
Wicked Ones



3 Years
02-21-2019, 08:04 AM
placed after the Challenge

The winter wind howled through the desolate marsh and bit at her frozen skin. The bleak grey cloud overhead reflected perfectly her grey mood inside. These short days, these long nights, the dampness that crept into her weary bones and made them ache for summer again. Each enormous pad broke the frosted puddles that lay embedded in the hardened earth, each one was made in the autumn, when the hooves of the horses that were ridden over the path had each sunk several inches into the then soft soil. The world seemed to lie barren and lifeless before her as if God himself had put it to sleep. She knew that her brother has bedded some...some witch, some seductress but she never knew that she will encounter her that soon and in that way. A sight left the woman ebon lips as she pondered within her own thoughts, lost.

Stars filled the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, one that she knew oh, so well. She wondered, was it because she was completely nocturnal that the spirits have chosen her to become their voice, perhaps she was sensing the fragility of Earth all the more due to them. Perhaps that was the reason why she was chosen not only to become the Oracle but also end this rotten world and purge them for all their sins, including her own.

black widow

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.


02-21-2019, 09:52 AM

The behemoth of a Klein trailed after his sister. His distance was kept, but he did not stay so far away that she would not know. The knight was fuming. Their blood had been soild by a witch. She had stolen Hannibal's senses from him and used his seed. The beast snarled at the thought. He should go right back and rip her eyes from her. He should destroy her. And the scum that had been conceived by them should be disposed of. They were unworthy of their paternal heritage. His icey blues boiled with rage. His paws stopped and he found his muscles coiling. A bound and he was atop a contraption. His form collapsed and reclined like a kings upon his throne.

We've much to discuss Cordelia. he was angry with her as well. She touched that weakling king and acted as if she wanted his seed. His angry gaze settled on her then. He was less than pleased. The boy that hid from fights would need to prove himself to Jekyll, an impossible task when his mind was already made up about the man. On top of that they needed to dispose of children and their mother before Hannibal caught on so they could save him from the witch.




3 Years
02-24-2019, 07:00 AM
placed after the Challenge

Icicles dangled from the shadowy skeletons of trees, each one like an ominous sword of Damocles. The river, frozen solid, was covered with ice so thick that it showed reflections as clear as a mirror of the heavy, grey sky. The chill breeze slicing through the air seemed to whisper "ice... ice... ice..." and it was only fitting for such discussions. It was a family meeting of two it would seem however the black widow shall discuss the matter of fact with each single individual of their family, hear their opinion about it and then come to the conclusion. Was there more than it met the eye? She kept wondering as her pace lessened.

From the moment she heard the words falling from her future King lips her blood started to boil and it has not stopped ever since.

Kill the bitch.

Kill the spawn.

No. No.


The black widow trashed her skull back and forth.

Stop. Still. Her skull began rotating in the motions of a clock for a moment before she remained still again.

So we do , blood. she responded after a long time in a neutral tone. She sat on her haunches in the snow as it slowly began to melt underneath her, resulting in the fine hair threads clunging to her an also the rancid scent of wet dog, but mixed between her scent of cadaver and belladonna it was not too potent.

black widow

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.


03-14-2019, 04:05 AM

Hannibal had lost, taken as a slave before their very eyes. It had been enough to add anger to the behemoth. The male set his eyes upon his sister. Even with her sight she had never seen it coming had she? That her king would become a weakling in the eyes of their largest brother. He was fuming. His tail twitched like a cat that had been crossed.

Add the fact that the weakling king had spoken of the mother of his children in such a way and he was completely pissed. His sister sought to seduce him and bring weakness into their blood yet did she know what he thought now? First thing dear sister, drop the thoughts of bedding that weakling. His spawn will bring nothing but shame to our name. He speaks of the mother of his children in ways that make me want to rip his throat from his body, I could only imagine how he would dare speak of you, or treat your children. I will not accept such a man as your mate. there was sternness and venom in his voice that betrayed the look of indifference his face held. Her womb was too precious to waste on a male like the one that had shown himself at the challenge.

Second, there is a matter of Hannibal's weakness. He is no longer fit to lead us in my eyes. He will be challenged by myself soon enough, whether you support me or not I was a matter of fact that she needed to be made aware of. because whatever the outcome of that fight would determine one thing for the kleins. They'd either have a new heir or Hannibal would remain as their king. Though without a kingdom there was not much to rule as a king.

Last thing dear sister, a witch poisons our blood, and I will not have it. She must be destroyed as well as her spawn. It is the only explanation for Hannibal's loss I can come up with other than he is a weak link. Mother and father would of been less than pleased with Hannibal right now. he had made their family look weak in the public eye and Jekyll was certain they would take pride in the decisions Jekyll was making in the moment.




3 Years
03-14-2019, 04:42 AM

She sat there, gazing, listening as she felt her heart cracking like glass, spreading its pieces throughout her skeletic body. She could hardly bare the sight, as she watched her own blood badmouthing their brother. This was not the way things should be, this was not the way she saw it. They were supposed to be brothers, litter mates! It felt as if her bright world had gone dark, like a big curtain being pulled across the sky. She decided to follow his way of speech and mention them approprietely. Even if I do not approve of some of his methods brother I sensed strenght within him. Believe in me, when I say that I too have my doubts regarding him but think bigger than a womb. Bigger than some ridicule spawns. It is a way for us to move higher. she hissed, equal venom to match his own spread through each and every word.

She could not believe her ears. Weakness, blood? she questioned rethorically, intense gaze roaming over his handsome facial features, digging holes through his face. It is weaknes when one loses a fight? she rose a question once again, a serious one that demanded a serious answer. God knows we both had lost couple of fights in our life. she sneered, Or is it perhaps strenght to stand up to a challenge that was not even your own to take?

Was it fun watching Hannibal suffer? Did it fill your cup with cold malice? she questioned rethorically, approaching the man in a prowl as her anger filled the gaps of every word uttered. Am I angry over this pissing contest? No. I'm bitter and that's worse. Angry is over fast, bitter lasts." she growled in his face. It is time to shake your dicks and pull them back. We have bigger fish to fry. she spatted as she pulled back, her shoulders fell as did her gaze. She was a wreck, that much was true and she never once wished to fight with either of them.

Perhaps she was a woman and that was why she did not seem to understand or perhaps it was that her littermate got bored being in his brother shadow, thought if he thought so, he had to know that he was not. Or perhaps he was yet unaware of his place or where he belonged to in this world and that was something he had to discover on his own. I can agree that the spawns could have made Hannibal take unnecessary risks however the children are not at blame. It is her, the snake, that we must take care of.


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.