


07-14-2013, 05:51 PM
Poseiden gave an irritated growl as he wLked along. The tight feeling that nefer left him still coiled in his throat. He hurt. He hated everyone. He just wanted everyone to die. No one could stand the sound of his voice and no one would stay past the time he even said "hi". His wild, unkempt fur stren out in every witch direction. His dark onyx eyes wondering the horizon, barely blinking.

He needed a rest. He'd been aimlessly walking for what seemed like days. He looked about for a tree to rest under. He settled under a large live oak, laying his head down on the dirt. The coil in his throat grew tighter and uncomfitorble. He lifted his head up again. This was the whole reason he could never get any sleep. He snorted and stubornly put his head back down.?



07-14-2013, 06:14 PM

Sasori padded along silently in solitude. He hadn't seen Roberto in a while, but then again Black Island was so gigantic that it made perfect sense. He was confident the other boy hadn't gone and gotten himself killed. Not yet at least. He'd already been warned that the island was full of things that wanted to kill you. If he hadn't taken Sasori's word to heart then he'd learn on his own that even the plants and bugs would take your life. It was obvious by the bright and exotic colors they sported. He'd learn.

For now he'd headed back to the mainland to explore a bit more. He wasn't much of a wanderer, but if he was to call Alacritis as a whole home he wanted to be familiar with it. He was always thinking one step ahead. If Black Island ever become uninhabitable he would simply move to another area and call it his home. For now he'd be content to scout out the area, but he wasn't entirely pleased with what he saw. It was also obvious many wolves strode through here. Too many for his liking. He did appreciate the scenery though.

Charcoal colored nose twitched and nostrils flared as a scent invaded his senses. Ears flicked forward. The wind had changed direction and with it came the scent of another wolf. Glacial blue eyes didn't even give an interested flicker, but still he pressed forward. He had to go this way anyways. He'd just take his chances and deal with whomever he came across.

What he founded was mangy looking excuse for a wolf. Fur was wild and unkempt unlike his immaculate ivory and white fur. He looked dirty and could possibly be profiled as sick. Whoever it was they obviously didn't care much for personal appearances. He stood still for a moment wondering how to approach, or not, the situation. The male seemed to be asleep, but most would think it rude to just pass by without a simple greeting. Curse wolves and their stupid laws of etiquette. They confused the hell out of him.
