
Adravendi-Mathias Litter #1


07-15-2013, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 04:54 PM by Epiphron.)
The Kingdom of Seracia is pleased to announce the expansion of its royal family!

Well well well, Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias and Maverick Tahir-Mathias, the future King and Queen of Seracia are expecting children! Before this joyous occasion takes place, Nyx and I are looking for one roleplayer to play the remaining pup. Now, we will be taking your activity, character number, and all sorts of details into account as we go through this adoption process, so keep that in mind! Their first litter will have three pups, two of which are taken by Nyx and myself. To apply all you need is to write up an appearance, personality, and roleplay sample (must be a sample of how you would write Amalia, no other samples will be accepted), lastly we?d like you to tell us if you have any plans for this girl in the future. We understand that things change as you roleplay, but its good to have an idea of where you think she might end up. Amalia will be raised in Seracia, and will be expected to remain in Seracia for most if not all of her life. Odds are the child will hold a high rank, and will be expected to understand the responsibilities that come with that rank. The name has already been chosen by Nyx and myself, though if you are totally opposed to it we may allow you to change it. So, go on and have fun applying for this loveable pup! Applications close on July 27th. She will be playable two weeks after birth. Please use the code below when you apply. Good luck!

[Image: 2zzqiye.png][Image: pMFINW3.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Appearance here. 150+ words.

Personality here. 200+ words.

RP sample here. 200+ words.

Future plans?


[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Appearance here. 150+ words.

Personality here. 200+ words.

RP sample here. 200+ words.

Future plans?



07-15-2013, 02:32 PM

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption


Amalia Jayne is a stunning dame with a cream base that covers most of her body, it ranges from the base of her neck to the tip of her tail. Her pelt is said to hold a bit of white look also to it, due to the fact she got that from her mother Epiphron. Her appearance dose not star their, she holds many different stunning marks that are unique to herself. One that stands out in particularly is the russet brown color that covers her entire head to the top of her neck, this color is similar to what her father holds on his pelt. That russet color dose wonders to bring out her bright blue eyes, this surely will be the main attention upon her.

Along with her markings one more that is quite unique to her is the black front left paw. This marking kinda brings out the uniqueness to her, and when you sum it all up she is a angel that had fallen from heaven, or that is what I like to call it. Amalia Jayne is not going to be that big in size, her full height will be around a medium size of 35" and weighing only one-hundred and ten pounds. Her frame is hidden quite nicely under the luscious medium lengthen fur that covers her body, this makes her seem a bit larger than what she actually is.


Amalia Jayne is a cunning, sly dame, with the heart of gold. She is what some would like to call a peacemaker, but don't get me wrong. Oh she is no where near to the no violence at all type. She Is willing to fight to defend family, pack, and all in-between. If she is faced with a judgment that she must decide the fate upon Amalia is always fair, but tough on everything she decides on and dose. Sometimes she will be caught walking around thinking about anything that comes to her mind, pacing if you want to call it that. This in no way has anything to due with mental issues, oh non at all, she dose this to clear her head so that a clear mind is ready when the time comes to act upon the topic that she is pacing for.

Amalia Jayne loves to interact with others, and meet new faces that might be passing by. You will often see her talking to a new wolf every day, and always ready to scout the lands for any invaders, or possible friends that may have wandered upon the land. Amelia has a way with words, the way she speaks is a sweet flowing tone that is a lullaby to the ear. And she is great with talking to others when they are under stress. Well their are some positive qualities of Amalia but sadly to say no one is perfect. Amalia may be smart, cunning, sly, a good fighter and scouter, but she is not that strong in the hunting arts. I don't mean that she lacks completely in that skill, it is just not as strong as the other ones that she possesses.

Along with the hunting downfall Amalia Jayne always tries to see the good in others, yes that might sound as a good thing, but some are evil to the debts of their bones and that is where the dame could find problems. So over all Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias is a kind, determined dame who when she puts her mind up to something she will get it done.

RolePlay Sample:

A blissful day has begun to break the heavens of alacritis once more.The creatures of this land begun to stir as the rays of life and light seeped into their dens and homes. Amongst this world lays a dame that went by the name of Amalia Jayne, or Amalia for short. The light had begun to stir the female as she slowly begun to open her eyes. The light seemed to blind her momentarily before they adjusted. The dame let out a yawn as she made her way out of the den, something about this day made her feel like she was born again, new hope in things in other words. Her eyes scanned the pack as they too begun to sir from the call of the day. It wasn't long before the pack was up and about busy as always. What she had learned is that their is never a dull or calm moment in this life, one thing after another always seems to keep her on her toes.

Her ears swiveled upon her head as the sound of playful pups filled the air. Amalia's tail swayed as she made her way to scout the boarders of the pack lands. Most days nothing interesting happened, but it was a new day and anything is possible, or that is what she thinks. Her paws gently padded among the ground as she quickly but quietly moved throughout the lands. She was quite skilled in silently walking and was this an advantage or a disadvantage, well I guess it is all how you look at it. Her eyes scanned the grounds looking for anything in the distance that could be another wolf. Her eyes did not pick up anything that was useful to the scout, but that was not the last option, oh not by a long shot. Amalia Jayne lowered her snout to the ground and inhaled trying to pick up any scent that is not of this pack, or the prey that resides here. Raising her head she came up with nothing, how disappointing this was to her, she was looking for someone new to speak with on this day.

The wind had started to blow and with it came a scent that was unfamiliar to her knowledge. She raised her snout to the air some more picking up the scent clearer now than before. Her eyes sparked with joy as she lowered her muzzle and looked in the direction of source of the sent. "Oh how exciting." She spoke as she took off in a fast walk, still silently she made her way to the unknown creature that the scent came from. Amalia did not know who it was, or what personality that this creature might hold, but she will find out soon enough. As she approached the creature another wolf appeared, one with massive size, and as black as night its self. She came to a halt about two feet from the creature, her ears perked up in alert, but still calm at the same time. "Hello their.. My name is Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias. What has brought you to this part of alacritis, To the pack of Seracia?"She asked as her tail swayed gently with patients for a response from the mysterious wolf that stood before her.

Plans for the future:

Well counting out all the life trama that might occur, my plans for her is to become the Alpha of Seracia. Of course due to the personality I gave her she will not accept it just because of her blood line. She would rather work her way up the ranks and earn it the right way. Gain the respect of the pack members and their trust first before going on with her major goal.


07-15-2013, 04:51 PM

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption


Amalia is a divine little creature, her looks deriving more from her mother's side than her father's, though her father shows up more in other parts of this little princess's anatomy. Her base coat is a soft cream, much like her mother's, some dips of ivory mixed into it, giving her coat almost dual-colored quality, much like raven's black feathers look blue in the right light. This soft creamy color dominates most of her body, but it isn't the only color that makes up her coat. A russet, almost clay-shaded color covers her entire face, spanning just below her neckline before it dissolves into the cream. It's a very startling, vibrant hue, much like the coloring on her mother's right ear, though it lack's the brilliance of her father's russet pelt. To top off her trio of colors, the little princess's left front paw is completely bathed in obsidian, the only other marking marring her mostly cream body. She peers out into the new world with crystal sapphire gems, the same eyes her mother used to look upon her the day she was born. She will be of a large build, about 35 to 36 inches when fully grown(perhaps smaller, not sure, most of my wolves are large) and she will have a very toned and well-built frame. Very powerful, yet elegant, she will posses a hidden strength beneath her beautiful coat, a strength only seen when provoked, but otherwise she will keep a perfect princess appearance.


In general, little Amalia takes after both her parents in aspects of her personality. In regards to her mother, she is a lot like her in terms of her behavior towards others. The little princess is a rather serious little girl, preferring to sit around and observe rather than actually participating in the rounds of play with her siblings. She isn't one to wear her heart on her shoulder, but instead keep her heart well hidden, only bringing it out around her dearest friends and of course family. She might appear standoffish upon first meeting, but that is only because she tries her best to keep up the princess appearance. She often times follows her mother around, watching her interactions with other pack members or with rogues looking to join the pack. She uses her mother as her example and strives to be just like her, in regards to her interactions with others. Although a rather quiet and reserved child, she takes after her father in regards to friendships and relationships with other wolves. If you gain her trust (which isn't too hard now, since she still is a na?ve little pup) and manage to befriend her, then you got yourself a friend for life. And once you make her your friend, you get to see the true Amalia beneath her carefully constructed princess mask. She will be a curious little child, wanting to figure everything and anything out, which will probably lead her into some problems with disobedience, but nothing to serious. As she becomes older, her own personality will begin to develop and it will be seen that the young Adravendi-Mathias can be a bit of a stubborn one once she becomes attached to a particular idea. Her parents can tell her everything and anything, but once she has made her mind up about something, whether it be an opinion of something or of someone, it's terribly hard to dissuade the child. Not only that, but she will have a bit of a temper, much like her father. Though, she won't be much a hot-head, more composed and level-headed like her mother, but if you push her hard enough to get her to break, then you are going to wish you would've pissed someone else off. She is fiercely loyal to those in her family and those who are able to call themselves her friends. She is quite the helpful little lady, putting herself out there to help whoever she can, not seeing herself above anyone, allowing her to help anyone that she crosses paths with.

Rp sample:

It was just another day in Seracia. Amalia and her siblings -mostly her siblings anyway- were roughhousing for the day, relaxing really, tousling and tumbling out around the den, their parents spaced around the trio, quietly observing them. Amalia lied between her mother's russet and ivory paws, her own little creamy and obsidian paws tossed over her mother's left forepaw, her tail lazily draped over the right one. Epiphron had tried to convince her second eldest daughter to go ahead and join the game with her other two siblings, but the young princess had denied the invitation time and time again. Roughhousing with her siblings didn't look like very much fun. She had no wish to roll around in the dirt or risk getting her ear bitten off, it was no way for a princess to act. Though she could feel the pull of her little pup instincts wanting her to join in the play session with her littermates, the young princess denied her instincts, preferring to lay in the comfort of her mother's embrace and simply watch. She could learn a lot from watching her siblings, though the young girl was aware that the real learning came from actual experience. Her mother had told her as much several times in response to her denials of joining the game.

Boredom began setting in. It was quite fun to watch her siblings tousle, but she needed something more interesting. She wanted to go out and explore, but there was no way that she would be able to go out alone. Her parents prohibited her from going out alone, but whenever she got the opportunity, the young dame set out about her home, wanting to learn everything she could about it. That's what she should've been doing now, instead of just lying with her mother. Her boredom was mostly her fault, since she chose not to play, but it wasn't stimulating enough for her. She needed something else. Just as she began to think that this was how she was going to spend the rest of her day, an unfamiliar call rang out across Seracia, catching the family's attention. Tiny limbs unscrambled from beneath the creamy babe, bringing her to stand before her mother, russet ears perked up with interest as she listened to the stranger's call. They were calling for her parents. Did they want to join? Sapphire gems flickered to her mother's identical ones, little plume wagging excitedly behind her. Momma, can I go with you? Please? I wanna help you. Her mother rose to her own paws, dwarfing her young daughter she glanced towards Maverick, gaining an approving nod from the russet man. Alright dear, you can tag along. A smile broke across the youth's face as she reached up to kiss her mother's nose, her own version of a thanks, Epiphron nuzzling her daughter in return before setting off, the little dame tagging alone behind her, almost an identical match were it not for her odd paw and darker head.

The pair jogged along at a steady pace, excitement rolling through Amalia's little body. This was the first time she was getting to see mother handle a stranger at the borders and she curious to see how the process went. It wasn't long before sapphire pools spotted a dark figure up ahead, much larger than her or her mother, the foreigner's scent giving away the fact that he was male. Quickly, the little princess wiped her fa?ade clean of any emotion, lifting her russet head to its full height, creamy plume curling over her hips, her stride becoming more confident and purposeful, mimicking her mother's as they approached the dark stranger. Her mother spoke up, introducing herself as Epiphron Adravendi Mathias before glancing down towards her daughter, introducing her as well. Amalia glance up towards her mother before turning to meet the stranger's gaze, dipping her little crown the same way she'd seen her mother do, though no words left the princess's jaws as her mother began addressing the man once again. Attention was undivided to the exchange between her mother and the stranger, listening as he was questioned for his motives and asked about what kind of skill sets he possessed. She wasn't sure what exactly all those questions were for, but she guessed it was to see if he was a good enough wolf to live in Seracia. The exchange only lasted a few minutes and before her mother made her decision, she turned towards her second eldest daughter. Amalia, do you think he's a good wolf to live in Seracia? Gaze flickered to the strange man, taking in his large stature, mentally trying to assess everything she'd heard. I think so Momma. came her quiet reply, looking back to her mother for approval. The ivory woman smiled, turning back to the man to congratulate him fro having joined, offering up her help were he to need any assistance settling in. And with the mother-daughter pair set off, bidding the new Seracian man goodbye, Epiphron proud that her daughter was so willing to learn what it took to be someone of royalty.

Future Plans:

Have her train under her parents, to be shown how to properly handle the status of being a royal. Might consider getting her into some love troubles like her parents, would be fun to repeat the past all over again. Possibly might be one to send off to secure an alliance like her mother? Somewhere along those lines is what I'm thinking.


07-15-2013, 09:10 PM

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Appearance: Amalia Jayne is a rather interesting looking creature, to say the least. Standing at a solid 32 inches in height when fully grown, she is neither large nor tiny. As an adult, she will have a lean frame, neither muscular nor particularly skinny, and will be overall a medium sized wolfess with a rather average build. Even as a pup she shows hints of this, more put together than most pups seem to be. Her limbs are long for her size, but her paws are proportionate and do not hint at her growing to be particularly large. She seems to be more graceful in build than many pups from the start.

With such an average build, it's understandable that it's Amalia's pelt that draws the eye. Her base coat is a cream coloration, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. It is slightly lighter than her mother's fur and slightly darker than the white speckles that her father boasts, falling somewhere in between her two parents on the spectrum of colors. Her entire head is a russet red, a natural, rather muted shade, close to her father's red in coloration. Her right front paw is dipped in black, extending up to about halfway up that leg. Other than these two markings, Amalia's body is an unvarying cream shade that gets easily dirty. Especially as a youngster, her fur will often be dirty and mussed, though she will begin to take better care of it as she grows.

Rounding out a rather interesting appearance is Amalia's brilliant blue eyes. The bold shade contrasts sharply with the russet fur surrounding her eyes. These eyes clearly hail from her mother's side of the family, as her father's are an bright green.

Personality: From the beginning, Amalia will be a very confident pup. She has been groomed to one day become an important member of the Kingdom of Seracia and is well aware of that. Amalia doesn't tend to get too bothered by what others think of her; they're not exactly going to stop her from reaching the heights that Amalia is sure that she will reach. In her early days, at least, this confidence will largely be unfounded, but time will only tell if Amalia can live up to the high dreams that she fully expects that she will achieve.

A playful nature will begin to mature even as Amalia does the same to much more flirtatious actions around the males that she meets. The games that she plays will grow as Amalia grows, and they will become directed much more at getting attention from the males around her. She tends to keep it as respectful as possible, and isn't particularly interested in anything further than flirting, for the most part. She will politely (of course - she learned from the best, after all) shut down any male who tries for anything more than she wants, but Amalia is quite capable of handling herself should they attempt to get more than she is willing to offer. Or so she assumes, at least. This is her confidence speaking, for the most part, as it remains to be seen whether or not she is as capable as she thinks herself to be.

Amalia is quite capable of pushing aside her playful mannerisms to put on a rather dignified, more regal air. This is the side that her parents and most of the pack see. She is polite, crosses her Ts and dots her Is and minds her manners constantly, especially around her parents and other highly ranked members of Seracia. From a young age, the importance of respecting her superiors will be instilled upon her, and she will display the utmost respect towards them. The female that her superiors will see and the female that others see are two completely different creatures, in all honesty.

A hint of vanity also colors this female's personality. She cares a lot about appearances, especially hers. She basks in the compliments that others pay her, and truly adores receiving compliments. This vanity is also reflected in the excellent care that Amalia takes of her coat as she grows. She tends to get offended quickly when it gets dirty or messy and will stop whatever she's doing to clean up. After all, she always has to look her best, right? She's a princess, after all. Or she's close enough to being one that it doesn't matter.

Roleplay Sample: The pup kept herself plastered to the ground, ears pinned against her skull as she slunk along. Her tail, forgotten in her focus upon not being noticed, stuck straight up in the air behind her as the youngster moved along, nostrils flaring as she picked up on the scent that she was tracking. A hastily stifled giggle escaped Amalia as she slipped forward another few steps. Only the slightest rustling of the grasses signalled her approach (well, that and her tail, which waved like a banner in the air behind her). Happily enough, it seemed that her target, the gray and red figure of her Auntie Kamala, was oblivious to the movements of the young pup beside her as she conversed with a strange wolf that Amalia paid little attention to.

Most of her focus was locked on the charcoal silhouette as Amalia crouched down, low to the ground, gathering her energy for a long moment. Seconds dragged on, and then with a joyous giggle, Amalia flung herself at the figure, tail wagging enthusiastically behind her.

Kamala was a good sport about it, pretending not to notice the youngster's approach and then sprawling sideways when Amalia made her 'attack,' pretending to have been knocked off her balance by the tiny pup. Amalia was overjoyed by this, prancing around proudly as she laughed happily, "Gotcha!" The little pup proclaimed joyously, settling back on her haunches to survey her work. It hadn't taken Kamala long to get resettled, and to send Amalia on her way with a nudge, leaving the pup to wander on her own devices once more.

The plague that was Amalia Jayne would have to be released later, however. The female took that moment to flop down against that earth, mere body lengths from her Aunt and her companion, and began to groom herself. All of her stomach fur was dusty from the sneaking that she'd done. It felt all weird, and Amalia didn't like the way that it looked! She liked it better when it was all creamy and pretty.

Well first of all as I already have Kamala, I'm really not going to be offended if Amalia doesn't end up as a particularly highly ranked wolf. A Grand Duchess is enough for me. :P I honestly just want to see how things go with Amalia. It might be interesting to have her be sent to another pack or something, though. But yeah I just want to play her and see how things go and have fun. I'd love for her to break stuff have a fairly high rank in Seracia but like I said, since I already have Kamala, I'm not going to be upset if that doesn't happen.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-16-2013, 09:06 PM
I made a table. An app may come wtih it. Either way whoever gets her is welcome to use it :3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pulvinar velit id purus congue ultricies. Quisque viverra orci ac risus porta gravida. Aliquam sed sapien nibh. Praesent pretium posuere leo, sed sodales erat rutrum eu. Duis ultricies ligula dolor, iaculis consequat elit. Praesent lacus urna, placerat ut sollicitudin ut, facilisis a sem. Vestibulum id leo non eros imperdiet consectetur congue eleifend quam. Nulla sed orci elit. Etiam ultricies purus nisi. Maecenas bibendum turpis vel nisi aliquet et aliquam nulla posuere.

Sed viverra tortor et dolor vulputate tempor. Sed posuere dui in lectus euismod a molestie lorem pellentesque. Nunc at mauris est. Nam malesuada sem et erat rhoncus accumsan vulputate dui auctor. Aenean in leo ac enim ornare viverra. Aliquam sagittis tortor eu felis condimentum et mollis nisl placerat. Vestibulum nec elit non arcu luctus fringilla. Curabitur nisi urna, molestie vitae mattis eget, tempor non mi. Vestibulum suscipit ultricies arcu in semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus erat nec ipsum iaculis ullamcorper rhoncus mi faucibus. Sed varius risus velit. Aliquam sagittis leo eget metus gravida non interdum elit placerat. Donec in felis id enim sodales rutrum.

Duis at mi neque. Suspendisse aliquam leo non libero congue sagittis. Vestibulum mollis blandit urna sed consequat. Quisque a urna eget orci ultricies bibendum. Donec porta feugiat vehicula. Suspendisse hendrerit aliquet lacus. Maecenas id condimentum tortor. Vestibulum eleifend facilisis orci, eget volutpat nibh gravida sit amet. Aliquam enim dolor, bibendum in tempor a, iaculis in erat. Nam eget felis nec metus bibendum ultricies. Donec adipiscing orci id magna tristique facilisis. Nunc non tincidunt sapien.



07-19-2013, 01:00 AM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2013, 01:10 AM by Cherokee.)
I was bored and was messing around with photoshop and decided to make this picture. Hope it isn't too horrible lol

user posted image


07-19-2013, 02:05 PM
Thanks everyone for your submissions of applications and art. We love it all! <3

Here's an Amalia table image for whomever gets her :3

user posted image

Aislyn I


Extra large
07-22-2013, 07:02 PM

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Appearance: This little woman is more than lovely. With a mixture of her father and mother she is pure perfection and the prime example of beauty. Her fathers odd russet coloring comes into play on her face that seems to be dipped from her neck to the very tip of her nose in a dull crimson color. Her mothers traits seem to be more dominant in this female, because the rest of her body is painted a beautiful ivory color. She also has her mothers eyes, which are a striking baby blue that catches almost anyone's attention. Her grandfather, Rancor, also throws a splash of his coloring into Amalia. Her left front paw is dipped in ebony, which was for the most part her grandfather's coloring, besides his appaloosa markings, which are also dominant in Maverick. But, this little lady did not receive those markings, since most of her traits come from her mother.
Height wise she will be considered an average sized female. When she is full grown she will be thirty-three inches. She won't be a very heavy girl, because she will only weigh around 105 lbs. She will have a good amount of muscle beneath her pelt, but she will always maintain a very feminine look, just like her mother.

As a child: Amalia will be a major daddy's girl. She will look greatly up to her father, and will wish to achieve everything he has in her future. Later on in life she will learn that he had come from a broken home, but despite the odds he had rise up and become a king. This will cause her to look up to him even more than she had at a very early age. She will be very playful and spunky at first, but when needed she can instantly chill out and become the regal princess she needs to be. She will love spending time with her grandfather Gerhardt, since her other grandmas and grandpas have already passed away.
Growing up: She will expect a lot out of her siblings, and depending on their personalities she will see herself as the most mature one in the group. To her royalty is a very treasured thing, and she will be very reserved and have excellent manners. As she grows into a matured body she will realize how beautiful she really is, and she will embrace it. Rather than being stuck up she will be very confident in herself. No matter what others tell her, she will know that she is beautiful, and hurtful words and taunts will never change that. She will also become very independent, and know she does not need a man or companion at her side for her to succeed. She can do things on her own, but will always listen to the suggestions of others.
Adult: As an adult, she will be a very independent princes. She will do as she is told, and will be reserved in some ways, but won't be afraid to speak her opinions, as long as they are asked. She will be very well mannered, and will take most things seriously. Though she will be generally quiet unless spoken to, she will not lose her playfulness. She will still have a good sense of adventure, and won't be a total bore. She will rarely open up to others even though she wont have much to hide. In her mind a royal princess should not show her feelings unless they are asked for. When she becomes very close to someone, whether it be a friend or possible love affair, she will greatly loosen up, and speak her mind the way she wished she could all the time.

Sample based off her as a teenager:
Daylight had just begun breaking over the far hills in the southern part of Alacritis. Most of the members in Seracia were still sound asleep, but the young princess Amalia was far too busy planning out her day. She had slipped out of her den a bit earlier than usual today. Her father, mother, and siblings had been sound asleep when she had left, and she presumed they were still sleeping. Sometimes her father was awake at this time, but today must be a lazy day for the king. She couldn't blame him, if she were the soul source of power over Seracia she would treasure sleeping in too. At this moment she was on the hunt for her closet companion, Ryker, the north american badger. She had met him during a hunt that she had went on by herself a few weeks ago, and they had instantly hit it off. He was a very playful creature, and when Amalia had a lot on her mind he was always there to listen. She really enjoyed his company, and knew from the beginning that he would be a life long friend.

"Ryker, come on!" She giggled as she galloped through the open plains of Seracia. Ryker's little legs struggled to keep up, and with every step she took the further he was left behind. When she could't hear his playful taunts for her to slow down she came to a stop, turning around to see where he had went; but he was no where to be found. "Ryker?" She murmured to herself before she nearly jumped out of her skin. BAM! Ryker seemed to explode from the earth as he pounced at Amalia, grabbing her tail with his paws and holding on for dear life. His intentions had been to scare her, and boy had he succeeded. She instantly took off, dragging her little friend behind her a few feet or so. When she realized it was merely a trick she stopped and rolled onto the earth, laughter bubbling from her very core. She felt so happy with Ryker around, he always knew how to cheer her up.

"Amalia." Her fathers voice brought her back into reality. Her laughter quickly died as her baby blue eyes looked up to meet her fathers. The look on his face wasn't too disturbed, but he did look a bit confused. She was usually very reserved in front of her father, especially after she had grown out of her pup hood. Uneasily she cleared her throat and rolled onto her belly, pushing the front portion of her body up so she was sitting before him. "Hello father." She almost whispered. Ryker was sitting still behind his female companion, waiting quietly and patiently for her father to do something. Was he mad? The badger wasn't sure, he had never seen the girls family before.

"Would you like to join me in a hunt, Amalia?" Her father finally said something, and she couldn't help the silent sigh of relief. She looked so fondly up to her father, she would hate to do something wrong and disappoint him. "I would love to." She replied. Her tone held almost no emotion, but that was the way she usually talked to anyone, so to her father it shouldn't be a surprise. Maverick turned away from her, directing where they would be going with a flick of his head. She assumed they would be heading toward the packs hunting grounds because that was where the juiciest pray hid. Without another word she trailed after her father, leaving Ryker behind.

Side note: If I were to adopt her I would more than likely buy her a companion animal c:

Future plans: She is going to be very family orientated, reserved, and mature. I plan on having her stay in Seracia and letting her fate fall wherever it goes, as long a it is revolved around her pack ~

I practiced my maniping with her, I hope you don't mind ~

user posted image

Medusa i


5 Years
07-23-2013, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2013, 01:10 AM by Medusa i.)

[Image: 2zzqiye.png]
Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

Female, second born

up for adoption

Amalia will come into the world a sickly little thing, a runt whose chances of survival will seem rather slim. Her height will never be impressive, standing at a mere twenty five inches and weighing in at seventy pounds at her full grown size. A dwarf, it would seem she is not destined to be a fighter. In childhood this will hold true; the babe will seem small and fragile, as if the slightest touch could break her apart. As she grows up she will come into a more athletic build, sporting lean muscle which will make her swift and powerful. She will never be the sort of woman one looks upon and calls a warrior, never the girl whose posture screams strength, but that doesn?t mean she lacks it in any way.
She is a very noticeable beauty, with a soft creamy pelt inherited from her mother. Amalia will keep her pelt pure and pristine, for the most part leaving it without a single blemish. Her pristine pelt, however, is pleasantly disturbed by several natural markings. First of all, her tail tip is painted a lighter white, even more brilliant than her angelic pelt. However, this shift in coloration is subtle, as are the white highlights that run along her pelt. More noticeable is the stark contrast of her front left paw, dipped in black ink as if sin itself had held her head and burned it. Even this stunning difference is not what makes Amalia a lovely little beauty.
It is, in fact, the russet tone of her head which makes her rather stunning and unique. Her face, ears, and the top of her neck are all dyed a soft color, one that finds its origins in the genetics of her father. The marking itself stems from her mother?s side, making Amalia a perfect blend of both of her parents. Complementing the russet tones of her face are her bright blue eyes, wide and doe-like, always seeming childish and curious. She is very expressive, wearing her heart upon her sleeve and displaying many things through her lovely baby blues. More often than not she will sport a smile upon her face, a brilliant grin for all to see.
As for posture, in childhood Amalia will seem somewhat of a tomboy. Although she is capable of carrying herself like a lady, she prefers to relax and enjoy herself rather than concern herself with etiquette. A lovely little doll, she will morph into a woman who carried great poise and grace, moving from a clumsy childhood with awkward paws that will be too large for her body, into a woman who is agile and capable. Nonetheless, she will be stunning, and a lovely sight to see.

If ever there was a word to describe the girl, it would be good. As a child she will be na?ve, keen on fixing the world?s problems and taking heavy burdens onto her own shoulders. She will not expect anybody to take advantage of this, at least not until she has the misfortune of being taught otherwise. The world will be her oyster, and she will be a firm believer that if you work hard enough and give it enough effort you will receive the loveliest of pearls. Amalia is a cheerful sort of girl, constantly finding joy even in the littlest of things and seeking to bring happiness to those around her. Upon noticing somebody seeming somber, she is likely to fetch flowers and bring them some in the hopes of brightening their day. Well, maybe not just in instances of sadness. In general she loves giving gifts, perhaps enjoying the attention that comes with a thank you.
Despite her sickly appearance at birth, she will be a rough and tumble sort, constantly wanting to wrestle with her brothers and play in the mud. In childhood this will be a problem, but as she grows into a young woman this will turn into a down-to-earth behavior. Amalia will not be afraid to get her paws dirty, and will seek to understand how everyone might feel in a situation. Her empathy will become her greatest asset, and she will always do her best to serve as a sort of peace maker. She will always try to see every side of an argument, even for enemies that have horribly wronged her. Once she has learned that not everyone has the best intentions, this will make her an ideal politician, a woman capable of forging alliances due to her ability to find reason.
Amalia is eager to please, often to the point of never complaining about her own problems and pains. She wants to make herself useful, and to keep from being a burden to her parents. Therefore, she will often hide scrapes and bruises, trying her best to make her own ailments better. Rarely will she complain about heartache, and rarely will she request something be done for herself. If her parents want her to do something, she is very likely to do it to the very best of her capabilities.
She seems angelic; a good listener, never defiant to a stern order delivered from her parents, a gentle spirit, a kind soul. And yet she can be pushed to be annoyed, particularly when she finds somebody rude and inconsiderate, or when they are impolite to her family members. When this happens she can be just as rude back, finding it necessary to unleash whatever insults she deems necessary. This will occur even in adulthood, putting a great strain on her abilities to lead. However, as she grows she will gain a better way to control it, locking her temper behind experience and a control over her emotions that she may not have previously had.
There will be a sharp difference between her childhood days and her adult ones. In childhood she will be excitable and rambunctious, often getting in trouble and not truly realizing why it is important to be a proper lady. As an adult she will become calmer, although still rather expressive. She will not lose her playful nature, although she will become more aware of when it is appropriate to let loose and when it is not. As a child she will be rather shy, somewhat uncertain of herself, a trait which will grow into confidence as she grows. Either way she will be obedient, but simply more so in her adult years than in her days as a pup.
Above all else, Amalia holds an undying loyalty to her family and her friends. She would die for her pack mates, would sacrifice anything to keep them happy and alive. It hurts her to see those she cares about hurt, and if it came down to it she would cut off all her legs by herself if it would help them. She can be annoyed by her family members, but usually she is more patient with them, and quickly forgives. Amalia is not perfect, but she is something of an angel in her own right.

Her friends were arguing again, and Amalia never liked when the two argued. When they came to blows, it always made her disheartened, always made her uncertain of what to do. She could see both perspectives; she could understand where Slate was being insensitive, and where Scarlet was lacking in understanding. And yet she didn?t feel it was her place to interfere in the battle of words, at least not until today. Today she had turned six months old, and she had had enough of the bickering.
?Slate, Scarlet,? she spoke up quietly, immediately resulting in the cease fire of the heated argument. Her two friends had known her since they were very young, and never before had she tried to stop their bickering. Today Amalia had found her voice, had found her certainty, and she would not be afraid to use it. ?It doesn?t seem like you two are listening to each other at all,? she said simply, a rather awkward attempt at trying to help them. Scarlet would open her lips, attempting to protest the assertion that Amalia had proposed. The russet-touched girl would not let her, speak, however. She had found her voice, and she would use it now.
?Scarlet, half of what Slate says is meant to be a joke. If you would listen more, you would understand that he?s not trying to offend you,? she spoke, doing her best to not come off as patronizing. Slate would snicker in success, as if the problem was not also upon his shoulders. Amalia?s gaze would turn upon him, narrowing her eyes slightly. ?Slate, what you say is rude and hurtful. Even if it?s meant as a joke, you should try to understand that it hurts Scarlet?s feelings when you say things like that,? she remarked. The boy dipped his head for moment, and then lifted it up again. ?I know it?s not really my place, but can you both just think about it? I know arguing isn?t fun, and if we can work past our differences, we can have fun all the time,? she said logically.
Her first attempt at peace making ended in failure when Slate shoved Scarlet face-first into a fresh pile of mud. When it occurred she rolled her eyes, deciding that she would have to do better next time. She would bring peace between her two friends eventually, because then she knew they would both be happier. Then, she could relax and enjoy the roses that life had so kindly placed beneath her feet.

I am open for whatever ranks she might receive, but above everything I don?t find her particularly ambitious. If she becomes an alpha or any other high rank, she will do so out of service to her family. Amalia will, however, be a peace keeper of sorts. In times of war she will hope to calm disputes between her family and parties they are combating with, and will do so with much love. As for betrothals and such, I was hoping she might be able to be married off to somebody she could not stand, so that she could bring out a brattier side to her general goodness xD I think it would be fun ^^


07-26-2013, 09:48 PM
b/c this is close enough to midnight so w/e...

We wish to thank everyone who applied for Amalia, we really enjoyed reading all of your applications and this truthfully was an extremely hard decision. We would like to encourage all of you to keep an eye out for future litters, as we really would be honored for any of you to have her. And now, without further adieu...

We are pleased to inform you that much deliberation and conversation has led us to choose Muse as the future player of Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias.

If for any reason Muse cannot play her, we will consider another player from these applications and let you know promptly. We also reserve the right to re-adopt her should Muse fall inactive with her (though we don't believe this will be a problem).

Medusa i


5 Years
07-26-2013, 10:02 PM
OH my gosh thank you <3 -bubbles with excites and enthusiasm- There were so many wonderful apps I know it was a tough decision oh gosh eek <3