
Party Pooper



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-28-2019, 06:22 PM

Snow fell lightly today, falling softly on the male's form. Bi-colored gaze glanced up as he stared off across the sea. There was tension in the pack, a dark cloud hanging over them. His brother's kids had been taken away for what he was told should only be a short time. While he didn't have children of his own, he could only imagine the turmoil that Tyranis was feeling. While he knew his brother had had his first litter very young and wasn't bonded to them as far he knew, he felt his brother deserved a fresh start with his current litter. He didn't really know their mother, the monochrome male not having bothered to really check her out, let alone anyone else. He didn't understand it, really. He had never known anyone else's love but that of his mother and brother and sisters. Heck, he had never even had a crush on anyone. So he didn't know the same heartbreak that his brother felt over the situation, but his heart did break for his brother. He wanted Tyranis to be happy, but there wasn't much he felt he could do to ease his brother's pain and suffering. They had been through a lot together, and the only way he knew to offer comfort was just to be there, but he felt like that wouldn't be enough for what was going on.

Wanting to get away from the choking silence and depression in the pack, Cloud had ventured northward until he stood where the sea was partially frozen, creating an ice bridge to the island that sat out in the water. With his Osprey flying overhead, Cloud stepped out onto the ice and began his trek to the island. He had never been there before, so he was curious to see what he could find. He figured he might find some prey there that didn't live around the pack, and if he did find something, he would bring it back to share. Maybe he'd even get lucky to find something for his brother, a gift to show that he was there and that he cared. That he'd always be there for him if and when he could. His loyalty to Tyranis was unmatched by many, he was devoted to his brother, to his family. His loyalty had yet to be tested, but he didn't think there was anything that would ever turn him against his beloved brother.

Paws touched down on the island, and the male didn't waste any time in searching for a target. The snow had begun to fall more heavily now, adding to the already thick blanket that choked the island. Darkened trees stood against the white backdrop, and he could see squirrels and other animals skittering away into the treetops as he neared. He watched them curiously, finding no signs of other wolves around here. It was likely that not many wolves came this way, but he remained alert in case there were other predators nearby. "Cloud," The male glanced up to see his Osprey landing on a tree nearby, his feathers ruffling as he tilted his head towards him. "There are many animals around here, I spotted some hares nearby," Ah, Cloud licked his lips as he thought about hunting down one of the winter-worn creatures. He nodded to his companion who then flew off in search of his own meal. What Cloud didn't know, however, was that these hares turned completely white in the winter time. So he was unprepared for the challenge ahead.

As he quietly stalked through the trees, he swore he kept seeing movement, but he wasn't so sure. He decided to stop where he was, and watch. He scanned the snow in front of him, slowly and carefully as he tried to figure out if he had really seen something, or if it was just a trick of the snow. As he peered through the curtain of falling snow, he saw movement again. This time, under one of the pine trees. He narrowed his eyes, squinting to try and get a better look. To his surprise, he had spotted a hare as white as snow. It blended in so perfectly he would have missed it again had the creature not moved, but lucky for him, it had, and he could see its round, black eyes as it slowly wandered about. Well, he certainly knew how to hunt rabbits. But this would pose more of a challenge than usual. If he didn't focus and pay attention, he would likely lose it in the snow again. He crouched down, hunkering his body low to the ground and slowly crept forward. Carefully, quietly, he moved with small steps towards the hare.

When the hare looked up to check its surroundings, Cloud would stop. Watching and waiting until it went back to its business. He circled until the wind was against him, hopefully keeping his scent away from the creature. When he felt he was close enough, he burst through the snow and darted towards it, only the hare had been just a little bit more prepared than he thought. It bolted, leaving Cloud empty-handed before he gave chase. The Hare darted, zig-zagging across the snow. Cloud's eyes darted around, trying to keep up with its movements, though he managed to lose sight of it a couple of times, it would eventually dart back into his line of sight, its eyes the only indication of its whereabouts. His own paws pounded the ground as he followed the hare towards some rocks, and it was then he knew he had a better chance. The hare's fur contrasted against the dark stone, and as it ran alongside it, he altered his course in an effort to cut it off. His heart pounded with adrenaline, and as he drew closer, he could feel his victory. Jaws parted, and just as he was about to lunge towards it, a screech sounded and before he knew it, his companion had come out of nowhere, pinning the Hare against the rock and snow, making quick work of killing it.

Cloud skidded to an abrupt halt, nearly careening into the stone. Snow went flying around him, and when all was settled, his companion sat there with the dead hare in its talons. "I almost had that," He shook his coat free of snow as he stared at the bird. "Yeah? Well, you were too slow. It was almost painful watching you trying to keep your eye on it." His companion scoffed as he ruffled his feathers. "There's plenty more here if you want to catch another. Without help." Cloud rolled his eyes and turned away, deciding to take up that offer and look for another one.

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