still alive, still out there
That was what the feather said. She picked it up in her mouth as gently as she could, and took up a trot, eyes desperately scanning. Her searching brought her to the boy, she heard him even as she found him, sneezing up a storm, looking a little lost.
“Uhh, hello?” Shaye called as she approached. “Have you seen someone pass through here, i’m looking for.. For..” she stammered, as she stopped, and truly looked at him. He was so young, almost a baby, with elemental markings across a grey coat.
“Arcus.” she whispered the name, finishing her sentence as he mind went blank, she couldn’t say anything, because she had no thoughts left to speak.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



02-01-2019, 11:09 PM

Typhoon was rubbing his nose when the woman, quite literally, burst on the scene. He jumped visibly, yellow eyes so wide as he reguarded the stranger that he had never seen. What did his father teach him about strangers? Uh, nothing much, really. The two generally kept to themselves after his mother was gone, living together for the short time the had known each other. So...what was he supposed to do? Of course, stare stupidly was an option, one of which he was mastering as we speak. He just stared at her, quiet with large eyes, wondering if she was friend or foe or what could even happen here. This was totally out of his realm of knowledge.

When she spoke he looked up at her, jaw agape slightly. It was strange hearing another wolf's voice, especially one that wasn't the same depth as his father's. He just stared up at her, silent, as she spoke and trailed off. Looking for someone? Why would she be looking for anyone? There was no one but him, and it's been a while since anyone else has been here. But then she said a name that was very familiare to him, and he tilted his head. Why would she know his dad? Typhoon had been told stories of his father's time here, of the big huge family that shattered at the drop of the hat, and those that he had met. And there was always one name in particular that always came up in his stories. And so, the little boys eyes narrowed slightly as he reguarded her, before his eyes landed on the feather behind her ear. "You, uh...whatwasit...Shaye?" He stammered lightly as he looked up at her, oblivious of her thoughts or feelings. He only knew what he knew, and it was very little.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 11:18 PM
She looked at the young wolf, the offspring of her childhood crush, stunned. Her lips were slightly parted, but no further words came forth. She could only stare at him, and he would stare back. His eyes moved to her feather, and at last, he would speak. He knew her name, and it seemed a confirmation of something to Shaye, because she drew in a sharp breath between her teeth.

Her voice shook slightly as she spoke next. “Oh god… Is he..” she trailed off, she couldn’t even say it. How old would Arcus be now. Younger than her parents, obviously, who had already passed on from old age. It had been so long since she had thought about him, before she had fallen for Rhyme, he had cast a shadow over this pain, blinding her from it. She had always wondered.. Wanted to know, did he find happiness? That grumpy, shadowed wolf who had sat beside her through the storms, who had listened to her when she experienced her first ever troubles in life.

He had listened when she told him that Rhythm was leaving the pack, and how it had confused her. She had told him when Motif had argued with Lillie. He had listened when she raved on about feathers, and taken on the one she had given him with pride. She, in turn, had listened when he had told her he felt out of place with his family, disconnected and different. They had been a family, of a sort, he had accepted her into her life when he wouldn’t let anyone else in. she never had figured out why.
She was crying, she hadn’t managed to finish her sentence, had stared in silence, and then began to cry. A stately sort of anguish, her body still, and tearts seeped slowly through her cheeks, her breath very faint, soft gasps. She never expected him to live, and somehow, finding his pup near her border, knowing her name. Some part of her told her he was dead, and she couldn’t even fathom why.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



02-02-2019, 12:03 AM

Typhoon just stared up at the woman, unsure of what to do. She certainly was upset, wasn't she? And she didn't really make it clear that he was right about her name, but everything about her reaction made him think that he was right. Not that he could understand it, or why. It really did seem to upset her. So he sat there for a while, eyes shifting from her to the ground and back again. He shuffled his paws as he sat there, waiting for something to happen.

When she began to cry he started, body jerking up and eyes wide. "Oh." He breathed, startled before he stepped forward. "Hey, uh, don't...cry?" He didn't know what to do, he really didn't. He was starting to feel quite overwhelmed that this adult woman was crying and barely said anything to him. "Why...are you crying? What's wrong? Did I get your name wrong?" He stepped forward more, looking up up up at her before swallowing lightly as he stepped right up to her. " is Typhoon." He murmured, placing a paw on hers as he tried to find her eyes, hoping maybe it would help bring her out of this. He didn't know what to do.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-02-2019, 02:59 PM
Here she was,crying in front of a stranger, and a young boy no doubt. She didn’t know anything, all she had was an abandoned feather, and a young boy that was all on his own. She didn’t know anything. She was lost in her ramped emotions, and it took her a while to register that the young boy was moving. He stepped closer to her, asking her not to cry.

The Alpha sniffed, trying to get control of herself. It was just.. So much, she had come back to this land to find all the wolves she lost, those she loved. Instead, she had found that her parents had vanished, and most likely died of old age. Rhythm had been kidnapped and abused, and was now old and blind and fragile. Bass had left his pack, leaving a giant hole in its stability, and taking away yet another wolf she had loved and respected.

There had been no one left from the old days, and Arcus.. Arcus had always been special. Her friend, her confident, a wolf she had wanted to explore the world with. What if he truly was…?

She got distracted by the feel of a tiny paw over her own, and blinking away the past, looked down at the young wolf who looked back at her. He looked so sweet, blinking up at her with yellow eyes, and she found her tears drying up. She could cry over all she had lost in private, right now she needed to get to the bottom of what was going on here. She drew in a deep breath, strengthened by the simple kindness of a stranger. “I’m sorry Typhoon, no you got my name just right. I was just.. Startled is all, you see, I knew your father very well. Where is he now, do you know?” she mentally braced herself, she needed to know, no matter what the boy said.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



02-02-2019, 06:01 PM

Typhoon just looked up at her, a contemplative look on his face. He was trying to understand, as much as his youthful mind could understand He was so young, and so inexperianced with the world that he just didn't know how to deal with the heavy emotions of this stranger. He frowned deeply when she finally looked at him clearly and began to speak, his head tilted to the side. She knew his father. Of course she did! If this really was Shaye (which she confirmed) she was in practically all of his father's stories. And she was the reason he was dropped off at this stupid lake to begin with. So duh, he knew her, and also duh, dad knew her too.

So he nodded slowly. "Yeah, I know." He said suddenly, just staring at her with that little frown on his face. "Dad talked lots 'bout you. Told me you'd find me. Took you long enough, I'm hungry." He frowned deeper then, looking down at the ground before taking his paw off of hers and stepping back a few steps. He shrugged his shoulders childishly then, looking to the side. "Dunno. Told me he was sick, and that I'd be okay here and he left. We got no family around, and I never met mom, so he said that his best friend would be here to take care of me." Had she not gotten the memo? Did his dad just expect all this to work out. "You haven't seen him? Been a few days..."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-02-2019, 10:12 PM

get a hold of yourself she ordered as she hide her anxiety, waiting for Typhoon to explain the whereabouts of his father. She tried not to think about who had caught his eye, it had been a long, long time since they had known each other, after all. The world had moved on, their bodies had aged. She wasn’t looking to rekindle anything, just to know his story, to sit beside him once more and watch a stor, here his familiar voice beside her. To remember their friendship.

Arcus knew he would find his child, but how? “Alright, lets get some food, walk and talk” she suggested, pushing aside her thoughts for this basic need. She would ensure he was fed, and would find Arcus, that was what she was going to do.

sick she almost lost her momentum as Typhoon dropped that on her. Told her that his father had been sick, left him here to be found by her and that she should have gotten his message. She felt sick, clutching his feather gently. Yes, she had gotten his message, cryptic as it had been, it had led her here. He must have known she would never turn away from his scent, and would search him out - therefore finding his child.

“I’ll take care of you, and i’ll track down your father.” she promised him, knowing she would hold herself tightly to that promise, and hoping it wasn’t an impossible one. She had to find Arcus, she had to.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



02-02-2019, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2019, 01:09 AM by Typhoon.)
Typhoon just nodded a bit, shuffling on his paws as he refused to look at her. The more they talked about his father the more the concept weighed on him. Had he been abandoned her, by this stupid lake? Was this really the plan, or just wonderful happenstance? He couldn't tell, and it was starting to really bother him. Did Arcus abandon his son...that was the question. Obviously there was a good reason, even to Typhoon's youthful mind, but he just couldn't find it. "Food's good.." He mumbled softly, his brows pinching slightly before stepping back again, hoping that she would start walking and they could find him something to eat.

But when she paused, he couldn't help but look at her again, lightning eyes narrowing just so. "You don't have'ta take care of me." He said indignantly, tilting his head slightly. "I'm big and strong, I can take care'a myself!" He frowned then, but really it came out like a pout on his teeny face. Even though his father said that Shaye would "take care of him", it had never clicked for the kid that that meant something like, well, babysitting. He just didn't like that. Nope! So he turned slightly. "I can hunt on my own, just ya wait and see." He declared with his nose just a little too high up in the air. Whatever Shaye was going through didn't really touch the child, he was just hungry, and his pride was so big he just wanted to show everyone, even his absentee father, that he didn't need no babysitter.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-10-2019, 02:01 PM

The little one would admit that food was good, leaving her wondering how long he had been there, waiting for her to appear. How could Arcus have done that? She swallowed down her emotions, least they run her over once more. We he protested that he could take care of himself, she felt a small smile begin at the edges of her lips. The tiny little pup didn’t need anybody, eh? He already sounded a little like Arcus. The need for independence, the confused feelings he had felt towards his family. Right, no time to dwell, to let it freeze her.

“Fair enough then, but it is winter and prey is scarce. At the least, in Abaven you would find wolves willing to teach you whatever skills you wish to hone.” she would reply diplomatically.

They weren’t far from Abaven now, and she could see where the start of her teratorry began. She had paced the border so often, she would know the moment she touched it, with her eyes closed. She smiled at the thought, because it showed how much Abaven had become home, and because it was a good distraction from other things.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



02-10-2019, 02:29 PM
Typhoon was huffing slightly to himself, stomping through the snow despite the fact that he was pacing in a near circle. He wanted to prove to her that he could hunt, but the truth was he sort of couldn't. It wasn't because he didn't want to leave her company at all, nope, and that's what he told himself every time he paced back in her direction. It wasn't that she was the only semi familiare thing in this place (even if it was just from stories), nope, not at all. When she spoke again he was on his "away" part of his circle, his back to her, with his ears pulled back just slightly. Abaven? He heard that name too, what was it again. That pack place? His father had mentioned that Shaye lived in a pack, something Typhoon knew about but didn't understand. Did wolves really gather together together? That was so weird to him. He had lived his life as a loner, as short as that was.

His stomach growling painfully made up his mind quite quickly. Slowly tilting his head towards her, he stared at her with bright yellow eyes before frowning deeply. "Okay..." He said softly, almost defeatedly, as he turned back towards her again. "But not for long! I just, uh...need'ta learn how to hunt and stuff." He nodded to himself, because he needed that excuse. It felt so wrong to him, to be around other wolves besides his father. So with his ears pulled back he moved back towards the woman, waiting for her to direct him to this place and give him something to eat.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-10-2019, 03:08 PM

The younger wolf began to move in circles away from her, and with his earlier conviction that he could hunt, wondered if that was what he was attempting to do. Moving through the area without much stealth, and moving through territory they had already, none too quietly walked, he would be lucky to catch sight of a single mouse.

Amused, but deciding against comment, she continued to make her way to Abaven, keeping a careful, but subtle eye on him. He never strayed too far, his circle always brought him back to her. She smiled fondly at the young wolf, whenever his back was to her.
“I’ll remember” she promised him as he told her he was going to Abaven only to learn. With the young pup by her side, she would step into Abaven territory, the only sign that the land had changed to claim sections, was the scent border and the subtly worn earth where she and Rhyme had placed their markers time after time.

“This way” she directed him, making her way to the kill pile. She pulled out some rabbits from the pile and put them in front of Typhoon. “Eat up” she invited him.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.