
I'm your falling star returning



3 Years
Extra large
06-04-2014, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2014, 04:36 AM by Kismet.)

Kismet had been rather reluctant to leave Warja in the end. They had only just reunited had so much to catch up on and yet there were things that they each needed to do that would drive them apart again for a while. At least he had his freedom now though, comfortably they could visit one and other as and when they pleased. At the back of his mind the young Adravendi had always known that he needed to return to Valhalla anyway, spend time with his family and of course thank Erani for finding a way to free he and his brother from Glaciem. That of course was the other problem; Soren. After all they had been through he had just suddenly left his brother with no real reason. Although he wasn't entirely certain what he'd say to them all, they needed an explanation of sorts, especially his brother.

And so, he had made his slow journey back, enjoying the freedom and the fact that he could roam as he pleased with no fear that his straying might get Soren in trouble. At last though he found himself upon the borders of the pack lands, though he had never explored the new lands that Valhalla had claimed, the scent was familiar and welcoming and he knew that he was home. He figured he was still a welcome member of the pack and so didn't pause as he hit the borders although once inside of them suddenly realised he wasn't actually entirely sure where to go.

It may have been home but truthfully he was no suddenly aware of how foreign these lands actually were to him, perhaps it would have been better to return with his family though he wasn't entirely certainly whether he wished to call them or not. With that passing thought he suddenly felt a little guilty and sheepish for having left them, not that he really regretted it one bit. It had been wonderful to see Warja again and he had needed to give her the news of his freedom, it wasn't something that he felt he could have or should have been delayed.



6 Years
06-04-2014, 08:34 PM

Azalea jogged along, her breath heavy as her paws fell in an even pattern over the earth. Her head was held at shoulder shoulder height, ears alert to any sounds. In her jaws she clasped a pheasant, caught in thick brush.

In truth she had stumbled right over the bird, scaring the rooster and frankly herself as well. Her reaction to snatch it was a mechanical one and though certain she wasn't hungry before she certainly was now.

Her hunger was a sign that despite how bad things already were, they could always get worse. It would seem that, as thought, she was pregnant and now had months of weight gaining to look forward to. She had told Sarak not to knock her up and here she was. Clearly this was all his fault.

So much had happened since returning that it literally felt like it could span a year. Story of her life, never a dull moment. The epidemic was claiming wolves left and right and Azalea was just struggling to keep up. Soren hated her. Kismet ran off and hadn't come home since being freed from Glaciem.

Azalea found herself at Wolfpaw lake and briefly considered that she really deserved some time away after seeing the same lake twice in such a short time. Her thoughts were short lived, cut off by a sudden flat line of her thoughts as a scent hit her nose and her mouth fell open, releasing the bird. As it hit the ground her head jerked to the side, spotting a hauntingly familiar face in super sized form. Kismet. She blinked but no, she wasn't dreaming. He was there.


She yipped happily to him, jogging over to see him. "You're home! I was so worried you weren't coming back!" She reached out to give the grown boy a sloppy kiss on the cheek. She smiled brightly, taking in her son's scent. Something was not quite right. Her smile turned to a frown and she jumped back. "You've been with a girl!" Her voice was accusing. He had been imprisoned, how the hell had he had time to meet any females?! Or maybe she was a Glaciem wolf. "We're gonna have issues if you tell me you've got a Glaciem girlfriend." Her look was less than amused as she waited for him to explain himself.




3 Years
Extra large
06-05-2014, 04:35 AM

Mothers must have had a sixth sense or something, he had not alerted anyone of his presence as he meandered through the lands, his scent hadn't been there long at all and yet suddenly before him was his mother. A part of him almost worried what the reaction of his family might be, his explanation for leaving, or lack of was pretty awful after all but to his surprise and joy his mother didn't seem bothered by that now, rushing to greet him joyfully and close the distance clearly she was happy to see him once more. One crisis averted.

Or so he had thought, before he had even gotten the chance to point out he wouldn't have left just like that, he'd have given a proper goodbye at first Azalea would notice his scent. He had barely noticed it himself, how Warja's scent still clung to his own, it was something that didn't bother him in the slightest but his mother on the other hand was suddenly concerned, her face growing serious as she stepped backwards. The joy of the moment had been short lived it seemed and her first conclusion it seemed was to jump to the fact he'd been back in Glaciem.

"You're the one with friends in Glaciem." He pointed out to her, his own tone now matching her unamused one. Sure he had seen for himself that Eris and Liberty didn't seem quite so bad but it was a little hypocritical of her to make such a comment given the fact that she hadn't completely banished the pack from her life either. "Eris and Liberty, they were the only ones that really spoke to me whilst I was there." He hadn't completely denied the possibility of a Glaciem girlfriend yet, though if she had jumped to such a conclusion then she could suffer a little for it.

"The girl is Warja." He responded, tone a little softer now, more like his usual self though still a little cold from her accusation. Warja was just a friend anyway wasn't she? A best friend? He'd not really thought of anything else but it wasn't the time to sort out his feelings for her, not whilst he discussing the matter with his mother. "She used to be in Valhalla with her family, but they left after the challenge, they're rogues now. She wanted to help get me out of Glaciem, I had to let her know I was free before she tried anything stupid." There was that confirmation at last that he hadn't been back to Glaciem.



6 Years
06-05-2014, 07:52 AM

"You're the one with friends in Glaciem." Azalea narrowed her eyes but amusement seeped back into her body as she couldn't help but notice herself in the boy. "Eris and Liberty, they were the only ones that really spoke to me whilst I was there." She laughed lightly, "You're right, I do have friends in Glaciem but that's not the point. The point is that Isardis is a dick and plus you're too young for girlfriends."

How much nicer this meeting was already compared to the oh so serious Soren. "The girl is Warja." Kismet had relaxed some though she still felt the cold shoulder from jumping on him about anything already, when he had literally just gotten back. "She used to be in Valhalla with her family, but they left after the challenge, they're rogues now. She wanted to help get me out of Glaciem, I had to let her know I was free before she tried anything stupid." Azalea's head tipped for a moment as she took this in. "Former Valhallan... who are her parents?" Just asking that question made her feel older than dirt. She was a mother asking her son to see if she knew his friend's parents.

Gross old lady feelings aside she smiled widely, taking him in. "You look so grown up! No wonder giving birth to you two sucked so much, you're huge!" Given how large he was at only a year she guessed that he still had a little more growing and filling out to do.

She sat down, a smile still plastered to her face and she felt so silly to be so happy about his return. All motherly feelings were still so foreign to her, she supposed she would never get used to it. "I'm sorry I never told you about Isardis and I'm sorry I let him take you guys away. I can't change the past, I'm so sorry." She was, genuinely.

Now she looked uncertain, eyes meeting the ground. "You're brother isn't well. I'm pretty sure he hates me and he seems like he is in a pretty dark place, will you talk to him?" The two siblings were bonded for life, together always, surely if anyone could reach through to Soren it was Kismet.



3 Years
Extra large
06-05-2014, 09:27 AM

Azalea didn't seem overly fazed by his comment or tone, laughing it off and admitting that he was right and adding a few extra details to her point. The girlfriends comment once more he would brush away, Warja wasn't actually his girlfriend after all and he still wasn't going to dive down that hole now in a conversation with his mother even if it was simply arguing that he wasn't too young. "I kind of realised that for myself." He agreed instead with the point about Isardis. "Great move for him to ignore us up until the moment of our freedom."

Of course with his mother's question they'd have to tread dangerously close to that girlfriend topic once more. She chose not to comment upon Warja herself but instead was curious to learn who her parents were. Kismet had avoided an official meeting with them so far in his life though he had learnt their names back when the two pups had played upon the island. "Rune and Alamea." He responded simply, there wasn't much use elaborating further, not that he had much else to say about the pair anyway.

The reunion was free to return to the lighter more joyful emotions it seemed not that the topic was one that Kismet found himself feeling nothing but a little awkward at her comment about his birth. He wouldn't comment at all upon it and fortunately Azalea would find another topic to talk about though it did bring the mood back down a little.

"Life was better when Isardis didn't exist." He responded, accepting that apology. Of course he couldn't return to the sweet ignorance now, but as far as he was concerned she had never needed to tell him about the Glaciem King, perhaps things would have been a little different if his stay in Glaciem had been a bit better but for now Kismet couldn't see himself ever considering the Armadas as family. "We're back now. To be honest I was just glad to see you were alive. I managed to see Chrysanthe for a bit and when she told us you'd gone, I was worried. You should have at least given Valhalla a message to pass on before falling off the face of the earth."

Soren of course hadn't seen his view point however. His brother had shut most of the world out when they were in Glaciem, and the harsh truth was he may not have survived until his freedom if Kismet hadn't been there for him, it was a thought that terrified the boy if he was honest and it didn't make life easier now to realise that his brother still hadn't really recovered from it all. "He's been like it since we were taken, he kind of gave up on everything. I tried talking to him then but it didn't help much. I doubt it will now either but I can try."



6 Years
06-05-2014, 04:29 PM

Kismet agreed with Azalea and she let it go. Not for a minute did she truly believe that he agreed with her. Azalea had hated being called too young for anything and given their similar traits she imagined he was the same.

"Great move for him to ignore us up until the moment of our freedom." It was one of the few bits of information she had picked up from either of her children about their time in Glaciem. "Honestly, given everything I expected him to make you two pack members and try to turn you both against me." The irony was that he didn't have to be around for one child to turn against her.

She inquired about Warja's parents and when Kismet responded her brow spots shot up. "I didn't even know Alamea left!" It was sad to think that the sweet pale female hadn't made her way to the new Valhalla. Maybe she simply didn't know one existed?

The conversation rolled on and with her apology, Kismet seemed to accept it more openly than Soren. "Life was better when Isardis didn't exist." She nodded. "Yes, but two great things have come out his existing: you and your brother."

"We're back now. To be honest I was just glad to see you were alive. I managed to see Chrysanthe for a bit and when she told us you'd gone, I was worried. You should have at least given Valhalla a message to pass on before falling off the face of the earth." Azalea sighed, eyes dropping again. She hated this topic. "I know but in that moment, then and there, I could only see two options: die fighting for your freedom and leave you without a mother or leave and make a break for it and blow off steam. If I had talked to anyone they wouldn't have let me go and if I had gone to you guys then I would taken you with me and we would have had Isardis or one his minions hunt us down." If her going away did anything it was allow things to cool down.

"He's been like it since we were taken, he kind of gave up on everything. I tried talking to him then but it didn't help much. I doubt it will now either but I can try." Azalea "hmm"ed at this. Then she smiled weakly. "We will all have to work together then, as a family." Speaking of family... Azalea sniffed. "You know, Sarak would like to be a part of your life. We are together, mates now. He cares for you two."

She didn't know if she should tell him he would be a brother again. "Uh, I should probably tell you now rather than later... but don't go telling everyone. I'm pregnant again." She had one eye squinted and a funny look on her face as she waited for his reaction. Azalea hated being pregnant, it fucking sucked really but there was something about it being with Sarak that made it a lot easier to bear.



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2014, 04:47 AM

There were no more comments to be made upon the girlfriend matter fortunately, Azalea allowed it to be dropped and instead confessed a worry she'd had about the boy's living in Glaciem. She'd voiced a similar thing when the albino King had showed himself at last as they left though he'd never spoken to her about it. It had seemed like a ridiculous notion to the young Adravendi then and still did now, how on earth did she even think for a moment that Isardis could have achieved that goal. Of course Soren's mood didn't exactly help with that viewpoint and his sudden disappearance probably didn't either but he chose to ignore those two facts. Soren was just in a sour mood at the entire world right now and his trip had nothing to do with Azalea or Isardis. "That's some imagination you've got there." He commented dryly. "And how do you think he could have achieved that?"

Whilst Alamea and Rune were nothing but names in Kismet's mind at the moment, it appeared from her sudden surprise that his mother had known of at least Alamea. "Well you had vanished when they left." He pointed out bluntly. It wasn't a bitter tone, just completely matter-of-fact. How could she have known that the family had gone when she wasn't even around herself? He hadn't known either up until he had ran into Warja.

Given that his loyalty still very much remained with Azalea and his Adravendi heritage the apology didn't need too much thought before he forgave her. It was still a little irritating to think that she had been gone, but his immediate thought on the matter had always been for her safety, never once had he considered that she might have abandoned them. "Fine he can exist." He gave in to his mother's slightly soppy comment. "But he might as well not in my mind."

He would only give a small sigh at her explanation, there wasn't really much else he could say on the matter. He wasn't arguing with her, he didn't harbour any real resentment and she he would simply accept it. But her reason of not running away with them had caught his attention a little more, it completely justified his thoughts that he couldn't have left Glaciem with Warja when she offered him the chance. He would have only brought danger to her and whilst parting from his friend for that time had been difficult, it seemed it was very much the right decision. He by no means had the naivety of a child that as his mother was a grown-up she had to be right, he was after all a grown-up himself, certainly he could no longer be called a pup.

The news that his brother wasn't settling back into Valhalla and the family too well would certainly make him think twice about exploring with Warja again. He could visit her now at least, and definitely would for some sort of adventure with each other though it seemed that his family needed him right now. He might as well have called himself Isardis' son if he denied this request and selfishly abandoned his family. "Of course." He responded simply with a small nod of his head.

He had certainly figured that Sarak was still very much part of the family, he had begun to be after all when he and Soren had been taken. For that reason he'd always considered the man far more of a father to him than he ever would Isardis and had even given his name as his father once in Glaciem. "I know." He stated with a small smile. "It's fine." He certainly had no qualms with the arrangement, he hadn't then and as long as Azalea was happy he certainly wouldn't now.

Whilst Sarak being part of the family hadn't been much of a surprise, her next comment of being pregnant would certainly shock the boy. From the look on her face Azalea was simply preparing for the worst but in all honesty Kismet wasn't entirely sure what to make of the revelation. Though as a child he'd longed for more playmates, it had always been he and Soren, never had he thought of having more siblings. Of course he had met some of them or at least seen them during his time in Glaciem, though they didn't count to him, these ones however certainly would be family. He wasn't annoyed by that fact, still just surprised and not entirely certain how to respond now, he should probably say something but what still escaped his mind. "Great?" More of a question than anything, was his mother pleased? He'd be happy for her if that was the case.



6 Years
06-07-2014, 07:58 AM

"That's some imagination you've got there." Clearly Azalea's thoughts were not ones that Kismet enjoyed the thought of. "And how do you think he could have achieved that?" She cocked him a look. "How would you feel about him if he had welcomed you into his pack and played the ideal father card?" No, she didn't think they were easy to brain wash, at least not now that they were a year old and testing her sanity.

When she commented on Alamea it seemed that she would again get a cold-shoulder. "Well you had vanished when they left." Azalea made an "ugh" noise.

Azalea tried to make clear that she did, in fact, love both her sons. She was still new at this, she still didn't know how to be a good mother. Azalea, right about now, was actually wondering how things would go if she just became a recluse and didn't talk to anyone. At least that way she couldn't say something to piss her children off. Come to think of it, this was going about like a conversation between her and her father would go.

"Fine he can exist." Kismet's granting of life to Isardis was really not that important. No one could change the past. "But he might as well not in my mind." Azalea was talking, explaining to him how she saw it that day she had left. He said nothing. "Isardis has wanted to bring Valhalla pain for a long while now and in those first months of raising you two I lived in a happy world where Isardis couldn't touch you. It pushed me past the breaking point to have him so easily take you away. He wanted to cause Valhalla, me, pain. And he did." Azalea's eyes shown with real emotion, remembering how grossly attached she had become to her pups so quickly. It was like having half of her heart cut away when Artemis told them that Kismet and Soren were property of Isardis.

She could never tell them what she had told Roman. She didn't love them when they were born. She learned to love them after that and damn did she love them. That four letter L word was not one that Azalea tended to throw around and she had said it a lot lately.

Azalea was trying her damnedest to pin things together and make their fucked up little family work. This was probably the normal of what could be expected when you had never even considered the possibility of having a mate or kids. The longer those words had to settle the more they became and real and true. She was a mother and she had children. She also had a mate and was pregnant... again.

"Of course," was Kismet's response to the plan of working as a family to bring Soren back from whatever dark place he was in. He tone was flat though and Azalea questioned how he really felt about it. She didn't push it though and as she brought up Sarak a trend of two word sentences would continue though now Kis did seem happy or at least okay with the arrangement.

Azalea had always been a bombshell herself so when she stunned the boy with the fact that he was going to be a big brother. "Great?" Well, at least it wasn't a lecture on how she had hardly gotten her sons back and now was moving on in life. Or something to that effect. His response was confusing though, Azalea tipped her head. "It's all very... exciting." Hey, at least she half believed that.

Was she happy to hold Sarak as her one and only? Yes. Was she happy to once again go through the hell of being fat eventually have to labor again? Hell no. Was it better this time, not as horrifying a truth? Yes, because these puppies were conspired out of mutual affection not a deep rooted hate and need to hurt others.

Was she glad to have her sons back? Yes. Was she oh so glad to be a mother and deal with motherly things? Nope. Azalea felt that a few more conversations with Soren and Kismet and she would have to be committed. Given that there was no way out of the whole parenting business Azalea considered a visit to Erani to request she make a containment area for her once she completely went off her rocker.



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2014, 09:19 AM

Perhaps things would have been a little different if he had been good to them, actually paid them attention and given them a taste of the life as an Armada child in Glaciem. None of that had happened though, somewhere along the line they'd found themselves simply as lowly prisoners trapped within the pack and torn from their family and home. All Kismet could see now were the negatives and he honestly didn't view himself ever thinking of Isardis in a fonder light, no the king would simply have to make do with his brainwashed kids for that one.

"But he didn't." Kismet responded simply. "He sent one of his minions to break apart our pack and home and then tore us from our family. That is not an ideal father." The moment he had begun his plan to have Artemis take Valhalla was the moment that he'd lost hope of ever having Kismet as a son and likely Soren too.

Though some of his comments perhaps seemed to contradict it, Kismet knew that his mother loved he and Soren, not that he'd really felt much love in his so far short life. The love of a mother was one that he could always recall having though, it was what had fuelled his worry when she was missing and had made it so easy to forgive her. He had the love of a son and whilst perhaps his mother may have made some mistakes, she was the only one he had.

There were certainly feelings of hatred harboured towards Isardis that Azalea undoubtedly shared with her sons. He had certainly experienced some of this pain that Isardis wished upon Valhalla and had learnt more of the prisoners and the siege that Glaciem had started. He wouldn't comment upon that though in fact he would remain silent as he looked at his mother's face. There still really wasn't much to say on the matter, but that heartbreak shown in her expression was certainly enough for the boy to step forwards and nuzzle his mother in comfort. He was here now, he might not stay here forever but in heart there was nothing that could tear him from his family.

Kismet just still had no idea how to react to the news, it certainly seemed unlikely to be the lecture though. She would elaborate further upon the matter, convey some of her emotions though Kismet wasn't entirely convinced. He knew not of course of his mother's feelings before he and Soren were born, and nor would never know the annoyances of being pregnant and giving birth and having never actually seen someone either pregnant or in labour he was far from having any idea that it was mostly this his mother was dreading. "Are you sure?" He would question. "You don't sound too convinced."



6 Years
06-07-2014, 10:22 AM

"But he didn't." Azalea couldn't help but hold a sense of relief. That her sons held no love for that monster the way Armada children did. "He sent one of his minions to break apart our pack and home and then tore us from our family. That is not an ideal father."

As her sorrows shined through there was a break through moment. He came forward to comfort her and Azalea smiled warmly as she nuzzled into the burly boy's neck. Azalea still could not get over how big he had gotten. It just wasn't right to be shorter than your child. "You're an Adravendi, true as any. Those damn Armada's can cross you off their family tree because you have plenty of family here." The Adravendi family was a healthy growing organism, the Armada family was more like cancer.

The poor boy seemed hardly convinced of Azalea's happiness and she couldn't blame him. She couldn't quite convince herself either. "Are you sure?" He asked, "You don't sound too convinced." She laughed lightly. "When I was pregnant with you it was miserable. Being fat and moody is not exactly every girl's dream. I'm already hungry all the time." The last sentence was said with a pout. "Giving birth sucks even more. I'll spare you the disgusting details but I had not the slightest clue what I was doing. I felt quite lucky to not become the laughing stalk of the pack after that."

"Do you remember when you were born? Its a little hilltop that overlooks the plains and the forest beyond. There are a few shade trees and a small creek. Before I gave birth you two would roll out in my abdomen and I would sit there looking out over Valhalla and talk to you two. Of course then I was convinced there was only one of you in there." She smiled at him.

Those were good times, sitting peacefully watching over the home she loved. Perhaps it was weird to talk to your stomach but Azalea's growing motherly instinct had made it feel right.



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2014, 02:26 PM

Her words were certainly the way that Kismet felt about things, his expression broke into another smile all the same. Never once had he felt out of place in the Adravendi family and the Armada's hadn't exactly made he and Soren ever feel welcomed. He may not have chosen his name, though old enough now that he could have made the choice, Kismet certainly wasn't about too change it, he was proud to be an Adravendi. "Good to know." He responded, the confirmation wasn't really needed though all the same it wasn't a bad thing to hear after all he'd been through.

To be honest Kismet had never actually even been around a pregnant woman, he knew nothing of the changes they could go through and perhaps would have felt a little worried had he any idea what was soon going to be happening to his mother. Sure he'd seen her a little angry at times, the temper of a mother scolding her child though never had he ever actually seen her fully moody or pissed off, in fact the closest he'd come to a real temper had been the brief moment that Liberty had threatened him in Glaciem, perhaps if he wished to see his mother angry that was something to bring up though he certainly didn't plan on sharing that bit of information.

His own worries would now start to kick in a little as she spoke of being moody and certainly was thankful that she didn't go too in depth on the subject of their birth. Not sure he wanted any more information at all on matters of pregnancy the boy would keep his mouth shut in hopes of avoiding the matter. Perhaps it'd be better to come in prepared but he simply made a mental note of the fact he'd probably have to help Sarak hunt for Azalea now as well. He had kept Soren eating in Glaciem, though whether he'd still need to hunt for his brother he wasn't entirely certain.

"Sort of, I remember the island a lot better" Too young to explore at the time he'd never had the chance to venture around his old home. He certainly hadn't realised that those lands now belonged to Valhalla once more nor did he have any idea that he was rather close to the den that Azalea was speaking of. The journey to the island was rather fuzzy to be honest, his memories of life before that trip were definitely a little vague.

It did seem a rather odd concept to him, talking to your stomach and as he briefly eyed his mother's form he found he wasn't entirely certain that he would feel tempted to join her in conversations with the unborn children. If he couldn't remember the earlier moments of his life clearly he certainly couldn't recall his life in the womb, no his siblings wouldn't miss him much if he failed to talk to them now. Perhaps it was some other strange pregnancy trait like that moodiness and hunger.