

Medusa i


5 Years
07-01-2013, 07:54 PM

She was fucking exhausted, but nothing would stop her now that she was determined. She looked rather haggard about halfway through her trip to Seracia, panting moderately as she continued on her way. Medusa?s injuries hindered her movements, and her constant travel was likely not conducive to a swift recovery. Nonetheless, she was determined as she set out for the pack, knowing that the few times she had spoken to its leader she had at least gotten along with Gerhardt. In her quest for alliances, Seracia seemed to be an obvious stop.

Halfway through her journey she stopped, making certain to groom herself, making herself seem beautiful and presentable. The wounds she bore were obvious, but otherwise she looked her typical self. A Madame of the moonlight, with long, luxurious black fur and eyes the color of the moon itself. She wanted to seem powerful and in control, and well, she was quite the harlot. She would greet the Seracians in her normal manner, and if she looked a mess, she doubted she would seem at all sane.

She arrived at the borders, taking a moment to compose herself before she produced her voice. Lifting her snout to the air, she noted that the day had begun to wane, the sun slowly kissing the horizon on its descent. After a brief pause she let out her call, hoping that she would receive an answer. She had ambitions, after all, and she didn?t see a reason why her pack would not align with this one. At least, not now, not when she remained the only pack member to reign in and control. That would change with time, but for now she sought strength of others. The serpent would wait outside of the borders, prepared for whoever would greet her, ready to provide the news.
OOC: Medusa is here to give the news of her successful challenge/ask for an alliance! All Seracia members are welcome!

Pontifex I


07-01-2013, 08:09 PM

Patrolling the borders once again, the Seracian esquire felt ill at ease, restless. He couldn't find himself to stay still. He couldn't just idly sit around in his den, waiting for something to happen. He had to move, to do something. And so he was patrolling the border, watching out for any want to be intruders or rogues looking to see if they could join. And it was while on this patrol that Pontifex caught the call of a stranger at the borders. By the tone, he could tell it was a woman, but she didn't sound like someone who was looking to try and join Seracia. It sounded like she had news. Surely Gerhardt had heard the call and was already there? Wanting to offer any service that he could, the dual-hued brute spurred himself into action, powerful limbs carrying him to the border, where his golden gaze spotted the smaller figure of an obsidian woman, his king no where in sight. May I help you ma'am? Ever respectful, the esquire approached the dark woman, wondering what exactly it was that she was here for.

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3 Years
07-02-2013, 11:08 AM

Perhaps it was for the best that Gerhardt had appointed Kamala in charge. It made sure that she wouldn't mope, that she wouldn't retreat from the pack and from Gideon and inhabit only her thoughts. Instead, Kamala was forced to stay in the real world and pay attention to her subjects. It amused her vaguely that she was in charge, that Epiphron the lovely princess was behind her in rank. She couldn't get used to it, though. No, before long she would hold the rank of Grand Duchess once more, and she would be married to Gideon and she would stand in line behind her brother. She wasn't particularly jealous, other than the fact that Maverick was married to the woman he loved and Kamala was marrying Gideon. There was nothing wrong with him, per say, just that she wanted that cute relationship. She wanted love. But now she would never find it, it seemed.

Ah well. She had promised her father. And Kamala wasn't one to back out of her promises. She had promised him that she would be wed to Gideon, and she would do her duty to her father and to Seracia.

When the howl echoed over the horizon, Kamala stirred with a twitch of her ears. She loped across the ground, mismatched paws carrying her smoothly towards the source of the howl. It took her time to reach the female who had summoned her, and by then, it seemed that another wolf - Pontifex, her mind supplied the name. He was related to Loccian and the recently deceased Octavian, if she remembered correctly - had already arrived upon the scene. "Greetings, Madam." Emerald eyes took in the wounds on the black female's figure with a slight tilt of her head, but Kamala made no comment. "Sir Pontifex," Kamala greeted the other wolf with a nod, appreciating the fact that he had offered his welcome to the wolf.

With that, however, Kamala fell silent, waiting for the other female to speak her piece. Whatever it was, it had to be important for her to have dragged herself so far with so many wounds.



07-04-2013, 10:35 AM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback stopped when she saw a paw print in the mushy mud. Taking a closer look she sniffed it, and concluded that the indent belonged to Pontifex. Eagerly bounding forward, Switchback hoped that she could catch up with him, and possibly learn more about the territory. He could teach me the best places to hunt! She thought, And maybe even show me places where rogues are common. Oh he could teach me so much! I can't wait to learn!

Continuing at a mid-lope, Switchback increased her speed. She really wanted to catch up to Pontifex and have a chat with him. To her Pontifex seemed nice and loyal, and Switchback assumed that he was experienced in the ways of Sercia. She figured that he would make a great teacher out of all of her packmates she had met so far. With an excited leap, Switchback continued on.

Scenting the air again she picked up two more wolf scents. One was Sercian, one was not. Halting, Switchback looked around, and glanced at Pontifex's paw prints beneath her. They seemed to lead towards the mixture of scents. Flicking her ears, Switchback continued forward, listening for any danger that could sneak up behind her. And as she followed in Pontifex's steps, she neared the Sercian border. The closeness of the border made her fur stand up a little, but she refused to turn and bound away. Who was this stranger on the land?

Coming up to a bush, Switchback hunkered down beneath it, hiding herself from view. Then she poked her face around it saw three wolves standing by each other, and one was the golden-eyed wolf she had been hoping to see. The other Sercian wolf was a gray with faded red spots. Switchback had never met this she-wolf, but she hoped that they would know each other soon. The last wolf was covered in wounds, and was as black as night. Taking in her scent Switchback finally concluded that it was the perfume of Amenti. Switchback had explored their territory when she was a rogue, and knew the scent almost as well as she knew Sercia's. Pushing the random thoughts about her exploration aside, Switchback began to wonder why the Amenti she-wolf was here alone. Shouldn't she have taken her someone from her pack along with her? It was rather dangerous to venture out to another pack's border alone.

Taking a few steps out from behind the bush she lowered her head and tail, showing her submission to her packmates. Then she raised her head, but kept her tail lower than the others out of respect. "Hello Pontifex," She said, and then turning to the other Sercian she-wolf she began, "Hello, ma'm. I'm sorry, but what is your name? I don't think I've met you yet. I'm Switchback." When she was finished Switchback shot a smile towards her and glanced at the woman standing on the border. She would have said something to her also, but it seemed as if the other wolves had already covered it.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###

Medusa i


5 Years
07-07-2013, 11:06 PM

It was not long before she was greeted, offering the first to arrive a wicked grin. She eyed the dark male, making now secret of her bi-colored eyes. She was a harlot before anything else, after all. ?How would you wish to help me, my dear?? she purred to him, every bit as suggestive as she always was. She did not think he was the highest rank she could get in her presence. If he was, she was mistaken. The midnight Queen wished to wait for Gerhardt, but upon the arrival of a princess and another pack member, it was almost certain that he would not show.

She reserved her later flirtation, deciding instead to cut straight to business. ?My name is Medusa, and perhaps none of you knew me before, but you will know me now. I have beaten Newt of Amenti in a challenge for the pack and taken it for my own,? she said. She was not certain if any of them knew of this information already, but she was willing to disclose it. ?I think it is therefore obvious as to why I am here. I am closely allied with Ludicael, and I have met your King before. I wish to know if our packs can come to an agreement of sorts,? she mentioned. It was professional for her, but after that she slipped. Running a kingdom was so boring.
Her eyes focused upon the white-pelted girl, and her lips grinned further. ?What is your name, my sweet? You failed to give it to me,? she false-whined, the noise possibly irritating.



3 Years
07-09-2013, 10:26 AM
The arrival of another wolf, a sandy colored female who seemed to be a newer member, was met by a slight flick of Kamala's tail as she inclined her head in greeting. "My name is Kamala, Grand Duchess of Seracia." She introduced herself to this Switchback. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Kamala inclined her head slightly in the other's direction before turning her attention towards the black female who had summoned them there.

Medusa. Medusa. No, the name didn't ring any bells, but Kamala inclined her head slightly. "Congratulations on winning Amenti," Kamala began blandly enough, keeping her voice polite, "As my father and brother aren't around, I suppose that I am the highest ranked wolf who can answer your call." Kamala paused, glancing at the other Seracians who had arrived. She knew that she could not speak for her father; he might very well disagree with whatever decision that she made, but she would handle this to the best of her abilities. "I am sure that an agreement can be reached, but I do have a question for you first; what ideals do you plan to give to the Amenti that you will lead? And what do you know of Seracia?" Well, okay, that was two questions, but Kamala was curious, in her own way.

Names. Ah, yes, of course. Kamala twitched her tail slightly, "My apologies, lady Medusa. My name is Kamala." Where had her manners gone?

Pontifex I


07-12-2013, 06:09 PM

Not long after his approach, two other wolves had come to answer the midnight woman's call as well. Switchback, the young she-wolf he had met a few weeks ago during his call to his king about the deceased seracian woman, came to the call, offering him a greeting. Hello Switchback, it's nice to see you again. His attention turned to the second female, the ivory, russet stained one. Kamala. He remembered his sister Loccian telling him a little about the Grand Duchess and he was pleased that she recognize him despite it being his first time ever meeting the young woman. Greeting Ms. Kamala. A bow of respect was presented to the ivory dame before the esquire turned his attention back to the midnight woman, onyx ears tipping forward with attention as she began to speak.

My name is Medusa, and perhaps none of you knew me before, but you will know me now. I have beaten Newt of Amenti in a challenge for the pack and taken it for my own. I think it is therefore obvious as to why I am here. I am closely allied with Ludicael, and I have met your King before. I wish to know if our packs can come to an agreement of sorts. He ignored her first bit, noting the suggestive nature of her question, instead focusing on her next set of words. Medusa was her name and she apparently had challenged for the pack Amenti, and beaten the queen named Newt. And now she was here requesting some sort of agreement. Agreement for what? Pontifex looked towards Kamala, knowing that the younger dame was higher ranked than him, therefore these matters had to be handled by her. Haunches folded beneath the dark man as he watched his duchess question the new queen Medusa, vocals kept silent, simply content with offering up his support.

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Medusa i


5 Years
07-13-2013, 10:23 PM

The girl seemed to be well-mannered enough, not that it truly would have bothered the serpent if she was not. At her explanation the Madame would nod, supposing that she would be an acceptable representative of Seracia. Kamala. She would let the girl speak, voicing her questions as the serpent would listen. She was keen to seek friendship with the pack, and yet she knew it would not come easily. She would have to prove herself worthy of alliances, and that she would. Medusa had been gifted with two things in her life; beautiful looks and a silver tongue. She took advantage of every opportunity to use them.

?I do not plan to give the pack any ideals at all,? she said boldly, before she prepared herself to clarify. ?However, my rules are set up to encourage hard work and loyalty, as well as respect for one?s good word,? she noted. It was vague, but certainly a truthful explanation. If wolves were not hard working they would not earn her protection, nor would they earn rank. If they did not stay loyal to the pack and therefore truthful to alliances, they would meet a potential end by either Medusa?s jaws or those of an ally. Nefarious dealings were not to be committed against allies, for reasons that were most obvious. Nonetheless, she hadn?t set up any true moral guidelines in her pack. Medusa was no goddess with a clean slate; who was she to tell her members what was right and what was wrong?

?As for Seracia, I know Jupiter thinks well of your pack, and so a few things can be assumed about it. Firstly, that you are a good and honorable pack. You also believe on standing firm on one?s words, as well as in loyalty,? she said, hoping to make it apparent that their packs were not all that different. ?Having met Gerhardt, his personality only confirms my belief about Seracia,? she said, nodding her head as another girl arrived. She would wait for Kamala to speak, offering the girl time to voice herself.


07-17-2013, 07:22 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback dipped her head to Kamala and then to Pontifex, it was good to be around other wolves from Seracia. Then, trying not to step out of line, she sat down and began to listen to the conversation between the mysterious Amenti leader and her fellow pack members. As she listened she tried to figure out what Medusa was trying ask for. She had mentioned some kind of agreement, but that hardly narrowed it down. Their was endless possibilities of what she was talking about, and Switchback was completely oblivious of what the midnight woman was trying to hint at. For all she knew the she-wolf wanted to trade prey or pack members. Anything could be a possibility. The blue eyed she-wolf also seemed to be skirting around the topic of an agreement, and had started to compliment Seracia. Was she buttering up the situation for some awful surprise? Or was this agreement she had spoken of something that was a huge thing to ask for? Either way, Switchback was beginning to get suspicious and wary of this Amenti leader. Why was she being so elusive? The actual suggestion of an agreement should have already been cleared up for the Sercian wolves to understand. Narrowing her eyes Switchback stared at Medusa, quietly flicking her tail back and forth. She wanted to ask why the black wolf was complimenting Seracia so much, but the honey and cream she-wolf held her tongue. She had never actualy dealt with pack politics, and had no clue if this was normal. So with a final tilt of her head, Switchback stretched her paws out onto the ground in front of her and waited for the conversation to advance.

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