
Because it's just not natural otherwise



1 Year
Dire wolf
02-20-2019, 06:29 AM
So this place sucked. All the young warrior could do was look at the tundra outside his new hiding place with such discomfort that it was visible. His mohawk almost blended with his ruffled scruff. It was so barren. Like seriously what was wrong with these lands?! There was no structures that even resembled the dens he was used to. From the developed and sophisticated city life he was exiled to the rural and feral life. As if his singed tail and hungry stomach weren't bad enough. These lands were so unnatural and it gave him a discomfort that rivaled anything else.

How was he supposed to even exist without the ruins that the nofurs left behind? This was the closest structure to normal that the young boy had found. Well aside from the, whatever his mom had called them, contraption in the ice to the east. He was pretty sure that it was called a bait but he could be wrong. His pumpkin eyes were watching as the snow outside seemed to kick up worse. He'd hate to be stuck out in that. At least he'd found this place. He turned around and moved further inside. Time to find some comfort in this place. He made for a set of stairs and moved up. He'd find a place higher up to watch for intruders he figured. Much like his father he was intent on settling into this ruin and making sure no one thought they could move in without permission from him. He took a seat after a slow careful climb in the broken window that held some colors still. This looked like a good look out point.

Though he was exhausted and by the time he got comfortable he was being lulled to sleep by the wind outside.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-21-2019, 04:20 AM

He ventured North again, though this time for reasons entirely different than before. He was scouting out lands, checking them out so he could decide which would suit his potential pack. He had been mulling the idea over in his head since his talk with Actaea, and not only that, but his drive to eradicate the wrongdoings of his once brother and nephew. While he liked Abaven and its inhabitants, he knew he couldn't do what he needed to there. He didn't want to be the reason for Abaven's destruction, not that he thought Erovrare could take them down if he had to compare their numbers. He didn't want Shaye to have to deal with his choices, whether she thought they were wrong or not, he wouldn't put her - or Abaven - through that. The wolves there didn't seem to have the same ideals as him. Or so he thought. Of course, he could also be entirely wrong about that. He didn't know them well enough. Didn't know their history, or that of Abaven in its entirety.

He brought his foxes along for the adventure, mostly to get them out of Abaven and into the world. They needed the experience now that they were getting older, and leaving them under the sheltered life of Abaven would do them no good. Likewise, he would plan on taking Actaea and Ignis out at some point since they hadn't really been beyond the borders since they arrived. He had many plans, and although he taught them what he could, there was still so much more he wanted to show them.

As he neared the edge of the North, the snow had begun to fall harder and the wind started to kick up. He could sense a blizzard coming his way, and he didn't particularly feel like being caught out in it. He continued forward, pushing through the snow drifts. One snow drift had revealed a snow hare, but he was too slow to catch it in time before it darted by him. Lumi, however, had reacted faster than him. She chased after the hare, and in no time at all she had managed to catch it. She rejoined Ace and her brother with a proud and triumphant look on her face. "Well done, Lumi." Yes, they were growing up to be fine hunters. Luckily that hare had come out just in time because the beginnings of the blizzard were starting to sweep over them. Narrowing his eyes against the wind and snow, he hurried his pace. Practically racing through the snow as he sought out shelter.

Several long, agonizingly cold minutes later, he saw it. The shadow of something standing tall against the driving wind and snow. He pushed his companions forward, guiding them until they had reached it. Without hesitating, all three of them pushed their way inside until the howling of the wind was all they could hear. Shaking off the ice and snow that had begun to accumulate on him, he sat back and sighed. looked like they would have to wait until the blizzard was over...

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1 Year
Dire wolf
02-26-2019, 01:49 AM

He had almost dozed off when his half kidded sleepy eyes caught sight of something moving closer. Actually there was three somethings if he squinted. His ears went erect. With the snow he couldn't scent them but maybe they were pack mates come to take him home. Though he couldn't remember anyone as short as the two. His pack had been mainly bigger and stockier wolves. So probably not. He'd best go see though.

He stood up and shook the sleep from his form. Then he was moving. Maybe they could hear him already but he was expecting that. He creeped back down the stairs, stopping on a step where he could peer from the darkness at them. Definitely not pack mates. His singed tail went up and he let loose a growl. Pretty intimidating if he did say so himself, though the Male probably wouldn't be scared of a puppy growl. He didn't budge from his step though. He knew it likely wouldn't hold the male if he tried to climb the steps. Find your own den buddy! This one's mine! he wasnt afraid one bit to stake his claim. He found it first.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-28-2019, 02:58 AM

It didn't take Ace long to realize they weren't alone. He could smell the scent of another in the area, someone unknown to him. He kept alert in the event it was an enemy, though they didn't smell like Erovrare. No, his nose told him it was a rogue instead of one of his nephew's warriors. "Find your own den buddy! This one's mine!" Head turned in the direction of the voice, and through the darkness he could pick out the smaller form of a pup. That was odd...what was a kid doing this far north by himself? "Calm down kid, we're just waiting for the storm to pass." He countered, remaining where he was. He wasn't about to high tail it out into a blizzard because some kid didn't want him there. His gaze remained on the spot where the kid stood. He would neither try to get him anything, really. The boy was no threat to him.

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1 Year
Dire wolf
03-12-2019, 03:55 AM

Of course Gunther believed completely that he was a tough guy and completely fierce enough to be a threat to anyone. He narrowed his eyes in as the man spoke. Was he really going to try to act like he wasn't scared? He should be terrified of Gunther, or at least he believed so. He puffed up his chest as much as he could and launched down the final steps to come to stand about ten feet from the man. He was serious. He wasn't giving up his home to anyone, since he hadn't found to many other places that screamed comfort yet. After the storm passed he was kicking the three of them out. Alright but as soon as it passes your gone. I'm not losing another home to a bunch of meanies again. I already lost enough. He gave a nod to finalize his judgement of the man and the foxes.

He kept his singed tail up like a flag, he was letting everything he knew about fighting and intimidation show.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-13-2019, 07:12 PM

Well now this was just cute. Ace eyed him coolly as the boy jumped down the steps to stand about ten feet from him. His words, however, caused him to slightly raise a brow. Lost enough? He looked the kid over, assessing him. He seemed to be in okay health....and he seemed to be alone. By lost enough, did he mean his parents? The likelihood was there. But he wouldn't broach the subject until he could get the kid to calm down. He could certainly admire the boys bravery at trying to defend what he felt was his turf. "That's fair enough," He responded calmly.

The foxes, however, had other ideas. Instead of standing still, Finn approached the boy to sniff him, a wide and curious gaze as he drew closer. "You look pretty cool!" He would exclaim. He turned back to look at Ace for a moment before returning his attention to the pup. "I'm Finn! And that's my sister Lumi, and our dad Ace! What's your name?" Ace watched from his position, ready to put a stop to any fighting should there be any, but he also wasn't too worried about that, either. Finn was just trying to be friendly, after all.

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