



1 Year
02-24-2019, 06:48 AM
Heavy, bleeding paws tapped at the path before him every now and then and before long he felt a crater in the center of the valley where decades ago a bomb had blown a depression hundreds of feet deep and thousands of feet wide. The basin around the crater was weathered by years of wind and sand storms. With zero cover and pockets of radiation, and wih no knowledge what so ever of what was in front of him the man sat on his haunches at the edge of it. His paws went half over the edge, dripping small droplets of the vital, crimson liquid as he let out a exhausted sigh. Why did he had to lose Ramses and how exactly did that happen? He was blind for Gods sake, where was he supposed to go and with this blindfold on all he could smell was the gagging scent of roses. Did he forgot to mention? Yes, you can be blind and have a shit sense of smell for sure as Hell his snout is not doing anything to help in this situation. And what the Hell did he do walked on to? Ramses? a sigh left his ebon lips as he called his Master over and over again.

Great, just great. It was not supposed to be like that. He was supposed to be the one that took care of his God not the other way around. All he could do is release a howl, leaning his crown backward and hoped with all his might that Ramses was somewhere near in order to hear his desperate and pathetic call for help.


Flowers in Chania
As Morcänthius's Master Ramses is allowed in any of his thread, private or not.


02-24-2019, 09:49 AM

He'd never went far from his servant. It was all just a game in his head, how his blinded faithful would deal being alone for the first time since he'd freed him from his father. He'd sent the vile villan away with one less eye and a curse upon him, that may whatever womb he try to infect become shriveled and that all his food turn to sand in his mouth. The god really was creative when it came to these curses. He chuckled to himself as he watched with his blackened eyes. He hadn't caught the red paws upon the ground, or else this game would have ended long ago. His own paws were sore and missing the soft sands of home. The calls for him had become more and more desperate. such an interesting creature Morcanthius was. so dependant on his god, so scared of the world without him. How would he react if Rameses never returned to his side? He sat and watched from dunes away.

His nape fur erected immediately as Mory walked for the ledge of one dune. He gave a growl, likely to be caught on the winds. His servant was going to die if not warned or made aware somehow. Then came the howl. Mory must be inwardly freaking if he was resorting to such a thing. He'd only been this far from him for nearly a day now. Seemed it was time then. He stood, his form moving with grace to his servant's side. He comes to a stop with his right leg over his servant and his head turned to be at Mory's. His whispers come forth, into Mory's crown. Be silenced now, Morcanthius. You are safe in my presence once more. His accent is deep, voice thick. His eyes ore upon Mory's bodice. They stop at his paws, watching as crimson liquid drips from them. Displeasure colors his features. He lays with his right limb trapping Mory where he lays. We rest here until your life returns to your body. I'll not have you become lame from stupidity.

He leans in and laps blood from one of Mory's paws, cleansing it as he does. Their mission will have to wait. He awaits the fall of the sun. His crown lifts and he turns his gems to the west. Desert sands stretch as far as the eye can see with a mountain of rock in the far distance. They shall need an oasis there but he would rather remain in familiar lands where Mory is comfortable. He would need to search alone and stash Mory away in safety, where his mortal life will not be endangered.



1 Year
02-25-2019, 03:12 AM
This loneliness was a vice on the poor blind man heart, squeezing with just enough pressure to be a constant pain. It kills him every day he was away from Ramses just a little bit more, taking what was once his inner light and replacing it with a darkness that overshadows each moment. It is the fuel of his nightmares, the reason he struggles to breathe when a new shock comes. Where was the limit? He felt so abandoned and this only filled him with despair and anxiety. If this was because after his own father gauged out his eyes the man-God became a pillar in his life, he did not know but he knew that from the moment he went blind he refused to accept the help of others, he could hunt and walk just like any of them; yes, of course he tripped and sometimes did not know his way back but he never realized how much he got accustomed with his Master before now. When comes the point at which dogs are called off and the help begins? Because he needed to know; he really needed to know.

It comes as an electrical storm in his brain that, quite honestly, was painful. It was different from a headache and it felt the same as intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go. So though he appear calm, his sad body language was saying far more than "Help me," , it was saying that his soul is in such unbearable pain and all because he was alone for the first time since his incident.

Panic began to ripple at his mind, it started slowly and now it was a storm with lighting and thunder. I wasn't before he felt the touch of his Master that his mind calmed but another shock took over. He needed to be grounded, he needed to feel safe once again. Master. he whined pathetically, Master , please. he whined once again as he laid on the ground, curling into himself and making himself seem as small as possible. He needed Ramses to ground him the only way he knew how, with pain. He needed his mind to shut up and in order to do that he had to feel each blow physically and mentally until he could not think anymore about anything else.


Flowers in Chania
As Morcänthius's Master Ramses is allowed in any of his thread, private or not.


02-25-2019, 08:56 AM

His crown tilted towards the sounds of his begging servant. Please. his eyes narrowed. The gold encrusted God turned his eyes onto his eyeless servant. He sits up. Please what? There are many things he wants to do but the question is what is Mory asking of him? He laps at mory's ears. The waif is on his mind alot. Perhaps that is because he is submissive enough to please him yet somehow not at the same time. Or perhaps it's because he is such a loyal boy, when Rameses is barely loyal in return. He has bedded countless women, all brought to him by priests who had hopes that his seed would become implanted in the serving girl's wombs. It had never worked yet. He knew why though. He'd not yet been old enough to do so. Yet now he knew that perhaps he'd find himself capable of such things. He knew he'd have to be careful with his seed to avoid giving women undeserving of his spawn pups.

He looks again to the desert to the west. Please what Mory? Be specific. His eyes touch on the roses. He moves silently. One's wilting some. He aims to grip it and remove just the one. They'll have to find a replacement, eventually that is. If he succeeds he drops it into the chasm below. Wilting again. it's the only explanation he gives. He is aware of his servant's insecurity. They'll fix it later.




1 Year
02-26-2019, 10:37 AM
An invisible hand clasps over the man mouth; an equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierces his heart, unloading in an instant. He felt his ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate his lungs. His head was a carousel of fears spinning out of control, each one pushing his mind into blackness. He wanted to run; he needed to freeze. He needed for his Master to ground him the only pain that he understood, the only way that had worked for him and kept working; he needed the pain. Sounds that were near felt far away, like he was no longer in the body that lied paralyzed in the desert...

He had to do something, something tomake Ramses understand that he needed help, that he needed to feel each blow mentally and physically because right now, right now he was into a full blow panic attack. He loathed it, loathed to be left alone and he just discovered it. He did not know what to do, never once had he left Ramses side and now, now he was a sobbing pathetic mess on the ground, embarrassing his Master. He needed to pull himself together. He had to, therefore two paws started to push at the ground only to fall again and he felt every fiber of strenght leaving his body once Ramses removes a whitered rose and his sobs intensified, they were silent, however crystal drops dripped from underneath the roses, staining his silk tendrils of fur.


Flowers in Chania
As Morcänthius's Master Ramses is allowed in any of his thread, private or not.