
sparkling cinnamon



4 Years
01-30-2019, 12:35 PM

Round 1/4 - Collecting Herb

Delicate paws hit the chilled earth with ease as the delightful babe slithered her way through the orchard. Once blossoming with fruit and berries the trees above were mostly barren. The cold weather ripped away most of the flora as well as scavengers foraging for anything they could. Clementine was on a mission to study the area and perhaps find a herb to collect. In her determined mind she would not leave without something of use. The femme was known for being a driven Wolf with the need to constantly better herself. With Branch doing pack relations as of late it was vital that their herb stores were plentiful. Perhaps they could be a good trade post for herbs one day due to their pristine location. Clem thought over the possibilities to come but for now she would try to focus on the land ahead.

The obsidian fae slowed her steps as she came upon a clearing. Her jaws fell open in order to allow the various scents to hit her pink tongue. Clem tasted stale scents of smaller prey and mostly just that off the common wilds around her. A silver gaze scanned the area before flicking downward. Thankfully it hadn't snowed the night before and the ground was barren. Grass was sparse but it dared to grow despite the winter weather. Due to being in the south they weren't effected nearly as much by the winter but it was still rather chilly. Slowly the woman began walking with her head pointed downward and occasionally pawing through the dirt in order to find any hidden herbs that have lasted the season. Though, despite being focused downward she was sure to remain alert of her surroundings with erect ears and a studious nose.

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[Image: clem_siggy.png]

Osiris I


4 Years
02-02-2019, 06:02 PM
Round 1/4

He traveled the land for a little more than a week now. He had wanted to improve on his herbal knowledge and become a good healer, to help others when they needed him most. His eyes were rather distant, thinking about earlier times when his Mother used to teach him some things about the herbs she gathered while out traveling: saying how some were dangerous while others, used in certain ways, could have a lot of benefits to the one being treated.

The brute raised his nose upward, trying to scan any scents that could be beneficial to him. All that seemed to come to him was some form of prey that left some time ago, and the cold that nipped at his skin and made his nostrils burn. Though the snow was not too deep here, other places he had visited was a whole new story.

Snow crunched underneath his feet as little bits of shrubbery began to poke through the white blanket, eyes scanning the area for anything useful until he stopped in his tracks. A fae some distance away happened to catch his attention. She seemed to have various scents surrounding her so she had to reside in some form of pack. Her nose appeared to scan the ground, possibly looking for the same thing he was looking for. Though, he didn't wish to appear hostile to her, and he was sure she knew of his location, so he made sure to keep his distance for the time being as he wandered the area, eyes scanning the ground once again for any form of life sprouting from the snow, but, all he seemed to find was small strands of grass, and the trees.



4 Years
02-06-2019, 09:05 AM

Round 2/4 - Collecting Meadowsweet

Clementine continued her idle search. Obsidian paws brushed away dirt and twigs in order to find any green she could. A pink and black nose twitched as it lingered low towards the ground to inhale any scents of herbs. Her tail was neutral and her demeanor was as well. She was neither inviting nor off putting to say the least. Yet, a smile lingered across her inky lips per usual. The babe was normally rather pleasant but within solitary moments like this she remained quite level on the scales. Silver eyes pointed downward as it scanned the earth in curiosity and determination. To her knowledge this region will be blossoming with herbal life in a few months come spring. For now she knew there were a few herbs that can withstand the harsh winter is was just a matter of finding them.

The sounds of pad falls filled her ebon ears and her gaze swiftly moved from the ground towards the culprit. Clem remained still as her gaze took in the silver and obsidian furred male that was seemingly minding his own business. The babe was not normally a skeptic but she was not okay with continuing on with her business with a male so close behind. This just meant she would happily go introduce herself! The Wreckage woman perked up and straightened her head. Lithe paws carried her lean form towards the male with a sparkling smile. "Hello there." The babe stopped at about seven tail lengths away to give plenty of room between them. "Are you here for herbs as well?" Clem's head tilted as her sweet gaze poured into his own.

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[Image: clem_siggy.png]

Osiris I


4 Years
02-11-2019, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 04:33 AM by Osiris I.)
Round 2/4

He couldn't really seem to find any herbs of use, or at least ones that he had found previously when he once resided in his old home. Everything just seemed so unfamiliar and new, which meant relearning as much as he possibly could, giving a small huff at the thought.

However, his ears swiveled and flicked when they heard the snow crunching some distance away before stopping a little ways away from him. His cranium shifted to see the dame he came across when he first came upon this land. She seemed kind natured as a simple question left her lips. He sat down and gave her his full attention with a gentle smile on his face.

"Well, yes I am. I wish to learn more about becoming a healer, however I am new to these lands so the plants that are around here...I do not have a lot of knowledge with them." He gave an embarrassed grin trying to show he wasn't hostile towards her. "I assume that you are doing the same thing?" He tilted his head in question. He could smell various different scents upon her even from where he sat. Perhaps she was a pack wolf? Where he was from packs didn't take too kindly to loners like him so this was a new experience all together for him. "My name is Osiris, may I ask yours?"



4 Years
02-20-2019, 12:00 PM

Round 3/4 - Collecting Meadowsweet

Clementine was more then happy to talk with the stranger. He seemed pretty nice and neutral to say the least. Though, he was also quite handsome! The lovely girl couldn't help but to notice his steel grey pelt and darker accents. But she was also not one to dwell with ravenous eyes for she wasn't controlled by lust like other creatures. She could very well rip her thoughts from romance back to herbs in an instant and that is what she did. Clem remained standing as he sat and she very intently listened to his explanation. It seemed that he was new to Boreas and was rather unfamiliar with the flora in these parts. She was also sort of new so she was figuring things out as she went. But, that did not mean the babe could not be of aid!

As he asked for her name and offered his own the lady perked up. "I am Clementine Wreckage of Kesali, a pack not too far from here." She offered a lovely smile before looking to the clearing around them. "Well, the only way to learn is to get your paws dirty and get to know the land. From what I know of The Orchard, where we are right now, is that come the warmer months all of the trees you see now fill with fruit and the earth blossoms with herbs." She looked back to him, "At the moment you won't find much here but I am on the hunt for Meadowsweet. It is a small clump of white flowers with yellow in the center. The herb can live in colder climates and is used for curing the flu, which is mighty helpful around this time of the year."

Clementine then moved towards the base of a larger tree before looking over her shoulder. "We could look together if you would like? I am fine with sharing whatever we may find." The babe offered another generous smile before beginning to search for the herb again. Her paws pushed dirt to the side as well as some rocks. The flower could be hidden under a root of a tree or under a rock for all she knew.

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[Image: clem_siggy.png]