
Long May He Reign



4 Years
02-12-2019, 07:35 PM

The birth of his children had softened him considerably. Hannibal was increasingly becoming a point of contention for him not just with the arrival of his Taskmaster’s litter but with the joining of his brother. Leera seemed to have taken a fondness to the creature Hannibal had mated with and her skulking about had also come to trouble him.

While he had Legion and his father within his pack lands it was clear that a majority of the pack favored Hannibal. While he could very easily offer Hannibal to the demons and be done with the problem he feared it would spark a revolution among his people. The thought of his mother being right about what she had said the night she confronted him burned ever presently in his mind. No. He wouldn’t risk turning them against him. He would instead, force the male to submit to him.

Tyranis waited for the moon to rise; a vibrant red that told him the very eye of the Apollyon watched him as he approached the glowing pool before the witness stones. He called demandingly for Hannibal and anyone else who chose to bare witness to the ceremony that would unfold that night. At his paws the broken femur rested in the snow while his half blind companion circled the ring of black stones. Hannibal would take a blood oath, and swear fealty to Tyranis and the Praetors or risk falling into the rank he had so liberally placed on others.

speaking Thinking

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
02-13-2019, 02:34 AM

In her musings the moon was a deep silver, as if she were a rock alone in space, turning pirouettes for no applause. The whole Shrine was silvered and transformed by the light of the moon, even the famour flowing pool seemed to withold a much more eerie significance on nights such as this which, at the full, made the moon hung like a great luminous pearl on the radiant breast of sky, appearing more crimson than anything she had seen before in her life. The moon should not be up on a night such as this. the cinnamon babe muttered to no one in particular but herself. And her words hold a deeper meaning the moment her audits, that gracefuly sat at the top of her regalia, rotated towards the source of a thunderous howl. A call. By their King nonetheless. The moon appeard pale and wan and now she knew why, this night seems to hold a bigger importance than she first thought.

The babe had a florescence on her chocolate and russet fur as the beams of sgentle moonlight adorned and graced her reptilian features; egyptian silk, such were the tendrils that cascaded over her curvaceous bodice, luxurious and bushy, a gown meant for a Queen. Her dominance could not be hidden behind the creeping bushes and tree she passed with each graceful step, one in front of the other, calculated, regal. Her fiery orange optics shone intimidatingly on the land as she reached the appointed place, roaming over the King muscular body like that of the eye of the devil straight into the soul of the damned.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



8 Years
02-13-2019, 10:49 AM

A call filled Hannibal's ears and a smirk slithered across his delightful lips. The male had been patrolling the territory and left his position quite eagerly to respond to his King. Thoughts began to wander as he made his way through the dark wilds. What could Tyranis want from him upon such a gloomy night? The High Lord and Hannibal hadn't shared a conversation in quite some time and tension built between them as they days went by. Both were powerful, capable, and dominant in every way. Yet, Hannibal respected Tyranis in many ways. Though, it seems the paranoid King was unable to grasp said respect with the frigid glances and sneers.

As he neared the shrine two familiar scents filled his two-toned nose. Thys who was the mother of his sleeping pups and Tyranis as well. The gentle glow of the pond as well as the bloody moon illuminated the night in such a way it sent a tingle down Hannibal's spine. As he broke through the thicket he saw Thys standing a bit away from the clearing. The High Lord stood tall in the middle of snow peppered black stones and a broken femur at his paws. A simple brow raised as Hannibal moved to stand just outside of the circle. His head dipped down in a generous bow before looking over his handsome alpha. "My Lord." The two words lulled from his pink tongue with ease before cocking his slender head to the side. "What is this?" From the various clues Hannibal could only assume it was some sort of ceremony but as it were he wasn't sure what that would consist of.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.