
Exploring too Far


06-20-2013, 11:13 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

As Switchback loped around, exploring and looking at almost everything she could, she took a long sniff into the air. Noticing that the scent was very different she immediately skidded to a halt and froze, as still as a statue. Eyeing her surroundings she took another whiff of the air, sighing as she realized no wolves were near her at the moment. Then she drew her attention into her thoughts began to think about where she was and where she had been...

Gee Switch, I don't think you're in Seracia anymore! It smells so different... almost evil. Gosh, I guess I'm just lost now. Ugh, why did Maverick leave me to explore on my own? Obviously I don't even know the territories borders yet! He could have at least left me with another wolf, or introduced me to the rest of the pack... Ah oh well, I'm sure I can tell him about it later. But for now, I suppose I should try to find my way back home...

Taking her focus back to that of her surroundings Switchback began to pace in a large zigzag. Each time she turned a sharp corner she would take a sniff, hoping to find some bit of her scent still lingering in the air; a trail that would lead her home. The falling snow was too quickly though, it was erasing any trace of her scent and stomping on any tiny rays of hope she had left. All that Switchback could smell was the overwhelming smell of whichever pack territory she was currently in.

After awhile Switchback sat down nervously, jumping at every sound she heard. Looking to the sky she prayed that the it would clear, just enough to show her where the sun was. If there was a glimpse of the sun she would know where South was, and where her new home was. Sadly the clouds ignored her prayers, continuing to pour their sparkling snow down onto the honey colored she-wolf. Giving up, Switchback flopped down into the cool snow and rested her small head on her wet and freezing paws. As she watched the sky darken with worried eyes, she began to feel her mind drift and her lids grow heavy. But by the time she tried to do anything about it she was already fast asleep, under a blanket of snow.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###



07-13-2013, 03:45 PM

With a quick shake of his white fur to make the annoying snowflakes fall from his fur and freeze him, Demaro lifted his head to the wind and breathed in the scent of a pack. But he was only looking for one pack that one take him in; one by the name of Valhalla. Then he raised his head again, sniffing a part of the scent that had moved somewhere. He ran towards the wolf, then slowed down, worried that he would be attacked by other wolves.

And then, there she was, a honey colored wolf, looking like she was frozen.

"Why should I deal with a wolf who is frozen?" He wondered out loud, not wanting the wolf to notice him and attack. So he backed away, slowly, making sure the wolf didn't notice him. Then he turned tail and raced away with the speed of a wolf his size.

